Asp.Net MVC 4 with Blend for Visual Studio 2012? -

I haven't seen so far, but can you use Blend to create (shared) layouts in mvc 4?

Unfortunately the only HTML you can do in Blend is for building Windows Store apps. Though HTML is HTML in whatever context you use it and it should be theoretically possible to design an HTML site in Blend, it's not build for that. ASP.Net can't be used.
I admit Blend would be an awesome tool for designing regular web applications. and I personally hope there will be support for that in the future.


integrate WPF with ASP.NET

Is it possible i can use WPF in ASP.NET application. if so, how can i create an ASP.NET web site with WPF.
Thisng is, i have created a website through visual studio. Then i was trying to add a web page as WPF. But i couldnt. I am very new to WPF. Please help me. Is it WPF is only for winform application? We could not add WPF in web forms?
WPF (Windows Presentation Framework) is primarily a desktop technology. It is possible to embed a WPF application inside a web page as a XBAP (XAML Based APlication) but that is different than creating pages with WPF.
Silverlight is the framework to chose if you want to build a Rich Internet Application. Is has better integration with the pages that it is embedded on as well as any Javascript on that page.
Both WPF and Silverlight use XAML and a common set of controls so Silverlight should be somewhat familiar.
WPF can be placed inside an ASP.NET page (or any other web technology) with the browser's WPF Plugin (or ActiveX for Internet Explorer), called XBAP.
But WPF is a large set of components and need the .NET Framework installed on the user machine to work. In other words, the plugin just place the WPF content on that position and calls the .NET Framework to load there.
The closest approach is to use Silverlight, wich is a small subset of WPF components, fully based on browser's plugin (like Flash does). It has less "things" than the full WPF API, but is very good for most uses.
Resuming, Silverlight needs the plugin installed on the users' browser (like Flash needs). And WPF needs both the plugin and also the .NET Framework installed on the users' machine.
Worth mentioning that silverlight RIA will run in IE and firefox (safari etc) on a Windows box and in linux with Moonlight if its compiled to Silverlight 2.0 or earlier (but not yet if its compiled to Silverlight 3 or later).
WPF XBAPS will only run in IE on Windows box.

How to make pretty ASP.Net forms?

Is there a RAD-way to create nice looking forms with ASP.Net webforms? I'm using .NET Framework 3.5 and Visual Studio 2010. Thanks!
Is there someway of having something like the DataGrid autoformat.
Sencha's Ext JS ( is an excellent framework on the client side for rich forms (and other UI elements)
If you want WYSIWYG visual design inside of VS2010, you'll need a third-party tool like Coolite (
But if you can deal with a bit more abstraction and don't need everything designed literally in your IDE, I would recommend Sencha's Designer app (, which is web-based. Or, hand-code the JavaScript, Sencha's syntax is well-documented.

How to create a mobile version of an ASP.NET web site?

I have a website created using asp and I want to make it accessible to mobile phones, such that a user can use it through his/her cell phone.
I don't have any knowledge of XML or .NET.
How can I do this?
ASP.NET Mobile Web Pages says
"The Microsoft Visual Studio integrated
development environment (IDE) enables
you to easily build ASP.NET
applications that include mobile Web
pages. You can include mobile Web
pages in any ASP.NET Web site
alongside ASP.NET Web pages. In Visual
Studio, you can work with the adaptive
rendering, customization, and
extensibility features of ASP.NET
mobile controls, using the standard
IDE design tools: the page designer,
the Toolbox, the debugger, Source
view, Design view, and more."
Getting Started with ASP.NET Mobile Pages
Some other useful tutorials:
Mobile Web Development with ASP.NET 2.0
Building Mobile Web Applications with .NET Mobile Web SDK & ASP.NET
Introduction to ASP.NET Mobile
Back in the day you would have needed XML to create WAP sites, but no more. Almost all smartphones have reasonably good built in HTML browsers, with standards compliant support for JavaScript and CSS.
I would suggest making a start here:

How to develop mobile application?

how to develop mobile application? what steps I have to be follow from the beginning. Is there any template provided by Microsoft for visual studio 2008 ? I want to develop this using c# + in mobile environment.
I think you should look Mobile Web App toolkit. If you use MVC you can make 1 project. I recommend you donĀ“t use mobile controls, they are deprecated.

Are there any articles/examples of using System.AddIn with ASP.NET?

Does anyone know about any articles/examples of using System.AddIn with ASP.NET and/or ASP.NET MVC applications?
I'm looking to use System.AddIn to make an ASP.NET MVC application extensible.
The examples I have seen all use the Managed Extensibility Framework.
The Managed Extensibility Framework
(MEF) is a new library in .NET that
enables greater reuse of applications
and components. Using MEF, .NET
applications can make the shift from
being statically compiled to
dynamically composed.
See also Choosing between MEF and MAF (System.AddIn)
