Div fit according image width - css

I have a portfolio page with a image display with zoom.
I have this code: http://codepen.io/Mpleandro/pen/LvrqJ
The div that shows the image has a class of .display, on line 13 of the HTML and the css formating for this div isline 90.
The image width will be flexible, so I what I want is to make the containing div inherit the width of image.
I tried the css property auto, inherit and min-with, but nothing works!
Could someone help me?
P.S.: I need a responsive solution.

since 1 year has passed you may not be interested in the solution, but hope that helps someone else.
I also had a situation like that where I needed a div to be of the same width as the image and this had to be responsive.
In my case, I set a fixed width for the div
width: 250px;
I also had responsive image:
display: block;
max-width: 100%;
height; auto;
and then I added a media query with threshold when the fixed width of the div started to affect the responsive nature and simply addedd this:
#media screen and (max-width: 917px){
width: 100%;
For my project the threshold was 917px when the fixed width started to affect.
I guess it is a solution that will fit everyone since width: 100% after the certain threshold will always be the width of the image if the image is responsive.

I don't know how to give you a perfect answer, but I can hopefully send you in the right direction. First, you can forget about inherit or min-width because they are not what you want.
auto is the default value, and I think that the default behaviour is very close to what you want: the width of the div adapt to its content. If this is not the current behaviour, this is because of many other reasons including the positioning of that div. The thing is, you won't have a proper centering and sizing of the <div class="display"> with only CSS, because it would need a specific explicit width declaration.
Since you already use Javascript to display/hide the good images, you could use Javascript to set the width everytime you change the image that is in the box.
My best advice would be to use existing solutions which are tested, approved and look really good. A 2 seconds Google search pointed me to Fesco which you could try.

I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but if it is, I hope it will help!
If you want your image to fill the div, but to scale with the browser, try setting the width of your div. Next, apply max-width="100%"; height: auto; to your image.

The simplest solution would be to just set .display to display: inline-block;, which would adjust its size to the contained image. If you want to be responsive as well, you need to define an upper limit via max-height: 80%, for example.
Put together, it would look like this: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/IluBt
JS line 17:
CSS for .display
.display {
position: relative;;
background: rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
border-radius: 10px;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
max-height:80%; /* <-- limit the height */
And to align everything nicely:
.loader {
color: red;
position: fixed;
width: 100%; height: 100%;
background: rgba(0,0,0, 1) url(../http://www.mpleandro.com.br/images/new/loader.gif) no-repeat center center;
text-align: center;


Autosize div to fit fluid content

I am designing a fluid page which requires:
parent: 80% (of the screen)
container contains x number of images, width:10%, float left.
The container needs to be autosized as wide as the content, max-width is 50% of the parent.
I have tried different techniques to set display to inline-block, and attached the jsfiddle here. http://jsfiddle.net/7D9XS/
width: 80%;
#container {
border:solid 1px red;
width: 20%;
margin: 10px;
background: cyan;
.uploadItemPreviewThumbDiv img {
OK, Here you go...
width: 70px;
margin: 10px;
background: cyan;
Remember, the problem here was that the whole of the talk was going on in percentages.. and percentages tend to be one of the most unreliable things that you can come across while developing responsive designs, and on a side note, if I were you i'd use jquery plugins like Isotope or http://mixitup.io/
And Yeah, this is as far as i know, maybe someone could explain quiet better clearer..
Ok Let me try to put it this way...
This is sort of a paradox, where your conditions are..
You want your innerelements(content) to be of a certain percentage
width of the container.
But on the same time you dont want to specify what the width of the container would exactly be.
Because you want the container to be "autosized as wide as the content"
Which again brings us back to the 1st point.
It is like both the 'container' and the 'innerelements' are arguing over who should take the responsibility of being a specific width First, and each one is telling the other to attain a specific width, so that he himself can then adjust his own width based on that.

