Naming attributes and methods in Qt - qt

I'd like to have this:
class Test {
int a;
int a();
int setA(int val);
It seems to me that the Qt libraray does this all the time.
But I get a "declaration blabla" compiler error. Why is that?
Do I really have to name the method getA()?
I've even tried with Q_PROPERTY:
class Test : public QObject {
int a(){return a}
int setA(int val){a=val;}
This also does not work.

In Qt itself, the data members are usually in a Private class (the Pimpl idiom), so it's not an issue there.
If you don't use Pimpl (which is a bit tedious and only really necessary if you have to guarantee binary compatibility, or have a very large project where reducing includes has a significant enough effect), the most common way is to prepend the member with a prefix, e.g. m_:
void setA( int a ) { m_a = a; }
int a() const { return m_a; }
int m_a;
Another advantage is also that member and local variables are always easy to tell from each other.
Access the variable via this->a (more tedious than m_a)
Use getA() (makes ugly API, IMHO, but of course depends on your API style - if everything else uses get*, one should just follow suit)


Avoid having to qRegisterMetaType (pointer vs reference), concern about const

Given the signal:
void dbConnected(const QSqlDatabase &db);
I learned (from Qt Communication betwen threads, app design) how to avoid having to use
Just changing the signal to this form:
void dbConnected(QSqlDatabase *db);
And, in the slot side I'll use something like this:
void onDBConnected(QSqlDatabase * const db);
I'm concerned with the usage of db (as in the beginning I've made the reference const), so I make it const here (in the slot side). I've tried to do the same in the signal side with
void dbConnected(QSqlDatabase * const db);
But doing so I have the runtime error (mentioned in Qt Communication betwen threads, app design) back. So I tried another form, which seems to do the job:
void dbConnected(QSqlDatabase *db) const;
Am I in the right direction?
Am I in the right direction?
Maybe. First, make sure that you know that you cannot pass the database to an object living in another thread. That was one of the major mistakes you did in the code in the other question. Don't do that anymore.
If you're passing an object via reference, it must be copyable. A QSqlDatabase is copyable after you open it. So you're OK here, too.
But you might not need to pass the database reference at all. QSqlDatabase assigns a name to each connection. Instead of passing the databases by value or by pointer, you can pass their connection names instead, and use QSqlDatabase::database to get a database object representing a given connection.
For example:
class Opener : public QObject {
QSqlDatabase m_db;
Q_SIGNAL void dbOpened(const QString &);
void open() {
m_db.addDatabase("FOO", "cats");
if ( emit dbOpened(m_db.connectionName());
class DbUser : public QObject {
QSqlDatabase m_db;
Q_SLOT void onDbOpened(const QString & conn) {
m_db = QSqlDatabase::database(conn);
As you can see, the dbOpened signal emits not a database, but a database connection name, and then the various objects that wish to use that connection can retrieve the database object (handle) by name.

What is the right way to suppress Qt signals when values are explicitely set

I got a from QWidget derived class that holds three QSpinBoxes (e.g. coordinates). The valueChanged() signal is connected and is emitted in at least these three cases:
up/down button
manually entered number
However, when using setValue(), I want to suppress the signal(s), since I don't want to have (three) signals. In my understanding, there are two ways to handle this:
using a flag that indicates whether the values were explicitely set
Both variants work, but I think they are not straight-forward at all: For the first one, I generally block all signals AND I need to set blockSignals(true) for all underyling widgets (blockSignals doesn't block children QObjects in my application). For the second one, I need to query the flag in every update method AND the signals are raised although I don't need them.
Are there any general designing patterns that prevent such behavior? If not, what variant would you prefer?
The third option would be to subclass QSpinBox, implement desired functionality there, and used derived class instead of QSpinBox - this hides all associated complexity in derived class and allows you use it just like QSpinBox.
For example, following class
#include <QSpinBox>
class myQSpinBox : public QSpinBox
myQSpinBox(QWidget * parent = 0 );
bool valueBeingSet;
public slots:
void setValue (int val);
private slots:
void On_valueChanged(int val);
void valueChangedNotBySet(int val);
#endif // MYQSPINBOX_H
#include "myQSpinBox.h"
myQSpinBox::myQSpinBox(QWidget * parent)
: QSpinBox(parent)
, valueBeingSet(false)
void myQSpinBox::setValue ( int val )
valueBeingSet = true;
valueBeingSet = false;
void myQSpinBox::On_valueChanged(int val)
emit valueChangedNotBySet(val);
will emit valueChangedNotBySet(int); in cases 1. and 2., but not in case 3., keeping all QSpinBox functionality intact

