Div / Block element to appear under a float? - css

Given the following example at:
Is it possible to have the bye element to render below hi, but still remain to the right of the red block? (Rather than on the same line)
To clarify, I dont want to have any uses of <br />, and the float:left applied to hi is not removable, and I dont want to set any other width or height properties other than those already specified.
Solution: http://jsfiddle.net/T4XMq/

What about this?
I added float:left to the div wrapping the "hi" and "bye" and also set "bye" to clear:left
<div style="width:30px; height:300px; background:red; float:left;"></div>
<div style="float:left">
<div style="float:left;">hi</div>
<div style="clear:both;">bye</div>

Well i can see that a normal clear:both put bye way under the red box. If you can not make hi float:right instead, and use <div style="clear:right">bye</div>, a simple linebreak will do in this case:
<div style="float:left;">hi</div>
<br />

You can wrap both elements in a div with float:left.
<div style="float: left;">
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/DLHGs/8/

<div style="width:30px; height:300px; background:red; float:left;"></div>
<div style="float:left;">
<div style="float:left;">hi</div>
<div style="">bye</div>


CSS DIV word-wrap issue

I have a DIV that I want to use to display some formatted content in. However, I have problems with some text TAGs inside the DIV.
You can see my problem in jsfiddle.
Can you please help me solve this?
I need the content of the second "column" to be able to word-wrap and when it would do that, I want the next "line" to be moved down so it would not overlap it.
Basically I want to text to look normal inside the DIV.
<div class="container-right">
<div class="topul" style="background-color:#2ecc71; width:352px;"></div>
<div class="parent" style="min-width:350px; width:350px; height:445px;">
<p class="myp" style="color:#2ecc71; font-size:2em; margin-bottom:0px"> <b>Worker information</b>
<div class="topul2" style="float:left; background-color:#2ecc71;"></div>
<div class="d-table">
<div class="d-tablerow">
<div class="d-tablecell" style="text-align:right; width:30%">
<p class="myp3" style="color:#2ecc71">Name:
<div class="d-tablecell" style="text-align:left; width:70%;">
<p class="myp4" style="color:#2ecc71"><b>Some name</b>
<div class="d-tablerow">
<div class="d-tablecell" style="text-align:right; width:30%">
<p class="myp3" style="color:#2ecc71;">Address:</p>
<div class="d-tablecell" style="text-align:left; width:70%;">
<p class="myp4" style="color:#2ecc71; display:inline-block"><b>Here goes a long text as address that does not word-wrap and exits the DIV</b>
<div class="d-tablerow">
<div class="d-tablecell" style="text-align:right; width:30%">
<p class="myp3" style="color:#2ecc71">Other info:</p>
<div class="d-tablecell" style="text-align:left; width:70%;">
<p class="myp4" style="color:#2ecc71; "><b>Here is other information</b>
You can see the CSS in the jsfiddle link above.
I give up... I am a newbie with CSS and HTML and so far this is done manually by me after digging on google. But now I have no idea how to solve this.
Please help.
The problem is with your .myp4 styles
To avoid the overlap remove height: 2px;
To avoid bleeding from the div set max-width: 200px;
As mentioned above set heights are a bit of a nightmare unless you're going for a specific look. It's better to use min-height or max-height
NOTE: You should seriously split all your CSS into a separate file rather than having them in the elements
Also is there a particular reason for you to use crazy displays? You could achieve the same effect easily by having a div wrapping two other divs that are float left. display: block; will give you less of a hard time if you're a newbie. Aim for less code, not more.
Try setting min-height instead of height on the rows and/or cells.
The width of the table is the culprit, it's allowing its children to run wild on your page. .d-table {
width: 350px;

Span inside div doesn't style correctly

I want to use span inside div
div is used to put a red horizontal line
<div style="background-color:red;">
span is used inside div to put elements to right
<div style="background-color:red;">
<span style="float:right;">
But the horizontal line do not get red color, only ABC is shown in right, infact there is no effect of div style like width:900px......why?
I'd suggest:
<div style="background-color:red; text-align:right;">ABC</div>
Otherwise, you need to add overflow:auto to your div's style definition if you do want to leverage the <span> as in your original example.
Add overflow:auto to the div:
<div style="background-color:red;overflow:auto;">
<span style="float:right;">
jsFiddle example
Floating the inner span causes the div to essentially collapse, and adding the overflow rule allows it to regain the span.
The float is not giving your div any height. You need to follow it up with a clear. Try this:
<div style="background-color:red;">
<span style="float:right;">
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
You need to add the property overflow:hidden; in your DIV.
Below I mentioned the Code:
<div style="background-color:red; text-align:right; overflow:hidden;"> ABC </div>

