Single Sign On in 3.5 c# -

in default website i have 2 web application App1 and App2.both has same login control when user logins username and password is validated in users table in sql database.logined user information are stored in 3 session variables.
after login app1 redirects to profile.aspx and app2 redirects to dashboard.aspx.
profile.aspx has a link app2 and dashboard.aspx has link app1.if user clicks on the link he should be already login for that application.
if user logout from any one application he should get logout for both application.
how to put above sso feature in my App1 and App2

I suggest you take a look at Windows Identity Foundation.

Are the applications going to be in the same domain? If it is then all you need to do is set the forms authentication of App 2 to App 1 or the other way around, and make sure you have the same machine key specified for both applications. This article gives more explanation on how to implement SSO in sub-domain:

I am assuming forms authentication is used in your application. Forms authentication generates authentication ticket to validate consequent user requests and uses "machine key" to sign the authentication ticket. By having same machine key for all applications will resolve the issue. However, there are different scenarios to be considered depending on the scope of the applications which needs to be integrated.
Configured as virtual directories inside same domain
Configured as sub domains
Completely two different sites
1 and 2 can be resolved by specifying same machine key in web.config.
3 requires custom solution such as passing encrypted parameters via query string.
More information on machine key can be found here.


ASP.NET Identity + Windows Authentication (Mix mode - Forms + Windows)

I have tried my best to search the web before asking this question. I've seen similar questions on stackoverflow, however, none has been answered satisfactorily for a long time now. This is one more attempt to get this recurring question answered.
The Problem
How to build an ASP.NET MVC 5 website which uses "Windows Auth" for Intranet users and "Forms Auth" for Internet users? We'd like to accomplish this using ASP.NET Identity. Moreover, we don't want to use Active Directory Groups for authorization. For Intranet users, we want to authenticate them using Active Directory and then fall back to ASP.NET Identity to manage their roles and other profile data.
It'll be nice if we don't ask the end user to choose auth method. The web app should log in intranet users seamlessly. They shouldn't even know that there is a login screen. Likewise, the internet users shouldn't be asked to enter their domain credentials. They should see form based login screen right away.
Is there any recommended way of solving this? Or could you comment if any of the following are proper solutions?
FYI This is 2004 article, may not be helpful now:
IIS configuration
Enable Anonymous Authentication status in IIS for the whole site and Windows Authentication for some folder under root directory (for example, /WindowsLogin). In this folder place aspx file (for WebForms project) or create ApiController (for MVC project).
Site setup
On login page add button “Login with Windows/ActiveDirectory account” (in similar way as it is common practice to add buttons Login with Twitter, Facebook, Gmail, etc.). When user presses this button, they will be redirected to the page or controller in /WindowsLogin folder, which require Windows authentication. If site uses some Single Sign-On functionality, locate it in that page or controller, in other case just save Session for Windows users there. If user accessed that page or controller, they had been authenticated as Windows users already.
One of the possible ways could be creating two sites in IIS, but having the same target folder, where sources of site are located. First site is for internal users with enabled Windows Authentication mode and binding to 80 port, while second site is for external users with Anonymous mode enabled and binding to 8080 port, for example. Then, on firewall you will have to configure NAT, that all requests coming from within local network or VPN, will be redirected to local IIS server on port 80 and all requests coming from Internet, will be redirected to port 8080 of IIS server.
The term for this is Mixed-Mode Authentication. I have done this multiple times. You only need to tweak your main site. Here is how I have done it.
Keep your main MVC site as-is but run it as Anonymous vs. under Windows Auth.
Internal Site
Create a Redirect URL Site: Setup this site as Window Auth so you can pull the User ID from Active Directory. Give your users this URL and/or make it the link they click on your Intranet. Then this site calls your MVC Site and passes the user credentials (login id).
a. This can be done either via an encrypted string on the URL or encrypted value in a cookie. You can encrypt with an expiration date/time value too.
b. (Speaking from Forms Auth) Create a Forms Authentication Ticket with that user ID. Run any other login logic you have. Done.
External Site - No Changes required. Let the users login as-is.
Are you wanting to handle forms and AD authentication from one URL? I have used thinktecture (claims based auth) as the framework for WIF and marshaling various forms of authentication. However to handle if from one URL I had to handle some logic at login that associated the user to AD or Forms based. In a more recent project, this was handled at user management when we created the user account (it was associated to AD of Forms Auth). Then when the user logged in they would preface the AD domain name as part of the login. There are a number of ways to implement this, this was just one I have used. An example, instead of requiring the domain, just use the username, then check for AD or forms based flags on the username and then handle authentication accordingly
Just an update in re-reading your question. Are the internet users and intranet users the same? If so you need to just go forms based auth across the board and manage the users in the product DB independent of AD. If they are the same then they could login prefacing the domain name to username. if you wanted to rely solely on AD.
I did a proof of concept of this some time ago, at my previous job, so the details are hazy and I don't have any code to refer to...
The requirements were:
Single URL for internal (LAN) and external (internet) access
Two types of users, people on the domain and external (non-AD) users
Windows authentication for domain users both internally and externally
The ability to enter domain logon details when using iPads (no windows auth)
The core idea in the solution I came up with was that we used Active Directory Group Policy to add a custom string to http request header user agent, the content doesn't matter, in fact we used a long random string of characters.
Then the landing page for the site checks for this, and if found redirects to a virtual directory, with windows auth, that checked their AD account, populated the ASP.NET authentication token and then redirected them to their home page.
If the custom header isn't there then it just displayed the normal login form.
The only other thing was to add an AD email/password check to the normal login form so that if a domain user accessed the site from a non-windows device (iPad) then they could use their normal login details.
Why not put your website code on the server, robocopy it to two separate websites and just handle the changes in authentication by configuring the web.config. (one would be setup with anonymous and one with windows authentication.)
It's not as snazzy as other methods but it's relatively painless. There are two sites but the content (except for the web.config) are identical.

Log in to website using Active Directory with a two-way trust

We have an ASP.NET website set up using Active Directory as the Membership Provider. The site uses the Forms authentication mode and the .NET Login control. We recently merged with another company and now they also need access to the site, but they are of course on a different domain. Our IT people have set up the two Active Directories in a two-way trust.
I can log on to their domain using a test account from our network. But when I use the same DOMAIN\username + password combo on my website it does not work.
How can I make our site able to see users on the second domain? Is this not possible using the Login control? Or is there something else I'm missing?
I don't think it's possible to authenticate against a remote AD domain, via a trust with the built-in provider. You could setup a second provider which is configured to point at the other domain, and then add addition logic to your Login control to pick the right provider to authenticate against. I use a similar approach to support "pass-through" authentication of domain users while also support non-domain users with standard forms authentication.

ASP.NET Form Authentication + NTLM + LDAP

I'm trying to add LDAP support to an existing ASP.NET website that uses Form Authentication. This is not a big problem, I just build a simple login dialog (ordinary HTTP POST), query the LDAP directory and log the user in via Form Authentication ticket.
It would be extremely nice to automatically get the users credentials via NTLM (Integrated Windows Authentication) without the need for a login dialog (like what you get when using ASP.NET Windows Authentication with computers in the same Active Directory). Is there an easy way to do this (keep in mind, I can't use Windows Authentication for my ASP.NET app and the server is not in an Active Directory Domain, I need to be able to query LDAP directory manually)? Or would I have to manually do all the LDAP handshaking / challenge/response thingy?
Thanks for your help,
~ saxx
I do just this on my intranet here. These are the steps I use...
Create a login page (login.aspx seems good) & set the web app up for forms authentication. Set authorisation as deny anonymous. These means any attempt to use your app will cause the user to be redirected to your login page if they don't have a auth ticket.
Now the important step. In IIS, set the app to allow anonymous only. On your login page change this to only be Windows Integrated. Now what happens is when the user is bounced to your login page, IIS forces an NTLM authentication. We now have the users name in the headers.
2nd important step. in the page_load method add:
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(Request.ServerVariables["Logon_user"], false);
What this does is take the username IIS will always give us and put into a forms auth ticket.
There's of course a certain amount of tidying up you may want to do, perhaps adding a logout feature, or stripping the domain name of the username.

How to authenticate users from another domain in an ASP.NET SaaS application?

We have an ASP.NET web application that we offer as a Service (it's hosted and it's accessible on the Web). We use Forms Authentication and our users have to enter a username/password to connect to our application. Some of our customers ask that we support single sign-on by authenticating users with their own Active Directory.
Our application has a different URL for each customer
and each URL has its own web.config file (where settings can be specified and can vary for each customer).
What do I have to change in my ASP.NET application to support that?
What do I have to change on my Windows server configuration?
What will the customer have to do on his side to enable that?
Check How To: Use Forms Authentication with Active Directory in ASP.NET 2.0 In short, you configure an ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider to verify each username/password with the customer's AD. The customer must create an AD account for you that is allowed to perform the verification - which may be a problem with some customers. What's more, your code will handle the actual username/password used by users in their internal network, which can be an even bigger problem with customers.
A more secure solution is to use federation (using ADFS) or Claims Authentication using Windows Identity Foundation. In this case you "only" have to set trust relations between your domain and theirs.

Is it possible to get the Windows logon name with site running forms authentication?

I have a website with a large user base configured with 2.0 forms authentication. Before the user logs in via forms authentication is it possible to retrieve the windows login name/user account name on the machine they are using?
Many thanks
It certainly is possible--by adding another web application to your system. Here's roughly how I have done it:
Your primary web app uses Forms authentication. On the forms login page, any user that is determined to be on the local LAN (check IP address), redirect them to another app that uses Windows authentication. In this second app, you can determine the user (assuming the browser is configured to send credentials automatically to the zone in which your app resides), then set a cookie which your first app can read, and redirect the user back to the original app.
This does work.
This would only be possible if you were using Windows Authentication in your web application and then only if the user had logged in.
The kind of information you are after is not sent as part of the web request (quite rightly) and is therefore unknown to the web server.
Unfortunately no - if the user has not logged on, they are browsing anonymously, and are therefore unknown to the server. There is no way to identify them.
Once they're logged on, if you're using impersonation use WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name. However, for forms authentication there's no direct way to ask the browser for their Windows credentials as they may not even be running Windows!
Not BEFORE no (not from the server).
Depending on the type of Auth you use, though, and the way the site is configured, you CAN get them to log in with their windows details.
See Mixing Forms and Windows Security in ASP.NET on Microsoft's MSDN.
The main difference with #TheObjectGuy answer is that instead of using 2 websites, this does all in a single website by configuring IIS to use the Integrated Windows authentication just in a "single" page (WinLogin.aspx).