In Qt how to sort the immediate child indexes of a QModelIndex

I'm writing a C++ application that uses Qt classes to work with certain data models. For that purpose I inherited from QAbstractItemModel:
// the following is a class that represents the actual data used in my application
class EventFragment
qint32 address;
QString memo;
QDateTime dateCreated;
QVector<EventFragment*> _children;
// the following is the model representation that used by my application to display the actual details to the user
class EventModel : public QAbstractItemModel
explicit EventModel (QObject *parent = 0);
// the following is the root item within the model - I use a tree-like presentation to show my data
EventFragment* _rootFragment;
At some point I needed a sort/filter option in my application so I also created a class that inherits from QSortFilterProxyModel
class EventProxyModel : public QSortFilterProxyModel
explicit EventProxyModel (QObject *parent = 0);
// I had to add my custom implementation in the 'lessThan' method to achieve a
// more complex sort logic (not just comparing the actual values but using
// additional conditions to compare the two indexes)
virtual bool lessThan ( const QModelIndex & left, const QModelIndex & right ) const;
To achieve sorting, I used the default QSortFilterProxyModel::sort() method (I haven't reimplemented it in my proxy model class) and for a time it seemed to work.
At some point though, I noticed that the actual QSortFilterProxyModel::sort() method sorts the entire model and what I need is to sort only the immediate children of a certain index.
I tried to reimplement the sort() method of the EventModel class, but after a while I realized that QSortFilterProxyModel::sort() is not referring to it at all. On the other hand, I'm not sure how to rearrange the indexes in a safe way so that the view which displays the model does not crash.
I think there must be a way to sort only the immediate children of a certain QModelIndex, but I haven't found it yet.
Is there any tutorial/example that demonstrates a possible solution to my case, or some guidelines on how to do it?
If you want an optimized solution that doesn't do comparisons at all for the indexes you don't want to sort, I think you'd have to reimeplement your own QAbstractProxyModel, which is a non-trivial task. However, if you're fine with a non-optimized solution, I'd try this:
bool EventProxyModel::lessThan( const QModelIndex & left, const QModelIndex & right ) const {
if ( left.parent() == isTheOneToSortChildrenFor ) {
...apply custom comparison
} else {
return left.row() < right.row();
Comparing the rows in the source should leave everything other then indexes with that specific parent as they are.

