oracle export and import datapump - oracle11g

I have a quick question on oracle datapump. I have a small oracle database 11gR2 which contains different schemas (more than 8).I want to move this database to a new server and i am trying to use impdp/expdp method. I did a full export of the database under system user. THe new server also runs 11gR2.
Now if create a new database with same tablespaces on the new server, can i use a full import. Is this the recommended way to do it?
I know i can do it schema wise, but however it would require me creating the roles, and other supporting objects first and also identifying which schemas actually have objects on them.

I don't think there's such a thing as a "recommended" way to do it. You might as well ask what's the "recommended" data to put in an Oracle database. It kind of depends what your needs are.
The only problem that I've had with using a "full" import/export in the past, is that the export then also includes SYSTEM (and other default Oracle schemas) which you don't really want overwriting your new database. (Actually, this used to cause me some problems with the old imp/exp command -- but theoretically it would be the same problem with Data Pump).
Fortunately, Data Pump allows you to exclude certain objects from your export. When I do full exports, I tend to exclude all the schemas that are already created in the new database, at db-creation time. Include the following in your parameter file:


Managing incremental schema updates in sqlite

I'm using SQLite for a few small projects and I've run into an issue today that is easily solved using other SQL databases but apparently it's a major stumbling block here.
Typically, we manage schema updates using a separate file for each update...
Through the use of various if statements, we can check if certain schema updates need to be performed within the SQL scripts themselves such that it's simply a matter of executing each script in order to bring any version of the database to the current version.
So I've found a couple of issues with this in SQLite:
There does not appear to be an if statement
There does not appear to be a clean way to retrieve PRAGMA user_version into a local variable for checking
How then, does one execute updates dependent on this information internally within a SQL Script? I do not want to have to code a separate update script in another language just to be able to run these scripts conditionally. This seems like a pretty basic need for any database provider.
SQLite is an embedded database; it is designed to be used together with a 'real' programming language. You have to put the logic into your own application.
The output of PRAGMA user_version can be read like the output of any other query.

Sqlite lack of ALTER support, Alembic migration failing because of this. Solutions?

I am developing a small registration application for a friend zumba class, using Flask, SQLAlchemy and Flask-migrate(alembic) to deal with db update. I settled on SQlite because the application has to be self contained and runs locally on a laptop without internet access and SQLite requires no installation of a service or other, which is a must too.
Dealing with SQLite lack of support of ALTER table wasn't a problem during the initial development as I simply destroyed, recreated the DB when that problem arised. But now that my friend is actually using the application I am facing a problem.
Following a feature request a table has to be modified and once again I get the dreaded " "No support for ALTER of constraints in SQLite dialect". I foresee that this problem will probably arise in the future too.
How can I deal with this problem? I am pretty much a newbie when it comes to dealing with database. I read that a way to deal with that is to create a new table, create the new constraint and copy the data and rename the table, but I have no idea how to implement that in the alembic script.
You can set a variable (render_as_batch=True) in the file created with the initial migation.
It requires alembic > 0.7.0
This enables generation of batch operation migrations, i.e. creates a new table with the constraint, copies the existing data over, and removes the old table. See
If you still encounter issues, be advised - there is still nuance with sqlite, e.g.

Clone Oracle Express Edition 11g R2

I have installed Oracle XE 11g R2 on my machine. I ran few scripts which does the setup by creating schemas, procedures for our application. Now I want to clone this database so that other people by using the cloned dbf file can see the base schema on their respective machine and work on their individual requirement on top of that.
Now it has 6 dbf files
Can i just give them the files or I need to create server parameter file (SPFILE) or Control file. What about the REDO logs.
I have very little knowledge in Database administration. Please suggest. I understand that it is not Enterprise Edition so all things might not supported but assuming cloning process is similar for XE.
While it is possible to restore a database using the data files, I strongly suspect that is not what you're really after. If you're not an experienced DBA, the number of possible issues you'll encounter trying to restore a backup on a different machine and then creating an appropriate database instance are rather large.
More likely, what you really want to do is generate a full export of your database. The other people that need your application would then install Oracle and import the export that you generated.
The simplest possible approach would be at a command line to
exp / as sysdba full=y file=myDump.dmp
You would then send myDump.dmp to the other users who would import that into their own database
imp / as sysdba full=y file=myDump.dmp
This will only be a logical backup of your database. It will not include things like the parameters that the database has been set to use so other users may be configured to use more (or less) memory or to have a different file layout or even a slightly different version of Oracle. But it does not sound like you need that degree of cloning. If you have a large amount of data, using the DataPump version of the export and import utilities would be more efficient. My guess from the fact that you haven't even created a new tablespace is that you don't have enough data for this to be a concern.
For more information, consult the Oracle documentation on the export and import utilities.
Removing content as it is not valid here

