Publishing failed - tridion

We are using Tridion 2011 SP1. Some of the pages/components are getting failed while publishing with below mentioned error.
Phase: Deployer Prepare Phase failed, Unable to unzip,
D:\Inetpub\TridionPublisherFS4SP\incoming\ (The process
cannot access the file because it is being used by another process),
D:\Inetpub\TridionPublisherFS4SP\incoming\ (The process
cannot access the file because it is being used by another process), Unable to unzip,
D:\Inetpub\TridionPublisherFS4SP\incoming\ (The process
cannot access the file because it is being used by another process),
D:\Inetpub\TridionPublisherFS4SP\incoming\ (The process
cannot access the file because it is being used by another process)
Components/Pages are failing under stage Preparing Deployment, how should we fix it?

Do you have multiple Deployers using the same incoming location?
It looks like you’re running the Deployer as a WebApp – is the Deployer service also running on the system?
If you search for all files named “cd_deployer_conf.xml”, do they have the same incoming folder (D:\Inetpub\TridionPublisherFS4SP\incoming) defined?
Otherwise, you might use ProcMon to watch the folder and see what else is accessing the file.

If you still have this issue, you may try
1. deleting all files under incoming,
2. making sure there is no encryption enabled for the incoming folder (Some companies apply encrypt script immediately to the files that are added to the drive) or
3. making sure your antivirus is not screening that folder (As Nuno mentioned).
Do a restart of the deployer app and verify in the logs?


Alfresco Community v.5.1 does not start and loading the index.html forever

For some unexplained reason I can't use alfresco from yesterday.
Let me tell you how happens.
First of all, I didn't change any conf file or something like that.
I started tomcat and postgre services and after that, I tried to load "localhost:8080/share" but it was loading forever.
I tried to check the logs files, but no use, too. There is no error messages, nothing unusual.
After that, I deleted alfresco and share folder inside the "webapps", just in case, but it failed, too.
Finally, I can't stop these services from service manager, cause I am at work and I have no access privilege.
My main concern is that I don't even know the cause of this issue, so I don't even know how to ask for help.
When you don't have permission to delete the folder(share + alfresco) and stopping the services also. Without stopping the services, you can't delete the complete files from alfresco and share folders.
You need to find the problem is in Alfresco share, Alfresco Repo or database or tomcat.
Check Tomcat
Type http://localhost:8080 and make sure Tomcat is running or not.
Check Database
Connect your database service from Service manager, via PgAdmin tool to check the database service is running or not.
Check Repo
http://localhost:8080/alfresco - It should display some basic information about Alfresco Repo otherwise, it is clearly decided the Alfresco Repo itself is failed.
Check Share
http://localhost:8080/share - It should display the login page, if everything works fine.
Check and share, alfresco.log, share.log, solr.log, catalina, tomcatstdout and tomcatstderror logs files. Definitely, some of the error information would have recorded any of these logs files.

CFileFind::FindFile and network paths

I have a dll that opens a file for processing. It attempts to find the file with FindFile() function. I also have a service that calls the dll and here is the problem - when the path to the file is a network path, FindFile() fails to find it but only when called from the service, if I call it directly from my application it finds the file. I'm sure the FindFile() function gets the same parameters in both cases as I write a log file with it. Parameter looks like this:
I know this is 6 months after the question, but I figured I'd answer it anyway ... Usually, it is a permissions thing. If the service does not have access to the network folder, then it won't find anything. Many services run as a local system account by default, and that account doesn't have built-in access to network files. So try making sure the service is running as an account that has access to the network folder in question.

msdeploy and runCommand results in vague "Access is denied" error

I have a preexisting deployment process which successfully deploys a site to its staging environment. Attempting the same process against a new production environment is failing at the point where we try to invoke msdeploy's "runCommand" option.
We're using pstrami, which ultimately uses msdeploy twice. msdeploy successfully copies files to the target machine. pstrami then tries to use msdeploy a second time, this time to use "runCommand" on a bat file that should actually install everything under IIS.
The first use of msdeploy works, copying the files. Therefore, the credentials we're working with are correct.
The second use of msdeploy outputs the following:
Info: Updating runCommand (bootstrap.bat).
Warning: Access is denied.
It appears that bootstrap.bat is not actually reached. It is unclear who is being denied access to what. I suspect that the user is not allowed to perform "runCommand", but advice about runCommand online is inconsistent and has not revealed anything different between my staging and production machines.
What should it take for msdeploy 'runCommand' to be granted access?
MSDeploy supports configuring permissions on a per-provider basis, so your hosting provider may have disabled it. It might be worth checking with them.

