Oracle CLOB and NCLOB require even number of bytes -

Asp.Net 4, C#, Oracle 11g
Hi, I'm trying to save the content of an html file to an Oracle CLOB column. The html file is uploaded to the server through an asp:Upload button. It is working fine most of the time, the problem is that sometimes the stream at the FileContent property of the button, has an odd number of bytes, and the Write method of the clob column throws an exception, stating that it requires an even number of bytes
How can I solve this problem??? Is there anything I can do to make my html files have an even number of bytes??? Html files are encoded as UTF8, and changing the encoding do modify the number of bytes, but they are still an even number
Thanks in advance
Edit: For now, I'm just increasing the size of the buffer by 1 in the case of the stream length being an odd number, then write the stream, in its own length, to the buffer, thus defaulting the last byte of the buffer. Please advice of any potential errors in doing it this way:
var buffer = new byte[(stream.Length % 2 > 0? stream.Length + 1: stream.Length)];
stream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)stream.Length);
clob.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
Thanks again
Edit: the previous solution didn't work. The new approach consists of passing the stream to string, add a space at the end of the string, and then convert to stream again. It's working fine until now. Sorry I can't post the code... it's just that I couldn't figured out how to overcome this policy of 4 spaces for code in StackOverflow

I'm assuming that you are using the System.Data.OracleClient classes (as opposed to Oracle's ODP.NET).
The OracleLob class has no method for writing a string, which I would expect for handling CLOBs. Instead, the documentation says:
The .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle handles all CLOB and NCLOB
data as Unicode. Therefore, when accessing CLOB and NCLOB data types,
you are always dealing with the number of bytes, where each character
is 2 bytes. For example, if a string of text containing three
characters is saved as an NCLOB on an Oracle server where the
character set is 4 bytes per character, and you perform a Write
operation, you specify the length of the string as 6 bytes, although
it is stored as 12 bytes on the server.
In this context, Unicode means the UTF-16 encoding which requires 2 bytes for most characters and 4 or 6 bytes for characters in the supplementary planes.
So if you have a string, you have to convert it to UTF-16 first:
byte[] utf16Bytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(str);
clob.Write(utf16Bytes, 0, utf16Bytes.Lenght);
Or you can use a StreamWriter to achieve the same:
OracleLob clob = ...
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(clob, Encoding.Unicode))
If your data is in a UTF-8 encoded byte array, then you have to convert it to UTF-16:
byte[] utf8Data = ...
byte[] utf16Data = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.Unicode, utf8Data);
clob.Write(utf16Data, 0, utf16Data.Length);


