Publishing page from workflow - tridion

Whenever page is created or modified we want it to be published to Staging target.
For this we have Manual Activity "Create or Edit Page", then we have automatic activity "Publish to Staging" in this we have written following code, but page is not getting published when it is created or modified. Also no error is shown how to debug where things are going wrong.
' Script for Automatic Activity Content Manager Workflow
Set oTDSE = CreateObject("TDS.TDSE")
Call oTDSE.Initialize
Set ObjCurrentItem = CurrentWorkItem.GetItem(3)
sDestinationServer = "tcm:0-2-65538"
Set oPage = oTDSE.GetObject(ObjCurrentItem.ID, 3)
Call oPage.Publish(sDestinationServer, True, True, True)
FinishActivity "Publish to Staging for Review"
set oPage = Nothing
set ObjCurrentItem = Nothing
set oTDSE = Nothing

Since you mentioned this is your first workflow implementation, here are some other basics to try/look for. Since this is a Page Workflow, I'm assuming that the Structure Group that you are creating/editing the page in has already been associated to a Workflow Process Definition in that SG's workflow tab.
Create a new page (or edit a page) in the SG with the Workflow process definition set.
Verify that the Page is locked and in Workflow. From the Shortcuts section, goto "My Tasks". You should see your page there. If not, then the SG is probably missing the Process Definition.
Right click the page from "My Tasks" and click "Finish Activity". This should finish your Manual Step and send it to your Automatic Activity. That Activity should then execute the script, which will publish the page and then finish the automatic activity, sending the workflow process to your next step.
Verify that the Page has been published (check publishing queue).
If the page has not been published, go to the page and check its status. If an error happens during an Automatic Activity, the workflow item will be "suspended" and stuck on that activity. If you see this, you can get details of the error from the Event Log under Source "Workflow Script".
If following the above, and the workflow item is moving along the workflow process correctly (getting past your automatic activity without error and to your next activity) and you are still not seeing it being published, then verify what Nuno suggested.
Also note that you don't have to open the page using the TDSE object as you already have it opened via the CurrentWorkItem.GetItem() method... your script can be shortened:
Dim ObjCurrentItem
Set ObjCurrentItem = CurrentWorkItem.GetItem()
Call ObjCurrentItem.Publish("tcm:0-2-65538", True, True, True)
FinishActivity "Publish to Staging for Review"
Set ObjCurrentItem = Nothing

As you can see this is a very old code but works to publish objects via Workflow. "This code also publishes the pages/where this items is referenced."
Apart from looking at various logs, would suggest set the clean=false and check till what point the packages are created. This will give you idea how far it has reached. Ofcourse put bit of debug messages to see if all executes well.
Sub WFPublishPages( ByRef oComponent, ByRef targets, ByRef activateBlueprinting, ByRef activateWorkflow, ByRef rollbackOnFailure, ByRef publishTime, ByRef unpublishTime, ByRef deployTime, ByRef resolveComponentLinks, ByRef priority, ByRef ignoreRenderFailures, ByRef maximumRenderFailures )
' If IsNull(publishTime) Then
' publishTime = 0
' End If
' If IsNull(unpublishTime) Then
' unpublishTime = 0
' End If
' If IsNull(deployTime) Then
' deployTime = 0
' End If
' If IsNull(resolveComponentLinks) Then
' resolveComponentLinks = True
' End If
' If IsNull(priority) Then
' priority = PublishPriorityNormal
' End If
' If IsNull(ignoreRenderFailures) Then
' ignoreRenderFailures = false
' End If
' Is IsNull(maximumRenderFailures) Then
' maximumRenderFailures = 0
' End If
Dim Debugstring
Debugstring = ""
Dim oLRF
Set oLRF = TDSE.CreateListRowFilter()
Call oLRF.SetCondition("ItemType", ItemTypePage)
Call oLRF.SetCondition("OnlyLatestItems", True)
Dim oXML
Set oXML = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0")
Call oXML.setProperty("SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:tcm="""" xmlns:xlink=""""")
Call oXML.loadXML(oComponent.Info.GetListUsingItems(XMLListID, oLRF))
Dim oNode
Dim oPage
Dim strPageID
Debugstring = Debugstring & " DUBUG: ComponentID " & oComponent.ID & vbCrLf
For Each oNode In oXML.selectNodes("/tcm:ListUsingItems/tcm:Item")
strPageID = oNode.selectSingleNode("#ID").text
Debugstring = Debugstring & " DUBUG: PageID " & strPageID & vbCrLf
Set oPage = TDSE.GetObject(strPageID, OpenModeView )
Debugstring = Debugstring & " DUBUG: oPage.Title "
Debugstring = Debugstring & oPage.Title
Debugstring = Debugstring & vbCrLf
Call oPage.Publish(targets , activateBlueprinting, activateWorkflow, rollbackOnFailure, publishTime, unpublishTime, deployTime, resolveComponentLinks, priority,ignoreRenderFailures,maximumRenderFailures )
Call WriteLog("Publish Page: " & oPage.Title & " for component " & oComponent.Title & " - renderTime is " & publishTime & " - deployTime is " & deployTime)
Set oPage = Nothing
Set oNode = Nothing
Set oXML = Nothing
Set oLRF = Nothing

