how to config SlickUpload 6 AJAX to NOT require a file -

I've been trying to figure out how to make the current SlickUpload 6.1.7 play nice in a form that does not require someone to include files. We want it to be optional. This form is for people to contact us, and we want to give them the option to include attachments, just not require it. It works if you upload a file, however the form will not submit, if you do not upload any file.
We are trying to use the Ajax version with Memory stream, but the 'AspNetAjaxCs-VS2010' sample code is not helping much... the documentation is sparse, and the samples have little constancy between them, making it hard to understand how exactly it all works. (at least for me) The fact that they got bought out, and the new owner company pretty much ignores people unless they are paying for it, is not cool.
Any ideas?

You could use a div to detect a drop inside your page. That way you could only activate it when the user really need it, or whenever the using actually select something for uploading, like a trigger.

I'm not sure I understand your question, but if so, it sounds like you already have a form that you want to use SlickUpload with to upload files IF there are files to be uploaded. Are you using the CustomUploadStreamProvider form?


Lightbox2 from photo directory

Is it possible to use the Lightbox2 script to display all photos from a given directory instead of listing each photo in the html?
This is really just a yes or no question, but please feel free to explain. I want to know if this is possible and if I should spend my time trying to figure it out. Thanks for the help.
No, Lightbox2 is written in JavaScript.
When used on a webpage, JavaScript is a client-side scripting language.
This means that the code executes on your web browser, and only has access to data the web browser makes available to it.
For more info: Client-side scripting
You need to use a server-side language (PHP, ASP.NET, etc.) to work with the server-side directories.
Here is an answer to a similar question, with a suggestion to create an index file w/ all the image file names that you could then parse with JavaScript. I don't think it would be much more efficient than manually adding img elements though.
Is there a way to return a list of all the image file names from a folder using only Javascript?

Alfresco ajax advanced search

With alfresco advanced search form I would like to perform search by ajax and display the list of search results in the same page (without reloading the page).
Is it possible?
Is there a recommended way to do it?
Thank you in advance
So if I understand you clearly you don't want the page to reload.
Sure that's possible!
Do you start by hacking into the advanced search form or do you create a new page just for this is maybe the first question.
You can do it either way. Probably the latter is easier to maintain and less hacking and you can use a client-site Library of your preference.
If you want to keep the default form you just need to change the following files
advsearch.js, the client-side YUI file which gets run on the form and does the submit
/alfresco/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/components/search/advsearch.get.html.ftl, the html file which has all the div's etc. defined.
So change the client-side library to do the search directly to the repo, take a look at search.js and use the method.
Then define in your template the search results area from search.get.html.ftl.
So basically you're merging these 2 components into 1 big one.

Integrate OsTicket into Drupal 7

Our main web page is Drupal and we would like to use Osticket as our issue tracking system, but there is a problem with Osticket: anybody can create new tickets.
We can protect this by .htaccess, but we don't want do that; we would like to make this protect by Drupal: only authenticated users should access the Osticket page.
Is there a way to achieve this?
Found a solution here:
Here is the relevant part:
It just so happens I was doing some off-again on-again work with integrating this into Drupal.
If you're just interested in ensuring a user is logged you're right, you need and you're right you end up with useless blank pages.
I've yet to get to properly documenting, so try this and let me know if I missed something and I'll have another look, however the following should sort the issue:
Duplicate Function Names
osTicket uses db_query() and (I think) db_close() rename the functions to something like db_ost_query() and you'll be fine. (Note I put the 'ost' in the middle to help future find/replace) I can't remember whether all occurrences of the function needed renaming for it to work, but its probably a good idea to do it.
Location of the bootstrap
The bootstrap has all manner of issues if called from outside the root Drupal directory, I gave up finding an answer to this and just kept an file in the root that osticket would include.
Headers, Headers everywhere
Bootstrap seems to like sending additional headers out so you'd want to include your file in an appropriate location (i.e. one of the .inc files). I think this solved everything.
Of course, remember this will break on any updates and any mods you add you'd have to take this into account. If I've remembered rightly this will get bootstrap up and running and you can run is_user_logged_in() and show or redirect the page.
Further Concerns
I actually had a greater goal in mind in my meddling and so I don't remember whether everything was perfectly cosy after this addition.
I do remember having further issues with headers being sent and when fully bootstrapping the system session usage interfering with ostickets sessions - I think this occurred later though and shouldn't be an issue for you.
An Alternative Solution
When googling, many people suggested simply creating a module and having it iframe the contents inside it, this might be a good enough solution for what you want and would require a whole lot less messing around with ostickets code.

Hack-free Wordpress custom post type image upload?

How do you upload an image with a custom post type in Wordpress without hacking at core files or injecting that multipart thing with jQuery?
The answer depends on what you are going to use to manage those images once they are uploaded. If the upload-and-create-custom-post is all you care about, then you could do it with a trivial plugin.
However, if you want to do the whole management enchilada, then the simplest thing might be to copy the code in wp-admin/upload.php and wp-admin/includes/template.php and make your own changes to that. There are very few action/filter hooks in this code and some of the comments indicate that it goes way, way back. In upload.php there are several SQL statements that have post_type='attachment' hardwired. Changing those should be straightforward. Mercifully, you will probably have only a few changes to make in template.php. As the comment at the top of that file says, "A Big Mess. Also some neat functions that are nicely written." So true.
The one thing you must not do is hack the core files themselves. WP's one-click upgrade is critical to their security fixes.

Ajax File uploader

I just wanted to ask a question about uploading files via AJAX. I have researched on the web and found many articles on doing this. I am using ASP.NET 2.0.
I am probably going to go the jQuery route on this one, but I'm still unsure, I just need some feedback. Bacause my aim is to create an admin page for my client to add new products to his site when my client wishes to, so my client wants a simple file uploader and a multiple file uploader.
The first question is which is the best AJAX File Uploader to use?
The second question is how many files can you upload via AjAX, are there limits to how much you upload with different techniques ie. using jQuery or SWFUpload or using IHTTPHandler?
I would be grateful for your feedback.
I actually had to do this for an item here at work. To keep things rather simple, I went old-school and used a hidden iframe to do the file transfer in the background. There may be more fancy ways, but this worked for me. Also, there's no headaches when Adobe pushes out a bad update.
It was a while ago, so I can't remember the nuts n' bolts of the top of my head, but here's an article that seems to be using the same idea:
This is a subjective question, as there is no one solution fits all for your application. The right answer is the uploader that meets your business needs. Limitations, if they exist, are set per whatever component you decide to use.
