Can I delete the SDL Tridion Default Groups? - tridion

I've assumed there was something unique or special about the default Tridion groups (e.g. Editor, Chief Editor, etc) because creating a new Publication seemed to get these groups automatically.
I actually see that new publications get all of the groups in its assigned parent upon creation, it's not necessarily because they're default groups.
Can I delete these default groups? Aside from the out-of-the-box workflow options, any reason to leave these in Tridion from a programming or technical perspective?

New Publications outside of an existing BluePrint will pick up the default rights from the default groups. If you don't need any out of the box settings, you should be OK deleting them (but I have never tried, so it may not be possible). In the database they have a special flag (IS_DEFAULT_GROUP).
I tend to use them for controlling rights, and make my other groups members of Authors,and Editors etc so that I get some basic rights out of the box for all publications.

In the original design of R5 security it was possible to delete the predefined groups, and this was intentional. If you are getting a specific message telling you it is not possible, then this constraint must have been added later, presumably as code was re-written for 2011.
The thinking back in R5 was that the predefined groups would offer a good "out-of-the-box" experience, and save people some configuration. (And of course, it offered backwards compatibility with R4.) Other features echoed this: for example, if you create a publication in a blueprint, the Rights of predefined groups are cloned from the parent publication. For groups you've created yourself, this doesn't happen. After all - if you've chosen to go for a custom security set-up it's reasonable to expect you to customise everything yourself, right?
I can't think of a good reason for preventing their deletion. Perhaps someone thought the "custom" approach was just too unfriendly, but I'm speculating. (Anyone know the real reason?)

No, it is not possible to delete a predefined group -- you will always get an error saying as much.
I can't speak as to the reasons for this, but I imagine the fact that they are used for new Publications is at least part of the reason.
You are not required to actually use them, though.


How can I implement additional entity properties for Entity Framework?

We have a requirement to allow customising our core product and adding additional fields on a per client basis e.g. People entity some client wants to record their favourite colour etc. As far as I know we can't add properties to EF at runtime as it needs classes defined at startup. Each customer has their own database but we are deploying the same solution to all customers with all additional code. We are then detecting which customer they are and running customer specific services etc.
Now the last thing I want is to be forking my project or alternatively adding all fields for all clients. This would seem likely to become a nightmare. Also more often than not the extra fields would only be required in a very limited amount of place. Maybe some reports, couple of screens etc.
I found this article from Jermey Miller describing how they are adding extension properties and having them go from domain to the web front end.
Has anyone else implemented anything similar using EF? How did it work out? Are there any blogs/samples that anyone has seen? I am not sure if I am searching for the right thing even if someone could tell me the generic name for what we want to do that would help. I'm guessing it is a problem that comes up for other people.
Linked question still requires some forking or implementing all possible extensions in single solution because you are still creating strongly typed extensions upfront (= you know upfront what extensions customer wants). It is not generally extensible solution. If you want generic extensible solution you must leave strongly typed world and describe extensions as data.
You will need to use some metamodel. Your entity classes will contain only properties used by all customers and navigation property to special extension entity (additional table per every extensible entity) where you will be able to put additional properties as name / value pair (you can add other columns like type, validation, etc. if needed).
This will in general moves part of your model from hardcoded scenario to configuration based scenario and your customers will even be allowed to define extensions at runtime (if you implement such feature).

What are the rules for deciding when a new catalog should be created?

