Facebook Like Box API: Unable to alter height - css

I am using the facebook Like Box API (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like-box/). I set the height in the supplied code generation boxes but it always reverts to the standard height. I try editing the code directly eg:
<div class="fb-like-box" data-href="https://www.facebook.com/me" data-width="870"
data-colorscheme="dark" data-show-faces="false" data-stream="true" data-header="false"></div>
But this also does nothing to change it.
I have tried both the iframe and HTML5 versions of this to no avail.
I have also tried adding some inline CSS eg: style="height: 1000px;". Also no luck there.
Width, for whatever reason, seems fine.
Can anyone suggest a way to fix this? Thanks!

height - the height of the plugin in pixels. The default height varies
based on number of faces to display, and whether the stream is
displayed. With the stream displayed, and 10 faces the default height
is 556px. With no faces, and no stream the default height is 63px.
From your link.

The height of the element inside the IFRAME was changing as per the height value you put in the Facebook code until a few days ago. Something seems to have changed at Facebook. I have two sites that are effected. Both were displaying the like box at the height I declared until very recently.

The same thing is happening to me as well after working for the past 12+ Months. I tried recreating the code using several different options and it seams to be a code bug within the Facebook Application itself. Wondering if anyone there knows of the issue and if we can expect it to be fixed soon. My site: http://peachtreebennett.com/

Apparently, you can no longer change the height. As some have stated, in the past, changing the data-height in their provided code would change the height of the iframe as well as the content inside it. This no longer happens.
Even the generator on Facebook's dev site has a height input field, but changing it does nothing. Try it for yourself here:


Background PositioningCropping Issue

I am trying to replicate my Fiddle I have here on the website I am working on, but seems with the WidgetKit for Joomla the coding or CSS is effecting it. Fiddle is here: [http://jsfiddle.net/vZNj7/44/]
<div class="brand-wrap-bg">
<div class="image-cropper-brand" style="background-image: url('http://www.kanzenint.com/nkliq.com.au/nkliqjoom3/images/untitled-1_03.jpg');"> </div>
<div class="brand-text">This is where the overview text is going to be</div>
This is my template so far: http://www.kanzenint.com/nkliq.com.au/nkliqjoom3/index.php/k2-users/k2-extra-fields/k2-extra-field-groups/k2-media-manager/k2-information/brand-story
You wont be able to see the DIV, but its under the top menu DIV at the moment (purposely as I want the background under the header)).
I also want to make it so that the browser window will crop the bottom if the window is resized or for people who have different window sizes.
I have been trying to work out why I cannot get it to work. Close to 5am and nesrly given up :(. Thanks a lot for any help.
I have worked it out after getting onto a Win8.1 machine and using the devtools on IE11 since the previous versions are such a piece of crap and next to not usable.
I was using the 'initial' for position but seems that IE does not like 'initial' and doesnt recognise it? So I used 'Static' instead and seems to get it to work.
The reason I needed to revert back to it as Widgetkit was using inline styles that couldnt be removed (well they probably could but I couldnt see it in the template) so the inline styles needed to be basically reverted back to a default value.
Hopefully this helps someone even though no one helped me :(

Intermittent Bootstrap layout issue MVC

I've been working on a website for our family business and we have a product page which outlines our four key products. It's a bootstrap template that we purchased from wrapboostrap.com (I'm no graphic designer!) and all has been going well. This page however (http://ashfieldclutch.azurewebsites.net/Products) has been giving me a headache.
Occasionally on either mobile or desktop devices the layout plays up (see attached images).
If you reload the page on either platform, it loads perfectly afterwards. I seem to be able to stop this behavior by removing this div:
<div class="row portfolio-wrapper">
However, on mobile devices, this removes the spacing I require between the product types so ideally it needs to stay.
Can anyone see what may be causing this issue?
Thanks in advance,
I've refreshed more than 20 times, but I've seen it.
It's not about the classes in <div class="row portfolio-wrapper">, but about the inline styling that's added to this div by your templates Javascript. It happens to miscalculate the height of the div container class .portfolio-wrapper once in a while, which causes the lower content to move up. Since I can't inspect the Javascript, I can't help you much further.
I think you're best of by contacting the template author, he can and will probably find you the cause.
I was able to simulate it on my side and found the fix. It happens in Chrome and Firefox, so I don't think it's a browser-specific issue.
There is inline style being added to that <div> that seems to be calculating the height incorrectly. I changed the height from 1402.234375px to 1602.234375px and that seems to resolve it.
See before and after screenshots below.
I think there might be some Javascript code that might be calculating the heights and adding them to the <div> on the fly.
For the permanent fix, you will have to fix the code that is generating these heights. I will continue to look on my side also for that code.
Before Fix:
After Fix.

