Login to ASP.net application via Google account - asp.net

My client has a request that he wants to login to ASP.net web application via Google account. As I have never done something like that I have some concerns.
What bothers me is that he wants to add roles (administrator, user) to specific accounts and this puzzles me because I'm not sure how to connect Google account data with my database. I assume that I won't be able to get the password or username that I could store to my own database.
Where to start?

Use OpenID. This is implemented in ASP.NET in the DotNetOpenAuth library. It includes samples for Google logins, and it's very easy.
The roles should work to. As you build up your user table, just add users to the appropriate roles.

Have a look at this:
Scott Hanselman giving a quick overview of the OpenID features in .NET4.5. This might be a good starting point for you.

I suggest you to take a look at this codeplex miniproject : http://loginwithgoogle.codeplex.com/.
You might find it helpful.


Asp.Net Login Page , What would be the best approach

I am using Asp.Net/C# and Visual Studio 2008 to build an application.Right now I want to create a login page for my application , I would like to ask you guys , what would be the best approach to it.Should I go with Forms Authentication in Asp.Net or Should I try looking at Ajax Login with Asp.Net.Which would be more appropriate.If possible please let me know some of the pros and cons of the approaches.Also could anyone suggest me some links for a good starting point.
Any suggestions are most welcome.
I think you have to go for Forms Authentication. below is advantages of it.
1) users do not have to be member of a domain-based network to have access to your application.
2) Web applications, particularly commercial sites where customers order products, want to have access to user information. Forms authentication makes these types of applications easier to create.
3) Keep personalization cookies that contain user-specific preferences and non-sensitive data separate from authentication cookies.
4)Consider reducing the cookie lifetime to reduce the time window in which an attacker can use a captured cookie to gain access to your application with a spoofed identity.
List the steps to use Forms authentication in a web application?
1.Set the authentication mode in Web.config to Forms.
2.Create a Web form to collect logon information.
3.Create a file or database to store user names and passwords.
4.Write code to add new users to the user file or database.
5.Write code to authenticate users against the user file or database.
Hope this info is helpful to you make decision
Use OAuth for login.
It has ASP.net binding too..

Windows Azure Access Control with ASP.NET Membership

I have an existing production application that uses vanilla ASP.Net Membership for authentication.
However, I'd like to provide other means of authentication as well as the current ASP.net membership system, such as Facebook.
The Windows Azure Access Control Service makes this extremely easy and straight forward. Provided, that is, you're starting a new web application from scratch.
So, in this case, how do I
Integrate the Access Control Service authentication into my app without affecting the current login system and its users?
Migrate users over or Link logins? ( not sure if this is even possible)
Thanks all
You need to create a custom identity provider based on your membership database. See this article on custom WS-Federation Identity Providers that can be integrated to access control: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/gg185933.aspx
Also see this article on one that was written on top of the membership database: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vbertocci/archive/2009/04/23/enhance-your-asp-net-membership-based-website-by-adding-identity-provider-capabilities.aspx
Approach of creating an identity provider (IP) based on your ASP.NET membership database which Paul Tyng suggested is valid.
However, it means that if you just create an IP you'll allow log in to all people who are authorised with other IPs (e.g. Google or Facebook). I'm guessing it's not what you want - you'd still want people to first register (either plainly with username-password or with their external identity). If that's the case then your task is the following:
Add a data store for users' external identities which is related to your existing Users table.
Modify the ACS login handling within your application to check that the identity returned from ACS actually exists in your members database.
Perform member log in (instead of federated log in) if you found the returned identity in your db.
Add external identity tie in during the registration process so your Identities table can be actually populated.
(optional) Re-use the bulk of the #4 mechanism to provide an ability to attach external identity to existing user accounts (i.e. I already have a normal membership with you and now want to add an ability to log in with Google as well, for example).
There is no one single tutorial/walk-through to achieve this (or I have not found one) so I had to pull bits from a variety of sources to make it work. Please let me know in the comment if I understood your requirement correctly and I'll add a guide on how to set this up. Cheers!
Might be a bit late, but check out the following blog posts by fellow Windows Azure MVP - Dominik Bayer:
Mixing Forms and Token Authentication in a single ASP.NET Application
Mixing Forms and Token Authentication in a single ASP.NET Application (the Details)
Replacing ASP.NET Forms Authentication with WIF Session Authentication (for the better)
Invaluable readings which will help you in any way!

when to use authentication?

