Query Posts issue in wordpress - wordpress

I am a little unsure how to do a WP_Query to search a meta value of my posts. The meta data includes a persons height. So valid entries would be 5'9" or 4'11" and I need to do a Compare-Between.
To make it a bit clearer: I have a filter page. So the user can select the height between 4'0" - 5'9 or 5'9" - 5'11"
The problem is I have the ' and " symbols. I can remove these. But then it will be searching between 59 and 511 which is not going to work.
Anyone know of a work around?

Save the values in inches.
You could then set up a WP_Query or a $wpdb query to fetch your results.
Whenever you are displaying the values on the front end, you convert them back to feet and inches.
function convert_to_feet( $input){
$feet = (int) ($input/12);
$inches = $input%12;
return $feet . "'" . $inches . '"';
echo convert_to_feet(71);


WC Ajax Product Filter - Price Range issue

I'm using WC Ajax Product Filter for filtering options .
Unfortunately the price range is showing :
Min Price: ₹NaN
Max Price: ₹NaN
The actual price is not displaying. Please help me out . I'm new to woocommerce .
The issue found out !
The minimum and maximum price range difference for the products was very less. For example - minimum was $65 and maximum was $66, that was the issue.
I've found a temporary solution, edit the plugin file: wcapf.php :you can find this in the root of the plugin directory: wc-ajax-product-filter
Now search for the code: getPriceRange
This occurs in 2 spots around line #467 and line #773
On both 2 spots you see an if statement below which uses sizeof() function.
There seems to be some sort of issue with this.
I have fixed the issues of NaN by commenting out the entire if and else statement that uses the sizeof() function, see below code for example.
It's not the best solution, but well it works, untill update.. I will post this to plugin creator as well.
//if (sizeof($unfiltered_price_range) === 2) {
//if (sizeof($price_range) > 2) {
//} else {
// empty array
// return array();
Solved it this way.
Edit widget-price-filter.php file.
It's in the folder /ajax-product-filter/widgets/
Replace the following code in line 125:
<span class="wcapf-slider-value" id="wcapf-noui-slider-value-min"></span> - <span class="wcapf-slider-value" id="wcapf-noui-slider-value-max"></span>
if ($min_val!=0 && $max_val!=0 ) {
echo '<span class="wcapf-slider-value" id="wcapf-noui-slider-value-min"></span> - <span class="wcapf-slider-value" id="wcapf-noui-slider-value-max"></span>';
} else{ echo '-';}?>
It will replace the NaN values bellow the slider by (-), just change the last line if you want another text there.

Multiple query are not inserting data Wordpress

I wrote a function where two insert query have. One is executed and inserting data properly. But next one is not executing. And I cant check the value i want to insert if it is set or not. How to do the stuff? EXPERT's have a look kindly. My function is given below:
add_action( 'save_post', 'cs_product_save' );
function cs_product_save( $post_id ){
global $wpdb;
$cs_product_array = $_POST['cs_product'];
$cs_product_count = count($cs_product_array);
$event_start_date = $_POST['event_start_date'];
$event_end_date = $_POST['event_end_date'];
$event_start_time = $_POST['event_start_time'];
$event_end_time = $_POST['event_end_time'];
$event_all_day = $_POST['event_all_day'];
$event_phone = $_POST['event_phone'];
$event_location = $_POST['event_location'];
$event_map = $_POST['event_map'];
$table_cause_product = "wp_cause_woocommerce_product";
$table_event_info = "wp_cause_info";
for( $i=0; $i < $cs_product_count; $i++ ){
I don't see any problem here with your code. But be sure to double check your code.
The issues my be with the name of your database table names. Are you sure that $table_cause_product and $table_event_info holds the actual name of the tables? I would recommend to use $wpdb->prefix instead of harcoding table names.
In my case I would check the function in several parts.
Check the $_POST actually holds the data I want.
Use $result = $wpdb->insert( $table, $data, $format ); in all cases for debug purpose as the $result would hold the result of the operation. If its is false then I would be sure that there is definitely something wrong with the operation.
Finally I would use a wp_die() (though its not a standard way to do, but it suffices my purpose) so that I can see the dumped variable data.
One major issue you might face with your code that if the post is edited after saving then it might insert another row for same post data. Again if the post is being autosaved, you need some safeguard. I would recommend a where clause here to check the row already exists or not. If exists then you can simply update the row, or else insert the data.
Hope this might help you.

