In zsh pass hash as parameter - zsh

What is the correct / idiomatic way of passing a hash to a function?
I have sort of hit upon this but am not sure how clean this is or if there any pitfalls.
typeset -A hash
hash=(a sometext b moretext)
foo hash
foo() {
typeset -A mhash
mhash=( ${(Pkv)1} )
The P flag interprets result (in this case $1 as holding a parameter name). Since this resulted in only getting the values and not the keys, I bolted on the "kv" to get both keys and values.
Is this the correct way, or is there another way. btw, since i am passing an array and a hash in my actual program, I don't want to use "$*" or "$#"

I tried a little and i'm not sure there is an other way than using $# on the function.
Re: Array as parameter - Zsh mailing list
Possible answers in these questions (bash-oriented):
How to pass an associative array as argument to a function in Bash?
Passing arrays as parameters in bash
Passing array to function of shell script
In fact, when you start needing to use an array, or even worse, an associative array in a shell script, maybe it's time to switch to a more powerful script language, like perl or python.
If you don't do it for you, do it for you 6 months from now / for your successors.


How to iterate over script arguments?

In Unix shell scripts one can use something like this for parsing the arguments to the script:
while [ $1 ]; do
# do stuff
How do I implement something similar in PowerShell?
For undeclared parameters, you can use the $Args automatic variable as #AnsgarWeichers suggests with either of the foreach methods (see below), but I would argue the Unix method you're describing is against PowerShell philosophy. PowerShell is a .Net environment, so everything is fundamentally an object instead of fundamentally a character string.
You should be defining your parameters, giving them a type, and, above all, giving them a name. See about_Parameters, about_Functions, about_Functions_Advanced, and about_Functions_Advanced_Parameters. A script can be written to function like a cmdlet or function, so that's why you look to those help docs.
If your parameter is legitimately an array, you can iterate through it with either the foreach statement:
foreach ($item in $MyParameterArray) {
Or using the ForEach-Object cmdlet:
$MyParameterArray | ForEach-Object {

How can one really create a process using Unix.create_process in OCaml?

I have tried
let _ = Unix.create_process "ls" [||] Unix.stdin Unix.stdout Unix.stderr
in utop, it will crash the whole thing.
If I write that into a .ml and compile and run, it will crash the terminal and my ubuntu will throw a system error.
But why?
The right way to call it is:
let pid = Unix.create_process "ls" [|"ls"|] Unix.stdin Unix.stdout Unix.stderr
The first element of the array must be the "command" name.
On some systems /bin/ls is a link to some bigger executable that will look at argv.(0) to know how to behave (c.f. Busybox); so you really need to provide that info.
(You see more often that with /usr/bin/vi which is now on many systems a sym-link to vim).
Unix.create_process actually calls fork and the does an execvpe, which itself calls the execv primitive (in the OCaml C implementation of the Unix module).
That function then calls cstringvect (a helper function in the C side of the module implementation), which translates the arg parameters into an array of C string, with last entry set to NULL. However, execve and the like expect by convention (see the execve(2) linux man page) the first entry of that array to be the name of the program:
argv is an array of argument strings passed to the new program. By
convention, the first of these strings should contain the filename
associated with the file being executed.
That first entry (or rather, the copy it receives) can actually be changed by the program receiving these args, and is displayed by ls, top, etc.

Setting environment variable in ZSH gives number expected

I'm trying to set an array in ZSH (configured using oh-my-zsh).
export AR=(localhost:1919 localhost:1918)
but I'm getting an error like such:
zsh: number expected
If I don't add the export command, it's just fine. I'm not typing the above in a *rc file, just in the zsh prompt. What could be the problem?
You can't export an array in zsh.
For more info:
Note that you can't export arrays. If you export a parameter, then
assign an array to it, nothing will appear in the environment; you can
use the external command printenv VARNAME (again no $ because the
command needs to know the name, not the value) to check. There's a
more subtle problem with arrays, too. The export builtin is just a
special case of the builtin typeset, which defines a variable without
marking it for export to the environment. You might think you could do
typeset array=(this doesn\'t work)
but you can't --- the special
array syntax is only understood when the assignment does not follow a
command, not in normal arguments like the case here, so you have to
put the array assignment on the next line. This is a very easy mistake
to make. More uses of typeset will be described in chapter 3; they
include creating local parameters in functions, and defining special
attributes (of which the export attribute is just one) for

Passing arguments to execl

I want to create my own pipeline like in Unix terminal (just to practice). It should take applications to execute in quotes like that:
pipeline "ls -l" "grep" ....
I know that I should use fork(), execl() (exec*) and API to redirect stdin and stdout. But are there any alternatives for execl to execute app with arguments using just one argument which includes application path and arguments? Is there a way not to parse manually ls -l but pass it as one argument to execl?
If you have only a single command line instead of an argument vector, let the shell do the parsing for you:
execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", the_command_line, NULL);
Of course, don't let untrusted remote user input into this command line. But if you are dealing with untrusted remote user input to begin with, you should try to arrange to pass actual a list of isolated arguments to the target application as per normal usage of exec[vl], not a command line.
Realistically, you can only really use execl() when the number of arguments to the command are known at compile time. In a shell, you'll normally use execv() or execvp() instead; these can handle an arbitrary number of arguments to the command to be executed. In theory, you use execv() when the path name of the command is given and execvp() (which does a PATH-based search for the command) when it isn't. However, execvp() handles the 'path given' case, so simply use execvp().
So, for your pipeline command, you'll end up with one child using something equivalent to:
char *args_1[] = { "ls", "-l", 0 };
execvp(args_1[0], args_1);
The other child will end up using something equivalent to:
char *args_2[] = { "grep", "pattern", 0 };
execvp(args_2[0], args_2);
Except, of course, that you'll have created those strings from the command line arguments instead of by initialization as shown. Note that grep requires a pattern to search for.
You've still got plumbing issues to resolve. Make sure you close enough pipe file descriptors. When you dup() or dup2() a pipe to standard input or standard output, you close both the file descriptors from the pipe() function.

Bourne shell scripts with user input

I'm trying to teach myself the basics of Bourne shell scripting using a textbook I borrowed from the library, and I'm working through the questions at the end of each chapter. However, I just got to one and I'm stumped...
Write a script that takes zero or more arguments and prints the last argument in the list. For example, given the argument 'myProgram arg1 arg2 arg3', the output would be 'arg3'.
Could anyone give me some advice on how to set this one up? I'm trying to review the section on user input and arguments, but I haven't worked with that much so far, so I don't have much practice yet.
echo ${!#} # bash only
eval echo \${$#} # sh-compatible
The number of arguments is $#. Variables can be accessed indirectly via ${!VAR}. For example:
$ echo ${!VAR}
Put those together and if we have a variable $n containing an integer we can access the $nth command-line argument with ${!n}. Or instead of $n let's use $#; the last command-line argument is ${!#}!
Additionally, this can be more longwindedly written using array slicing ($# is an array holding all the command-line arguments) as:
echo ${#:$#:$#}
Oddly, you cannot use an array index:
# Does not work
echo ${#[$#]}
I'll just give you some pointers. Since you want to learn bash, you probably don't just want a piece of code that does what the question asks:
1) Do you know how to count how many arguments your bash function has?
2) Do you know how to loop?
3) Do you know how to "pop" one of the arguments?
4) Do you know how to print out the first argument?
If you put all that together, I bet you'll come up with it.
