UNIX - Stopping a custom service - unix

I created a client-server application and now I would like to deploy it.
While development process I started the server on a terminal and when I wanted to stop it I just had to type "Ctrl-C".
Now want to be able to start it in background and stop it when I want by just typing:
/etc/init.d/my_service {stop|stop}
I know how to do an initscript, but the problem is how to actually stop the process ?
I first thought to retrieve the PID with something like:
ps aux | grep "my_service"
Then I found a better idea, still with the PID: Storing it on a file in order to retrieve it when trying to stop the service.
Definitely too dirty and unsafe, I eventually thought about using sockets to enable the "stop" process to tell the actual process to shut down.
I would like to know how this is usually done ? Or rather what is the best way to do it ?
I checked some of the files in the init.d and some of them use PID files but with a particular command "start-stop-daemon". I am a bit suspicious about this method which seems unsafe to me.

If you have a utility like start-stop-daemon available, use it.
start-stop-daemon is flexible and can use 4 different methods to find the process ID of the running service. It uses this information (1) to avoid starting a second copy of the same service when starting, and (2) to determine which process ID to kill when stopping the service.
--pidfile: Check whether a process has created the file pid-file.
--exec: Check for processes that are instances of this executable
--name: Check for processes with the name process-name
--user: Check for processes owned by the user specified by username or uid.
The best one to use in general is probably --pidfile. The others are mainly intended to be used in case the service does not create a PID file. --exec has the disadvantage that you cannot distinguish between two different services implemented by the same program (i.e. two copies of the same service). This disadvantage would typically apply to --name also, and, additionally, --name has a chance of matching an unrelated process that happens to share the same name. --user might be useful if your service runs under a dedicated user ID which is used by nothing else. So use --pidfile if you can.
For extra safety, the options can be combined. For example, you can use --pidfile and --exec together. This way, you can identify the process using the PID file, but don't trust it if the PID found in the PID file belongs to a process that is using the wrong executable (it's a stale/invalid PID file).
I have used the option names provided by start-stop-daemon to discuss the different possibilities, but you need not use start-stop-daemon: the discussion applies just as well if you use another utility or do the matching manually.


Monitoring SaltStack

Is there anything out there to monitor SaltStack installations besides halite? I have it installed but it's not really what we are looking for.
It would be nice if we could have a web gui or even a daily email that showed the status of all the minions. I'm pretty handy with scripting but I don't know what to script.
Anybody have any ideas?
In case by monitoring you mean operating salt, you can try one of the following:
SaltStack Enterprise GUI
Halite (DEPRECATED by SaltStack)
These GUI will allow you more than just knowing whether or not minions are alive. They will allow you to operate on them in the same manner you could with the salt client.
And in case by monitoring you mean just whether the salt master and salt minions are up and running, you can use a general-purpose monitoring solutions like:
In fact, these tools can monitor different services on the hosts they know about. The host can be any machine that has an ip address and the service can be any resource that can be queried via the underlying OS. Example of host can be a server, router, printer... And example of service can be memory, disk, a process, ...
Not an absolute answer, but we're developing saltpad, which is a replacement and improvement of halite. One of its feature is to display the status of all your minions. You can give it a try: Saltpad Project page on Github
You might look into consul while it isn't specifically for SaltStack, I use it to monitor that salt-master and salt-minion are running on the hosts they should be.
Another simple test would be to run something like:
salt --output=json '*' test.ping
And compare between different runs. It's not amazing monitoring, but at least shows your minions are up and communicating with your master.
Another option might be to use the salt.runners.manage functions, which comes with a status function.
In order to print the status of all known salt minions you can run this on your salt master:
salt-run manage.status
salt-run manage.status tgt="webservers" expr_form="nodegroup"
I had to write my own. To my knowledge, there is nothing out there which will do this, and halite didn't work for what I needed.
If you know Python, it's fairly easy to write an application to monitor salt. For example, my app had a thread which refreshed the list of hosts from the salt keys from time to time, and a few threads that ran various commands against that list to verify they were up. The monitor threads updated a dictionary with a timestamp and success/fail for each host after they ran. It had a hacked together HTML display color coded to reflect the status of each node. Took me a about half a day to write it.
If you don't want to use Python, you could, painfully, do something similar to this inefficient, quick, untested hack using command line tools in bash.
minion_list=$(salt-key --out=txt|grep '^minions_pre:.*'|tr ',' ' ') # You'
for minion in ${minion_list}; do
salt "${minion}" test.ping
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "${minion} is down."
It would be easy enough to modify to write file or send an alert.
halite was depreciated in favour of paid ui version, sad, but true - still saltstack does the job. I'd just guess your best monitoring will be the one you can write yourself, happily there's a salt-api project (which I believe was part of halite, not sure about this), I'd recommend you to use this one with tornado as it's better than cherry version.
So if you want nice interface you might want to work with api once you set it up... when setting up tornado make sure you're ok with authentication (i had some trouble in here), here's how you can check it:
Using Postman/Curl/whatever:
check if api is alive:
- no post data (just see if api is alive)
- get request http://masterip:8000/
login (you'll need to take token returned from here to do most operations):
- post to http://masterip:8000/login
- (x-www-form-urlencoded data in postman), raw:
im using pam so I have a user with yourUsername and yourPassword added on my master server (as a regular user, that's how pam's working)
get minions, http://masterip:8000/minions (you'll need to post token from login operation),
get all jobs, http://masterip:8000/jobs (you'll n need to post token from login operation),
So basically if you want to do anything with saltstack monitoring just play with that salt-api & get what you want, saltstack has output formatters so you could get all data even as a json (if your frontend is javascript like) - it lets you run cmd's or whatever you want and the monitoring is left to you (unless you switch from the community to pro versions) or unless you want to use mentioned saltpad (which, sorry guys, have been last updated a year ago according to repo).
btw. you might need to change that 8000 port to something else depending on version of saltstack/tornado/config.
Basically if you want to have an output where you can check the status of all the minions then you can run a command like
salt '*' test.ping
salt --output=json '*' test.ping #To get output in Json Format
salt manage.up # Returns all minions status
Or else if you want to visualize the same with a Dashboard then you can see some of the available options like Foreman, SaltPad etc.

