Reducing the 'asyncPostBackControlIDs' list -

I have a page containing a large amount of controls that can trigger postbacks to the server. I know that it is not considered good practice to have a huge amount controls on one page, but the nature of my ASP.NET web application requires it. Seeing that I have a large amount of controls on this page, I make extensive use of UpdatePanels. I am storing ViewState in Session in order to reduce the response size of the page, which works beautifully.
However, with Fiddler I noticed that the 'asyncPostBackControlIDs' after the '__VIEWSTATE' part of the ajax response contains a list of every control of every UpdatePanel that can trigger a postback. This list is huge! It seems that this list doesn't change much per page, and thus it doesn't make sense to download the entire list every time a postback within an UpdatePanel occurs...
Is there any way to store the 'asyncPostBackControlIDs' on server like you can do with ViewState, or otherwise reduce the size of the 'asyncPostBackControlIDs' list?

AFAIK, there is no documented way for storing asyncPostBackControlIDs else where - further, I am very much in doubt if there can be such possibility because most probably those control ids would be required on client side to decide whether to do regular or asynchronous post-back.
You can set ChildrenAsTriggers property of UpdatePanel to false and register controls manually that are actually triggering the post-back - for example, you may have LinkButton/HyperLink that has java-script handler.
Further, perhaps you may able to reduce the list of controls that can cause post-back. For example, you can use anchors(a) instead of linkbuttons/hyperlinks and then set a hidden variable and then simulate a (hidden) button click. On server side, the value of hidden variable would indicate the actual control responsible for post-back. This way, you can have one button that is a post-back control for many other controls.
Finally, you are really a guy who want to have very efficient request/response streams then abandon ASP.NET control model and rather use ASP.NET MVC. Or at less scale, stop using Update Panels for AJAX (they do complete POST of page and almost entire page cycle is executed at server side) and use script services (along with jquery plugins) instead.
Lastly, you need to see the control ids size with the actual response size - for example, 5K long ids within 100K response may not be a large overhead. Reducing those ids would probably give you 5% savings (if possible) but are efforts for the same worth it?


How can I have minimal data do back and forth for an AJAX enabled GridView

I have a listview with 250 rows and 4 columns in my ASP.Net 4.0/C# application. The Rendered page size (from Trace) is 650,000 Bytes. The entire listview is in an update panel.
The listview facilitates view/add/edit/delete operations on the listview records.
Every POSTBACK action (i.e. edit click, delete click) causes a POSTBACK request of size 112,000 Bytes and an AJAX Response of ~650,000 Bytes.
The listview gets the data from a declarative data source (SQLDataSource) on the page. And the listview is bound on each round trip.
I want to reduce the data going back and forth in every call because on a slow connection, these AJAX calls take 2-3 minutes to complete.
What I have tried -
Removed the update panel over the entire listview and added an update panel over each:
ItemTemplate contents
AlternateItem Template contents
Edit Template contents
Insert Template contents
I was hoping that with the template in each row, it would reduce the size of the AJAX response since only the HTML for the update panel would come back. Unfortunately, it does not seem to work that way.
Any inputs on how the problem in my case can be solved?
Thanks in advance for looking this up.
The problem with an UpdatePanel is that you are not using real AJAX. Instead ASP.NET uses some really clever hacks to create the illusion of a partial page update. On the background, your whole page life cycle is executed. This also means that your complete ViewState is send back and forth.
If you want a faster experience, you should not use UpdatePanels. Instead, use plain HTML controls (preferably not even server controls) and use JavaScript and a server side webservice (such as WebAPI or a WCF service) to respond to the client side requests.
Those requests and response will only contain some JSON data and no markup. Your data can be kept to a minimum. If for example, a user removes a row, you only have to send the Id of the row to your service and it will return success or failure. The client will use JavaScript and maybe something like KnockoutJS to render the result. This will give you minimal overhead and a better performance.
The best possible way to do this is to not use the ASP.NET user controls and instead do this cleanly using JavaScript, JSON, HTML and a server side web service/http handler
That way you don't have to send large HTML responses from the server to client. You can also control when need to refresh and rebind your data.
I bet the whole size issue has to do ViewState. The reason being that on every postback, even if it's an AJAX postback the ViewState travels with it on every request. The only thing you can do, without making any changes, is to enable compression on the IIS side. This, at least, will send the response compressed and the browser will take care of decompressing it.
The best approach is not to use UpdatePanel and ScriptManagers at all and instead make AJAX requests using jQuery (or whatever framework you prefer) by invoking a WCF Web service. This will not trigger the full page lifecycle and will not send the ViewState on every request.

