get know if request is subrequest of opening site or independent request to site - http

Is there any way to recognize (by process http packet or filtering tcp connections) does several requests belong to one opening url or another?
Try to explain in more detail.
When we open any page in browser it also initializes different requests to download images, resources, scripts. I d like to get know that some scope of requests was invoked by opening site (call it main site).
I can get referer property but in that case how to distinguish request to resorce from request to different site link on which was clicked on main site. In both cases referer will be the same.
I suspect that this problem could not be resolved, but I hope that I'm mistaken. Or you can offer some workaround.

If you are in control of the site, set a cookie or a URL parameter and check if it exists in subsequent requests.


head request returns different content-type [duplicate]

I would like to try send requests.get to this website:
and I always get
<Response [404]>
I knew this is a common problem and tried different way but still failed.
but all of other website is ok.
any suggestion?
Webservers are black boxes. They are permitted to return any valid HTTP response, based on your request, the time of day, the phase of the moon, or any other criteria they pick. If another HTTP client gets a different response, consistently, try to figure out what the differences are in the request that Python sends and the request the other client sends.
That means you need to:
Record all aspects of the working request
Record all aspects of the failing request
Try out what changes you can make to make the failing request more like the working request, and minimise those changes.
I usually point my requests to a endpoint, have it record the request, and then experiment.
For requests, there are several headers that are set automatically, and many of these you would not normally expect to have to change:
Host; this must be set to the hostname you are contacting, so that it can properly multi-host different sites. requests sets this one.
Content-Length and Content-Type, for POST requests, are usually set from the arguments you pass to requests. If these don't match, alter the arguments you pass in to requests (but watch out with multipart/* requests, which use a generated boundary recorded in the Content-Type header; leave generating that to requests).
Connection: leave this to the client to manage
Cookies: these are often set on an initial GET request, or after first logging into the site. Make sure you capture cookies with a requests.Session() object and that you are logged in (supplied credentials the same way the browser did).
Everything else is fair game but if requests has set a default value, then more often than not those defaults are not the issue. That said, I usually start with the User-Agent header and work my way up from there.
In this case, the site is filtering on the user agent, it looks like they are blacklisting Python, setting it to almost any other value already works:
>>> requests.get('', headers={'User-Agent': 'Custom'})
<Response [200]>
Next, you need to take into account that requests is not a browser. requests is only a HTTP client, a browser does much, much more. A browser parses HTML for additional resources such as images, fonts, styling and scripts, loads those additional resources too, and executes scripts. Scripts can then alter what the browser displays and load additional resources. If your requests results don't match what you see in the browser, but the initial request the browser makes matches, then you'll need to figure out what other resources the browser has loaded and make additional requests with requests as needed. If all else fails, use a project like requests-html, which lets you run a URL through an actual, headless Chromium browser.
The site you are trying to contact makes an additional AJAX request to, take that into account if you are trying to scrape data from this site.
Next, well-built sites will use security best-practices such as CSRF tokens, which require you to make requests in the right order (e.g. a GET request to retrieve a form before a POST to the handler) and handle cookies or otherwise extract the extra information a server expects to be passed from one request to another.
Last but not least, if a site is blocking scripts from making requests, they probably are either trying to enforce terms of service that prohibit scraping, or because they have an API they rather have you use. Check for either, and take into consideration that you might be blocked more effectively if you continue to scrape the site anyway.
One thing to note: I was using requests.get() to do some webscraping off of links I was reading from a file. What I didn't realise was that the links had a newline character (\n) when I read each line from the file.
If you're getting multiple links from a file instead of a Python data type like a string, make sure to strip any \r or \n characters before you call requests.get("your link"). In my case, I used
with open("filepath", 'w') as file:
links =
for link in links:
response = requests.get(link)
In my case this was due to fact that the website address was recently changed, and I was provided the old website address. At least this changed the status code from 404 to 500, which, I think, is progress :)

When I make a request to a server can I see all the requests made by that server to another server?

I need to know which requests a webpage sends. Basically the site i call, calls another service/api/url whatever and receives the data (probably within javascript) and show me this. Can i see all the calls it make?
Edit: concrete example:
From this site ( you can choose a lens, at that moment, the page sends a request to flickr, and get all the data. But in chrome developer tools i could not see this request.
Here is a screenshot of get requests. I have looked through them but could not see any request to flickr.
The first is request to the page. And the sixth one is the picture request already, where it requests the picture by its id. So in between other 4 requests should contain a request to the external source which gives the picture id in return or do i miss sth?
And what if the backend makes this request? Do i still need to see this request in developer tools?
No, of course you cannot see the calls made by some server to another server. Why would you expect to be able to do that? Those calls have nothing to do with the browser. The browser knows nothing about those requests. The browser knows only about requests that it itself initiated. Devtools can only report on requests made by the browser. If in fact there were some way to spy on the requests made by a server to another server, it would be gaping security hole.

What happens if a 302 URI can't be found?