CSS centering the bounding box for a set of absolute-positionned divs

I don't know if this can be done with CSS, but before going the JavaScript way, I would like to know if it's possible to center (as a whole) a set of absolute positionned divs:
<div id="container">
<div id="item1" style="position:absolute;left:100px;top=50px>...some content...</div>
<div id="item2" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top=0px>...some content...</div>
<div id="item3" style="position:absolute;left:150px;top=100px>...some content...</div>
<div id="item4" style="position:absolute;left:75px;top=75px>...some content...</div>
I would like to center the bounding box of those items in the page.
Of course since they're styled with "position:absolute", they're out of the flow, so the container div has a size of 0 px... and the usual tricks didn't work.
Finally, the snippet above being just illustrative, in practice the items would be arbitrarily positionned (some of them dynamically), and their size and content is not known (and can be dynamic too). Because of all this dynamicity, I would prefer to have everything handled by CSS is possible, rather than having hook a whole bunch of events.
Hey now you can change your html and css than u can easily as like this
<div id="container">
<div id="item1">...some content...</div>
<div id="item2">...some content...</div>
<div id="item3">...some content...</div>
<div id="item4">...some content...</div>
#item1, #item2, #item3, #item4{
Live demo
How about to give a fix width to #container and giving a position:relative;
Please check this http://jsfiddle.net/65vk2/

How do I make a HTML div go under another div?

<div id="content1">
<div id="text1">This text floats left</div>
<div id="images1"><img src="img.jpg" /></div> <!--Floats right-->
<div id="content2">Text 2</div>
When I try to do this, and try to make a layout like a table with two rows with the text floating left and the image floating right in the top row, all that comes up is that the content2-div is squashed into the content1-div. How can I keep them separate?
You need to use clear:both; on your #content2 div
If you really wanna learn everything about floats, check out this amazing tutorial: http://css.maxdesign.com.au/floatutorial/
Use clear:both; on your content#2
and fix your html markup
<div id="images1"><img src="img.jpg" /> <!--Floats right-->
close the div:
<div id="images1"><img src="img.jpg" /> <!--Floats right--></div>
You forgot to close your <div id="images1"> :)
use 'clear:both' on content2 div
I hope you need to add another div before <div id="content2">Text 2</div> which will be <div style="clear:both;"></div>
clear your floats.
Here is an article describing whats going on: Clearing A Float Element
You have not closed off <div id="images1">. If this div is closed and the Content divs arenot float left then it should work.
overflow:hidden on your content1 div will make it expand to include all floated children. (Of course, this will hide non-floated overflowing content.)

css: how can I make sure one html element is always at the bottom of the page?

Say I have this html code:
<div id="Div1" style="position:relative">
<span style="position:absolute;top:100px">My text</span>
<div id="Div2">
What should I do to make Div2 always below Div1 regardless of the content of Div1? Because the span uses position:absolute in Div1, the content of Div2 appears above the content of Div1.
The reason div2 displays above div1 is because div2 is absolutely positioned. That means that div1 doesn't participate in the normal document flow, as if it was pulled out of the document. So, div2 shows up at the top, then your absolute positioning pushes div1 down to 100px.
Take the absolute positioning off of div1, then use margins or padding to move it down to the desired location. That way, the normal html rendering will place div2 below div1.
If you're forced to absolutely position div1, then you need to absolutely position div2 as well. You may need to use javascript to figure out the height of div1 and set the top of div2 appropriately.
<div id="Div1" style="position:absolute; top: 100px;">
<span>My text</span>
<div id="Div2" style="position:absolute; top: 130px;">
Why not do this ?
<div id="Div1" style="margin-top:100px">
<span>My text</span>
<div id="Div2">
I don't quite get why you are doing it that way. Could you explain a bit more what you're trying to do? I'm sure there's a better way
Others have answered this question correctly about position:relative vs. position:absolute and page flow in the container div.
Just to add to the answer. I found the following tutorial really helpful when I was learning about positioning in CSS.
Learn CSS Positioning in Ten Steps
Jeff: div is as standard block elements, so that wont make any difference.
You could try:
<div id="Div1" style="position:relative; display:inline-block">
<span style="position:absolute;top:100px">My text</span>
<div id="Div2">
do you want div2 below div1 or at the very bottom of the page? if you want it below div1 then add
to div2.
if you want it fixed to the bottom of the page then use a fixed position property on the div2
Maybe something like this?
<div id="Div1" style="position:relative">
<div style="position:absolute;top:0">just some text<br />very long text<br />very long text<br />very long text<div id="Div2" style="margin-top:30px">div thats always below(30px's below)</div></div>
use display:block; on those divs