CSS Horizontal Rule to be full width & adjust to screen size

I am truly stuck with this, basically I am using wordpress, and want a horizontal line to go across the page (breaking out of the inside container). This line should adjust to the screen size, so if you zoom out the line should keep getting longer, basically an infinate line.
So far the what i've managed to do is the following code:
.horizontalrule1 {
background: #f1f2f2;
margin-left: -100%;
This technically looks fine but the issue is it's causing a scroller to appear at the bottom of the page because the width is set at 600%
If I set the width to 100% it doesnt make the line full width and stops it at the inside container which is about 990px.
All I want is an infinate line that will adjust itself to the screen size, so if you have a screen width of 1900px the line should be 1900px etc.
Hope this makes sense.
My html is:
<div class="horizontalrule1"></div>
To give everyone a better idea of what i want, check out onlywire.com, they have thick grey horizontal rules that stretch accross the site. This is exactly what I'm looking to do.
You want it to go OUTSIDE the DOM element?
.elementContainingYourHorizontalRule {
overflow: auto; /* or whatever, just don't set it to hidden. */
position: relative;
.horizontalrule1 {
position: absolute;
width: 600%;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -300%;
height: 2px; /* or whatever. */
I don't know if this is the best way to do things -- if I were you, I'd make your containing element go the full width of the page and let your custom HR do it's own thing automatically. I understand that may not work with your design/layout though.
At any rate, your horizontal rule will never be able to know your page width if you don't give the container the full width as well. So you're stuck with an ugly 600% hardcode until you get your container full-width.
Try this which should force it outside the surrounding container using negative horizontal margins:
hr {
margin: 20px -10000px;
And to avoid horizontal scrollbar add this to body:
body {
overflow-x: hidden;
If you only want to apply it to specific horizontal rulers, add it as a class.
<hr class="full">
In Style Sheet:
hr.full {
margin: 20px -10000px;
You should set your body's padding and margin to 0 :
padding: 0;
margin: 0;

CSS fluid image replacement?

Using CSS to replace text with an image is a well known practice. CSS-Tricks has a museum of some techniques (http://css-tricks.com/examples/ImageReplacement/).
But none of these allows for replacement with a fluid image (for example, a logo that stretches across 100% of a fluid page layout). Is it possible to use CSS to do a fluid image replacement?
Almost all image replacement techniques use a background-image. And I know that you can set background-size: 100%. But it's not straightforward to get the height of the text element to scale with it's width because the browser doesn't consider the background image as part of the content.
I understand that any of the common image replacement techniques could be easily combined with media queries to incrementally change the size of the text element to specific height x width ratios that work. But that is incremental, not fluid.
I did find a blog post that discusses this (http://viljamis.com/blog/2011/fluid-image-replacement.php). But it turns out thay method actually requires putting an image in the html content. I'm looking for real text replacement.
Took some fiddling, but I figured out a way. The key is to use padding percentage to set the height, because padding-top and padding-bottom percentage is linked to container width (unlike height, which is linked to container height).
<h1 class="logo">The Logo</h1>
h1.logo {
background-image: url('logo.png');
background-size: 100%;
width: 100%;
padding-top: 29.8%;
height: 0;
text-indent: -9999px;
Where padding-top is calculated by dividing the image height by width.
Working example: http://jsfiddle.net/bXtRw/
I'll note that using overflow: hidden instead of text-indent: -9999px should also work. But I get unstable behavior in Firefox.
Also, using font-size: 0 instead of height: 0 produces unstable behavior in Firefox.
On the div that contains the background-image:
div {
max-width: 100%;
width: 100%;
min-height: 300px; //Adjust this number accordingly
height: auto;
I use a method identical to #Warren Whipple, but I usually use compass/sass. If you're not limited to using vanilla CSS, this method nicely abstracts a few pieces:
// Only works in Compass/Sass – not regular CSS!
h1.logo {
$header-logo-image: "logo.png";
background: image-url($header-logo-image) no-repeat;
background-size: 100%;
height: 0;
padding-top: percentage( image-height($header-logo-image) / image-width($header-logo-image) );
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
You should just have to replace the $header-logo-image variable with the name of your image.
In addition, I sometimes add: max-width: image-width($header-logo-image);, which will prevent the h1 from being sized any larger than its background image.