Here's a few things you can test:
Run the publisher in debug mode (stop the service, open a command prompt, run c:\Program Files (x86)\Tridion\bin\TcmPublisher /debug) and check for errors
Try publishing the page from the "My Tasks" view
Check if your page's current approval status is higher or equal than the Publication Target's "Minimum approval Status"


Display file properties dialog / Unexpected Qt warning without using Qt

Trying to display a file properties dialog programmatically in Windows 10, I first tried specifying the "properties" verb in a call to ShellExecute from VBScript. This produced a baffling warning:
Qt: Untested Windows version 10.0 detected!
I haven't installed Qt on this machine, and this is produced from somewhere in the innards of the Windows script support and/or even the API level, where evidently there is a Qt hook installed.
Next, I tried another angle, using the Shell scripting object to invoke the "properties" verb. No ShellExecute here. But same result, except that now it also happens (not entirely reproducable) that I get this error box:
option explicit
dim fs: set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sub writeline( s )
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine s
end sub
dim fArg: fArg = WScript.Arguments.Item( 0 )
dim itemPath: itemPath = fs.GetAbsolutePathName( fArg )
dim itemFolderPath: itemfolderpath = fs.GetParentFolderName( itemPath )
dim itemName: itemName = fs.GetFileName( itemPath )
writeline itemPath
writeline itemFolderPath
writeline itemName
dim winShell: set winShell = CreateObject( "Shell.Application" )
dim folder: set folder = winShell.NameSpace( itemFolderPath )
writeline "Folder title: " & folder.title
dim item: set item = folder.Items.Item( itemName )
writeline "Item name: " & item.Name
dim verbs: set verbs = item.Verbs ' !Produces Qt warning.
writeline "--------------------------------------------"
writeline verbs.Count & " verbs:"
dim propertiesVerb : set propertiesVerb = Nothing
dim verb: dim verbName
for each verb in verbs
verbName = verb.Name
writeline " -> " & verb.Name
if UCase( Replace( verbName, "&", "" ) ) = "PROPERTIES" then
set propertiesVerb = verb
end if
if propertiesVerb is Nothing then
writeline "!Properties verb not found"
writeline "Displaying properties dialog..."
end if
The baffling Qt warning, indicating a Qt hook somewhere in Windows, is produced by the so commented line, which just invokes the Verbs property on a folder item (scripting object).
I want to do this, display the properties dialog for a specified file, entirely in scripting, not at the Windows API level via e.g. C++ or C# which I suspect would just work.
By just adding
WScript.Sleep 200
after the invocation of the verb item, the dialog now shows. However, the Qt warning is there still. I don't want that.