when to use
windows authentication, form authentication, passport authentication, none?
I don't find on internet any relevant matter on it, although all say how to use these authentication.
But no one says which one is superior and when to use one.
Please elaborate a little on it.
Also i want to know benefit of one over another, and what is that authentication i did by now by creating table with user id and password and match the user id and password with the data table. If that can be done easily what is the need of these authentication.
It depends on the project and what you want to achieve. If you were developing an Intranet for a company obviously only to be accessed from internal computers then windows authentication would be the choice.
If you want people to register and wish to access as much information as possible then use forms authentication to get the data you require and store it alongside membership.
If you want people to come and go from your site with ease with as little steps as possible for registration, then use Passport.
Hope this helps :)
Windows authentication is generally for companies where people do something locally and server checks if the computer that is trying to do something is valid.Example: Company that accepts some requests and people working there do something with them.
Forms authentication is for whole web where you want people to access the content regardless from PC/other device? they are using.Example: Website like this.
Windows Authentication is generally used for Active Directory-enabled networks, such as Intranet sites etc. where the user's Windows credentials double as a login to the web app.
Forms Authentication allows you to use the .NET Membership/Role/Login features and control a more in-depth user database.
I've never come across a good reason to use Passport Authentication, but it's a proprietry MS single-signon style authentication method.

OpenID Integration

Does anyone know of an ASP.NET guide to implementing OpenID and what information can be returned by the OpenID provider? I understand you can get the email address but if someone logs in with their Google OpenID can you get access to their addresses?
Yes, OpenID Providers can and often do offer 'claims' or 'attributes' about the people logging in if the OpenID relying party requests them and the user consents to these data being shared.
If you use DotNetOpenAuth for your ASP.NET OpenID library, it has built-in support for several ways of getting these attributes but keeps it simple on your side to get at them regardless of which way the Provider offers them. If you download the library it comes with a sample of how to do this.
As far as work address, and some other attributes specific to certain domains (domains of data--not Internet domains) very few Providers offer them. The best you can do is get "full address" and ask the user if that's the one they want to use.
This should help: http://www.eggheadcafe.com/tutorials/aspnet/4b3c7c9b-fe80-4e6e-a34e-0e9efed5c575/integrate-openid-authenti.aspx
Or a "simpler" one: http://madskristensen.net/post/OpenID-implementation-in-Csharp-and-ASPNET.aspx
Document describes how to implement Google login into your web application
and Third-party web sites and let you aware how OpenID authentication works.
Here is the step-by-step process to implement OpenID on your ASP.NET application using DotNetOpenOAuth libraray.
Tutorial demonstrates how to add OpenID support to an existing site that already has traditional membership without breaking anything in AspDotNetMVC.
I just blogged about this here. this shows how you can get extra information from these providers

How do I use OpenID in my new ASP.NET website?

I must be stupid, because all the articles I've seen on OpenID in ASP.NET have simply confused me on the issue. I'm pretty sure I understand the concepts involved here, I'm just a little fuzzy on how things look on the back end side of things.
So a new user comes to my website and wants to create an account. Here comes the flood of questions:
Is the first step here to have him pick which openID provider he will use to sign in?
Do I prompt him for a user name on my system?
Do I need to tie him to the same openID provider each time he returns, or can he select a new provider each time?
What does the database look like here? Do I have his username in a table and that is linked to an openID provider?
What if the user doesn't have an OpenID account? Should I allow him to create a traditional account on my end, then expose myself as an OpenID provider?
What am I missing here? I'm usually pretty bright, but this area has been like kryptonite to Superman for my developer smarts. Thanks in advance!
This page is a step-by-step tutorial on implementing OpenId on a web site. I believe it will answer all your questions about the mechanics of adding it.
A Recipe for OpenID-Enabling Your Site
If the user doesn't have an OpenId I would just allow them to register 'normally', storing their credentials for local use. There is no need to add the extra complexity of becoming an OpenID provider unless you have a business case for that.
Dude, you're not alone. OpenID confuses everyone except the people who designed it, and even then, I'm not so sure it doesn't confuse them either since there are multiple OpenID providers and slight incompatibilities between them, depending on whose libraries you use.
Imagine the user is a sql "table" himself (that table contains his "credentials"), and you have a table of profile data specific to your website that you own. The OpenID url is a "foreign key" that you use to "join" these two tables. You must prove to yourself that he really owns that OpenID url before accepting it (or associating it with your private profile data). You're essentially "offshoring" the authentication portion of your site.
So ultimately, you use an openid client library that does the work for you on your website. They register as normal filling in "full name, "age," etc (whatever you want) but they provide an openid url instead of username/password. The library looks after verifying they really own it. You have to trust this library to do that. You then store all of your profile data with that openid. Done.
While you could offer your own openid provider, it's not worth it at this point. There are plenty out there already. What you could do though, is offer a traditional username/password INSTEAD of openid. The idea of openid is that your register ONCE with a provider, and then just prove you own that URL to any site that wants to use it to identify you (instead of username/password).
Make sense?
