Accessing subdomain via IP address on apache server - wordpress

I have installed WordPress on a subdomain that currently resides on an unpropogated domain. (It can only be accessed via IP address.) Is it possible for me to access any subdomains that have been created, eg: via IP, or do I have to wait till the domain has been propogated?
This is my first question, I apoligize if I have not explained my self thoroughly enough. Thanks in advance for any help.

you can use http://[IP]/~[username]/[domain.tld]/ to access your site by IP.
Where [IP] is the IP of your server and [username] is your username for the hosting site. [domain.tld] is the name of the folder on which you have mapped your subdomain.

You may be able to check it with an anonymous proxy?
I use to check sites as in Australia it normally takes a little longer to propagate over to here.
Please note: You will only be able to check it's existence, you would not use this to make site modifications through the back end. That would best be done once the domain propagates.
Hope this helps ;)


WP site accessible at subpath of domain used by Squarespace site

Alright this is a super weird request and it's just a stopgap measure until the client cleans up their many web properties, so no need to tell me that it's a convoluted way to do things. Current setup: is registered with GoDaddy but points to a Squarespace
site (CNAME & A records, etc) is a Wordpress site on Godaddy hosting
Question: Can I make the WP site at instead appear as If so, how?
I can set the site_url and home_url in WP, and I can set up a forwarding rule from Squarespace to the IP of the GoDaddy shared hosting account. Would that be enough?
I had thought I would need to set an A record with the host as, but slashes aren't allowed. Any insight greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading!
the only way to get this done that I am aware, is to use some form of land balancer, e.g.:
AWS Elastic Load balancer
Nginx / apache proxy
AWS CloudFormation custom backends
last option will also speed up your site.
Unless your DNS provider have some custom option, DNS alone can't do that.

SSL Certificates explanation

Can someone answer a simple SSL Cert question for me to derisk my decision?
My Stack: Bitami WordPress instance on GCP VM.
I have a website with an SSL cert linked to my domain name.
I started an instance with a new static IP address.
I remapped the domain name to the new servers and added the correct credentials [confirmed everything is configured correctly with the GCP team].
Ran -dig command and confirmed new instance is mapped to the domain name.
The domain name will not load in the browser. Get the "NET:: ERR_CERT_INVALID" message.
My Diagnosis
I haven't transferred my SSL to my new IP address.
Everywhere I read says the SSL is mapped to the domain name, not the IP address itself. So theoretically there should not be an issue.
Question(s) to you
Do I solve this simply by generating new SSL cert on the new instance? Will that just overwrite the old SSL cert and map my domain name to the new SSL cert?
If not - what's the solution?
I don't understand the technical relationship between IP address, domain names, and certs. I have read as much as I can and everyone seems to talk around it but not explain it in detail.
Thanks in advance!
Bitnami Engineer here,
If you created a new instance from scratch, you will need to migrate the SSL certificates from the first instance to the second one. You can either copy the SSL certificates from the machine or download them again from the CA website and substitute the files you have in the /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf folder.
In case you were using a Let's Encrypt certificate, you can generate new certificates by using the Bitnami HTTPS configuration tool (/opt/bitnami/bncert-tool) or by running the CLI tool to generate new certificates. If you use the Bitnami HTTPS configuration tool, you won't need to modify the Apache's configuration, the tool will do that for you. You can learn more about it here
Please remember to confirm that the domain name is configured properly by checking your domain using this online tool before trying to generate the certificates
New problem.
I used the bncert tool as per Jotas recommendation and it worked well.
I checked my domain name via 'whatsmydns' as well as my SSL via an SSL checking tool. All worked out as expected - my IP address is matching against my Domain name and SSL is matching against my domain name.
I type my domain name into the browser and it loads my site with the padlock, across all browsers.
So from the outside - it looks like everything is fine.
But I have two issues still.
Problem #1:
In my WordPress 'general>settings', I tried to update my 'WordPress address' and 'site address' but they are greyed out. So I updated my wp-config file with the new https addresses as per these instructions which have worked for me before without issues ( It didn't break the site, but I could no longer log in. As soon as I deleted the new wp-config code, I could log in again. So if that won't work, I now have no course of action to update my 'WordPress' and 'site' addresses.
So my questions are - do you know why this won't work? Is it a bitnami quirk? And does it matter? If the domain is working, does it matter if I keep the wp-config file as an http address and not an https address?
Problem #2:
My domain name takes me to my site at the correct IP address. It loads with a secure padlock icon. I can log in. Everything works as it should.
If I use the IP address, however, instead of the domain name, it also loads the same site but as an insecure site with no padlock.
Question - Any idea how that is possible? I thought a domain name was just a human-friendly version of an IP address. And if the webserver is a single server, how can using a domain name versus an IP address generate different front end results?
Thanks again team, as a person who is new to this community, it really does give you faith in humanity.

Separate Domain Registrar and Host, possible to use CDN?

I am just wondering if this is possible/how I could go about doing this.
I work for a company that has their domain name registered on Site A while their hosting is on Site B. This is no issue as we just have the Registrar at Site A point the Name Servers to Site B. Easy.
Where I get a little confused, is say I would like to use a CDN such as CloudFlare (Site C), typically in a basic case, I would go to the registrar/host and just change my Name Servers to the ones given by CloudFlare. However if my Registrar and Domain Host are different, it appears someone could get lost in the mix, as if I go from Site A point to Site C .. how does host at Site B supply Site C with all the information to host and control the CDN for?
Thanks for the insight!
I reached out to CloudFlare and got this very simple, perfect answer.
Here's how it will work for you :
At your domain registrar, you will set your authoritative name servers to the ones that CloudFlare will assign to you when you sign up.
Within CloudFlare, using our dashboard, you will configure your DNS zone file to point your domain to the IP address of the server assigned to you by your hosting provider.
The CloudFlare reverse proxy does the rest!
Hope this helps!

Apache domainname instead of IP

I'm not sure this is even a question to be asked here, but I'll give it a shot anyway.
So I have an ubuntu server, and I recently purchased a domainname.
Now I have forwarded the domain to my IP, but whenever I reach the server, the browser shows the IP adress instead of the domain.
Is this something I should configure in Apache, or from godday (where I got the domainname)
Thanks in advance :)
Start with checking your setup at Godaddy. What you probably need is an A entry.
The good news is that your setup seems to work since you get an answer from you server!
Perhaps this can help

Is it practical to run a WordPress site at EC2 using Route 53, without an elastic IP?

I'm running five wordpress sites (#EC2) all having it's own elastic IP tied to a proper domain name. I reached the max limit when wanted to launch another site (another domain).
Besides of the obvious; asking for more EIPs, can I use route 53 and pointing to the dynamic EC2 hostname?
As far as I understand this will destroy/mess-up all internal links of the wordpress instance, the moment I reboot or stop/start the instance, because it gets a new IP/hostname and all image-links of wordpress by default are absolute for SEO reasons.
Has anybody found a solution to this, or is my only option to ask for more EIPs?
In my opinion, requesting more EIP's is going to be the easier way to go.
You can set up your DNS to point the public ip of any instance, if its not an eip, it will change if the instance ever stop/started again. In which case you need to update DNS.
Wordpress doesn't really care what the hostname or ip address is of the instance. It cares what hostname you want it to respond to. Even if the underlying ip changes, as long as the hostname records are updated to the new IP, you wont have any issues.