Large viewstate in HTML source

This is 10KB in my HTML source:
This represents ~50% of the entire size of the page.
Why does it do this, why so long? Can I do anything about it? It's bad for mobile users.
What is this view state anyway and how to mitigate its size
In WebForms every control saves its state because HTTP protocol is stateless and WebForms pages bypass that by saving every control's state in this Base 64 encoded string. This is the only way for framework to know whether some control's value has changed or not. But... This automatically means that static controls that don't get POSTed back to server (like label for instance) don't need to save their state. You can always set their EnableViewState="false".
Unfortunately this can't be set without any other code changes on other controls, that do get POSTed back (every server-side control that renders some sort of an input in HTML). This basically means that setting EnableViewState="false" on page level (within #Page directive) will have consequences that are seen as controls loosing their values, controls not firing certain events etc.
So, the more server-side controls you have the larger it will get (without turning it off on certain controls).
But I wouldn't worry if its size is 10k. That will go back and forth rather fast and painless. You will have problems when it gets much larger. I once worked on a project and we had an issue with a certain page (done by less experienced developer) where view state grew over 1MB. Imagine that. What a slowdown!
How to turn it off completely on page level
When you turn view state off on page level you have to be aware that certain controls that were loaded (or better said data bound) in on of your page's events, will have to be reloaded each time your page gets POSTed back at server. Otherwise they will show up as empty when your page gets back to the client.
Your server controls are filling the ViewState with data they will need on postback. If your page does not postback you can just disable the ViewState for the page.
To disable ViewState for the page you can just add EnableViewState="false" to the #Page directive. Please be aware you should only use this as a solution if you are 100% sure the page does not postback.
You also might want to check this MSDN article to get a better idea of what the ViewState does.
Disable viewstate for static controls, like a gridview.
Check out this question for more info:
If you are concerned about the viewstate on the client side, then think about storing it on the server side. Perhaps in a session variable. Take a look at this article as there is statistical comparison given. Download the solution and check out how to store it on the server side.
An Analysis of Keeping ViewState out of the Page
This article explained it neatly to me in the past: Taking a Bite Out of ASP.NET ViewState.
Basically viewstate's on by default and, depending on which controls you use, it can get out of hand pretty fast. Especially data controls like the gridview are responsible for massive injection of viewstate. You can disable that on a per control basis by setting the EnableViewState property to false. Be careful however as taking out viewstate might also take out functionality of the controls. So do it one by one and test test test.
Another way, and likely better for mobile, is to make use of ASP.NET MVC instead which doesn't have to deal with automatic viewstate injection.

Repeater Control

I have a repeater control that displays a playlist for my users, this control can sometimes hold say 1000 or more songs. This is a great feature, I was previously using jQuery to do client side sorting, but that has limitations. So I implemented server side sorting which works great, the only issue i am seeing is that when playlist are this long it takes a second or 2 before the postback and sorting is actually started.
I have watched the actions in firebug and done some research and understand that the databound values are not preserved, which makes sence. My question is, When watching in Firebug, it looks like the repeater control removes all the items in the collection before it starts the postback? is this true have others experienced this?
The repeater control ceases to exist entirely between postbacks. The repeater control is called into existance when you make a page request. It is populated, etc. then rendered to the browser. Once done, ASP.NET will delete all the objects on the page (or rather the garbage collector will get them when required. Either way, you can't get them any more).
When the postback happens it has to re-create the entire repeater all over again. There are some mechanisms, such as viewstate, that try to make this as seamless as possible (i.e. recreating controls just as you left them in the previous request) but they sometimes don't work the way you might expect.

