Drupal & NFS Directory - drupal

I have 2 parallel Drupal Web Servers running (serving for one Drupal Instance together) and now i need to install NFS. My experience in multi Drupal Servers is, each Drupal Instance (Server) uses their own Aggregated JS + CSS files (storing in: sites/default/files/js and sites/default/files/css folders) which can NOT be used as common. (Files can not be the same for both Servers. They use their own ones.)
Based on these issues, my questions are:
How NFS actually works between Multi Drupal Servers?
Which directories will be/need to be shared between?
What will happen to Aggregated Files?
What will happen to Web User Uploads paths and files? (Need any configuration in Drupal?)
Can anyone share these knowledge/experience please?

You can definitively work with NFS and Drupal.
I do not understand why you do not want to share the files directory between both.
In fact you have two solutions:
1) Share all the source tree, starting at the web directory root, or even earlier if you have external directories for private files
2) Share only the moving directories and have all code based synchronised before and aftter any upgrade via some rsync commands. In this case you need to share between servers:
the files directories (project/www/site/default/files, project/www/site//files)
the private files directories (project/private) <-- it's an example
the php temporary upload path (project/tmp for example), check that both servers use the right folder (it's a php setting) and that this folder is shared.
before Drupal7 I would use solution 1, now the number of internal filesystem tree traversal launched by Drupal on a lot of occasion make it very bad on slow filesystem (and NFS is usually quite slow). Using APC with all filesystem check disabled (apc.stat, stat.ctime, etc) does not prevent Drupal from trying to access every file on your filesystem on a lot of occasions. So solution 2 is to be prefered.
I did not experience any problems with file aggregation with such installations.


Use Fossil for system files?

As a new user of Fossil, I'm curious if there are any negative implications with using Fossil to store things like /etc/, /usr/local/etc files from Unix like systems like FreeBSD & OpenBSD. If I'm doing this for multiple systems, I think I'd create a branch with each hostname to track those files.
Q1: Have you done this? Do you prefer a different VCS to handle the system files?
Q2: Lots of changes have happened in Fossil over the years and I'm curious if it's possible to restrict who can merge branches with trunk. From reading earlier threads it wasn't possible but there are two workarounds:
a) tell people not to merge to trunk
b) have people clone and trunk maintainer pick up changes from their repo
System configuration files stored in /etc, /var or /usr/local/etc can generally only edited by the root user. But since root has complete access to the whole system, a mistaken command there can have dire consequences.
For that reason I generally use another location to keep edited configuration files, a directory in my home-directory that I call setup, which is under control of git. Since I have multiple machines running FreeBSD, each machine gets its own subdirectory. There is a special subdirectory of setup called shared for those configuration files that are used on multiple machines. Maintaining multiple copies of identical files in separate repositories or even branches can be a lot of extra work.
My workflow is the following;
Edit a configuration file in my repository.
Copy it to its proper location.
Test the changes. If problems occur, go back to step 1.
Commit the changes to the revision control system. Copy the
committed files to their proper location.
Initially I had a shell script (basically a list of install commands) to install the files for me. But I also wanted to see the differences between the working tree and the installed files.
So for my convenience, I wrote a script called deploy to help me with this. It can tell me which files in the repo are different from the installed files and can show me the differences. It can also install files to their proper locations.

Deploying source to web server with deleting not needed files

When developing for asp.net using visual studio for web, it is really convenient that when you deploy your website to the web server, it will cleverly check which files have been changed and only upload those files. In addition, if you deleted some files from your source, it detects that too and deletes those files from the web server since they are no longer needed.
I started developing with the LAMP stack and am wondering how you can deploy to a web server in a similar way.
I tried using Filezilla and on copy/pasting the source files to the web server, you have these options if there are similar files:
-Overwrite if source is newer
-Overwrite if different size
-Overwrite if different size or source newer
"Overwrite if source is newer" works, kind of, but it only checks the date modified, not the content of the file. Also, the above method does not delete files from the web server that were deleted from the source.
Is there a better way to do this with Filezilla? (or maybe use some other program?)
You can use rsync to accomplish this.
When you want to push out changes you would do something like this form your production server.
rysnc -av user#<developmentIp>:/web/root/* /production/web/root/
The pattern is rsync --flags [user#host:]/source/dir [user#host:]/destination/dir
You only need the user#host stuff for remote hosts. The user must have ssh access to the host.
Couple little suggestions.
The command can be run from the source or destination. I find it better to run the command from the destination, for permissions issues (i.e. your reading from the remote and writing to the local)
Do some tests first, I always mix up the directory stuff; do I need the end slash, should I use the star, ...
Read the man page, there are alot of available options that may be helpful (--delete, --exclude, -a)