GetCurrentUserName() is causing crash in MS Access 2010

I am running Windows 7 Professional. I have an MS Access frontend to an MS Access backend. The form that opens at the start of opening the frontend causes the app to crash.
Here is the code:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim strMyDir As String
Dim intPos As Integer
Dim rst As dao.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim rstWhatsNew As dao.Recordset
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Database", acToolbarNo
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Toolbox", acToolbarNo
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Form View", acToolbarNo
If Application.GetOption("ShowWindowsInTaskbar") = -1 Then
Application.SetOption "ShowWindowsInTaskbar", 0
End If
If DLookup("Locked", "luLockOut") <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Database is being worked on. Please try back in a couple minutes.", vbInformation, " "
strSQL = "Select * From tblLastLogins Where UserName = '" & GetCurrentUserName() & "'"
This is where I have traced the error to: GetCurrentUserName()
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
With rst
If Not .EOF Then
strSQL = "Select WhatsNewID From tblWhatsNew Where DateAdded >= #" & !LastLoginDate & "#"
Set rstWhatsNew = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
While Not rstWhatsNew.EOF
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmWhatsNew", , , , , acDialog, rstWhatsNew!WhatsNewID
Set rstWhatsNew = Nothing
!UserName = GetCurrentUserName()
End If
!LastLoginDate = Now()
!IsLoggedIn = -1
Me.txtLastLoginID = !LastLoginID
End With
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmPrivacyNote"
Debug.Print Me.txtLastLoginID
End If
I need to track the username, so if GetCurrentUserName() is outdated, what is the current syntax?
Further follow up. I could not find data on Bing for GetCurrentUserName(), for good reason. It is a function within a MOD, so I need to figure out why the MOD is not getting called, or is malfunctioning.
After further delving, I found a Referenced MDB that has another function created by one of our users that is the cause of this error.
This is currently not an issue of MS Access working incorrectly. It is an issue with user created code.
GetCurrentUserName() is not defined by Access, so you should have looked at (and posted) its code.
If you are looking for the Windows user name, use this function:
Public Function GetUserName() As String
' GetUserName = Environ("USERNAME")
' Environ("USERNAME") is easily spoofed, see comment by HansUp
GetUserName = CreateObject("WScript.Network").UserName
End Function
The link below would suggest that
is the function
Andre, thank you very much for the insight! I found this link:
Dim objNet
On Error Resume Next
'In case we fail to create object then display our custom error
Set objNet = CreateObject("WScript.NetWork")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'If error occured then display notice
MsgBox "Don't be Shy." & vbCRLF &_
"Do not press ""No"" If your browser warns you."
Document.Location = "UserInfo.html"
'Place the Name of the document.
'It will display again
End If
Dim strInfo
strInfo = "User Name is " & objNet.UserName & vbCrLf & _
"Computer Name is " & objNet.ComputerName & vbCrLf & _
"Domain Name is " & objNet.UserDomain
MsgBox strInfo
Set objNet = Nothing 'Destroy the Object to free the Memory

Cycling through all reports in Access

I have some code to build a basic report in access but, when I try to loop through all the reports with my variable rpt it skips the loop section, because nothing is assigned to the object. Any Ideas? What I need to get rpt to find the report with the caption qryDummy. Thanks in advance! :-)
Dim rptReport As Access.Report
Dim strCaption As String
Dim rpt As Report
CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryDummy").SQL = strSQL
' Open dummy query to invoke NewObjectAutoReport command on it
' Put the report created to design view to make properties editable
With DoCmd
.OpenQuery "qryDummy", acViewNormal
.RunCommand acCmdNewObjectAutoReport
.Close acQuery, "qryDummy"
.RunCommand acCmdDesignView
End With
' Get reference to just created report
' !!!!!!!!!! This is the Section Giving me problems will !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
' !!!!!!!!!! not loop through all the reports. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For Each rpt In Reports
If rpt.Caption = "qryDummy" Then Set rptReport = rpt
With rptReport
' Create title control
With CreateReportControl(.Name, acLabel, _
acPageHeader, , ReportTitle, 0, 0)
.FontBold = True
.FontSize = 12
End With
' Create timestamp on footer
CreateReportControl .Name, acLabel, _
acPageFooter, , Now(), 0, 0
' Create page numbering on footer
With CreateReportControl(.Name, acTextBox, _
acPageFooter, , "='Page ' & [Page] & ' of ' & [Pages]", _
.Width - 1000, 0)
End With
' Detach the report from dummy query
.RecordSource = strSQL
' Set the report caption to autogenerated unique string
strCaption = GetUniqueReportName
If strCaption <> "" Then .Caption = strCaption
End With
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPrintPreview
Set rptReport = Nothing
Ok So I guess my problem will use this snippet of code as the report is left open when the VBA runs:
For Each rpt In Reports
If rpt.Caption = "qryDummy" Then Set rptReport = rpt
The only problem I have is it is not assigning rptReport = rpt I get the error: rpt = nothing, which results in rpt.caption = "Object variable or with block variable not set". So it is like the open report is not being seen?
FYI Solved the Problem need to change rpt.caption to rpt.Name Thanks for the help!
Dim rpt As Report
For Each rpt In Reports
Debug.Print rpt.Name
will only iterate through Reports that are currently open. To iterate through all reports you need to do
Dim rpt As Object
For Each rpt In Application.CurrentProject.AllReports
Debug.Print rpt.Name

