Split View Controller without nib/xib files - uisplitviewcontroller

I have a class of NSObject through which i'm trying to add a SplitViewController. I have two files named as "Master" and "Detail" but without xib's. I want to create a split view controller using these files. I have tried adding them as the normal split view code but i only get a blank screen. I am not able to see the detail view and also on rotating the device i cannot see the master-detail pane in landscape mode.
All kind of help is welcome. Thanks in advance.


Kivy, shade/shadow under widget

I want to know how can I achieve a button (in kivy) like the image that I have attached below. I want to know how to create a shade/shadow like this. I just need a hint to know where to start and what are the essentials.
kivy button
The look of a Button is determined by its properties background_normal, background_down, background_disabled_normal, and background_disabled_down. Those are just strings naming the images that are used to represent the different states of the Button. So you can create new image files containing your desired look and just set those properties to those new files.
You can see the default Button images and how they are handled in the kivy style.kv and the defaulttheme.atlas.

NavigationController and View Hierarchy issue

I have 1 (rootViewController) view controller which is embedded in navigation controller. Then i pushed another view controller (secondViewController), which has search controller in title view. When i am trying search become first responder (Active) i got this in terminal:
Warning: Attempt to present
"AppName.CustomSearchViewController: 0x7face0c20eb0> on
whose view is
not in the window hierarchy!
This happens only in iOS lower than 11. When i embed this second view controller in navigation controller and present it modally all works good, but i need exactly pushing. How can i solve this?
I solved it! I need to make definesPresentationContext false in rootViewController to make it work on another one!

Editing the navigation controller from push segue

So i have a static tableview with 4 rows, i'm connecting them to different viewcontrollers without using any code instead i'm simply dragging the cell and setting up the segue.
The issue i'm having is that when this segue is performed a navigation controller is automatically generated and embed at the top so i get the following result below.
How could i edit the text and the icon? I want to remove the settings text and use my own custom icon.
It's also worth noting that i have embed other navigation controllers throughout my app. So i'd like to target this view specifically rather than all of my views.
I suspect the accepted answer on this question may help: how to replace/customize back button image in storyboard navigationcontroller
You'll need to do it in your prepareForSegue I believe.

Does progurad obfuscate tableview in javafx

I have created a JavaFX application, it have TableView to show table data. I am obfuscating final jar using Proguard-4.8, but unable to view data in TableView, we have created public static classes for table data binding. In my table if I have three columns say two columns show text and remaining one column have button added then after obfuscation I am able to see button only, rest two columns show blank rows.
Without obfuscation my jar showing all text data correctly. I have no CSS applied over TableView.
Can someone suggest me where I am doing wrong?
Are you using PropertyValueFactory? This would mean the property is accessed via reflection and if you obfuscate the property it can't be found anymore!

Autorotate with a UINavigationController

I am a little unclear on how to rotate views that are sitting on a UINavigationController.
I have overridden the UINavigationController object with one of my own that overrides:
(void)didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)fromInterfaceOrientation { return YES; }
I have one view on the stack on the controller and that view is loaded from a xib with two views in it. I want to switch from portrait to landscape. Normally I would handle this by changing the view from within the nib files of the view itself. Do I have to implement the rotational code within the Navigation Controller or just within my view code?
That willAnimate code is what I'm used to using in the view itself, but I'm still not seeing the view being changed, and I'm thinking it may be that I need to access the view in the NavigationController and change that, or even override the same method in the Navigation Controller and do my view switching there.
Any suggestions? I've never actually done this before and just found out the TabViewControllers and NavigationControllers are both portrait mode only by default.
Turns out it wasn't possible to change the view because I was trying to changes the RootView on the Navigation Controller. I got around this by placing my own pseudo root view controller that never gets seen in the root spot on the Navigation stack. I overrode a few of the navigation controls to account for this so the functionality would continue the same and I'd be able to change my desired perceived root view as I needed to.
A start in the right direction can be found in this link:
