Accessing Website by FTP in visual studio 2012 -

I try to connect my website via ftp. I succeed connect the folders by my browser, but in visual studio 2012 I can connect the site just by the local address( not by the remote address.
I get this error when I try to connect in remote address:
unable to retrieve folder information from the server. can't connect
to '(the remote ip address)' on port 21. Check the server name and
proxy settings. If the settengs are correct, the server may be
temporarily unavailable.

This question is six years old, but still someone might benefit from it. Once you open visual studio, in the start page, go to Open Website.
Then in the resulting dialog box select FTP Site.
In the fields, for "server" give the ip address of your website and not the name. for "Port", give 21. For the "directory", use the ip address and slash like this: "". And then use your username and password. You will have your website open and files listed.
Edit1:If it doesn't work, do the same thing but use only "/" for the directory. It will work.
Edit2: If the connection is still not established, do the same thing with "Passive mode" selected.
And check the Microsoft Documentation here


Host ASP.Net MVC Site

I've created a site using ASP.Net MVC that is meant to be stored on a local machine at my place of work. The intention is to have the site stored on this machine, but then accessible by all the other machines within this building.
I've followed Microsoft's tutorial as well as Code Project's tutorial, but I am not having very much luck. The binding is just the localhost, port 80, with * for the IP address. The URL is localhost/GrantTracker.
I've opened the ports within the firewall, checked the permissions on the directory (which is just within wwwroot), tried having the site take the place of the default IIS site (as Microsoft tutorial has you do) and tried having the site stand on its own with its own port (per Code Projects tutorial).
On the host machine I am receiving the standard "This site can't be reached, localhost refused to connect" which feels like either a port or permissions problem. I must be missing a step, but I can't seem to find what it would be. I am new to hosting sites through IIS so forgive me if I am just missing something basic.
I find it a bit strange too because my project uses Windows Authentication and when the site is first visited it performs that initial check with the user, authenticates, but then throws me the error.
Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance.
start simple,
create a simple html page, create an IIS application for it, on port 80.
Check and make sure you can see that page from another computer using the internal IP address of the the host machine so something like:
http:\\\hostapp\test.html .
You can see the proper URL by running it from IIS, this will give you the entire URL you need, with localhost then just replace localhost with the IP address of the host machine to see it on other machines.
Do this in the original IIS folder so you don't encounter any folder permission issues. If you choose another folder you'll have to give access to the Network Service user ( i think, can't remember now, but there is a specific user that needs access to the folder where the website is deployed )
if you can see the page then deploy a proper website and do the same thing. Make sure the app pool is created correctly and it's up and running, then access it again on other computers and it should work.
Port 80 should be open by default so that should not be an issue.

Access wordpress website on localhost from remote network

I want to show my client the WordPress website on localhost being developed by me (it's still in the beginning stage, not ready to go live yet). This is what I have done so far:
- I have done port forwarding and have tested it (whenever I access my Xampp localhost from the remote network by entering my computer's ip, it opens up the localhost dashboard).
Now this where I'm stuck:
- Whenever, I specify a directory of website (in htdocs) on my remote network's url (like this: mycomputer's ip/folder's name it changes the url to localhost/folder's name and the page doesn't open).
How do I resolve this issue?
Add this line to your wp-config.php might help:
and comment or delete that line when your work from home.
But there's something can be improved. Try to some DDNS services and install their application to your local machine. After installed, you can access your computer from even you're home or not. So with below setting, you no need to edit anything when you change your work location.

unable to connect through website using localhost or IP address

I am trying to connect to a website which is hosted locally on a server but unable to connect. I have reset the IIS and try to connect it using local host but its is not working. I haven't change any thing and able to connect through it yesterday.
Can some please help and tell me what to do and what are the possibilities that why I am not able to connect.
Try to check three things.
If you are using a local host name check that, the same bindning is set on your site and that the same host name row exists in your hosts file (usually in C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts) like this example:
Check that the sites root is pointing to the correct directory on your local machine.
If you have access to a local development tool, like Visual studio, try to compile and see if build errors exists.

IIS Local Server Setup

I have a web apllication that I want to test on other machines such as smartphones,tablets etc.How can I make changes to the code on my computer and see the build on other devices?
If you can hook the machines into a local area network that is the same as your web server, then that is the easiest solution. For example, if they can share the same Wifi connection then it may be possible for your tablet or smartphone to access your web server through its local IP.
On the other hand, if you don't want to have that network dependency, you'll need a public IP that will work for the tablets, smartphones, etc. to see the site.
what OS/IIS version are you running? In any case point the "Default Web Site" to the root of your web project and make sure it's bound to port 80. You should be able to access it by "http://[machinename]" or "http://[ipaddress]". Make sure your devices are connected to your LAN. I've noticed that Android will not resolve the machine name but ip address should work.
From this support article.
Log on to the Web server computer as an administrator.
Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
Double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Internet Services Manager.
Right-click the Web site that you want to configure in the left pane, and then click properties.
Click the Web site tab.
Type a description for the Web site in the Description box.
Type the Internet Protocol (IP) address to use for the Web site or leave the All (Unassigned) default setting.
Modify the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port as appropriate.
Click the Home Directory tab.
To use a folder on the local computer, click A directory on this computer, and then click Browse to locate the folder that you want to use (your web site).
Click Read to grant read access to the folder (required).
Click OK to accept the Web site properties.
Then you can navigate it by your computer name or IP address. This is assuming the devices you want to use are on the same domain (network).
For instance it could be to get to the site on your local machine. You can figure out your machine's IP address by running ipconfig from the command prompt.

Set up ASP.NET web app on server and run on other computer in the network

I googled this a bit, but could't find anything useful.
I need to set up my ASP.NET web app on my server, but run it from another computer in the network.
How can I do this?
The idea is to have the files on the server and run the app by typing the ip adress of the server in the browser adress bar to run it.
Any help is appriciated!
a. Set up the site in IIS on your server. Make a note of the Host Name under the basic binding properties e.g. MyApp.local
b. Set this in your hosts file (%WINDIR%/system32/drivers/etc/hosts) on your workstation machine.
MyApp.local <use the IP Address of your Server />
c. In the Properties sheet for your Web Application in Visual Studio (right-click the web project in Solution Explorer and get 'Properties') go to the 'Web' section and put a dot in the radiobutton that says 'Use Custom Web Server' and set the 'Server Url' field to http://MyApp.local (or whatever you put for step 1).
d. Build and Go/Debug!
you need to publish it on webserver (IIS) and then you can access it from another machine.
(assume that ip address of webserver is
the most important is the windows firewall of webserver should allow access to another machine.