AES 128 decryption with ciphertext shorter than key

We are developing an application that has to work with data that is enycrpted by LoraWan (
We have already found the documentation of how they encrypt their data, and have been reading through it for the past few days ( but currently still can't solve our problem.
We have to use AES 128-bit ECB decryption with zero-padding to decrypt the messages, but the problem is it's not working because the encrypted messages we are receiving are not long enough for AES 128 so the algorithm returns a "Data is not a complete block" exception on the last line.
An example key we receive is like this: D6740C0B8417FF1295D878B130784BC5 (not a real key). It is 32 characters long, so 32 bytes, but if treat it as hexadecimal, then it becomes 16 bytes long, which is what is needed for AES 128-bit. This is the code we use to convert the Hex from String:
public static string HextoString(string InputText)
{byte[] hex= Enumerable.Range(0, InputText.Length)
.Where(x => x % 2 == 0)
.Select(x => Convert.ToByte(InputText.Substring(x, 2), 16))
return System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(hex);}
(A small thing to note for the above code is that we are not sure what Encoding to use, as we could not find it in the Lora documentation and they have not told us, but depending on this small setting we could be messing up our decryption (though we have tried all possible combinations, ascii, utf8, utf7, etc))
An example message we receive is: d3 73 4c which we are assuming is also in hexadecimal. This is only 6 bytes, and 3 bytes if we convert it from hexa to normal, compared to the 16 bytes we'd need minimum to match the key length.
This is the code for Aes 128 decrypt we are using:
private static string Aes128Decrypt(string cipherText, string key){
string decrypted = null;
var cipherPlainTextBytes = HexStringToByteArray(cipherText);
//var cipherPlainTextBytes = ForcedZeroPadding(HexStringToByteArray(cipherText));
var keyBytes = HexStringToByteArray(key);
using (var aes = new AesCryptoServiceProvider())
aes.KeySize = 128;
aes.Key = keyBytes;
aes.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
aes.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros;
ICryptoTransform decryptor = aes.CreateDecryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV);
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(cipherPlainTextBytes, 0, cipherPlainTextBytes.Length))
using (CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(cs))
decrypted = sr.ReadToEnd();
return decrypted;}
So obviously this is going to return "Data is an incomplete block" at sr.ReadToEnd().
As you can see from the example, in that one commented out line, we have also tried to "Pad" the text to the correct size with a full zero byte array of correct length (16 - cipherText), in which case the algorithm runs fine, but it returns complete gibberish and not the original text.
We already have tried all of the modes of operation and messed around with padding modes as well. They are not providing us with anything but a cipherText, and a key for that text. No Initialization vector either, so we are assuming we are supposed to be generating that every time (but for ECB it isn't even needed iirc)
What's more is, they are able to encrypt-decrypt their messages just fine. What is most puzzling about this is that I have been googling this for days now and I cannot find a SINGLE example on google where the CIPHERTEXT is shorter than the key during decryption.
Obviously I have found examples where the message they are Encrypting is shorter than what is needed, but that is what padding is for on the ENCRYPTION side (right?). So that when you then receive the padded message, you can tell the algorithm what padding mode was used to make it correct length, so then it can seperate the padding from the message. But in all of those cases the recieved message during decryption is of correct length.
So the question is - what are we doing wrong? is there some way to decrypt with ciphertexts that are shorter than the key? Or are they messing up somewhere by producing ciphers that are too short?
Thanks for any help.
In AES-ECB, the only valid ciphertext shorter than 16-byte is empty. That 16-byte limit is the block (not key) size of AES, which happens to match the key size for AES-128.
Therefore, the question's
An example message we receive is: d3 73 4c
does not show an ECB encrypted message (since a comment tells that's from a JSON, that can't be bytes that happen to show as hex). And that's way too short to be a FRMPayload (per this comment) for a Join-Accept, since the spec says of the later:
1625 The message is either 16 or 32 bytes long.
Could it be that whatever that JSON message contains is not a full FRMPayload, but a fragment of a packet, encoded as hexadecimal pair with space separator? As long as it is not figured out how to build a FRMPayload, there's not point in deciphering it.
Update: If that mystery message is always 3 bytes, and if it is always the same for a given key (or available a single time per key), then per Maarten Bodewes's comment it might be a Key Check Value. The KCV is often the first 3 bytes of the encryption of the all-zero value with the key per the raw block cipher (equivalently: per ECB). Herbert Hanewinkel's javascript AES can work fully offline (which is necessary to not expose the key), and be used to manually validate an hypothesis. It tells that for the 16-byte key given in the question, a KCV would be cd15e1 (or c076fc per the variant in the next section).
Also: it is used CreateDecryptor to craft a gizmo in charge of the ECB decryption. That's likely incorrect in the context of decryption of a LoraWan payload, which requires ECB encryption for decryption of some fields:
1626 Note: AES decrypt operation in ECB mode is used to encrypt the join-accept message so that the end-device can use an AES encrypt operation to decrypt the message. This way an end device only has to implement AES encrypt but not AES decrypt.
In the context of decryption of a LoraWan packets, you want to communicate with the AES engine using byte arrays, not strings. Strings have an encoding, when LoraWan ciphertext and corresponding plaintext does not. Others seems to have managed to coerce the nice .NET do-it-all crypto API to get a low-level job done.
In the HextoString code, I vaguely get that the intention and perhaps outcome is that hex becomes the originally hex input as a byte array (fully rid of hexadecimal and other encoding sin; in which case the variable hex should be renamed to something on the tune of pure_bytes). But then I'm at loss about System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(hex). I'd be surprised if it just created a byte string from a byte array, or turned the key back to hexadecimal for later feeding to HexStringToByteArray in Aes128Decrypt. Plus this makes me fear that any byte in [0x80..0xFF] might turn to 0x3F, which is not nice for key, ciphertext, and corresponding LoraWan payload. These have no character encoding when de-hexified.
My conclusion is that if HexStringToByteArray does what its name suggests, and given the current interface of Aes128Decrypt, HextoString should simply remove whitespace (or is unneeded if HexStringToByteArray removes whitespace on the fly). But my recommendation is to change the interface to use byte arrays, not strings (see previous section).
As an aside: creating an ICryptoTransform object from its key is supposed to be performed once for multiple uses of the object.

C# BinaryReader/Writer equivalent in JAVA

I have a stream (hooked to an azure blob) which contains strings and integers. The same stream is consumed by a .net process also.
In C# the writing and reading is done through the type specific methods of BinaryWriter and BinaryReader classes e,g., BinaryWriter.Write("path1;path2") and BinaryReader.ReadString().
In Java, I couldn't find the relevant libraries to achieve the same. Most of the InputStream methods are capable of reading the whole line of the string.
If there are such libraries in Java, please share with me.
Most of the InputStream methods are capable of reading the whole line of the string.
None of the InputStream methods is capable of doing that.
What you're looking for is DataInputStreamand DataOutputStream.
If you are trying to read in data generated from BinaryWriter in C# you are going to have to mess with this on the bit level. The data you actually want is prefixed with an integer to show the length of the data. You can read about how the prefix is generated here:
C# BinaryWriter length prefix - UTF7 encoding
It's worth mentioning that from what I tested the length is written backwards. In my case the first two bytes of the file were 0xA0 0x54 convert this to binary to get 10100000 01010100. The first byte here starts with a 1 so it is not the last byte. The second byte starts with a 0 however so it is the last (or in this case first byte) for the length. So the resulting length prefix is 1010100 (taken from the last byte removing the indicator that it is the last byte) Then all previous bytes 0100000 which gives us the result of 10101000100000 or 10784 bytes. The file I was dealing with was 10786 bytes so with the two byte prefix indicating the length this is correct.