Unix process name from pid

I believe what I am going to asked, will not be possible. Still trying to find if there is a way or approach that I wont be aware of.
I got a broken pipe error where I am having pid of destination process but not the name. Is there any way, I can find out the process name (which possibly already terminated) using pid.
As Barmar said in his comment, this isn't possible normally. The system forgets all information about processes as soon as they terminate.
But of course your processes might be able to comply in order to help you find out more. In case you can modify the processes in question you can let them log their PID into a special place where you can look up later which PID belonged once to which process.
This won't work for programs you cannot modify, though. In these cases it still might be possible to put a wrapper around them which first logs the PID and then execs to the wanted program.
echo "$$: $*" >> /home/alfe/var/pid.log
exec "$#"
In case you are neither starting the program in question nor can you modify it, you are out of options I fear.

How can I pass command line input to external process in Unix

My program runs(exec..) an external program.
While running, the external program asks user [Yes/No] to proceed next step.
Instead of typing [yes] in command line, how can I pass [Yes] to the external program from my program.
Unless the external program supports a respective flag (see #Jonathan Leffler's answer), your you have control over that program's source and can add it, you have to simulate the "yes" input.
Try launching the external program by piping the output of the yes helper application to it's stdin: yes | external_program. yes is a simple tool, should you not have it, that just writes "y" to it's stdout continually.
Manually write "yes" to to stdin of the external program.
Both options require your to use pipes in one way or the other. See this for more information on how to do that.
The classic way to provide a 'yes' response on the command line is a -y option (usually with a parallel -n option to indicate a 'no' — see fsck(1)).
There's also room to argue that running the program should be a 'yes, I mean to do it' operation. However, there are times when it makes sense to specify 'yes, I really mean to do it' (such as one-time initialization of an instance of a DBMS).

