How to convert a html table to downloadable excel file ASP.NET C# -

I need a function to convert any HTML table to a excel file!
I like to add a button to my page and once that button is clicked I pass a complete HTML table in to such a function that will generate an excel file and past the html table into the file with the same layout and design!
I appreciate any help with this request.
I am using c# and

This is a nasty trick, but it works in recent version of excel.
You just save the html table as a normal html file, then just rename it to xls. If your application is a web application use response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=order.xls").
Recent version of excel support Microsoft Office XML Formats, so if the previous solution doesn't work, you may want to try to generate the xml from the html table.
See XML Spreadsheet Reference.
What I do, is to generate the xml from excel in the xml format, then hack into it. You can implement also advanced features like automatic filters, and cool layouts. I used a template engine to generate the xml (Freemarker, it's Java stuff, but I'm sure there are template engines also for .NET)


Reading an e pub file

I have files in e pub format. I have to show their contents to the user. How do I read them in Can it be done through javascript?
Authoritative? What could be better then a StackOverflow answer? I started from this question ( ) and gleaned a few usefull links:
Usefull information on displaying text in a web browser using javascript so it paginates nicely: HTML book-like pagination
A C# open source library for reading ePub files, the sample code on the home page includes how to get the contents as HTML:
There are other libraries which may come in handy if the ePub reader library on codeplex doesn't pan out:, and
You can't do this with just JavaScript of course, you'll have a server side like a web service or code behind on your webpage which opens the epub file, extracts the contents as HTML and returns it to the client, but I think there is enough here to get you started.
Just to add then i suggest the steps:
Step 1: unzip the file using C#,.net code having some third party library.
Refer : recommend a library/API to unzip file in C#
Step 2: Check whether in the extracted folder there is only one file or more.
Refer: How do I find out how many files are in a directory?
Step 3 :Read the file using stream reader in
Epub file is actually a zip archive that contains
xml files for meta data, table of contents etc
xhtml or dtbook (xml) + gif, jpeg, png, svg + css for content
To be able to display epub you will have to be able to handle all of the above. Here Reading ePub format you'll find what you have to do to open epub step by step - it's an example for iphone, but it should be enough.

Html string in excel cell

I am exporting a grid from my ASP.NET application. One of the columns in the grid (called Notes) has string that has html in it. For example, the Notes column can contain <Head> html tag. However when I export it to excel, I am not being able to see the string <Head>.
Tehnically speaking this is not export to excel, but you send a html with a wrong headers to trick browser to open this content with excel, among the other things downside of this approach is that you don't have control over process of exporting.
Use proper exporting and export data, not some UI view. There is a excellent and free .NET solutions for creating excel files :
NPOI (xls) or / and EPPlus (xlsx)

Generate PDF file from HTML string in with vb

I want to generate PDF file from HTML string and that PDF file I have to attach in mail using I try ghtmldoc.exe, it will generate corrupted pdf file.
I also use iTextsharp. It generate PDF without format though I don't use CSS in that HTML page. Only data in html file is converted in PDF.
I've always found Winnovative HTML to PDF converter very useful for doing things like this:
You can either specify a URL to convert to PDF, or specify a HTML string to convert to PDF instead.
An open source solution, would be iTextSharp:
Exporting to pdf is really made simple by telerik. check this link. Telerik has a good look too. so if you are not late to change over to telerik, i suggest do that.

How can I create new PDF files based on a template where some text will be replaced?

I'm developing a CMS aplication in ASP .Net using WebForms and I'm looking for a way to create new PDF files based on a template.
This feature will be used to generate contracts where some placeholders will be replaced with the customer data.
What's the best approach to do that?
Edited: The templates will be static, the main content will never change from customer to customer, only some text in the beginning that will contain the placeholders to recive the customer data. The catch is that I must allow the owner of the application to upload new templates in PDF, with the predetermined placeholders in it to allow the replacement to occur.
I can think of two approaches depending on what type of template you are looking at:
1) Static Template - Say the template does not change with the data (Ex.some standard compliance form etc)
You can try something like iTextSharp, where you have your templates defined in your .net code, and you just "plug in" the relevant data and render the PDF via iTextSharp.
2) Dynamic Templates - Say your template isn't standard and is user customizable. In this case, I'd say go for HTML for designing and "print" the for to PDF. There are many components available.
You may also want to try out components like crystal reports.
I'd go with static HTML templates containing substitution tokens e.g. {FullName} which you can then replace with your data. Once you have created an HTML file like this, say in a StringBuilder, you can use PrinceXML or ( to transform your HTML into a PDF.
I hope I am understaning this correctly but wouldn't using standard PDF Form Fields give you the functionality and features you require. Load the PDF template into Adobe Acrobat Full or Foxit Phantom and define standard PDF Form Fields on top of the PDF. Each field has a name, position, font etc.
Then just use a standard PDF library to fill in the PDF form fields and 'flatten' the form fields if that is required.
This solution allows the customer to design new PDF layouts and so long as they define form fields with names that match up then you will be able to drop in the replacement form with a simple file copy.
The iText or iTextSharp library should be able to do all of this quite easily. If not them there are many PDF libraries out there that can.

Telerik RadEditor memorystream/string save to RTF

The required functionality I am aiming for is to pull out RTF content from a database, edit it through a web interface (with a WYSIWYG editor) and then place the modified text back in to the database (in RTF format).
The control that I am using to do this is Telerik RadEditor (we have a license already for these controls). In the most recent version there appears to be functionality to load in RTF content from a string or a stream, but the only method I can see that is exposed for getting RTF back out is exportToRTF(); this method modified the headers and allows you to save a RTF version of the content you have just edited as a file.
The functionality to convert from HTML to RTF must exist somewhere within their library as you can export a RTF file, but I can not find any publicly exposed methods to pass this in to a stream or a string.
Does anybody know of a way that I can convert the HTML back to RTF using the Telerik libraries without saving out to a file?
I think the methods that do the actual conversion are not publicly available in the Telerik assembly, so your only choice is to use the built-in export functionality. You can add a handler for the ExportContent event. There you will have access to the content that will be saved to the file before the actual operation.
Since the export call changes the response of the current page request, you can create a new dummy page, add an editor there, set its .Content property to the content you wish to export, attach a handler to ExportContent and finally call the export method of the editor.