Backing and restoring SQL Server data to changed database structure

The scenario is this. I have a SQL Server database online that I am demoing an application. During development, I have added extra fields, modified field types, changed keys and added some new tables locally.
What's the best way for me to update the online database with the new structure and not lose the data? The database is a SQL Server 2005 one.
Download a trial of Red Gate SQL Compare, compare your two servers and you are done. If you do this often, it is well worth the $400, or get one of their bundles for a better bang for the buck.
And I do not work for Red Gate, just a happy customer!
Write update scripts to modify your live database structure to the new structure, as well as inserting any data which is required.
You may find it necessary to use temporary tables to do this.
It's probably best if you test this process on a test environment, before running the scripts on the live environment.
Depending on what exactly you've done you may be able to get away with alter statements, though from the sounds of it (removing keys and whatnot) you're doing some heavy lifting that may make that a less-than-ideal solution. You should probably look into creating a maintenance plan or, better yet, a SQL Server Integration Services project in Visual Studio. You should be able to migrate the data in the existing database to a new one using those tools.
This probably isn't of huge help retrospectively, but I always script all structural DB changes to my development database and then using a version number to determine the current version of the DB I can run the required scripts on the live DB, hence bringing it back in line at the same time as the new code is uploaded.
This also works for any content changes, for instance if the change in the underlying structure has an effect on the conent stored you can also write scripts to migrate the data accordingly.
Make a copy of the existing database to copy from.
Make another copy and alter it to your new schema. save DDL for reuse.
Write queries that copy data from #1 to #2. Save the queries for reuse.
Check the results.
Repeat until done.

How to create a database and populate it during setup

I would like to find a way to create and populate a database during setup.
So, what I'm willing to do is:
Create the database during the setup
Populate the database with some initial data (country codes or something like that)
Create the appropriate connection string in the configuration file
I'm using .NET 3.5 and Visual Studio 2005, and the Database is SQL Server 2005.
Thanks in advance.
If you are creating an installer I'm sure there is a way to do it in there, but I am not all that familiar with that.
Otherwise, what you might do is the following.
Add a application_start handler in the Global.asax, check for valid connection string, if it doesn't exist, continue to step two.
Login to the server using a default connection string
Execute the needed scripts to create the database and objects needed.
Update the web.config with the connection information
The key here is determining what the "default" connection string is. Possibly a second configuration value.
Generally, you'll need to have SQL scripts to do this. I tend to do this anyway, as it makes maintaining and versioning the database much easier in the long run.
The core idea is, upon running the setup program, you'll have a custom action to execute this script. The user executing your setup will need permissions to:
Create a database
Create tables and other database-level objects in the newly-created database
Populate data
Your scripts will take care of all of that, though. You'll have a CREATE DATABASE command, the appropriate CREATE SCHEMA, CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, etc. commands, and then after the schema is built, the appropriate INSERT statements to populate the data.
I normally break this into multiple scripts, but YMMV:
Create schema script
"Common scripts" (one for the equivalent of aspnet_regsql for web projects, one with the creation of the Enterprise Library logging tables and procs)
Create stored procedure script, if necessary (to be executed after the schema's created)
Populate initial data script
For future maintenance, I create upgrade scripts where a single script typically handles the entire upgrade process.
When writing the scripts, be sure to use the appropriate safety checks (IF EXISTS, etc) before creating objects. And I tend to make mine transactional, as well.
Good luck!
Well, actually I found a tutorial on MSDN: Walkthrough: Using a Custom Action to Create a Database at Installation
I'll use that and see how it goes, thanks for your help guys, I'll let you know how it goes.
If you can use Linq to Sql then this is easy.
Just import your entire database into the Linq to Sql designer. This will create objects that describe all objects in your database, including the System.Data.Linq.DataContext derived class that encapsulate the entire database setup.
Now you can call DataContext.CreateDatabase() to create the database.
See here more information.
