get week number from date into dropdownlist -

I have a database table containing a row of dates in DateTime format. what I need to do is get all the distinct weeks numbers of the available dates. for example if I have the following dates:
the sql query would give me the following weeks numbers: 1 and 2.
PS: afterwards I will put these values in a dropdownlist (no problem with that step).
So can anybody tell me how to do it?

You did not specify what RDBMS you are using but you could use the following to get week numbers.
SQL Server you would use DatePart():
select distinct datepart(week, dates) WeekNo
from yourtable
See SQL Fiddle with Demo
In MySQL you could use Week():
select distinct week(dates)
from yourtable
See SQL Fiddle with Demo
In Oracle, you could use to_char():
select distinct to_char(dates, 'W') WeekNo
from yourtable
See SQL Fiddle with Demo
In PostgreSQL you can use the following:
select distinct extract(WEEK from dates) WeekNO
from yourtable
See SQL Fiddle with Demo
Replace the yourtable with your table name and dates with your date column.
Edit #1: If you are using MS Access then you can still use DatePart() (this was tested in MS Access 2003):
SELECT distinct datepart("ww", dates) as WeekNo
FROM yourtable;

In your on load event, or wherever you want, you will put this VBA code
Me!myCombo.RowSource = "yourquerytexthere;"
(Or whatever query you go with..probably whichever one you're using from your last question that Remou answered for you).
I think in this question, you already know what you want to query, you are just asking about setting the control.
That code is just
Me!myCombo.RowSource = "yourquerystring"
Me!myCombo.RowSource = "SELECT distinct datepart("ww", dates) FROM yourtable;"
Where Me!myCombo is the name of your combobox.

Annual ISO week# table - Oracle SQL query:
-- ISO_WK# --
SELECT mydate
, TRUNC(mydate, 'w') wk_starts
, TRUNC(mydate, 'w') + 7 - 1/86400 wk_ends
, TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR (mydate, 'IW')) ISO_WK#
FROM dual
(-- First day of curr year - first day of past year --
FROM dual


Sqlite SELECT * for Last 30 days

I have a SQLite DB with the following columns:
File, Date_created, Owner
How do I get the list of files created in the last 30 days?
I tried the following, but it didn't limit the result. The list came back with files created 2 years ago!
SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Date_created > (SELECT DATETIME('now', '-30 day'))
Also, not sure if it matters, but my Created_date column is in the following date format: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss
SQLite doesn't have a native datetime data type, so that comparison's going to be on text. If your records are in DD/MM/YYYY format, you'll end up with comparisons like "07/03/2020" > "2020-06-07" which make little sense.
If you opt to store your datetimes as text, you must use a format that's lexicographically orderable. A great standard format that exhibits this property (if every piece of data has the same timezone, anyway) is ISO 8601, e.g. 2020-07-07 15:04:14+0300 at the time of writing in my timezone. As an aside, even xkcd recommends ISO 8601.
If you opt to store your datetimes as numbers, you can store them as either UNIX time, or maybe, if you're feeling adventurous, as e.g. the number 20200707150414. Do remember neither of these numeric options store timezone information, if that's important to your application.
As an aside,
SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Date_created > DATETIME('now', '-30 day')
is enough :)
Something like this might be what you are looking for, it's something that's come up in my head, haven't tested it.
Basically you're going 30 days backwards by Date_created.

BigQuery - Get timezone offset from timezone name

Is there any way in BigQuery to get the current UTC timezone offset from a timezone name? For example using the input:
How could I currently return:
Below example for BigQuery STandard SQL
WITH `project.dataset.table` AS (
SELECT 'Australia/Victoria' tz_string
FROM `project.dataset.table`
with result
Row tz_string tz_hours
1 Australia/Victoria 10
Another way to do this is to use the (at least, now) built in FORMAT_TIMESTAMP() function and the %Ez format element.