Odd resizing with 960px innerwrap of desktop site

Id like to know why my inner wrap of the desktop css for this site is not working.
Basically if set innerwrap to margin:0 auto; and width: auto; there is no problem, but it's not centered on the footer or main div
When I have innerwrap as it's currently set margin:0 auto; and width:960px; you'll notice that the page presents a horizontal scroll bar after resizing the window a bit, and all the content is squished to the left with a white background starting to become visible.
Is there anyway to have it transition fluidly to the next tablet size layout without have a scroll bar appearing and content getting squished?
It shows Scrollbar because of the padding you apply in .innerwrap
Read this article about the Box Model
Use of padding on the sides of certain elements when applying 100% width to parent element its not recommendable because it adds width to the whole group, and since you,re using the browsers width it shows the scrollber to see the extra space you added.
My humble advice is that if you want a block element to appear centered apply an margin:auto style rule whenever is possible, the same also has to be displayed as a block element with no float.
Remove this:
.innerwrap {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
padding-left: 10%;
padding-right: 10%;
width: 80%;
Keep This
.innerwrap {
margin: auto;
width: 960px;
Since you are applying fixed margins for you social icons they will show misplaced, so don't use fixed margins for centering them, use percentage width instead.
you may want use a common class for aligning them
.social {
background-position: center center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
display: block !important;
float: none;
height: 150px;
margin: auto;
padding-top: 50px;
width: 30% !important;
For a.twittersocial and a.twittersocial:hover and the rest of the social links just keep the background properties.
Create a determined class if you need to apply common style rules to several elements (if there are many of them) and avoid usage of ID selectors whenever is possible, use classes instead (.daclass).
Use a web inspector like Firebug to track down styling errors.
Good luck Developer!

How to horizontally center an img in a narrower parent div

I need to center images that will be wider than the parent div that contains them. the parent div is a fixed width and has the overflow set to hidden.
<div style='overflow:hidden; width:75px height:100px;'>
<img src='image.jpg' style='height:100px;' />
I must use an image as the child element because I need to resize the thumbnail dimensions and cannot rely on background-size since it is not supported on older versions of mobile safari which is a requirement. I also cannot use javascript for this, so it must be a css solution.
One more thing to note is that widths will vary between images, so I can't just use absolute positioning on the child element at a hard-coded offset.
Is this possible?
for posterity, I've just found out that this can be accomplished on the older versions of mobile safari by using
-webkit-background-size:auto 100px;
of course, the background will be set as usual using 50% for left positioning. If you need this to work on another browser, the accepted solution is probably the best, but since this question was related to the iphone, this solution is a little cleaner.
How adverse are you to extra markup? Also, is there a max size for the images? For example, if your max image width is 225px then you could try:
<div class="frame">
<img src="image.jpg"/>
.frame {
overflow: hidden;
width: 75px;
height: 100px;
position: relative;
.frame > div {
position: absolute;
left: -5075px;
width: 10225px;
text-align: center;
.frame img {
height: 100px;
display: inline-block;
A fiddle example here: http://jsfiddle.net/brettwp/bW4xD/
Wouldn't using a background image still work? You shouldn't need to resize it.
Does something like this make sense? http://jsfiddle.net/QHRHP/44/
margin:0 auto;
border:2px solid #000;
background:url(http://placekitten.com/800/250) center top no-repeat;
Well if you know the width of the div and the width of the image, you can simply do some math.
Let's say the div is width 200px and the image is width 300px:
div.whatever {
width: 200px;
img.someImg {
left: -50px;
position: relative;
We know that since the width of the div is 200 pixes, then 100 pixels will be cropped from the image. If you want to center the image, then 50 pixels be hidden past the boundaries of the div on either side. Thus, we set the left position of the image to -50px.
Example (knowing the image size): http://jsfiddle.net/7YJCD/4/
Does that make sense?
If you don't know the image size or the div size, you can use javascript to detect these values and do the same thing.
Example (not knowing the image size, using jQuery javascript): http://jsfiddle.net/K2Rkg/1/
Just for reference, here's the original image.