Fetch a post under certain no of words or characters in wordpress?

Is it possible to fetch a post with content under 140 characters or 25 words ?
if possible how to do it
here is my random post code
// Random post link
function randomPostlink(){
$RandPostQuery = new WP_Query(array('post_type'=>array('tip'),'posts_per_page' => 1,'orderby'=>'rand'));
while ( $RandPostQuery->have_posts() ) : $RandPostQuery->the_post();
echo the_permalink();
Character count is easy, you can just add the condition AND CHAR_LENGTH(post_content) < 140 to your where clause.
Word count is more difficult because there is no built in MySQL function for counting words. You can find simple solutions that don't work in every use case as well as complete solutions that use stored functions. I'll use a simple solution for the sake of example.
What you need to do is add a filter to the where clause and apply your additional conditions there:
add_filter( 'posts_where', 'venki_post_length_limit' );
function venki_post_length_limit($where = '') {
remove_filter( 'posts_where', 'venki_post_length_limit' );
$where .= ' AND (
CHAR_LENGTH(post_content) < 140 OR
(LENGTH(post_content) - LENGTH(REPLACE(post_content, ' ', ''))+1) < 25
) ';
return $where;
Notice that I remove the filter as soon as the function is called. This is so you don't apply this same condition to every query.
You should also be aware that both of those conditions are costly compared to a simple lookup on a column value (especially the word count). Neither can utilize indexes. If you have a large number of posts you may run into performance issues if you're running this query frequently. A better solution might be to calculate the word and character count when the post is created/updated and store that as meta data.

Silverstripe: partialMatchFilter and "&"

I have a client that wants to be able to pick several things off the Silverstripe tag cloud widget.
So, using jQuery, I prepare a string containing all the selected tags which I then pass to a Silverstripe function.
$selectedTagString = $_GET["selectedTags"];
$selectedTagString = substr($selectedTagString, 0, strlen($selectedTagString) -1);
$tagArray = explode("|", $selectedTagString);
$blogEntries = DataObject::get("BlogEntry")->filter(array("Tags:PartialMatch" => $tagArray));
return $blogEntries->renderWith(array("blogSearchResults"));
And it works quite well.
EXCEPT for tags that have an "&" in them, like "Otago & Southland", where the search fails and nothing is retrieved.
Looking at the generated SQL, everything seems to be fine.
SELECT DISTINCT "SiteTree_Live"."ClassName", "SiteTree_Live"."Created",
"BlogEntry_Live"."BlogEntryThumbnailID", "SiteTree_Live"."ID", CASE WHEN "SiteTree_Live"."ClassName" IS NOT NULL THEN "SiteTree_Live"."ClassName" ELSE 'SiteTree' END AS "RecordClassName" FROM "SiteTree_Live" LEFT JOIN "Page_Live" ON "Page_Live"."ID" = "SiteTree_Live"."ID" LEFT JOIN "BlogEntry_Live" ON "BlogEntry_Live"."ID" = "SiteTree_Live"."ID" WHERE ("BlogEntry_Live"."Tags" LIKE '%southland & otago championships%') AND ("SiteTree_Live"."ClassName" IN ('BlogEntry')) ORDER BY "SiteTree_Live"."Sort" ASC
Has anyone had this problem before?
Are the tags stored using & in the db? Then you first should html encode your string.

$wpdb query adding extra value during update query

I am very baffled by this problem.
The below is the very simple function to update a column by adding some more value:
public function add_user_to_new_post_sub($email, $sub_post_type) {
global $wpdb;
$add_setting = "|||".$sub_post_type;
//echo $add_setting; exit;
"UPDATE $this->subscriptions_table
SET subscription_settings = concat(subscription_settings, '$add_setting')
WHERE user_key = '$key'"
For some reason, the $sub_post_type is always added 2 times. As an example, if the subscription_settings column has apple in it, and $sub_post_type = orange, the end result after the query would be apple|||orange|||orange. I don't understand why the extra value being added. I even did a sanity check with echo to make sure I am not passing things twice, and I am not.
Please help, I have been struggling for some time now.
I found my reason; the function was being called again through another if statement. doh