If I make an HTTP request to get index.html on but that URL has a 302 re-direct in place that points to, what happens if the redirect target ( isn't available? Will the user agent try the original URL ( or just return an error?
Background to the question: I manage a legacy site that supports a few existing customers but doesn't allow new signs ups. Pretty much all the pages are redirected (using 302s rather than 301s for some unknown reason...) to a newer site. This includes the sign up page. On one of the pages that isn't redirected there is still a link to the sign up page which itself links through to a third party payment page (i.e. on another domain). Last week our current site went down for a couple of hours and in that period someone successfully signed up through the old site. The only way I can imagine this happened is that if a 302 doesn't find its intended URL some (all?) user agents bypass the redirect and then go to originally requested URL.
By the way, I'm aware there are many better ways to handle the particular situation we're in with the two sites. We're on it! This is just one of those weird situations I want to get to the bottom of.
You should receive a 404 Not Found status code.
Since HTTP is a stateless protocol, there is no real connection between two requests of a user agent. The redirection status codes are just a way for servers to politely tell their clients that the resource they were looking for is somewhere else now. The clients, however, are in no way obliged to actually request the resource from that other URL.
Oh, the signup page is at that URL now? Well then I don't want it anymore... I'll go and look at some kittens instead.
Moreover, even if the client decides to do request the new URL (which it usually does ^^), this can be considered as a completely new communication between server and client. Neither server nor client should remember that there was a previous request which resulted in a redirection status code. Instead, the current request should be treated as if it was the first (and only) request. And what happens when you request a URL that cannot be found? You get a 404 Not Found status code.

What exactly does a "persistent connection" mean?

I read about "HTTP persistent connection" but somehow I don't seem to understand what does persistent mean in this context.
Could you'll elaborate?
It means the server doesn't close the socket once it's finished pushing out the response (so the length of the response has to be otherwise indicated, via headers or chunking), so the client can make other requests on the same socket. A web page often requests several other pieces (images, CSS, scripts, ...) on the same server as the page itself, so reusing the socket for some of those further requests to the same server can reduce overall latency compared to closing the original socket and opening new ones for all the follow-on requests.
All the discussion till now has been from the browser side of things. The browser first request the actual page, and it parses the page and finds out all other resources that it needs before it can render that page. The browser requests these resources and other dependent resources one by one. So maintaining a persistent connection is very efficient here, as the overhead of creating and destroying connections is avoided.
Now from web server side of things, a persistent connection would be one that allows it to "push" content to the web browser. Now HTTP doesn't support this. So, there are few workarounds with javascript where the page is basically refreshed after a while.
You can see this being trick being used by many web based email providers which continuously keep checking in the background for new mails. This gives a feeling that when a new mails arrives, the server "pushes" the new mail notification to the web browser. But in fact, its actually the web browser which keeps on checking the server for any new mail.
Also another point that I would like to state is that we actually don't see any page refresh that's because of another trick which allows only specific parts of the page to be refreshed by the request. (HINT: AJAX)
I think this is a switching for http or https for website browser. If you have old https:// and you are now using http for browser .htaccess file then this problem should created via yoast plugins one page crawl page. don't worry about it is not important error. For hackers this is a way to hack your website if your ssl connection is empty they should attach there page or domain to your ssl connection
e.b and when you brows in browser there are some other link with open your site domain.
Solution for this always use your full address for website: to protect hackers against your website use ssl and https:/ page for your website.
Then this problem have never scene in any test site or page.

Are there any safe assumptions to make about the availability of a URL?

I am trying to determine if there is a way to check the availability of a potentially large list of urls (> 1000000) without having to send a GET request to every single one.
Is it safe to assume that if is inaccessible (as in unable to connect to server or the DNS request for the domain fails), or I get a 4XX or 5XX response, then anything from that domain will also be inaccessible (e.g. Would a 302 response (say for whatever.jpg) be enough to invalidate the first assumption? I imagine sub domains should be considered distinct as and may not direct to the same ip?
I seem to be able to think of a counter example for each shortcut I come up with. Should I just bite the bullet and send out GET requests to every URL?
Unfortunately, no you cannot infer anything from 4xx or 5xx or any other codes.
Those codes are for individual pages, not for the server. It's quite possible that one page is down and another is up, or one has a 500 server-side error and another doesn't.
What you can do is use HEAD instead of GET. That retrieves the MIME header for the page but not the page content. This saves time server-side (because it doesn't have to render the page) and for yourself (because you don't have to buffer and then discard content).
Also I suggest you use keep-alive to accelerate responses from the same server. Many HTTP client libraries will do this for you.
A failed DNS lookup for a host (e.g. should be enough to invalidate all URLs for that host. Subdomains or other hosts would have to be checked separately though.
A 4xx code might tell you that a particular page isn't available, but you couldn't make any assumptions about other pages from that.
A 5xx code really won't tell you anything. For example, it could be that the page is there, but the server is just too busy at the moment. If you try it again later it might work fine.
The only assumption you should make about the availability of an URL is that "Getting an URL can and will fail".
It's not safe to assume that a sub domain request will fail when a parent one does. Namely because inbetween your two requests your network connection can go up, down or generally misbehave. It's also possible for the domains to be changed in between requests.
Ignoring all internet connection issues. You are still dealing with a live web site that can and will change constantly. What is true now might not be true in 5 minutes when they decide to alter their page structure or change the way the display a particular page. Your best bet is to assume any get will fail.
This may seem like an extreme view point. But these events will happen. How you handle them will determine the robustness of your program.
First don't assume anything based on a single page failing. I have seen many cases where IIS will continue to serve static content but not be able to serve any dynamic content.
You have to treat each host name as unique you cannot assume and point to the same IP. Or even if they do there is no guarentee that are the same site. IIS again has host headers that allows you to run multiple sites using a single IP Address.
If the connection to the server actually fails, then there's no reason to check URLs on that server. Otherwise, you can't assume anything.
In addition to what everyone else is saying, use HEAD requests instead of GET requests. They function the same, but the response doesn't contain the message body, so you save everyone some bandwidth.
