I'm am pretty new to Dynamics AX 2009 and since I haven't really found the way to solve what I'm doing I decided to ask here.
I have a requirement to post(?) an invoice through X++.
I already found this HOWTO: Facturación selectiva de líneas en Dynamics AX and even though it's in Spanish I think you will get the idea.
Here is the code I modified from the link:
static void JAEE_PurchFormLetter(Args _args)
Num _invoiceNum; // Núm. factura
TransDate _invoiceDate; // Fecha factura
MyPurchFormLetter purchFormLetter = PurchFormLetter::construct(DocumentStatus::Invoice);
PurchParmUpdate purchParmUpdate;
PurchParmTable purchParmTable;
PurchParmLine purchParmLine;
TradeLineRefId tableRefId;
PurchTable purchTable;
PurchLine purchLine;
_invoiceNum = 'Facbyjob';
_invoiceDate = str2date('14-01-2013', 123);
purchTable = PurchTable::find('00000019_062'); // Primer pedido
// Inizializar purchFormLetter con el primer pedido
purchFormLetter.proforma(false); // Proforma: NO (Registrar: SI)
purchFormLetter.enableUpdateNowField(true); // Actualizar ahora: SI
purchFormLetter.printFormLetter(false); // Imprimir: NO
purchFormLetter.transDate(_invoiceDate); // Fecha de factura
// Inizializar purchParmUpdate con el primer pedido
purchParmUpdate.ParmId = purchFormLetter.parmId();
purchParmUpdate.SumBy = AccountOrder::Account; // Agrupar por cliente
purchParmUpdate.SumNum = _invoiceNum; // Núm. Factura
purchParmUpdate.SpecQty = PurchUpdate::All; // Actualizar: Todo
purchParmUpdate.DocumentStatus = DocumentStatus::Invoice; // Tipo documento: Factura
purchParmUpdate.Proforma = NoYes::No; // Proforma: NO
purchParmUpdate.SumIncludePending = NoYes::No; // Incluir pendiente: NO
if (purchParmUpdate.validateWrite())
throw Exception::Error;
// Tabla temporal, se crea un registro de cabecera del primer pedido (sólo uno)
purchParmTable.TableRefId = FormLetter::getTableRef();
purchFormLetter.createParmTable(purchParmTable, purchTable);
if (purchParmTable.validateWrite())
throw Exception::Error;
tableRefId = purchParmTable.TableRefId;
// - Repetir para cada línea que se quiera facturar y para cada una y
// - asignar las variabies purchTable y purchLine según proceda
// Ajustar cantidades según necesidades
// Catnidades de compra
purchParmLine.RemainAfter] = purchFormLetter.qtyPurch(purchLine, naReal());
// Cantidades de inventario
purchParmLine.RemainAfterInvent] = purchFormLetter.qtyInvent(purchLine, naReal());
if (purchParmLine.ReceiveNow)
purchParmLine.ParmId = purchParmUpdate.ParmId;
purchParmLine.TableRefId = tableRefId;
if (purchParmLine.validateWrite())
throw Exception::Error;
// Registrar!
purchFormLetter.reArrangeNow(false); // No organizar
My question is in this line: purchFormLetter.callInitParmPurchTable(purchTable);.
Why should initParmPurchTable() be called from within a derived class of PurchFormLetter?
And also, how to accomplish this? I tried declaring my own class MyPurchFormLetter which extends PurchFormLetter, adding the callInitParmPurchTable() method but compiler tells me that the object does not have the method when I try to run the code.
It reads:
Error al ejecutar código: Object objeto no tiene el método 'callInitParmPurchTable'.
What I have done is add the method into the class, in such a way that callInitParmPurchTable() is part of the object. But I am leaving the question open since I don't think this is the right approach.
Have you modified PurchFormLetter::construct(DocumentStatus::Invoice); to return a MyPurchFormLetter?
Also look into the "compile forward" feature
I have found out the following:
It is correct to make a class that inherits from PurchFormLetter and implement there the method callInitParmPurchTable() which obviously is the one that executes initParmPurchTable().
Most likely the one part that I had been missing was to compile MyPurchFormLetter so that the compiler could tell the method existed.
In my app, I have custom ModelErrors set, with a fixed message in my case in spanish, for example:
if (tripOdometer <= 0)
ModelState.AddModelError("Odometer", $"Inserte una distancia superior a la última almacenada, que fue de {lastFuelingEntryOdometer}");
return View(request);
But my problem is that the errors that come with DataAnnotations package are in english (logically), and produce in my case a spanglish output.
A property in one of my models:
[Range(1970, 2021)]
[Display(Name = "Año de Fabricación")]
public int Year { get; set; }
The Año de Fabricación field is required.