SQLigt: extract only specific month

I am struggling to select specific month with SQLite.
FROM order
WHERE strftime('%m', transaction_date) = '10';
I have tried this and it shows "[21:55:30] Query finished in 0.000 second(s)." but nothing showed up in Grid View. This is what I have in order table. I have tried changing the date to 10-23-2015 format as well but it didn't work. I don't want to use LIKE because these is an assumption that I can't see the date format.
Dates are stored as text in SQLite, so you can just use substring here:
FROM order
WHERE SUBSTR(transaction_date, 1, 2) = '10';

Query between dates in SQLITE

I'm trying to query what happened between today and yesterday. To example on the 17th of June 2016 it would look like:
SELECT * FROM Inspection_Log WHERE date_time BETWEEN '2016-6-16' AND '2016-6-17'
But these days are relative, and this won't work say tomorrow, or really every again. So I've encountered this page where tells me now to use DATE as it's just a polite wrapper around strftime.
But here is my current issue:
This query works:
>SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Inspection_Log WHERE date_time BETWEEN '2016-6-16' AND '2016-6-17'
But when I use date('yada', '+1 day')
>SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Inspection_LOG WHERE date_time BETWEEN '2016-6-16' AND DATE('2016-6-16','+1 day')
So I try with strftime
>SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Inspection_LOG WHERE date_time BETWEEN '2016-6-16' AND strftime('%Y-%M-%D','2016-6-16','+1 day')
So I try with datetime
>SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Inspection_LOG WHERE date_time BETWEEN '2016-6-16' AND datetime('2016-6-16','+1 day')
Digging into this here is what i see
SELECT time('now')
SELECT date('now')
SELECT date('now','-1 day')
SELECT date('2016-6-24','-1 day')
What am I doing wrong?
You need to change: AND strftime('%Y-%M-%D','2016-6-16','+1 day') for AND strftime('%Y-%m-%d','2016-06-16','+1 day').
1 - You should use '%Y-%m-%d' for the first parameter 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
The format string supports the most common substitutions found in the strftime() function from the standard C library plus two new substitutions, %f and %J. The complete list link
2 - A time string must be follow the format: YYYY-MM-DD, then you need to use '2016-06-16'.
There is a question and answer : SQL Select between dates
Okay so I was totally and completely wrong.
My scheme looks like this:
CREATE TABLE InspectionLog(
date_time DATE,
station_name TEXT,
inspection TEXT,
barcode_part_number TEXT,
bus_part_number TEXT,
barcode_serial_number TEXT,
bus_serial_number TEXT,
rework_operation TEXT,
status TEXT,
ng_description TEXT
DATE is not a valid data type. It is actually a high level wrapper around INTEGER and TEXT depending on the data placed into it. Sqlite3 defaults to TEXT.
What this means is when I perform an insert/update which does something similar to:
date_time = '2016-6-16'
This is valid as date_time is really TEXT not DATE. And when I preform a search that uses the DATE data type, it will skip any row which isn't a DATE.
The long version is. I inserted ~250MB incorrectly formatted into this table. After fixing my tests and functions so my inserts always have 2 day/month digits the majority of the OP's time queries work correctly.

oracle 10g convert date column with timestamp to dd-mon-yyyy format

Hi am trying to convert column defined as date to date with format DD-MON-YYYY but can't get it working
(DESIGN_COMPLETION_DATE,'DD-MON-YYYY'),'DD-MON-YYYY') as Assessment_Completion_Date
from nbi_dates
Also Tried
Select to_date(DESIGN_COMPLETION_DATE,'DD-MON-YYYY') as Assessment_Completion_Date
from nbi_dates
What works is, but I can't do any calculations on it as it is char
Select to_char(DESIGN_COMPLETION_DATE,'DD-MON-YYYY') as Assessment_Completion_Date
from nbi_dates
If you have a DATE that includes a time portion but are only interested in the actual date part, you can use the trunc function:
select trunc(design_completion_date) as assessment_completion_date from nbi_dates
An example of the difference using sysdate; notice the time on the trunc'd version has been set to midnight:
SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS';
Session altered.
SQL> select sysdate, trunc(sysdate) from dual;
------------------- -------------------
11/04/2013 15:14:31 11/04/2013 00:00:00
A DATE has no inherent format. DD-MON-YYYY is a format mask applied to display the date, or to convert it to a string representation, which is usually only necessary for display anyway. What you have as your third option is right for that purpose, but not if you want to do any further date calculations with the result.
Select to_date(to_char(DESIGN_COMPLETION_DATE,'DD-MON-YYYY'),'DD-MON-YYYY') as Assessment_Completion_Date
from nbi_dates
or simply (in case you want date object for calculations but not for rendereing)
Select DESIGN_COMPLETION_DATE as Assessment_Completion_Date
from nbi_dates
