Do scalars matter in big-O notation? - math

Are scalars included in big-O notation, or is O(2n) actually the same as O(n) because scalars are not taken into account? If so, why is this?

Big-O notation ignores constant factors (scalars) because of its definition:
f(n) = O(g(n)) iff there is a natural number n0 and real number c such that for any natural number n > n0, |f(n)| ≤ |cg(n)|
So now suppose that f(n) = O(k × g(n)). This means that there is some natural number n0 and real number c such that for any n > n0, we have that |f(n)| ≤ |c × k × g(n)|.
We'll use this to show that f(n) = O(g(n)). To do this, choose n0 as your natural number and c × k as your real number. Then for any n > n0, we have that |f(n)| ≤ |(c × k) × g(n)|, so f(n) = O(g(n)).
Hope this helps!


Two Coq Problems SOS: one is about IndProp, another has something to do with recursion, I guess

(* 4. Let oddn and evenn be the predicates that test whether a given number
is odd or even. Show that the sum of an odd number with an even number is odd. *)
Inductive oddn : nat -> Prop :=
| odd1 : oddn 1
| odd2 : forall n, oddn n -> oddn (S (S n)).
Inductive evenn : nat -> Prop :=
| even1 : evenn 0
| even2 : forall n, evenn n -> evenn (S (S n)).
Theorem odd_add : forall n m, oddn n -> evenn m -> oddn (n + m).
Proof. intros. destruct m.
+ Search add. rewrite <- plus_n_O. apply H.
+ destruct H.
++ simpl. apply odd2.
I don't know how can I prove this theorem, since I can not link oddn with evenn.
(* 6. We call a natural number good if the sum of all
its digits is divisible by 5. For example 122 is good
but 93 is not. Define a function count such that
(count n) returns the number of good numbers smaller than
or equal to n. Here we assume that 0 <= n < 10000.
Hint: You may find the "let ... in" struct useful. You may
directly use the div and modulo functions defined in the
standard library of Coq. *)
Definition isGood(n:nat) : bool :=
Fixpoint count (n : nat) : nat :=
match n with
| 0 => 1
| S n' => if isGood n then 1 + count n'
else count n'
Compute count 15.
Example count_test1 : count 15 = 3.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Example count_test2 : count 2005 = 401.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
For the second problem, I got stuck because the recursion I defined won't be accepted by Coq(non-decreasing?).
I just got stuck with these two problems, can anyone work them out?
If you want to define independently oddnand even, you may prove a lemma which relates these two predicates, like:
Remark R : forall n, (evenn n <-> oddn (S n)) /\
(oddn n <-> evenn (S n)).
(* proof by induction on n *)
Then, it's easy to apply this remark for solving your first exercise.
Please note that you may define even and odd in several other ways:
as mutually inductive predicates
with existential quantifiers
define even, then oddin function of even
I don't understand the problem with the second exercise.
A few days ago, we discussed about a function sum_digits you can use (with modulo) to define isGood.
Your function count looks OK, but quite inefficient (with Peano natural numbers).

Representing a set with gluing conditions

I'm trying to represent projective elliptic curve addition in Isabelle:
function proj_add :: "(real × real) × bit ⇒ (real × real) × bit ⇒ (real × real) × bit" where
"proj_add ((x1,y1),l) ((x2,y2),j) = ((add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)), l+j)"
if "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
| "proj_add ((x1,y1),l) ((x2,y2),j) = ((ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)), l+j)"
if "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
so far, I was taught how to do conditional definition and suggested to use the bit type for values in {0,1}. Here is a third representation problem. Assume the following definitions:
definition "e_aff = {(x,y). e' x y = 0}"
definition "e_circ = {(x,y). x ≠ 0 ∧ y ≠ 0 ∧ (x,y) ∈ e_aff}"
A projective elliptic curve is defined by (see pages 12, 13 here for the original):
taking two copies of e_aff glued along e_circ with isomorphism τ. We write (P,i) ∈ E with i ∈ {0,1} for the image of P ∈ e_aff in E using th ith copy of e_aff. The gluing condition gives for P ∈ e_circ, (P,i)
= (τ P,i+1)
How should I represent this set in Isabelle? My idea is that this should be a quotient set with equivalence classes made of one or two elements. But then how do i restrict the above function to work on these equivalence classes?
The equivalence relation is obtained by composing this relation with an or condition making it reflexive.
Here is a sketch of the approach I followed:
definition "proj_add_class c1 c2 =
(((case_prod (λ x y. the (proj_add x y))) `
(Map.dom (case_prod proj_add) ∩ (c1 × c2)))
// gluing)"
definition "proj_addition c1 c2 = the_elem(proj_add_class c1 c2)"
where I follow the answer to Gather all non-undefined values after addition.

Same asymptotic growth - Master Theorem

Given the master theorem:
if a) f(1) = g(1) and b) f(n) = a f(n/b) + g(n),
(1) f(n) ∈ Θ(n^c); if a < b^c
(2) f(n) ∈ Θ(n^c * log n); if a = b^c
(3) f(n) ∈ Θ(n ^ log b (a); if a > b^c
How can I prove that if h(x) has the same recurrence equation as f(x), but different initial values, they still have the same asymptotic growth? Thanks a lot!