Classic asp - response.redirect in a sub - error handling

I wish to do the following ... Provide a page a developer can redirect to provided an error occurs ... like a vb error connection couldn't open or object couldn't be found ... or a database error is raised ... but since I moved the redirect into a sub the page doesn't actually redirect ... Is it possible that I simply can't redirect from a sub? Seems weird.
Run a stored procedure that raises an error
Dim cmd
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
cmd.ActiveConnection = con
cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
cmd.CommandText = "spReturnDBException"
Call a handle errors function that sets up some session parms and redirects if neccessary
HandleErrors con _
, Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") _
, "An error occurred while trying to save sessions." _
, "Actual Error: " + Err.Description + " EmpNo: " + Session("EmpNo") _
+ ". QueryString: " + Request.Querystring _
, 0
This would be the sub called.
sub HandleErrors( connection, WebPagePath, GenericErrorMessage, DebugInfo, Severity)
//Check for vb errors
if Err.Number <> 0 Then
Session("WebPagePath") = WebPagePath
Session("SafeErrorMessage") = GenericErrorMessage 'Session("SafeErrorMessage") + "A connection was dropped while trying to complete sessions."
Session("DebugInfo") = DebugInfo ' Err.Description
Session("LineNo") = Err.Line
Session("StackTrace") = ""
Session("Severity") = Severity
//error occurs
elseif connection.Errors.count <> 0 then
response.write("a database error occurred.")
// Store safe error message / # in session
Session("WebPagePath") = WebPagePath
Session("SafeErrorMessage") = GenericErrorMessage 'Session("SafeErrorMessage") + "An error has occurred while trying to save sessions."
Session("DebugInfo") = DebugInfo '"Some extra added debug info from the webpage"
Session("LineNo") = 0
Session("StackTrace") = ""
Session("Severity") = Severity
Dim objError
for each objError in connection.Errors
// Store safe error number in session
Session("SafeErrorNumbers") = Session("SafeErrorNumbers") + objError.Description
if connection.Errors.Count > 1 then
Session("SafeErrorNumbers") = Session("SafeErrorNumbers") + "|"
end if
end if
end sub
To display the Error line number:
set objError = Server.GetLastError()
strErrorLine = objError.Line
Here are a couple threads on using Err.line:
I can't explain why you are getting the results you are. I can tell you that if your code reachs a line that contains Response.Redirect that redirect will happen regardless of whether its a in a Sub procdure or not.
I would make this suggestion. Stop using using On Error Resume Next. It is very painful way to deal with exceptions.
Instead change HandleErrors into GenerateConnectionError. Its job would be to compose error source and description strings and deliberately call Err.Raise with a user define error number (I tend to use 1001).
Now your Error.asp should be installed in the root of your application as the handler for the 500.100 http status code. When a script error occurs IIS will look to the current error pages collection for the location to determine what to do. You will have set this to execute a URL and specified your Error.asp as the URL.
When Error.asp is executed it will find details about the page being requested from QueryString. Here you can also use Server.GetLastError to get an ASPError object from which you can get other details about the error.
Using this approach will detail with any script error without requiring the developer to remember to pepper their code with HandleError code. The developer need on remember to call GenerateConnectionError when performing code that is using an ADODB.Connection and even then you could probably abstract that inside an .asp include file.

