Meteor: redirect a user if already logged in - meteor

I'm using meteor-router, and I'd like to redirect a user to /user if he requests / and he is already logged in.
As expected, this just renders the user_index template rather than changing the URL:
'/': -> if Meteor.userId() then 'user_index' else 'index'
I want to do something like this:
'/': -> if Meteor.userId() then '/user' else 'index'
update 6/4/14:
This question is no longer relevant, and iron-router should be used instead.

meteor-router is now deprecated. Instead use iron-router which can redirect based on logged in status using:
Router.configure({layoutTemplate: 'mainLayout'}); {
this.route('splash', {path: '/'});
var mustBeSignedIn = function(pause) {
if (!(Meteor.user() || Meteor.loggingIn())) {
var goToDashboard = function(pause) {
if (Meteor.user()) {
Router.onBeforeAction(mustBeSignedIn, {except: ['splash']});
Router.onBeforeAction(goToDashboard, {only: ['splash']});
Example taken from: Meteor.js - Check logged in status before render
Use the accounts-entry package. From their site:
Ensuring signed in users for routes
Use AccountsEntry.signInRequired(this) to require signed in users for
a route. Stick that in your before hook function and it will redirect
to sign in and stop any rendering. Accounts Entry also tracks where
the user was trying to go and will route them back after sign in.

You're looking for a filter -- here is a sample from the docs:
'checkLoggedIn': function(page) {
if (Meteor.loggingIn()) {
return 'loading';
} else if (Meteor.user()) {
return page;
} else {
return 'signin';
// applies to all pages

According to this issue it looks like redirects are not part of meteor-router, and may not be. For now I ended up working around the issue. If the project changes to accommodate redirects I'll update my answer, or someone else can post another answer.
update 1/23/13:
I switched to using mini-pages, which correctly deals with this case and includes a lot of great functionality like layouts.

Meteor Router lets you directly access the response object, so you can just do a 302 redirect. Something like the following will work:
Meteor.Router.add("/test/:_id", (id) ->
this.response.writeHead '302', {'Location': '/blah/' + id}

You can do this by using a standard filter and wrapping the redirect in a defer object.
requireLogin: function(page) {
if(! (Meteor.loggingIn()|| Meteor.user()) ){
Meteor.defer(function () {'/login');
return page;
Meteor.Router.filter('requireLogin', {except: 'login'});


Routing to home screen when not signed in

I want to redirect all users to a home page if they are not logged in. Currently I am doing this:
Router.onBeforeAction(function() {
if (! Meteor.userId()) {
} else {;
Which I saw online, but this seems to be prevent my 'loading' template from ever showing and instead shows the default
in the top left of the screen. If I change this.render('Home'); to this.redirect('/') I see the correct loading template. However in the '/' route I call another this.render('Home') which I think then triggers the onBeforeAction again which in turn will redirect to '/' which means you are now in an infinite loop of loading.
So what is the correct way to fix my Router.onBeforeAction to achieve my desried goal of making sure users that are not logged in can only see the Home template no matter what URL they type in and do this without messing up my custom loading template elsewhere on the site?
You need to have two before hooks. One is for 'loading' and one is to check if the user is logged in.
The 'loading' one is linked up to your subscriptions and is usually a preinstalled hook with iron router.
Router.onBeforeAction(function() {
if (! Meteor.userId()) {
} else {;
}, {except: ['route_one', 'route_two']});
Your route:
Router.route('/', {
name: 'home',
subscriptions: function() {
//Array of Meteor.subscribe to wait for and display the loading template
return [Meteor.subscribe("a_subscription")]
loadingTemplate: 'loading',
action: function() {
So here, if Meteor.subscribe("a_subscription") is loading it will display the loading template. If the user is logged in it will display the Home_logged_in template and if not logged in (on any route) the Home template.
You can also set exceptions using the names 'route_one' and 'route_two' for your templates (which you can rename to anything else). I named your home template home. But if you added home to the except list the onBeforeAction would not apply to home.
I use this onBeforeAction hook which redirect to the home page if the user is not logged in:
var userAuthHook = function() {
if (Meteor.userId()) {
//continue to the requested url;
} else {
//redirect to home
Router.onBeforeAction(userAuthHook, {
except: ['home']
Router.route('/', {
name: 'home'
Note that I exclude the home page from the hook in order to avoid redirect loops and that the / route is named "home" to be referred to in the hook exclusions.
This works for me and also allows to use loading templates.