The field Año de Fabricación must be between 1970 and 2021.
Is it possible to translate them, in a general way for all the models and properties?
Recursieve methode die voor een gegeven beginsaldo en een gegeven spaarpercentsge uitrekent hoeveel het eindsaldo is na een gegeven aantal jaren.
Must: beginsaldo, spaarpercentage en aantal jaren moet kunnen worden meegeeven aan methode als argumenten’.
Einsaldo teruggeven als returnwaarde
Spaarpercentage in %’
Methode is static en recursief
Methode maakt geen gebruik van static variabelen
English Version
Recursive method that calculates for a given opening balance and a given savings percentage how much the final balance is after a given number of years. Must: initial balance, savings percentage and number of years must be able to be credited to method as arguments'. Return net balance as return value% Savings percentage in% Method is static and recursive Method does not use static variables
public static float NettEnd(float NettStart, float percentage, int years)
if (years == 0)
return NettStart;
years = years - 1;
float factor = 1 + (percentage / 100);
return NettEnd(NettStart * factor, percentage, years);
I used google translate and I believe this is what u are looking for ;). I did test it before sharing!!
When I create a product with the methods of "WC_Product" with WPML enabled by default Woo creates it in the English language.
How can I determine the product creation language?
$product = new WC_Product;
$product->set_name('My test product');
$product->set_description('This is my test product');
Thanks for your help!
I done it with the methods from $sitepress object:
global $sitepress;
// Create the product in defaul language
// First switch de language for the product to create
$language_code_default = 'es';
// Create product with de Woo methods
$product_es = new WC_Product;
$product_es->set_name('PRODUCTO EN ESPAÑOL');
$product_es->set_description('Este producto ha sido creado con WC_Product');
$product_es->set_short_description('Este producto ha sido creado con WC_Product');
$post_id_es = $product_es->save();
// Create the traduction
// Remember, switch the traduction language
$language_code_tr = 'en';
$product_en = new WC_Product;
$product_en->set_name('PRODUCT IN ENGLISH');
$product_en->set_description('This product was made from spanish version');
$product_en->set_short_description('This product was made from spanish version');
$post_id_en = $product_en->save();
// And use the wpml methods to link de traduction with the original language
$element_type = 'post_product';
$trid = $sitepress->get_element_trid($post_id_es, $element_type);
$sitepress->set_element_language_details($post_id_en, $element_type, $trid, $language_code_tr, $language_code_default);
// And then copy de product meta from de original to the traduction
$sitepress->copy_custom_fields($post_id_es, $post_id_en);
How can I get children → elements key?
(see screenshot, I want to access and modify 0, 3, 2)
I need this for add error on collection form.
Thank you!
foreach ($form->getData()->getCategs() as $d) {
if ($d->getNbHeures() > 8){
$form->get('categs')->get($nb)->get('nbHeures')->addError(new FormError('Vous ne pouvez pas saisir plus de 8h.'));
I need to get $nb.
I founded this, but I don't know if it's the best solution:
foreach ($form->get('categs') as $k => $d) {
if ($d->getData()->getNbHeures() > 8) {
$form->get('categs')->get($k)->get('nbHeures')->addError(new FormError('Vous ne pouvez pas saisir plus de 8h.'));
I have a data base, this is in my proyect how a file localDB.db I want update some information of a table in this since my aplication`s code the method I use is the follow:
while ([Utilidades consultaCargandoDatosDB]) {
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:1.0];
[Utilidades cargandoDatos:YES];
//perfil = [Perfil getInstance];
[self cargarBaseDeDatos];
NSLog(#"entre en establecer perfik");
sqlite3 *dataBase;
sqlite3_stmt *sentencia;
if(sqlite3_open([self.dataBasePath UTF8String], &dataBase)==SQLITE_OK){
NSLog(#"entre en establecer perfik 2");
NSString *sql = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"UPDATE perfiles SET \"seleccionado\"= 1, \"completado\"=0 WHERE \"id\"= %d", idPerfil];
if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(dataBase, [sql UTF8String], -1, &sentencia, NULL)==SQLITE_OK){
NSLog(#"set profile OK");
// NSAssert1(0, #"Error while selecting. '%s'", sqlite3_errmsg(dataBase));
NSLog( #"Save Error: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(dataBase) );
NSLog(#"%i", sqlite3_extended_errcode(dataBase));
NSLog(#"No se ha abierto la base de datos");
[Utilidades cargandoDatos:NO];
I think, I have the problem in sqlite3_step(sentencia) because code error that appear after of else condition is 101 referencing to SQLITE_DONE so I don`t know that means this.
The documentation says that SQLITE_DONE is correct (and SQLITE_OK would not be).