show only sub categories in wordpress - wordpress

I need to show the category thumb and description of custom taxonomy. lets say I have this:
<li>Electric cars</li>
<li>foo cars
And what i need is to show the thumb and description of the subcategories electric cars and foo cars, not the post inside them.
Anyone can guide me, where i can looking foor?


Remove the list for categories children

I list my categories with wp_list_categories().
When there are subcategories, the result/html gives by default :
<li>category parent</li>
<ul class="children">
<li>category children</li>
I would like to remove the ul list for the catégories children, to have a simple list of categories:
<li>category parent</li>
<li>category children</li>
Do you know how can it be done?
The easiest way is using jQuery
var innerUl = $(".children").html();
Or you can use .unwrap(), it would be a better solution.

Traversing back to parent node in xpath

Below is my HTML
<ul><li class="section">BROADCASTING</li>
<li class="subsection"></li>
<li class="circle">STATION BREAK</li>
<li class="circle">Labor pains, hunger pangs</li>
<li class="circle">Wake-up call for Dream Team</li>
<li class="circle">News crew turns rescuer</li>
<li class="circle">Chopper safety had been challenged</li>
<li class="circle">Nielsen adds Dayton..</li>
<li class="circle">Mondale watch</li>
<li class="circle">Those 70s clearances</li>
<li class="circle">Oscar goes to ABC</li>
<li class="circle">Hearst-Argyle gives a green light</li>
<li class="circle">Finding Geena Davis</li>
<li class="circle">Syndication Wrap-up</li>
<li class="circle">CBS TV news pioneer dies at 86</li>
<li class="circle">New York anchor remembered</li>
<li class="circle">News sharing in West Virginia</li>
<li class="circle">News dropping in Orlando</li>
<li class="subsection">Null</li>
<li class="circle">GET WITH THE PROGRAM</li>
<li class="subsection">PEOPLE'S CHOICE</li>
<li class="circle">Syndication as branding</li>
Now i want to seperate sections and subsections and get the url inside subsections.
i have go to the each sections
Now as per the HTML structure, section is in seperate li which closes before subsection opens, so once i have reached section, i have to move back to ul and then have to continue to get subsection
However when i try ../ to go back to the ul (the one before section), it says ivalid token
This is what i tried to come back to the parent one.
HtmlNodeCollection sections = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//ul/li[#class='section'][contains(text(), 'BROADCASTING')]../ul");
but this does not works
Can anyone tell me where i am going wrong, it will be a kind help.
You need to change your xpath expression a bit:
var subsections = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//ul/ul[preceding-sibling::li[#class='section' and .='BROADCASTING']]/li[#class='subsection']");
It searches for <ul> inside <ul> that has <li class="section">BROADCASTING</li> as a previous sibling, and then searches for <li class="subsection"> inside it.
So the code above selects all the subsections under BROADCASTING section.
Hope this helps.

Wordpress shows additional category text

I am developing WP website and stuck in side bar category showing functionality.
Here is my code.
<div class="sidebarcategory">
<h2 class="widgettitle"><?php echo get_cat_name(3); ?></h2>
<?php wp_list_categories('hide_empty=0&orderby=name&child_of=3&feed_image='); ?>
So, this display me Additional "Category" over the top of the list which i don't require. Can anybody help me to remove out in dynamic code. Output looks like
</li><li class="categories">Categories<ul> <li class="cat-item cat-item-4">
add a emty parameter title_li

How to append custom link with wp_nav_menu function in wordpress

Suppose I have 2 pages Contact, About.
wp_nav_menu( array( 'show_home'=>true ) )
will display three links as 'Home', 'Contact', 'About'.
Here I would like to add one more custom link as 'Example' and navigate to
Excepted result
<div class="menu">
<a title="Home" href="">Home</a>
<li class="page_item page-item-2 current_page_item">
<a title="About" href="">About</a>
<a title="Home" href="">Home</a>
<a title="Home" href="">Example</a>
This is using the new built in Menus available under Appearance -> Menus. Above the box of Pages there is a place to add custom links. You would put in "Example" and "" and click "Add to Menu".

Having wordpress dynamically generate pages

Is it possible to have Wordpress generate this type of unordered list?
<ul id="nav1">
<ul id="nav2">
Obviously I can do the following:
<ul id="nav1">
<?php wp_list_pages(); ?>
But my question is, how do I make it so that I can have a secondary ul under a page (or list item such as 'item2' above)?
Basically, I'm looking for a way for Wordpress to dynamically generate the following:
And I can use JQuery if necessary to give the secondary (sub menu) unordered list an id of #nav2...
Anyway, is this possible?
Thanks and I appreciate all of your help!
Nevermind guys.
I just tried it with the wp_list_page(); function and it works. It does exactly as I wanted it to with exception to one thing...
It put's an extra <ul> in there so the list looks something like this:
<ul id="nav1">
<ul class="children">
Anyone know how to get rid of the <ul> following the Pages title, as well as NOT show the word Pages?
Thanks, Amit
Okay, I solved the added ul program.
This is what I have as the result:
<ul id="nav1"><?php
$pageargs = array(
'link_after' => ' /',
'title_li' => __('')
wp_list_pages($pageargs); ?></ul>
Hope someone benefits from it :)