ASP.NET - remote screenshot

I made a very very simple small app to take screenshot of the desktop and send to network share. About 10 PC's would have this app installed.
My idea is, that there will be one dashboard in ASP.NET, which simply shows those screenshots on the webpage. So far, easy stuff.
But, because I don't want to clog the network and send the screenshot every 1 minute, I would like to launch the .exe on the remote PC's by demand of ASP.NET user.
Unfortunately I haven't found any information (and I'm a complete ASP.NET n00b), how to launch remote executable IN the context of the remote PC (so I won't see screenshots of ASP server :) )
If there is no such possibility, please advise about other way to solve this.
Update after clarification:
Take a look at the situation from another angle:
Why don't you run a web server on the clients that host an page that triggers the capture. Then you can, from your root server, simply sent http requests to the clients and fetch the image.
You can try - it supports external IP and hostnames.
And you may also consider simply embedding the CassiniDev-lib (a very simple example is shown here - Using CassiniDev to host ASP.Net in your application, that way you can use the web server as the reciever and the forms app can do whatever it wants on the client.
I am confident in this approach as I designed cassinidev with this as one of the primary use cases.
From you cannot. It is only HTML/JavaScript once it gets to the browser.
ActiveX is a possibility but it is quite painful and dated and limited. And painful.
The new way to do something like this is to deploy a .net Forms application or WPF app via Click Once.
You can also write a WPF Browser Application but getting the kind of permissions you would need would entail setting the site as full trust.
If a web page could launch an arbitrary .exe file on your machine, that would be a security disaster.
However, since these are your PCs, you can require them to install an ActiveX control of some kind that you could then embed in your ASP.NET page.
As others have said, there is really no way for ASP.Net to call out to the apps, but reversing the control flow should work OK...
I suppose you could have the grabber application running all the time on the users desktop, but have it make a call to a web service / file served by the server that contains an instruction for that instance of the app to grab a screenshot.
Something like...
App : Do I have to do anything? (GET /workinstruction.aspx)
Server : no. (server decides whether to request work, and return the result in (workinstruction.aspx)
App : (waits 1 minute)
App : Do I have to do anything?
Server : yes.
App : (takes screenshot and submits)
App : (waits 1 minute)
App : Do I have to do anything?
Thank you all for answering, those were interesting approaches to the subject.
Yet due to many factors I ended up with following solution:
Pseudo-service (Windows Forms with tray icon and hidden form) application on client PC's. It is serving as TCP server.
ASP.Net web app on the server, with TCP client function.
On request of the web user, web app is sending preformatted TCP 'activation' string to the chosen PC. Tray app is making a screenshot and sending it to predefined SMB share, available for web app to display.
Thanks again!
I've done this exact thing a few times for monitoring remote display systems. What I found was that using MiniCap.exe to capture image also took video (which was required on remote display systems).
I also used Cassini as described by Sky Sanders with an ASPX-page with the following code.
Then I just reference the page from an img src="http://computer/page.aspx?paramters". (Let me know if you need more info)
<%# Import NameSpace="System.IO" %>
<%# Import NameSpace="System.Drawing" %>
<%# Import NameSpace="System.Drawing.Imaging" %>
<%# Import NameSpace="System.Diagnostics" %>
Response.Buffer = True
Response.BufferOutput = True
Dim CompressionLevel As Integer = 1
Dim compress As Integer = 1
If Not Request.Item("compress") Is Nothing Then
If IsNumeric(Request.Item("compress")) = True Then
