Adding data line by line in file in Unix - unix

I am extracting file names from one command it returns many file names and i am putting them into one file
code :
echo `find ${FILE_SYSTEM}/${dir_name}/${sub_dir_name} -type f -size +${BADFILES_SIZE} -exec ls -1lutr {} \; | sort -rn | awk '{print $9}'` >> Somefile.txt
The problem here is that i am not getting file names on each line.
Its giving two filenames on 1 line.
But i want to have each filename on 1 line.
Eg :
/informatica/ETD/PC9/scripts/kamil/temp/temp1.txt /informatica/ETD/PC9/scripts/kamil/temp/temp2.txt
I am getting filenames as shown above and i want as shown below.
Please give ur suggestions,

The problem is that you're using echo and backticks. Don't! The echo flattens all its arguments (a list of two files, it seems) into a single line of output.
echo `find ${FILE_SYSTEM}/${dir_name}/${sub_dir_name} -type f -size +${BADFILES_SIZE} -exec ls -1lutr {} \; | sort -rn | awk '{print $9}'` >> Somefile.txt
find ${FILE_SYSTEM}/${dir_name}/${sub_dir_name} -type f \
-size +${BADFILES_SIZE} -exec ls -1lutr {} + |
sort -rn |
awk '{print $9}' >> Somefile.txt


Sort Matched Files by Last Modified and Timestamp

I need to look for files that match a certain pattern of characters, then find the most recent file and display it. The below code isn't quite getting me there but, I think I'm close.
find /home/weather/data/blend/ -type f -name "*.ctl" -printf '%Ts\t%p\n' | sort -nr | cut -f2
Here's a working solution:
find . -mmin -720 -type f -name "*.ctl" -exec ls -t {} \; | cut -c 3-

xargs Format output while cating files

I am combining xargs with find and have a bunch of files which I want to cat
find something
Now I am doing
find something | xargs cat
I want to put Echo the name of the file and some display message between the cat outputs. I tried -t option but it displays all the commands on top. Is xargs the way to go here? If so how should I proceed?
find . -name something -exec echo "File:" {} \; -exec cat {} \;
This is safe even for files whose names contain spaces, newlines, or other difficult characters.
Let's have these test files:
$ cat A
$ cat B
$ cat C
The command output looks like:
$ find . -name '[ABC]' -exec echo "File:" {} \; -exec cat {} \;
File: ./B
File: ./C
File: ./A
How it works
find . -name something
This starts the find command with whatever options you like
-exec echo "File:" {} \;
For every file found, this prints File: followed by its name.
-exec cat {} \;
This prints the contents of the file.
Using GNU Parallel it looks like this:
find something | parallel 'echo {}:; cat {}'
If you want to echo filename and print a message, it might be simpler to use two commands... Use find to get the list of files you want to cat and then use a while loop to echo filename and print your message.
find . -type f -name '*.txt' > tmp.txt;
while read f;
echo "MY MESSAGE $f";
cat $f;
done < tmp.txt

Can't seem to search just first line of text

I'm using the following to only search the first line of a file for the report name. It's searching the whole file instead. I thought NR==1 would only search the first line. I think I just have a bad syntax.
find /SYM/SYM000/REPORT/ -type f -mmin -480 \
-name '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' \
-exec awk '/My Report Title/,NR==1 {print FILENAME; exit}' {} \;
Any help is appreciated.
I just want to return the filename. It looks for the past eight hours with a 6 digit number as the filename mask.
hek2gml's answer contains the crucial pointer - you must use && for logical AND rather than a range - but the command can be made more efficient in two respects:
Short-circuit processing of a given input file so that processing stops after the first line.
Passing (typically) all files to a single awk call, by terminating the -exec primary with + rather than \;
find /SYM/SYM000/REPORT/ -type f -mmin -480 \
-name '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' \
-exec awk '/My Report Title/ { print FILENAME } { nextfile }' {} +
This command only ever looks at the 1st line of each input file.
nextfile is not strictly POSIX-compliant, so if your awk doesn't have it (GNU Awk, Mawk, and BSD/OSX Awk do - not sure about AIX), use (less efficient, because it must read all lines of each file):
find /SYM/SYM000/REPORT/ -type f -mmin -480 \
-name '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' \
-exec awk 'FNR == 1 && /My Report Title/ { print FILENAME }' {} +
If, in the absence of nextfile, you'd rather call awk once for each file (-exec terminator \;), as in the original solution attempt (reads only the first line of each file, but calls awk once for each file):
find /SYM/SYM000/REPORT/ -type f -mmin -480 \
-name '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' \
-exec awk '/My Report Title/ { print FILENAME } { exit }' \;
Looks like you assume that /My Report Title/,NR==1 will be a kind of a list of conditions separated by a ,. That assumption is wrong.
Right in this case would be to use the logical AND operator && to concatenate the conditions:
find /SYM/SYM000/REPORT/ -type f -mmin -480 \
-name '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' \
-exec awk '/My Report Title/ && NR==1 {print FILENAME; exit}' {} \;

find and then grep and then iterate through list of files

I have following script to replace text.
grep -l -r "originaltext" . |
while read fname
sed 's/originaltext/replacementText/g' $fname > tmp.tmp
mv tmp.tmp $fname
Now in the first statement of this script , I want to do something like this.
find . -name '*.properties' -exec grep "originaltext" {} \;
How do I do that?
I work on AIX, So --include-file wouldn't work .
In general, I prefer to use find to FIND files rather than grep. It looks obvious : )
Using process substitution you can feed the while loop with the result of find:
while IFS= read -r fname
sed 's/originaltext/replacementText/g' $fname > tmp.tmp
mv tmp.tmp $fname
done < <(find . -name '*.properties' -exec grep -l "originaltext" {} \;)
Note I use grep -l (big L) so that grep just returns the name of the file matching the pattern.
You could go the other way round and give the list of '*.properties' files to grep. For example
grep -l "originaltext" `find -name '*.properties'`
Oh, and if you're on a recent linux distribution, there is an option in grep to achieve that without having to create that long list of files as argument
grep -l "originaltext" --include='*.properties' -r .

Pipe output to parameter

So I wanted to write a simple command that counts one less than the number of files in my current directory. I have this command that comes close but is off by one.
ls | wc -l
How can I pipe this to bc so I can subtract it by one?
To pipe to bc you could use something like this
echo " $(ls | wc -l) - 1 " | bc
EDIT: replace the part in the $( ) with steve's answer, or any other command you need.
That's really not what you want to do. Use find instead:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f | wc -l
Also, you can exclude hidden files, with:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -name ".*" | wc -l
For completeness, you can handle files containing newlines and spaces like:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | tr -dc '\0' | wc -c