I'd like to learn about using catalogs correctly.
I have about 30 useful content types, about 50 indexes in catalog.xml, and about 45 metadatas. There are just three types which account for most of the site's data - and I may need millions of these. I've been reading, and there's lots to do, but I want to have the basic configuration right before I begin all that.
This page told me that any non-default indexes should not be added to the portal_catalog. I've even read people explaining how removing one, or two of the default indexes makes a performance difference.
My question is: what are the rules for dividing up the indexes into different catalogs, and for selecting which catalog(s) index which type(s)?
So far I have created one additional catalog, used to catalog all indexes for my 'site-setup' objects (which I have caused to no longer be indexed in portal_catalog). The site-setup indexes are very often used, but more rarely modified than others, so I thought it was correct to separate them from objects which are reindexed more often. I'm not sure if that's the main consideration though.
Another similar question (a good example of the kind of thing I want to solve): how would you handle something like secondary workflow review_state variables? I give each workflow's review_state variable an index (and search on them quite often), but some of my workflows are only used on just a few types. (my most prolific objects have secondary workflows...)
I'd be very grateful for advice!
This won't cover everything but I'll bring up some points..
Anything not in the portal_catalog won't work with collections, folder_contents view, getFolderContents method, search, portlet collections, related items(I think) and anything else the assumes you're using the portal_catalog.
I like to use an additional catalog when I need to be able to query the data but it only affects a sub-set of the content objects.
Use collective.indexing to speed up indexing operations.
Mount the catalogs on their own mount points so you can cache them differently from the rest of the site(so you can cache the whole catalog). Then, you can even serve the the catalogs from dedicated zeoserver.
Also, if your content doesn't have to be cataloged by the portal_catalog(with all the constraints listed), you may even want to think about if you need it as a full-fledged (archetype|dexterity) type in the first place. You can use a more slim repoze.catalog to catalog arbitrary objects(which could be very simple data) for whatever your purpose is and get even more performance. Or better yet, look into Solr for indexing it for VERY good performance.
On more thing, depending on the type of data you're storing, you could even look into using a relational database for a data store. But I don't know what kind of queries, indexes, data, etc you have...
30 different types seems like a lot but I don't know what your use case is. Care to share? Perhaps there is a better way to do it.

Module Multi-instance in OrchardCMS

assuming i have a contacts orchard module which manages contacts
can i have two instance like so
and have the data partitioned by instance/location type etc.
I assume it should be but want to be sure before i dig any deeper
It's not possible by default (although I'm not saying impossible at all).
Each module has it's unique, hardcoded Id which prevents multi-instancing of modules by design. There are also many other reasons why it wouldn't be a good idea...
Achieving such behavior is possible of course, but in slightly different way. As Orchard is mainly about content, you are free to build your own, different content types for different contact types from existing parts and fields. And then you're free to create instances of those. It's described very well here.
This would probably be better asked over on the Orchard sites.
If you look at blogs functionality you can have multiple of those, following a similar pattern of code you could have multiple of the contacts modules.
The path /HomeContacts ... etc would be set through the routing functionality of Orchard.
I think what you're looking for might the multi-tenancy module, available from the gallery. The only difference with what you describe is that the instances would need different server names rather than subfolders like you decribed.
Then again it's not quite clear whether you only want to separate just the data for that module (in which case the suggestion to model it after blog is a good one) or for the whole site (that would be multi-tenancy).