when to use writeUTF() and writeUTFBytes() in ByteArray of AS3

I am trying to create a file format for myself, so i was forming the header for my file. To write a known length string into a ByteArray, which method should i use, writeUTF() or writeUTFBytes().
From the Flex 3 language ref, it tells me that writeUTF() prepends the length of the string and throws a RangeError whereas writeUTFBytes() does not.
Any suggessions would be appreciated.
The only difference between the two is that writeUTFBytes() doesn't prepend the message with the length of the string (The RangeError is because 65535 is the highest number you can store in 16 bits)
Where you'd use one over the other depends on what you're doing. For example, I use writeUTFBytes() when copying a XML object over to be compressed. In this case, I don't care about the length of the string, and it'd introduce something extra to the code.
writeUTF() can be useful if you're writing a streaming/network server, where as you prefix the message length to the message, you know how many bytes to stream on the other end before the end of the message. e.g., I have 200 bytes worth of message. I read the length (16-bit integer), which tells me the message is 100 bytes. I read in 100 bytes and I know it's a complete message. Everything after is another message. If the message length said the message was 300 bytes, then I'd know I'd have to wait a bit before I have the full message.
I think i have found the solution myself. It came to me when i was coding to read back the data. The corresponding functions to read from a bytearray readUTF() and readUTFBytes(length:uint) requires the length to be passed to it.
So if you know the length of the string that you are gonna write, you can use writeUTFBytes() and use readUTFBytes() with that size. Else you can use readUTF(), letting as3 write the size of the data which can be read back without any need to know the length of the string while using readUTF().
Hope this might be useful to some one as well.

Error-invalid length for a base-64 char array

I have silverlight app that post some data to another web application ,the data to post is converted to base 64 using code
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sDataToPost);
sDataToPost = Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray);
Another webapplication
get the data using the code
strText = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(System.Convert.FromBase64String(postedData));
But it gives the exception invalid length for a base-64 char array
Thanks in Advance
Depending on how you post the data its quite possible that the Base64 string is being munged a little more. For example URL encoders may do odd things with the + and = symbols in the Base64 string.

Place images byte into String is not working?

I tried on Flex 3, facing issue with uploading JPG/PNG image, trace readUTFBytes would return correct bytes length but tmpFileContent is trucated, it would only appear to have upload just 3 characters of data to the server through PHP script which made image unusable. I have no issue for non-images format. What is wrong here?
var tmpFileContent:String =;
Is String capable of handle bytes?
I'm not sure what you're looking to do with the image, but you might want to read this:
You may also need a image encoder such as the JPEGEncoder:
You could always encode using base64:
var enc:Base64Encoder = new Base64Encoder();
var base64data:String = enc.drain();
The method used in the tutorial is not going to work safely for anything but text files. An arbitrary binary format is likely to contain zeros. A zero (a byte whose value is 0) is generally considered a string terminator in many languages / platforms. This is also the case in Actionscript as this code shows:
var str:String = "abc\x00def";
The string will be truncated to "abc", since 0x00 is considered to mark the end of a string.
I think your best bet is to encode the content to base 64 as maclema suggested. From the php side, decode it back before writting the file with something like:
file_put_contents($myFilePath, base64_decode($fileData["filedata"]));
Also, I can't remember if file_put_contents is binary safe (I think it's not). If that's the case, you should use fopen('you_path',"wb"), fwrite() and fclose() to write the file. Notice the "b" in "wb", which stands for binary. If you don't pass that flag you'll probably have problems with some characters (newline and carriage return, for example).
Perhaps, following davr suggestion, you could try sending the data ByteArray to see if AMFPHP handles it correctly.
Php does allow embbeded Nuls in strings as this code shows:
$str = "a\x00b";
var_dump(ord($str{0})); // 97
var_dump(ord($str{1})); // 0
var_dump(ord($str{2})); // 98
So, if AMFPHP converts the bytearray to a string and does not mangle it in the process, this could actually work.
// method saves files on the server
function uploadFiles($fileData) {
// new file path an name
// to not overwrite the files we add the microtime before the file name
$myFilePath = '../../_uploads/'.
// writing on the disk
$fp = fopen($myFilePath,"wb");
if($fp) {
// returning response - is not used anywhere
return true;
Otherwise, try echoing var_dump($fileData['filedata']) to see what the actual type AMFPHP is converting the data to (perhaps it uses an array, not sure; given how strings work in php (much like a buffer of single byte characters, though, I think it could be just using strings).