QtScript plus enums

I am adding QScript to my Qt application. I have already added metadata and use some of the metadata functions to interrogate through C++ code. That works fine - I can navigate the object heirarchy and print out values (including enums).
But, I can't seen to get enums working in Qt script.
I have my class...
class HalPin : public QObject
enum EHalPinType
Bit = HAL_BIT,
Float = HAL_FLOAT,
S32 = HAL_S32,
U32 = HAL_U32
enum EHalPinDirection
In = HAL_IN,
Out = HAL_OUT,
explicit HalPin(QObject *parent = 0);
public slots:
I have another class that has a method that takes the enums as arguments...
class EmcHal : public QObject
explicit EmcHal(QString moduleName, QObject *parent = 0);
public slots:
QObject *createHalPin( HalPin::EHalPinType, HalPin::EHalPinDirection, QString name );
This class is exposed in another class - sorry I should have simplified the example. If I write the following jscript code,
var nextPagePin1 = Emc.hal.createHalPin();
I get an error I expect...
SyntaxError: too few arguments in call to createHalPin(); candidates are createHalPin(HalPin::EHalPinType,HalPin::EHalPinDirection,QString)
So, it appears that the enum types are known to qtscript.
What I am struggling to do is to set the enum arguments from jscript. I've tried many combinations...
and many more.
If I try to use integers, I get...
TypeError: cannot call createHalPin(): argument 1 has unknown type `HalPin::EHalPinType' (register the type with qScriptRegisterMetaType())
which seems to imply jscript doesn't know about my enums.
Any suggestions?
Do I need to use qRegisterMetaType or qScriptRegisterMetaType to access my enums? The documentation doesn't suggest I need to do this. Do I need to implement the converter functions for the qScriptRegisterMetaType method.
Or is my syntax just wrong for the jscript?
Does someone have a working example?
To answer my own question...
Well, not so much an answer to why, but a "meh, this works" example...
As I mentioned above, I wasn't able to get the enums working in both the metadata and jscript at the same time using the qt macros. Even though the enum appeared in qscript (I checked in the browser of the script debugger), it didn't evaluate to the correct integer.
I had to add a QMetaObject for the enum. That gave me the enum items, and correct integer values.
But that still gave me the unknown type error, so I needed to use qScriptRegisterMetaType() to register conversion functions for the types.
This is the class I use for 1 enum. It is as minimal as I can make it. I should be able to use macros to shrink it down a bit more, but there are limitations on what can be macroised, because of the qt moc requirements.
#include <QObject>
#include <QMetaType>
#include <QScriptEngine>
#include "hal.h"
class CEHalPinType : public QObject
explicit CEHalPinType(QObject *parent = 0) : QObject(parent) {}
explicit CEHalPinType(const CEHalPinType &other) : QObject(other.parent()) {}
virtual ~CEHalPinType() {}
enum EHalPinType
Bit = HAL_BIT,
Float = HAL_FLOAT,
S32 = HAL_S32,
U32 = HAL_U32
Q_ENUMS( EHalPinType )
static QScriptValue toScriptValue(QScriptEngine *engine, const EHalPinType &s)
return engine->newVariant((int)s);
static void fromScriptValue(const QScriptValue &obj, EHalPinType &s)
s = (EHalPinType)obj.toInt32();
static QScriptValue qscriptConstructor( QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine )
return engine->newQObject( new CEHalPinType(context->argument(0).toQObject()), QScriptEngine::ScriptOwnership);
static void Init( const char *name, QScriptEngine *engine )
qScriptRegisterMetaType(engine, toScriptValue, fromScriptValue);
QScriptValue metaObject = engine->newQMetaObject( &staticMetaObject, engine->newFunction(qscriptConstructor) );
engine->globalObject().setProperty( name, metaObject );
And my jscript looks like...
var nextPagePin = Emc.hal.createHalPin(EHalPinType.Bit,EHalPinDirection.In,"nexis.NextPage");
Oops. I jumped the gun on this one. Although the scripting worked, I broke the ability to convert enums to strings using the qmetaobject data.
And there doesn't seem to be an automatic way of doing it.
The problem is, I moved the enums out of the class where the properties that used the enums were defined. Although the Q_ENUMS and Q_PROPERTY compile, if I use the QMetaProperty to to read an enum, it doesn't work. The QVariant that is returned shows the correct data type, "CEHalPinType::EHalPinType", but it fails the isEnum() test and canConvert(QVariant::String) fails too. This is because when the qmetaobject code goes searching for the enum type, it only looks in the current class and its derived classes. It doesn't search other classes. Which is why it worked when the enum was a member of the class which also had the properties.
My work around, as suggested elsewhere, was to create my own QMap of known enums, storing the string name to qmetaobject mapping. I used a templated base class and used T::staticMetaObject to get the meta object.

Creating a dynamic slot in Qt

I am trying to create slots dynamically and connect them. I am able to dynamically create pushButtons and connect them with existing slots. But what if I have a class with some member functions and I want to use these functions as slots.
From a general perspective, I want to create a template for generating slots given a function pointer. This allows us to create slots without changing the existing code and don't have to recompile using MOC.
If this doesn't make sense let me know. Thank you.
It does make a lot of sense. I assume QSignalMapper is not what you want. If your functions don't have arguments, maybe something like this is enough:
class SlotForwarder : public QObject
typedef void (*Function)(); // or whatever. I never get this syntax right...
SlotForwarder(Function function, QObject* parent = 0)
: QObject(parent)
, m_fptr(function)
public slots:
void forward()
Function m_fptr;
Create one for each function you want to encapsulate and connect to the forward as usual.
Now, if they do have arguments, maybe this Qt Quarterly article might be of assistance.
Dynamic Signals and Slots by Eskil A. Blomfeldt
The technique involves reimplementing the qt_metacall method yourself. The method has this signature:
int QObject::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call call, int id, void **arguments)
Call is the kind of metacall: slot, signal, property read or write, etc. Every slot has an id. The parameters are packed (by value or as pointers) inside the arguments array. Reading the code that the moc generates is a good way to understand how it all works.
Data about raw function signatures is available only during compile time, but slots are resolved at runtime. Because of that mismatch, you will need to wrap the functions into a template adapter type that presents a constant interface to your implementation of qt_metacall and converts the arguments array into something the function can understand (cf. Python unpack operator). Boost.Signals does that kind of template hackery.
A continuation of andref's code so as to use any member function as a slot
class SlotForwarder : public QObject
typedef void (*Function)();
SlotForwarder(Function function, QObject* parent = 0)
: QObject(parent)
, m_fptr(function)
public slots:
void forward()
Function m_fptr;
int main(){
QApplication a(argc, argv);
MyClass myClassObject; //contains a function called MemberFunc
//create a slotforwarder object so
SlotForwarder *memberFuncSlot = new SlotForwarder (std::tr1::bind(&MyClass::MemberFunc, &myClassObject));