Impact on performance using ASP.NET Controls

With user controls on a page, I understand that every control has an impact on memory usage by storing their own state in ViewState. My question is, how much?
For example - I have a feedback form as a control on my masterpage. It is set to Visible="false" by default. A user clicks on a feedback button, and the control becomes visible while it's needed.
What would would be the relative performance impact by having control sitting there on everypage (as it's located in the masterpage), but not visible? The site I'm developing will potentially have large amounts of traffic and I wonder if I'm setting myself up for a headache later on if things become slow.
Performance could be impacted on the server and the client. Primarily you want to reduce the amount of HTML including viewstate that is sent to the client. If this sits on every page then you will send this viewstate information more often than you really need to.
I think you should have some logic that ensures that the feedback form control is only added to the feedback page. Rather than use visible="false", put it on it's own page and link to it, or dynamically add the control to the page.
The main benefits will be reduced bandwidth usage, and faster rendering of the page on the client. Secondary benefits include easier debugging and cleaner code rendering to the client.
With all performance problems you should be testing performance and making judgments based on hard data. In this case work out the size of the viewstate on the client, then multiply by number of requests to see the size of bandwidth usage on the server. On the client use a tool like FireBug to understand the overall page size received by the client.
It depends on the control. Datagrid with hundreds rows might generate 100k of viewstate. On the other side, checkbox won't generate too much.
You can just drop your feedback form control on empty aspx page, visit it in the browser and check for __viewstate hidden field. This is how much will you feedback form will add to each page in terms of viewstate. Then you will have to decide if it is acceptable.
I wouldn't htink about such an optimizations right at the start. If it will become slow later on, you can always change the form to be pure html and use ajax or something to post it data to server. As long as it is user control and not copy pasted content it will be easy to optimize

Options for Dynamic content in ASP.Net

What choices do I have for creating stateful dynamic content in an ASP.Net web site?
Here's my scenario. I have a site that has multiple, nested content regions. The top level are actions tied to a functional area Catalog, Subscriptions, Settings.
When you click on the functional action, I want to dynamically add content specific to that action. For example, when Catalog is clicked, I want to display a tree with the catalog folders & files, and a region to the right for details.
When a user clicks on the tree, I want a context sensitive details to load in the details region (like properties or options to manage the files).
I started with UserControls. They worked fine as long as I kept loading everything into the page, and never let one disappear. As soon as one disappeared, ViewState for the page blew up because the view state tree was invalid.
(I didn't want to keep loading stuff into my page because I don't want the responses to be too huge)
So, my next approach was to replace my dynamic regions with IFrames. Then instead of instantiating a UserControl, I would just change the source on my IFrame. Since the contents of the IFrames were independent pages I didn't run into any ViewState problems.
But, I'm concerned that IFrames might be a bad design choice, but don't fully understand why. The site is not public, so search engines aren't a concern.
So, finally to my question.
What are my options for this scenario? If I choose an Ajax Solution (jQuery), will I have to maintain my own ViewState? Are there any other considerations I should take into account?
Controls that are added dynamically do not persist in viewstate, and this is the reason that it doesn't matter if you use AJAX or iframes or whatever.
One possible work-around is to re-populate controls on postback. The problem with this, is the page life-cycle (simplified) is:
Load Postback Data
Call control Load events
Call Load event
Call control events
Control PreRender
What this means is the only place to re-add your dynamic controls is Initialize -- otherwise posted data (or viewstate information) is not loaded into that control. But often, because Viewstat/postback data isn't available yet in Initialize, your code doesn't have the information it needs to figure out which controls need to be added.
The only other work-around I've found in this situation is to use a 3rd party control called DynamicControlsPlaceholder. This works quite well, and persists the control information in viewstate.
In your particular case, it doesn't seem like there are that many choices/cases. Is it practical just to have all the different sets of controls in the page, and put them inside of asp:placeholder controls, and then just set one to visible, depending on what is selected?
Some other options:
Content only appears to be dynamic. You load enough controls on the page to handle anything and only actually show what you need. This saves a lot of hassle messing with view state and such, but means your page has a bigger footprint.
Add controls to the page dynamically. You've already been playing with this, so you've seen some of the issues here. Just remember that the place to create your dynamic controls for postbacks is in the Page_Init() event, and that if you want them to be stateful, you need to keep that state somewhere. I recommend a database.
you've got a number of different options, and yes, IFrames were a bad design choice.
The first option is the AJAX solution. And with that there's not really a viewstate scenario, it's just you're passing data back and forth with the webserver, building the UI on the fly as needed.
The next option is to dynamically add the controls you need for a given post, everytime. The way this would work, is that at the start of the page life cycle, you'd need to rebuild the page exactly as it was sent out the last time, and then dump out all the unneeded controls, and build just those that want.
A third option would be to use Master pages. Your top level content could be on the Master page itself, and have links to various pages within the website.
I'm sure given enough time, I could come up with more, but these 3 appeared just from reading your problem.
dynamic controls and viewstate don't mix well, as noted above - but that is a Good Thing, because even if they did the viewstate for a complex dynamic page would get so bloated that performance would diminish to nil
use Ajax [I like AJAX PRO because it is very simple to use] and manage the page state yourself [in session, database tables, or whatever works for your scenario]. This will be a bit more complicated to get going, but the results will be efficient and responsive: each page can update only what needs to change, and you won't be blowing a giant viewstate string back and forth all the time
