Get LastWriteTime of SymLink's Target - datetime

(Get-Item $SymLink).LastWriteTime return's the SymLink's last modified time and not the target's modified time.
How do I get the target's last modified time?

There appears to be no direct way, thus for now this will have to be done in two steps-
Get the path of the SymLink's target
Get the LastWriteTime from the target's path
To determine if its a symlink: Check if SymLink - PowerShell
To get the path:
use the Dir command's summary output - from which the target information can be snipped out - using RegEx.
or using Native API Call: GetFinalPathNameByHandle; see: Calling Unmanaged Code
from PS


Why does `getResourceAsStream` sometimes load a resource even when there is a typo in the resource path?

I have a Jar (we'll call it a.jar) with a resource in it at path foo/bar.txt and a function as follows:
object FooBarLoader {
fun loadFooBarText() = javaClass.getResourceAsStream("foo//bar.txt")
When I test the function in a unit test (JUnit 4, running with Gradle 6), it loads the text from the resource file despite the obvious typo (the // in the middle of the resource path).
I also have a CLI application (in b.jar) that has a dependency on a.jar. When the CLI application calls loadFooBarText(), it got a null result due to the resource not being found. This was fixed by fixing the typo (// -> /) in the function in a.jar. No other changes were needed to fix it.
So, my question is why did the wrong path work in one situation (unit tests of a.jar) and not the other (call from b.jar)?
How do you run the unit test with a.jar ? Just run it in your IDE or use command java -jar a.jar ?
If you ran it just in IDE,I think difference is the search path between local files and zip files .
Your first application searches the file in your target directory and the second application searches it in the jar which is a compressed file.
When searching files in local path, command will be changed to right one by system.
The two commands below are the same in both Windows/Linux.
cd work//abc/ddd
cd work/abc/ddd
But when searching files in a jar file which is actually compressed zip file, path should be a restrict written or else the program will find nothing.

How to get Oozie's dependency check to list the dataset full path name instead of coord:latest(0)?

With an Oozie coordinator and workflow, I see the following in the Coord Job Log for a specific action:
JOB[0134742-190911204352052-oozie-oozi-C] ACTION[0134742-190911204352052-oozie-oozi-C#1] [0134742-190911204352052-oozie-oozi-C#1]::CoordActionInputCheck:: Missing deps: ${coord:latest(0)}#${coord:latest(0)}#${coord:latest(0)}#${coord:latest(0)}#${coord:latest(0)}#${coord:latest(0)}
It seems the full path names are missing. If the path name is not specified in the coordinator with latest(0), the paths are available as seen here:
JOB[0134742-190911204352052-oozie-oozi-C] ACTION[0134742-190911204352052-oozie-oozi-C#1] [0134742-190911204352052-oozie-oozi-C#1]::CoordActionInputCheck:: Missing deps:hdfs://labs-xxx/data/funcxx/inputs/uploads/reports-for-targeting/20190923/14
Later the paths is resolved as:
JOB[0134742-190911204352052-oozie-oozi-C] ACTION[0134742-190911204352052-oozie-oozi-C#1] [0134742-190911204352052-oozie-oozi-C#1]::ActionInputCheck:: File:hdfs://labs-xxx/data/funcxx/inputs/uploads/reports-for-targeting/20190923/14, Exists? :true
How can I see the full path name instead of the ${coord:latest(0)} strings?
You can check this vis oozie cli -
oozie job -info 0134742-190911204352052-oozie-oozi-C#1

How to retrieve currently applied node configuration from Riak v2.0+

Showing currently applied configuration values
In v2.0+ of Riak there is a new command option: riak config effective
Which I read as it would tell you the current running values of riak.
At any time, you can get a snapshot of currently applied
configurations through the command line. For a listing of all of the
configs currently applied in the node
Config changes applied only on start of each node?
In multiple locations in Riak documentation there is reference like:
Remember that you must stop and then re-start each node when you
change storage backends or modify any other configuration
However when I made a change to a setting (I've tested this in both riak.conf and advanced.conf), I see the newest value when running: riak config effective
Start node: riak start
View current setting for log level: riak config effective | grep log.console.level
log.console.level = info
Change the level to debug (something that will output a lot to console.log)
Re-run: riak config effective | grep log.console.level, we get:
log.console.level = debug
Checking the console log file for debug: cat /var/log/riak/console.log | grep debug give no results (indicating the config change has not been applied)
So the question is, how can I retrieve and verify what config setting each Riak node is running under?
When Riak starts, it creates two files: 'app..config' and 'vm..config'. The default location is in a 'generated.configs' directory under the platform data directory (usually /var/lib/riak).
These files will contain the settings that were in place when Riak was started. The command riak config effective processes the current riak.conf and advanced.config files.

"No Top file or external nodes data matches found" with salt

New to salt,and i add first server(wx-1),it works ,but when i add a differnt server, is ok,but when execute salt 'qing' state.highstate, it fails,the error info is:
No Top file or external nodes data matches found
Here is my top.sls:
- bin.nginx
- git
- web
- mongo
- redis
- bin.nginx
qing is a new server and it's config is different to wx-1,don't know if this is ok,thanks for your help:)
If you make changes to your sls files. Make sure that you restart the master in order for it to update. This solved my problem when receiving the same error...
You didn't give much information. But here are a few things to check:
test if salt qing state.sls bin.nginx works, if not continue reading
make sure file_roots:base in master config points to /srv/salt
use salt-master/minion --version to check salt versions, make sure they are the same. Because different versions might diff
Give further info if you tried all the above.

Using KeyczarTool to create new keyset

Following the documentation noted in the wiki, I'm trying to use the KeyczarTool to generate new keyset. Anyone else come across this FileNotFoundException? The KeyczarTool.jar has rwx permissions and tried running via sudo.
From docs
Command Usage:
create --location=/path/to/keys --purpose=(crypt|sign) [--name="A name"] [--asymmetric=(dsa|rsa|ec)]
Creates a new, empty key set in the given location.
This key set must have a purpose of either "crypt" or "sign"
and may optionally be given a name. The optional version
flag will generate a public key set of the given algorithm.
The "dsa" and "ec" asymmetric values are valid only for sets
with "sign" purpose.
$ java -jar KeyczarTool-0.71f-060112.jar create --location=/keys --purpose=crypt -name="first key" --asymmetric=rsa
org.keyczar.exceptions.KeyczarException: Unable to write to: /keys/meta
at org.keyczar.KeyczarTool.create(
at org.keyczar.KeyczarTool.main(
Caused by: /keys/meta (No such file or directory)
at Method)
at org.keyczar.KeyczarTool.create(
... 1 more
With the current version of java keyczar the directory "keys" needs to be created first before running the program.
This is a known issue KeyczarTool should create directories automatically.
As #jbtule kindly pointed out you must create the keys dir first. But also include . before the slash.
Correct working command is:
$ java -jar KeyczarTool-0.71f-060112.jar create --location=./keys --purpose=crypt -name="first key" --asymmetric=rsa