Best way to save extra data for user in Drupal 6

I am developing a site that is saving non visible user data upon login (e.g. external ID on another site). We are going to create/save this data as soon as the account is created.
I could see us saving data using
the content profile module (already in use on our side)
the profile module
the data column in the user table
creating our own table
I feel like #1 is probably the most logical place, however creating a node within a module does not seem to be a trivial thing.
#3 feels like a typical way to solve this, but just having a bunch of serialized data in a catchall field does not feel like the best design.
Any suggestions?
IMO, each option has its pro's and con's, and you should be the one to make the final call, given that you are the only one to know what your project is about, what are the critical points of the project, what is the expected typical user pattern, what are the resources available, etc...
If I was totally free to chose, my personal favourites would be option #4, #1 and #5 (wait! #5? Yes: see below!). My guiding principles in making the choice would be:
Keep it clean
Keep it simple
Make it extensible
#1 - The content profile module
This would be a clean solution in that you would make easier for developer to maintain your code, as all the alteration to the user would pass through the same channel, and it would be easier to track down problems or add new functionality.
I do not find it particularly simple as it requires you to interact with the custom API of that module.
As for extensibility that depends from how well the content profile module API is designed. The temptation could be to simply use the tables done by said module for your purpose, bypassing the API's but that exposes you to the possibility that on a critical security update one day in which you are in a hurry the entire system will break down because the schema has changed...
#4 - Creating your own table
This would be a clean solution because you could design your table (and your module to do exactly what you need to), and you could create your own API to be used by other modules. On the other hand you would introduce yet another piece of code altering the registration process, and this might make it more difficult for devs to track problems and expand the system in a consistent way.
This would be very simple to implement code-wise. Also the DB design would benefit though: another thing to consider is that the tables would be very easy to inspect and query. Creating a new handler for views is dead easy in most of the cases: 4 out of 5 you simply use one of the prototype objects shipping with views.
This would be extremely easy to extend, of course. Once you created the module for one field, you could manage as many as you want by mostly copy/pasting the code for one field to another (or to inherit from the same ancestor if you go OOP).
I understand you are already knowledgeable about drupal, but if you need a pointer on how to do that, I gave some direction in this other answer.
#5 - Creating your own table and porting already existing fields there
That would essentailly be #4 minus the drawback of scattering functionality across various modules... Of course if you are already managing 200 fields the other way this is not a viable option, but if you are early into your design, you could consider this.
In my experience nearly every project that requires system integration (meaning: synchronising data for the same user in multiple systems) has custom needs for user registration, and I found this solution the one that suits my need best for two reasons:
I found I reuse a lot of the custom code I wrote from project to project.
It's the most flexible way to integrate data with the other system (in some case I even split data for the user in two custom tables managed by the same module: one that contains custom fields used by drupal only and one that contains the "non visible fields", as you call them. I find this very handy in a lot of scenarios, as it makes very easy to inspect and manipulate the data of the two systems separately.
If you're already using the Content Profile module, then I'd really suggest continuing to use it and attach the field to it. You're saving the data when the account is created, and creating a node for the user at the same time isn't that hard. Really.
$node = new stdClass();
$node->title = $user->name; // what I'd use, or you can have node auto title handle the title for you. Up to you!
$node->field_hidden_field[0]['value'] = '$*#$f82hff';
$node->uid = $user->uid;
Bob's your uncle!
I would go for option 3. Eventually even other modules will store the data in the database against a user. So you could directly save it yourself probably in a more efficient way than those modules.
Of course depending on the size of the data, you can take a call whether to add a new column in the users table or to create a new table for your data with the user's id as the foreign key. profile provider

I know there are already some questions on this topic on the site...
I am just trying to understand if it's safe to use ASP.NET Profile Provider with a website with huge traffic?
The way I see it, it's laid out inefficiently. You store property name (which is a string) and property value (which is a string too). If you are just trying to store even age in the profile, you are unnecessarily storing the string "age" in the database over and over whereas with a self-created table, you could just add a column titled age, and no redundancy?
(I am just trying to make sure I am not missing something about it, because I am fairly new to it.)
The profile provider uses an EAV (Entity-Attribute-Value) design deliberately, because profiles in general very commonly have a sparsely populated schema - that is, there are many potential attributes, but only a few will be used for a given single entity, and the few that are used varies widely from one entity to the next.
Let's use a totally arbitrary example - let's say only one in 10 of your users want to provide their age. Making that a column now seems more like a waste, no?
But what if your application makes age mandatory? OK, that column gets populated for everyone. But what if you need to make a note in the profile "user doesn't want to see this obscure dialog anymore". Do you really want a column for every single dialog in your application whether a user wants to see it? Probably not. When you get into the little one-off details of an application of any significant scope, EAV actually becomes the more economical choice.
In the general, it scales quite well (far better than you probably think). In the specific, it doesn't matter - as always, use what works and fix performance problems when they come up. Whatever the scalability limitations of the profile provider are, you'll know when you hit them. I guarantee two things - (1) you'll have to fix a lot of other performance problems you didn't expect before you have to fix that; and (2) if your site is getting enough traffic to break the profile provider, it's a good problem to have.
I agree with Rex M, unless you have a need to do things like sort all your users by age or do other procedures with aggregate profile data. Then you could consider rolling your own. But for just storing properties that you access here and there on a user-by-user basis, Rex M is right.
I do know what you mean. Wouldn't it make sense to supplment the profile provider's table with another table that has columns with mandatory fields? or do you think the overhead of join would not make it not worth it?