have R halt the EC2 machine it's running on

I have a few work flows where I would like R to halt the Linux machine it's running on after completion of a script. I can think of two similar ways to do this:
run R as root and then call system("halt")
run R from a root shell script (could run the R script as any user) then have the shell script run halt after the R bit completes.
Are there other easy ways of doing this?
The use case here is for scripts running on AWS where I would like the instance to stop after script completion so that I don't get charged for machine time post job run. My instance I use for data analysis is an EBS backed instance so I don't want to terminate it, simply suspend. Issuing a halt command from inside the instance is the same effect as a stop/suspend from AWS console.
I'm impressed that works. (For anyone else surprised that an instance can stop itself, see notes 1 & 2.)
You can also try "sudo halt", as you wouldn't need to run as a root user, as long as the user account running R is capable of running sudo. This is pretty common on a lot of AMIs on EC2.
Be careful about what constitutes an assumption of R quitting - believe it or not, one can crash R. It may be better to have a separate script that watches the R pid and, once that PID is no longer active, terminates the instance. Doing this command inside of R means that if R crashes, it never reaches the call to halt. If you call it from within another script, that can be dangerous, too. If you know Linux well, what you're looking for is the PID from starting R, which you can pass to another script that checks ps, say every 1 second, and then terminates the instance once the PID is no longer running.
I think a better solution is to use the EC2 API tools (see: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ for documentation) to terminate OR stop instances. There's a difference between the two of these, and it matters if your instance is EBS backed or S3 backed. You needn't run as root in order to terminate the instance - the fact that you have the private key and certificate shows Amazon that you're the BOSS, way above the hoi polloi who merely have root access on your instance.
Because these credentials can be used for mischief, be careful about running API tools from a given server, you'll need your certificate and private key on the server. That's a bad idea in the event that you have a security problem. It would be better to message to a master server and have it shut down the instance. If you have messaging set up in any way between instances, this can do all the work for you.
Note 1: Eric Hammond reports that the halt will only suspend an EBS instance, so you still have storage fees. If you happen to start a lot of such instances, this can clutter things up. Your original question seems unclear about whether you mean to terminate or stop an instance. He has other good advice on this page
Note 2: A short thread on the EC2 developers forum gives advice for Linux & Windows users.
Note 3: EBS instances are billed for partial hours, even when restarted. (See this thread from the developer forum.) Having an auto-suspend close to the hour mark can be useful, assuming the R process isn't working, in case one might re-task that instance (i.e. to save on not restarting). Other useful tools to consider: setTimeLimit and setSessionTimeLimit, and various checkpointing tools (I have a Q that mentions a couple). Using an auto-kill is useful if one has potentially badly behaved code.
Note 4: I recently learned of the shutdown command in package fun. This is multi-platform. See this blog post for commentary, and code is here. Dangerous stuff, but it could be useful if you want to adapt to Windows. I haven't tried it, though.
Update 1. Three more ideas:
You could use .Last() and runLast = TRUE for q() and quit(), which could shut down the instance.
If using littler or a script that invokes the script via Rscript, the same command line functions could be used.
My favorite package of today, tcltk2 has a neat timer mechanism, called tclTaskSchedule() that can be used to schedule the execution of an expression. You could then go crazy with the execution of stuff just before a hourly interval has elapsed.
system("echo 'rootpassword' | sudo halt")
However, the downside is having your root password in plain text in the script.
AFAIK those ways you mentioned are the only ones. In any case the script will have to run as root to be able to shut down the machine (if you find a way to do it without root that's possibly an exploit). You ask for an easier way but system("halt") is just an additional line at the end of your script.
sudo is an option -- it allows you to run certain commands without prompting for any password. Just put something like this in /etc/sudoers
<username> ALL=(ALL) PASSWD: ALL, NOPASSWD: /sbin/halt
(of course replacing with the name of user running R) and system('sudo halt') should just work.

How can I wrap an executable on UNIX (SunOS) so that it is never run more than once at the same time?

I have an executable (no source) that I need to wrap, to make sure that it is not called more than once at a time. I immediately think of some sort of queue wrapper, but how do I actually make it so that my wrapper is called instead of the executable itself? Is there a better way to do this? The solution needs to be invisible because the users are other applications. Any information/recommendations are appreciated.
Method 1: Put the executable in some location not in the standard path. Create a shell script that checks a sentinel file and, if the sentinel file is absent, executes the program, waits for the ptogram to complete, then deletes the sentinel file. If the sentinel file is present, the script will enter a loop with a short delay (1 second? How long is the standard execution of this program? Take that and half it), check the sentential file again, and so on.
Method 2: Create a separate program that does the same thing as the script, but using a system-level semaphore or lock instead. You could even simply use a read/write lock on a file. The program would do a fork() and exec() on the real program, waiting for child exit before clearing the sentinel.
If the users are other applications, you can just rename the executable (e.g. name -> name.real) and call the wrapper with the original name. To make sure that it's only called once at a time, you can use the pidof command (e.g. pidof name.real) to check if the program is running already (pidof actually gives you the PID of the running process, so that you can use stuff such as kill or whatever to send signals to it).