CompressionLevel = CInt(Request.Item("compress"))
End If
End If
compress = CompressionLevel
' Resize requested?
Dim SizeX As Integer = 100
Dim SizeY As Integer = 75
If Not Request.Item("width") Is Nothing Then
If IsNumeric(Request.Item("width")) = True Then
SizeX = CInt(Request.Item("width"))
CompressionLevel = 10
End If
End If
If Not Request.Item("height") Is Nothing Then
If IsNumeric(Request.Item("height")) = True Then
SizeY = CInt(Request.Item("height"))
CompressionLevel = 10
End If
End If
Dim Region As String = ""
If Not Request.Item("region") Is Nothing Then
Region = Request.Item("region")
End If
Dim XS As Integer = 0
Dim YS As Integer = 0
Dim XE As Integer = 1023
Dim YE As Integer = 766
If Region.IndexOf(",") > -1 Then
Dim Rec() As String = Region.Split(",")
If Rec.GetUpperBound(0) >= 3 Then
If IsNumeric(Rec(0)) Then XS = Rec(0)
If IsNumeric(Rec(1)) Then YS = Rec(1)
If IsNumeric(Rec(2)) Then XE = Rec(2)
If IsNumeric(Rec(3)) Then YE = Rec(3)
End If
End If
Catch : End Try
Dim FileType As String = "jpg"
Dim MimeType As String = "jpeg"
If Not Request.Item("filetype") Is Nothing Then
FileType = Request.Item("filetype")
MimeType = FileType
End If
If Not Request.Item("mimetype") Is Nothing Then
FileType = Request.Item("mimetype")
End If
Dim ImageFile As String = ""
Dim ImageThumbFile As String = ""
Dim ImageFolder As String = Server.MapPath("~/ScreenShots/")
If IO.Directory.Exists(ImageFolder) = False Then
End If
' Delete files older than 30 minutes
For Each File As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(ImageFolder)
Response.Write("File: " & File & "<br>")
If IO.File.GetCreationTimeUtc(File).AddMinutes(30) < Now.ToUniversalTime Then
End If
' Find available filename
Dim tmpC As Integer = 0
While tmpC < 100
tmpC += 1
ImageFile = "ScreenShot_" & CStr(tmpC).PadLeft(5, "0") & "." & FileType
ImageThumbFile = "ScreenShot_" & CStr(tmpC).PadLeft(5, "0") & "_thumb." & FileType
If IO.File.Exists(ImageFolder & "\" & ImageFile) = False Then
' Found our filename
' Reserve it
Dim ios As IO.FileStream = IO.File.Create(ImageFolder & "\" & ImageFile)
ios = Nothing
Exit While
End If
End While
' Run MiniCap
' " -capturedesktop" & _
Dim CMD As String = """" & Server.MapPath("/MiniCap.EXE") & """" & _
" -save """ & ImageFolder & "\" & ImageFile & """" & _
" -captureregion " & XS & " " & YS & " " & XE & " " & YE & _
" -exit" & _
" -compress " & CompressionLevel
If Not CMD Is Nothing Then
Dim myProcess As Process = New Process
Dim RouteFB As String
With myProcess
With .StartInfo
.FileName = "cmd.exe"
.UseShellExecute = False
.CreateNoWindow = True
.RedirectStandardInput = True
.RedirectStandardOutput = True
.RedirectStandardError = True
End With
End With
Dim sIn As IO.StreamWriter = myProcess.StandardInput
sIn.AutoFlush = True
' Create stream reader/writer references
Dim sOut As IO.StreamReader = myProcess.StandardOutput
Dim sErr As IO.StreamReader = myProcess.StandardError
' Send commands
sIn.Write(CMD & System.Environment.NewLine)
sIn.Write("exit" & System.Environment.NewLine)
' Wait one second
' Read all data
' Kill process if still running
If Not myProcess.HasExited Then
End If
End If
If Not Request.Item("width") Is Nothing Or Not Request.Item("length") Is Nothing Then
' Resize, making thumbnail in desired size
Dim b As Bitmap = Bitmap.FromFile(ImageFolder & "\" & ImageFile)
Dim thumb As Bitmap = b.GetThumbnailImage(SizeX, SizeY, Nothing, IntPtr.Zero)
' Jpeg image codec
Dim jpegCodec As ImageCodecInfo
' Get image codecs for all image formats
Dim codecs As ImageCodecInfo() = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders()
' Find the correct image codec
For i As Integer = 0 To codecs.Length - 1
If (codecs(i).MimeType = "image/" & MimeType) Then
jpegCodec = codecs(i)
Exit For
End If
Next i
Dim qualityParam As New EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality, compress * 10)
Dim encoderParams As New EncoderParameters(1)
encoderParams.Param(0) = qualityParam
thumb.Save(ImageFolder & "\" & ImageThumbFile, jpegCodec, encoderParams)
' Send thumb
Response.TransmitFile(ImageFolder & "\" & ImageThumbFile)
' Send normal file
Response.TransmitFile(ImageFolder & "\" & ImageFile)
End If