Run code in specific part of URL in Iron Router

I have an application which makes heavy use of features, separated by specific users, which have different roles.
The problem is that I want to restrict access to some templates, if, for instance, the user is not an Admin.
Currently, I have this:
Router.route('createUser', {
path: '/admin/users/',
onBeforeAction: function() {
if(!isAdmin()) {
But, specifying that if(isAdmin()) call to every other route is a pain. I want to know if there is any other easy and less error prone way to do it.
Maybe some regex magic would do, but I don't seem to find any examples of use.
First i will recommend you to read this meteor:common-mistakes on the profile editing part
So i will recommend you to better use the alanningroles-meteor package.
Is super easy to use, here is a Online DEMO and the Source Code if you have doubts.
On the router level you can create an onBefore hooks like this.
isAdmin = function(){
var currentUser = Meteor.user()
isUserSuperAdmin = Roles.userIsInRole(currentUser,'Super-Admin'); //using alaning roles.
if(isUserSuperAdmin){ //or use isAdmin();;
Router.onBeforeAction('accessDenied', {only: ['admin','otherAdminRoute',etc]});
You can have an onBeforeAction hook combined with only for all routes like so:
var isAdmin = function() {
// Whatever logic you have for checking admin
if (!admin) {
Router.onBeforeAction(isAdmin, {
only: ["admin/users"] // Specify other admin templates here

How to prevent navigating to another page in meteor iron router

I have a form page and I want to alert user if he leaves it without saving the form.
Typically I can achieve this purpose by stating a function window.onBeforeUnload.
window.onBeforeUnload = function(){return 'Please save the form before navigating';}
But it seems doesn't work in my project using Meteor and Iron Router.
Any suggestion?
This is maybe a hacky version, but it works:
isUnsaved = ->
return unless #ready()
unless confirm 'Do you really want to leave the page?'
Router.onStop isUnsaved,
only: [
Old post, but just solved it. Here is my solution :
Router.route('/myPath', {
unload: function (e, obj) {
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to navigate away ?")) {
// Go and do some action
// Redirect to itself : nothing happend

meteorjs checking for logged in user

I have just picked up meteor again and a few things have changed since I last worked on my app. I have 1 issue at the moment whereby I want to present a login form if the user is not logged in. Previously I was using:
Which worked fine. Now, however I get an error:
Meteor.userId can only be invoked in method calls
So, how do I now achieve the above.
Thanks in advance
Here's what I do: on the server side with iron:router with alanning:roles you can do
this.route('EndUserPage', {
path: '/EndUserPage',
onBeforeAction: function (pause) {
if (!(Meteor.user())) {
console.log("Not logged in");
} else if (!(Roles.userIsInRole(Meteor.user(), 'admin'))) {
} else {
} });
If you don't have the roles package, you cannot check if it's an admin user, but the redirect to the login page would work as desired.

How to restrict a route to an admin user in Meteor?

as an iOS developer primarily, I'm very new to webdev. I'm looking into Meteor and have some questions regarding routing -- my apologies if they are very easy.
I am using the Meteor Router package to create routes, but I would like to have some pages only accessible to the admin user.
'/' : 'home',
'/admin' : 'admin'
So I have a simple route setup as above, but I'm not sure how to restrict access to the /admin route.
Is it as simple as something like this? What would be a good way to restrict the route to the /admin page and show a warning or perhaps even redirect them back to the / page?
Thank you!
<title>My App</title>
<template name="home">
<template name="admin">
Template.admin.greeting = function () {
var currentUser = Meteor.user();
if (null !== currentUser && 'admin' === currentUser.username) {
return "Hello Admin!";
return "Sorry, only admins can see this page";
The best way to restrict access to a route is with the router itself (rather than pushing the problem to your controller). You have a couple of choices in how you do this:
Routing Function
You could make the /admin route look like:
'/admin': function() {
return {
as: 'admin',
to: function() {
if (Meteor.user() && Meteor.user().username === 'admin') {
return 'admin';
} else {
return 'unauthorized';
I'm assuming you have an unauthorized template that renders a 403 page or something informative.
Alternatively, you can leave your original /admin route as it was and add a filter:
'needsAdmin': function(page) {
if (Meteor.user() && Meteor.user().username === 'admin') {
return page;
} else {
return 'unauthorized';
and use it like so:
Meteor.Router.filter('needsAdmin', {only: 'admin'});
Personally, I like the filter option because it's reusable and it's a little more obvious what's going on.
Another solution is to use Roles package and make sure the user has the 'admin' role before serving data.
$ mrt add roles
Then you can check for roles like with a nice syntax:
if(!Roles.userIsInRole(Meteor.user(), ['admin'])) {
// Redirect...
Roles is integrated with the Meteor accounts system and plays nicely with most of the accounts packages.
If you are looking to manage accounts (create/delete Roles and add/remove Roles from a given user) I've created the package Accounts Admin UI. The README has a quickstart and some some notes on how to integrate this with other routing packages.
$ mrt add accounts-admin-ui-bootstrap-3
Use the and parameter:
'/admin': { to: 'admin', and: function() {
if (!Meteor.user() || Meteor.user().name != 'admin'){'/');
Everyone here has made great points on how to protect an admin panel on the router level. Another possibility is to skip the router all together. I've recently done this with Meteor Candy, a drop-in admin package for Meteor.
The idea is, you could create a Reactive-Dict to hold the state of the admin interface. If you place it into a package, you can ensure that it never collides with your application code. And with the new Dynamic Imports feature, you can virtually keep it off the client until its needed.
Here's how that might work:
<template name="adminPanel">
{{#if show}}
{{> adminPanelUI}}
AdminUI = new ReactiveDict();
Meteor.defer(function () {
Blaze.render(Template.MeteorCandy, document.body);
show: function () {
if (AdminUI.get('show')) {
return true;
On top of that, all you would need is to define the occasion that sets "show" to a truth-y value.
