CSS expand element vertically and move pseudo element - css

On a website I am creating I have a navigational bar across the top of the page which I want to expand/animate vertically when hovered on. I am also using the :after pseudo element to create a ribbon effect. The problem is that I can't seem to make the "Ribbon part" move down when the menu item is hovered over. I have played about with it for a while now and I know it's something simple but I just can't figure it out.
I have the code on pastebin here: http://pastebin.com/FTf4pBEi

I increased the hover height and the ribbon seems to work. I'm not sure exactly what you're after since there are no submenu items.
.menu_item:hover {


CSS transition issue with horizontal scroll list items

I have horizontal list with list items. If you hover the mouse on it, it expands horizontally to make space to show more infos (not implemented)
However I can't figure out why the items are moving down when i hover over it.
(The overlapping thing is just is just plunker i guess)
This problem has a very simple fix: in your CSS add vertical-align: top; to .thread-item. This will keep the elements on top at all time ;)

CSS menu moves on first hover only

I have a CSS menu here
When I hover the mouse over the menu, it shifts but only the first time a hover event occurs.
After that, it doesn't move.
I can't figure out why this is happening.
Are you able to post your css?
By the looks of it, you are setting a border width on hover which pushes the menu item down. You might try using absolute positioning, and adjusting the top height by -1 or a similar value.
for example your css might look something like.
Im not sure why the entire navigation menu moves down in chrome without seeing your css.
your #navigation is jumping from a height of 34 to 36px. you could statically set it to 34pixels or put padding and margin to 0 for all of the li's.

floating jquery menu UI above it's containing div

I have a div (it's a popup for an openlayers map, but it could pretty much be any fixed size div), that contains a jquery ui menu (which is wrapped in a ul). The menu doesn't fit inside the div very well, so I'd like to make the menu float above it so that as the menu grows I don't have to grow the size of the containing div. Is this possible?
The containing div is itself positioned absolutely, I've tried setting the ul that represents the menu to position:absolute;z-index:100 but that doesn't work. I've also tried setting overflow:visible with no joy.
This screenshot shows the issue I have:
I've added a jsfiddle that opens a popup when you click the small orange circle, and you can see that the menu inside there is bigger than the containing div.
If you tell me that my answer is not what you mean I will delete it cause I am not sure what you really need to do. You want this scrolls to disappear and if the text is bigger than the popup just to float over no matter it is going outline ?
If this is what you want you have to remove the overflow: auto from .olFramedCloudPopupContent and again to remove overflow: auto from inline style of the element #chicken_contentDiv (I am not sure that you add it with jQuery).

Why are my submenus being covered?

What in my CSS is covering up the sub-menus for my drop down menu? Here is my template. Hovering over "Bar" is supposed to produce a sub-menu.
I tried altering the z-index of the submenus to no avail.
No need to use overflow:hidden on every element.
If you remove this property from the header css declaration you'll be able to see the submenu on hover.
By using overflow:hidden, you are clipping and making invisible anything that falls below the boundaries of your element.
agreeing with #Pablo - quick fix - remove overflow:hidden from header.

Overflow in the division on the top affecting properties of division just below it

I am new to CSS. I have created 4 main divs, header, bodybg, nav and main content.
I defined properties for #nav div, and it looked great. Now I wanted to create a jQuery slider in the div above it, i.e. #bodybg, but when I as a first step create a div #wrap inside the #bodybg and try to put 3 images on it, my nav bar is affected: it no longer has its properties and looks like a plain list of items.
Now when I remove 2 images our of 3, it becomes fine. In CSS for #wrap I added overflow:hidden but that rather makes #nav totally vanished or hidden.
The working state of my project: http://estheticdentalcare.co.in.white.mysitehosted.com/HTMLpage.htm
That was before I added the #wrap div inside the #bodybg and three images in that.
Hi i'm not sure that whats you are trying to do but if you want to do. But here is a link.
To make sure that all image div are on the same line, make them align left. And make sure youyr math are ok. If you have more width than the actual container div it will jump on two line and if you have overflow hidden the image will just be outside your container.
