A strange jquery issue on wordpress dashboard - wordpress

I can't upload files in my wordpress dashboard uploading page, it noticed that "JQuery is not defined", it seems that all pages which include jquery doesn't work, not only uploading page, just in chrome and firefox, however, my friend logged in in to my dashboard,all that's normal. I'm not sure that it's caused by my theme or browser. I try to reinstall chrome and WordPress, It doesn't even matter.

Did you update your Wordpress to a new version ? I got the same issue after an upgrade to 3.5 version.
There was a conflit between the version of JQuery in my theme and the one in Wordpress. Try to upgrade Jquery. It works for me :)


WPBakery Page Builder Backend Editor Not Working

I have recently set up a new website with WPBakery page builder however the backend editor is not displaying. I only get the options to edit content under the "Visual" or "Text" tabs and there is no option for a block editor (please see screenshot linked # bottom). I have installed the "Classic Editor" plugin which has resolved this for me on other websites however it does not appear to make a difference.
Has anyone else had this issue / found a solution? I am running WPBakery page builder plugin v.6.1 and Wordpress v.5.5.1.
Page Builder Issue
Plugin Not Working After wordpress 5.5 Update
WPbakery / Visual Composer
Just Install
It works 100% fine
The ultimate solution [fix] for WPBakery Page Builder under WP 5.5
Now, if nothing of the above have worked for you. The only thing left to consider is to actually downgrade your WordPress 5.5 back to say the last stable version which currently in 5.4.2.
There are basically two methods to downgrade the WordPress. You can download the WordPress 5.4.2 distribution package and install over the current, by uploading and extracting the archive on your hosting. But that’s the worst case scenario. So, here is the most simple and hassle-free option:
Download and activate the plugin WP Downgrade.
Go to the plugin settings (Settings -> WP Downgrade) and input the version 5.4.2 and click Save changes.
The page will refresh and suggest you to go to the Dashboard -> Updates. There you need to click on Re-install to version 5.4.2
Facing the Same issue. WordPress 5.7.2.
I just deactivate the Essential Grid plugin and It's working fine.
I hope it works for you too.
I am on 5.7.2 version, and WPBakery is acting weird, so I disabled my plugins and activated one at a time. I found out that the Essential Grid Plugin is the culprit, I disabled it, and the issue gone. I hope they will fix this soon.
You can go to WK Bakery Page Builder > Role Manager > Post Types and see if it is enabled for the post type you are trying to edit.

Wordpress themes not working properly - no images or css

I have a strange problem with Wordpress. I needed to move the site to another domain and had issues setting everything up again. It works now, but for some reason the themes are not loading images or their CSS.
I thouhgt there is an error with the source links to the images/css, but nope. Installed fresh Wordpress on the server, even on my localhost with XAMPP, but same issue there. Currently only 1 theme is working properly. All the others, when I install them, or click on live demo when installing them from the admin panel in WP, they show only the text. No images, no CSS (at least for the text colors etc..) is being shown. Do you know what could be the reason for that? Even on a freshly installed WP it should work, right?
Have you tried clearing your server cache and browser cache?

Why I am redirected to different plugin page url after activating any other plugins in wordpress?

Plese help me figure out this bug.
I had installed a syntax highlighter plugin named "Enlighter". But it didn't work as I expected. So I went ahead and deactivated and deleted the plugin files.
Now the problem is that whenever I am trying to activate any other plugins it is redirecting me to the "enlighter" about page. Here's what my url looks when I try to activate any plugins: http://localhost/wp/wp-admin/admin.php?page=Enlighter-About
When I tried to activate TinyMCE Advanced Plugin it is redirected to the above-mentioned URL. You can read the error message in the screenshot attached. However, when I press the back button I can see the "TinyMCE" plugin activated.
I want to know how to fix the problem so that it is redirected to its relevant plugin page instead of enlighter's plugin page.
Thank you!
Okay, So after sharing this problem with "englighter's" plugin developer on the WordPress forum he asked me to clear the browser cache and php op-code cache.
So I resolved this problem by clearing all the browser cache and then everything worked fine for me.
Here's our discussion thread on WordPress https://wordpress.org/support/topic/wrong-plugin-page-redirection-upon-activating-any-plugin/#post-9302622

Wordpress unable to add Image to Page/Post

When creating a new page/post, I can't add images using the "Add Media" feature.
The image selected does not load on the editor. Google Inspect reveal the following error:
POST http://stss.org.sg/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php/load-scripts.php?c=1&load[]=hoverIntent,common,admin-bar,heartbeat,autosave,suggest,wp-ajax-respons…:445 404 (Not Found)
Have anyone encountered similar issue?
Wordpress Version: 4.7.4
Have you tried deactivating all the plugins and see of it works. If it works with all of the plugins disabled you can enable them one by one until it is broken again and you know it is a plugin problem.
If it is still broken try another theme and see if that works.
I just had the same problem, I couldn't insert single image into editor, even though inserting gallery of images worked ok. WordPress was already upgraded to latest version, all plugins were deactivated and default theme activated.
Finally I got it working after turning off ModSecurity in Cpanel for this domain.

FancyBox for WordPress not working any more

My FancyBox for WordPress plugin stopped working. I can not see any problem with the plugin directly there are some errors with JavaScript from the theme but I have no idea how to fix them.
Here is the site: http://pomorie.bg/
P.S. I have not updated my theme or my plugins the FancyBox just stopped one day....
When I checked your site, there were no errors in the console. If you saw a net::ERROR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT, this is most likely an error caused by your ad blocker; it's nothing to worry about. There also do not appear to be any visual deformities. I cannot see anything wrong, please specify further