How to copy IIS 7.0 website to local computer running IIS 8.0

i want to copy contents, code, build files and configuration files from a IIS(7.0) server which is running a live file and copy everything
to another machine which got IIS 8 installed.
the destination computer has other web sites installed, so i dont want to disturb configuration for those sites.
do i first copy the code from the source and create a folder on destination and copy the files there and than follow with the configuration settings?
Probably meant for serverfault...but here goes..
Review/inventory current application. e.g.
"config files" for any explicit settings that may have to do with paths, connections (db), certificates (ssl), and/or expected depedencies (assemblies, framework version/s, other web applications, etc.)
hopefully the application is documented and/or original developers are handy to assist in this inventory process
the point is to first "know" what you're moving before doing anything, this would be the most important step..the rest is more or less config....
create folder in target machine
doesn't have to be in C:\inetpub\wwwroot, but you'll have to modify permissions as necessary.
also if there's an existing app in wwwroot, possible headaches can arise with settings inheritance
copy files from source -> target
IIS Manager -> set up the new "web site"/"Application" as necessary (AppPool, etc.)
Test, test, test
Fallback plan (if all goes to hell, need to "revert")
Applicable network stuff - DNS, etc. (the moment of truth)
Coffee. Lots. Pray you don't have to go to #6 :)

Vagrant 2 way folder sync

I've setup a Vagrant box that runs my webserver to host my Symfony2 application.
Everything works fine except the folder synchronization.
I tried 2 things:
config.vm.synced_folder LOCALFOLDER, HOSTFOLDER
config.vm.synced_folder LOCALFOLDER, HOSTFOLDER, type="rsync"
Option 1: First option works, I actually don't know how file is shared but it works.
Files are copied in both way, but the application is SUPER slow.
Symfony is generating cache files which might be the issue, but I don't really know how to troubleshoot this and see what is happening.
Option 2: Sync is only done in one way (from my local machine to the vagrant box), which covers most of the case and is fast.
Issue is that when I use symfony command line on the vagrant box to generate some files they are not copied over to my local machine.
My question is:
What is the best way to proceed with 2 ways syncing? With option 1 how can I (as it might be the issue) exclude some files from syncing.
With Option 2 how can I make sure changes on remote are copied to my local machine?
If default synced folder strategy (VirtualBox shared folders, I imagine) is slow for your use case, you can choose a different one and, if you need, maintain the two-way sync:
If your host OS is Linux or Mac OS X, you can go with NFS.
If your host OS is Windows you can instead choose SMB.
Rsync is very fast but, as you've pointed out, is one-way only.
As it doesn't seem Vagrant offers a "built-in" way to do this here is what I did:
Configure Vagrant RSYNC folder on the folders that will contains application generated files (in Symfony2 it is your Bundle/Entity folder). Note that I didn't sync the root folder because some folders doesn't have to be rsynced (cache/logs...) and also because it was taking way too much time for the rsync process to parse all the folders/subfolders when I know that only the Entity folder will be generated.
As the Rsync has to be done from the Vagrant box to the host, I use vagrant-rsync-back plugin and thus run this manually everytime I use a command that generates code.
Create an watcher on my local machine that will track any change in code and rsync it to the vagrant box.
Vagrant mounts your project root as /vargrant folder inside box as 2 way share.
You can run your command there do get required files synced. Any I/O will be damn slow (like you already mentioned), however you will get your files. For other stuff use your 1-way synced folder.

Junctions or Virtual Directories for Web Applications?

I see that junctions are a common way of referencing shared code in many projects. However, I have not seen them used in web applications before.
Our team is exploring the possibility of abandoning virtual directories in favor of junctions to simplify our build process. My goal is to compile a list of pros and cons in order to make an informed decision regarding this change.
Is it more appropriate to use junctions or virtual directories on web application projects?
Environment is ASP.NET, IIS6/IIS7, VS.NET.
Virtual directories vs. junctions is like comparing apples to pears: they both create sort of a virtual copy of a directory, as well as apples and pears are both fruits, but the comparison ends there.
First off, since Windows Vista, the new thing is symbolic links (which are essentially the same as junctions but can also point to a file or remote SMB path).
Symbolic links enable you to, for example, share every part of a web application except its Web.config and a stylesheet. This is something virtual directories can never do.
Also, virtual directories participate in ASP.NET's change monitoring. If you try and delete (a file or) directory from within your application, for instance, ASP.NET kills your app after the request completes, resulting in loss of session, etc. If instead of using a virtual directory, you use a symbolic link, the change will not be noticed and your app will keep on churning.
It's important to keep in mind that symbolic links are not an everyday feature in Windows. Yes, you can see that a file or directory is linked in Explorer, but it's not instantly visible to what it is linked. Also, from code it is much harder to see if a file is linked, so if you accidently delete the file that is being linked to from a million symbolic links, all those symbolic links suddenly 'stop existing'.
Symbolic links also speed up deployment of multiple instances of the same application, since the only thing you have to do is copy a few actual files, and then create symbolic links to the source files for all the rest.
In case with virtual folders you need IIS installed on each environment. However with both approaches you need to manually maintain all references after each change (For example situation when someone added one more reference), which is not convinient.
Consider using VCS with referncing system. For example SVN with externals. In that case you will have:
Automatic update of references on each environment.
Ability to have references in different versions of external code. This will avoid situations when it is needed to change all dependent applications after each external code change.