Deploying not happening in publishing process

I am trying to publish to local file system, however publishing is not happening properly and its failed to deploy in my 2011 GA VM environment.
I am getting "Polling for notification for destination: YTnMgU6u5Vh09cOGUG7ouA== has exceeded polling attempts for transaction: tcm:0-121257-66560" error in "Preparing Deployment" stage.
I have used the “Local File System” protocol in my publication target and I have provided path like d:\tridion\publish.
And I have provided the same path in cd_storage_conf.xml under the <storage type=”filesystem”>. All other storage types are commented.
And in cd_deployer_conf.xml , quee location path is c:\tridion\incoming.
When I publish any page into my publication target, the zipped package is placed in the d:\tridion\publish and it’s not deployed.
Do I need to do any other thing to deploy the zipped package?
The path provided in the cd_deployer_conf.xml (the one you specify in Queue/Location!!!) needs to be the same one you provide in your publication target (in your case you have in the publicationTarget some path on D drive while in the deployer conf you have another one from C drive). Then you also need make sure that your deployer is initialized. You can easily determine if your deployer is initialized by looking if the meta.xml is regenerated in the deployer incoming folder.
Not sure if this is relavant but you might be interested also in how to install the deployer: as a .NET WebSite, as a Java WebSite or Windows Service
Hope this helps.
You say your working sites use HTTP sender/deployer. In that scenario your deployer is triggered by the HTTP servlet which receives the transport package.
When you use local file system - you MUST configure your deployer to work in a different way. It has to run as some form of background service. Typically on a windows box this means installing the deployer as a windows service. Keep in mind that this will then probably have additional config files for the deployer and broker/storage.

Tridion 2011 SP1 : Issue while deploying the content

We are using Tridion 2011 sp1 without any hotfix and .net web application httpupload.aspx to deploy the content in filesystem.
We monitored and found there are two issues:
1) Some time pages those are published successfully in the publishing queue are not uploaded/updated in the file system.
2) Transport package is not created for the pages which are getting failed with the error:
Deploying FailedPhase: Deployment Processing Phase failed, Could not initialize class, Could not initialize class
Also in the deployer log file and transporter log file, there is no reference to failed item transaction id.
Can anyone help me out in this?
You must have some more detail on the failure in your logs than just this.
Could not initialize StorageManagerFactory will typically point to a misconfigured cd_storage_conf.xml or a jar missing.
If you get this occasionally then there must be something that fails occasionally (like your database connection or a file system).
Please scan through your deployer and/or core logs for additional information.
I think you may have a second deployer "listening" to the same incoming directory, and that 2nd deployer is broken.
Hints of that:
You say no transport package is created. I assume you mean you can't find the transport package - it must be created in the CM otherwise it can't fail. This means "someone" picked it up
"Sometimes they're published, sometimes not" == Sometimes they're picked up by the right deployer, sometimes they're picked up by the wrong one.
No references to the transaction in the logs
Search your server for all cd_deployer_conf.xml, and go compare all your "incoming" folder settings. You can only have one deployer per incoming folder.
Try following:
1) In the windows event logs identify the path of the Deployer that is getting loaded...generally it should be define by the Tridion_Home variable but there is also a roll up logic in place and it might also get picked up the deployer path from your application config on priority if you have placed the deployer config and bin folders with in your application bin folder for processing by the Tridion Content Delivery API
2) Check if the updated SQL JDBC jar file is present in the deployer bin folder
3) Verify that you do not have jre version between to installed on CMA and/or CDA server - check for both 32-bit as well as 64-bit version