Inputs sized using percentages not rendering correctly in Webkit

I've been tasked with an odd assignment.
We have a png image of a form that we're overlaying HTML form elements on top of. Since our users are on a variety of devices, I've had to design it so the form resizes to stay at 95% of browser width. Thus, all the form elements are positioned and sized using percentages (yes, I know this is ugly, but it works).
I've noticed what I'm perceiving as a bug and wondering if anybody else has encountered this: on Webkit browsers, on Mavericks only, and it's only sporadically, when the page loads, the fields appear blank. They have values (as can be demonstrated by firing a jQuery .val() command), but they're just not visible. Upon resizing the window or selecting a field, the value magically appears.
This is very confusing to me, and it's so odd that it's such an isolated variety of factors.
Anybody else able to duplicate, or has run into this, and any idea of how I can resolve this? I've actually been able to do a "hacky-fix" where, on page load, I do a resize of my main content div from 95% to 95.01%, and that redraw fixes everything, but I don't like such a hack.
We had the exact same issue and we've found that the root cause is a css transition we were using to show the page from alpha 0 to 100. So as soon as we removed that transition all the fields were shown correctly. I liked you hack BTW

Iframe height not displaying correctly in Firefox only

I have created a page that has similar functionality to that of the DiggBar (i.e. a header of specified height and an iframe below filling the rest of the page).
I had this working a while back with desired results, but all of a sudden the height of the iframe has gone from 100% of the remaining page height to only 44.8px. The catch is that this is only occurring in one browser — Firefox on Ubuntu.
I thought that this should be happening in all other browsers, but it's not. It displays correctly in IE, FF, & Chrome on Windows and Chrome on Ubuntu.
Finally, using Firebug, I have selected inspect element to try to determine what's going on, but it only tells me that my height is defined to be 100%, but that it is computed to be only 44.8px.
I am looking for some guidance as to how best to debug this issue because I have completely run out of ideas. I didn't think that it would be necessary to post all of the code that produces this problem, but if any is absolutely needed, just ask.
Unfortunately the Cascading part of the Cascading Style Sheets threw me off. I had another (let's call it 'hidden') reference to the parent of the iframe which caused the weird height calculation issue.
Funny that this only happened in my Ubuntu version of Firefox, though.
If you have a complicated layout structure, setting height of all divs to 100% may break the page layout. In this case I recommend using javascript to set the height of iframe to 100%. In my case I used JQuery, but I believe pure javascript DOM functions should also work. I set the height of iframe equal to parent div height:
$('#doc-preview iframe').height($('#doc-preview').height());
Here the doc-preview is an id of iframe's parent div.
Make sure to run this script after the page has been loaded.

CSS - Changing total width

I have a Blogger template which is wider than the screen-width and causes the horizontal scrollbar to be displayed. I want to change it so that it fits and no scrollbar is shown. But the problem is I don't know what is causing this. I have downloaded the template file and in my code editor looked for all width properties and changed all 100%s to 90% and pix width values to value-100, but still the page is as before.
In finding the effective rule/rules in a such cases, what else should I look for/do? What is a comprehensive procedure to check things to find the rules?
Instead of changing the width, try adding the CSS property overflow: hidden to everything you think might be causing the issue and then remove them one-by-one until the scroll bar reappears and you'll have the culprit. You might need to add it to html and body as well. If the scrollbars aren't revealing any actual content, you can leave the overflow: hidden on the culprit to resolve the issue.
It might not be a width property that's causing the problem - there might be a block element inside your template that doesn't wrap or float that might be stretching out your container if the widths of the containers are defined using percentages.
Define the root container using a fixed width and this should eliminate many of those sorts of issues. Try that first and let us know if it works.
1). Understand the box model and how this varies on IE. It is just as likely that a problem "width" may actually be caused by padding, margin, or even border as width.
2). Check the rendering in other browsers. If you can reproduce the problem in FF get Firebug and use that to find out the calculated dimensions of the element in question, and tunnel down through it's children which may well be causing the issue. Chrome has a similar debugger to Firebug iirc, but I'm not familiar with it.
3). If that doesn't tell you what the problem is, start removing rules or whole patterns from your CSS until the problem goes away (or remove everything and add it back in piecemeal until the problem returns) - at that point you know what is causing the issue, if not why, and you can always update the question to ask us why when you've identified it.
(Apols if any of this was already obvious)
Well, % always begins with "100". See the percentage of width of body tag is set to 100%. then according to it, just set other component % as per the requirement in your display.
Personally I do believe that, use of % is better then 'px'. If you know CSS, then try to change 'px' to % as per the requirement.
It seems that the component has min-width style and overflow property set to auto. You may want to set it to visible and do it in FireBug Firefox Page Inspector first, to see the effect alive before making post edit. If you just want to adjust the whole post width, blogger has standard interface. You can also edit the template manually