Isabelle list lifter and compression

From two sets in Isabelle a third list needs to be created with element of the form (a, b) where a is from the first set and b is in the second set. in addition the elements in the last set must be filtered by some condition.
The code:
theory Scratch
imports Main Nat
value "let a = {(1::int), 2, 3, 4} in (let b = {(6::int),7,8,9} in
((1::int), 6) ∈ set (filter (λ el . (snd el) < 8) [(n,m). n ∈ a ∧ m ∈ b]))"
The result I expected was True or False. the results was:
"(1, 6)
∈ set [u←if (1 = n ∨ 2 = n ∨ 3 = n ∨ 4 = n) ∧
(6 = m ∨ 7 = m ∨ 8 = m ∨ 9 = m)
then [(n, m)] else [] . snd u < 8]"
:: "bool"
Why does the result not evaluate to a True/False value?
Is it possible to write code where the filter functions is evaluated on a set and not list?
First of all, you cannot convert sets to lists. Lists have a specific order of elements; sets do not.
Question 1
This is because you have free variables in there: n and m. The expression [(n,m). n ∈ a ∧ m ∈ b] basically means if n ∈ a ∧ m ∈ b then [(n,m)] else []. This is not what you want.
If a and b were lists, you could use the list comprehension syntax [(n,m). n ← a, m ← b]. However, since a and b are sets, this cannot possibly work, since the result would be a list with a specific order, and that order has to come from somewhere – but a and b, as sets, have no such order.
Question 2
In formalisation, the best approach is to first define things abstractly, without using data structures that are too concrete. If you don't need to maintain a specific ordering of your values, use a set, not a list. You can then later refine this from sets to lists in order to obtain executable (and efficient) code.
There is a section on refinement in the Isabelle code generation manual. I recommend you have a look at it.
That said, there is some limited support for code generation with sets. Sets are then internally represented as lists and most basic operations work, but code generation may sometimes fail – not all operations on sets are computable in general. There is the function Set.filter, which is executable and basically does the same on sets as the regular filter function does for lists.
However, the following will fail due to a wellsortedness error:
value "let a = {(1::int), 2, 3, 4} in (let b = {(6::int),7,8,9} in
((1::int), (6 :: int)) ∈ Set.filter (λ el . (snd el) < 8) {x. fst x ∈ a ∧ snd x ∈ b})"
This is because set comprehensions (i.e. {x. … }) are, in general, not computable. You have to replace this {x. fst x ∈ a ∧ snd x ∈ b} with something the code generator can generate code for. In this case, it's easy, because this operation is just the cartesian product. You can write:
value "let a = {(1::int), 2, 3, 4} in (let b = {(6::int),7,8,9} in
((1::int), (6 :: int)) ∈ Set.filter (λ el . (snd el) < 8) (a × b))"
And you get the result you'd expect.

Find x in a^x = a (mod n)

I want to calculate am mod n, where n is a prime number, and m is very large. Rather doing this with binary power calculation, I'd like to find such x that ax = a (mod n) and then calculate a(m mod x) mod n.
Obviously such x exists for any a, because powers mod n loop at some point, but I didn't find out how to calculate it with modular arithmetics. I wonder if I missed something or maybe there exists some numerical method for that?
Your modulus is prime, that makes it easy to get a start, as by Fermat's (inappropriately dubbed "little") theorem, then
a^n ≡ a (mod n)
for all a. Equivalent is the formulation
a^(n-1) ≡ 1 (mod n), if n doesn't divide a.
Then you have
a^m ≡ 0 (mod n) if a ≡ 0 (mod n) and m > 0
a^m ≡ a^(m % (n-1)) (mod n) otherwise
(note that your suggested a^(m % x) is in general not correct, if m = q*x + r, you'd have
a^m ≡ (a^x)^q * a^r ≡ a^q * a^r ≡ a^(q+r) (mod n)
and you'd need to repeat that reduction for q+r until you obtain an exponent smaller than x).
If you are really interested in the smallest x > 1 such that a^x ≡ a (mod n), again the case of a ≡ 0 (mod n) is trivial [x = 2], and for the other cases, let y = min { k > 0 : a^k ≡ 1 (mod n) }, then the desired x = y+1, and, since the units in the ring Z/(n) form a (cyclic) group of order n-1, we know that y is a divisor of n-1.
If you have the factorisation of n-1, the divisors and hence candidates for y are easily found and checked, so it isn't too much work to find y then - but it usually is still far more work than computing a^r (mod n) for one single 0 <= r < n-1.
Finding the factorisation of n-1 can be trivial (e.g. for Fermat primes), but it can also be very hard. In addition to the fact that finding the exact period of a modulo n is usually far more work than just computing a^r (mod n) for some 0 <= r < n-1, that makes it very doubtful whether it's worth even attempting to reduce the exponent further.
Generally, when the modulus is not a prime, the case when gcd(a,n) = 1 is analogous, with n-1 replaced by λ(n) [where λ is the Carmichael function, which yields the smallest exponent of the group of units of Z/(n); for primes n, we have λ(n) = n-1].
