How to protect a file directory and only allow authenticated users to access the files? - meteor

how do I restrict a folder, so only those who logged in into my Meteor app can download files?
I looked into multiple ways of doing this, but the main problem is that I can't access ( I get null.) with:
Meteor.user() or this.userId()
I tried:
.use(function(req, res, next) {
Fiber(function () {
route: "/protected/secret_document.doc", // only users can download this
handle: function(req, res) { Fiber(function() {
res.writeHead(403, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
var content = '<html><body>403 Forbidden</body></html>';
res.end(content, 'utf-8');
}).run() }

You could try storing the files in mongodb, which would mean that they would then be hooked into your collection system and be queryable on the client and server. Then, just publish the relevant data to the client for specific users, or use Meteor.methods to expose information that way.
Assuming files are stored in MongoDB, let's first publish them to the client:
Meteor.publish("files", function(folder) {
if (!this.userId) return;
// the userHasAccessToFolder method checks whether
// this user is allowed to see files in this folder
if (userHasAccessToFolder(this.userId, folder))
// if so, return the files for that folder
// (filter the results however you need to)
return Files.find({folder: folder});
Then on the client, we autosubscribe to the published channel so that whenever it changes, it gets refreshed:
Meteor.startup(function() {
Meteor.autosubscribe(function() {
// send the current folder to the server,
// which will return the files in the folder
// only if the current user is allowed to see it
Meteor.subscribe("files", Session.get("currentFolder"));
NB. I haven't tested above code so consider it pseudocode, but it should point you in the general direction for solving this problem. The hard part is storing the files in mongodb!

i'd be more concerned as to why Meteor.user() isn't working.
a few questions:
are you on meteor 0.5.0?
have you added accounts-base to your meteor project?
have you used one of meteor's login systems (accounts-password, accounts-facebook, etc)? (optional - accounts-ui for ease of use?)
have you still got autopublish on? or have you set up publishing / subscription properly?
Meteor.user() should be the current user, and Meteor.users should be a Meteor Collection of all previous logged in users.


Ionic Storage doesn't update values

after I successfully log into my app using Firebase I want to store a bunch of information (like, user email, user uid, user name...) and use it throughout my app. The best way I found for this is to use Ionic Storage.
Now, in the first login works fine, but If I log out and log in with another user, the first user info is still showing instead of the new one. Note that I am cleaning all my storage when the user hits log out. My code:
Auth validation (guard): I am checking user auth status again after login.
return this.AFauth.authState.pipe(map(auth => {
if (auth !== null && auth !== undefined) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Saving Firebase info in Storage
saveUserInStorage(auth) { => {; //cleaning again just in case...'user_uid', auth.uid);'user_name', auth.displayName);'user_email',;'user_photoUrl', auth.photoUrl);
}).catch(err => {
console.log('no pudimos guardar');
Logout function
logOutUser() {
firebase.auth().signOut().then(result => {
// after user hits logout, I erase my storage'user_email');;
}).catch(error => {
// An error happened.
I have to reload my webpage to see the last user logged in.
This might not have anything to do with your storage but rather you have to reset your forms or fields where the information is shown or change the way this information is loaded. I would suggest two options:
On the pages use ionViewWillEnter and put the code in there where the information is pulled out of the storage. (this is probably the easiest)
Use BehaviorSubjects for always emitting a new event when the info is changed and listen to those events where the information is used.
The reason for this is, that every page, once created won't create itself again. You can see this if you console Log something in ngOnInit. Therefore your old information sticks to the page until you find another way to update it. (with ionViewWillEnter or Observables)

Meteor collection updated on server, not reflecting on client

I am trying to create a Meteor app that stores content in a Meteor collection to be passed between the server and the client to display a success message after an asynchronous api call through the twit package.
However, I am running into an issue where when I update the collection on the server and the updates are not reflected on the client. My code is as follows:
Alerts = new Meteor.Collection("alerts");
"submit form": function (e) {
return'submitMessage', message);
Meteor.startup(function() {
Tracker.autorun(function() {
Fiber = Npm.require('fibers')
Twit = new TwitMaker({
consumer_key: '...',
consumer_secret: '...',
access_token: '...',
access_token_secret: '...'
Meteor.publish("alerts", function(){
submitMessage: function(message) {
this.unblock();'statuses/update', { 'status': message }, function(err, data, response) {
Alerts.insert({response: err});
When I submit the form the function calls just fine and updates the collection, however the Tracker.autorun() does not run. Any ideas why this is happening or how I can make the client listen for changes in collections would be super helpful. Thank you!
Remember to return the resulting cursor in the publish():
Meteor.publish("alerts", function(){
return Alerts.find();
Publish functions can return a Collection.Cursor, in which case Meteor will publish that cursor's documents to each subscribed client. You can also return an array of Collection.Cursors, in which case Meteor will publish all of the cursors.
Alternatively, a publish function can directly control its published record set by calling the functions added (to add a new document to the published record set), changed (to change or clear some fields on a document already in the published record set), and removed (to remove documents from the published record set). These methods are provided by this in your publish function.
If a publish function does not return a cursor or array of cursors, it is assumed to be using the low-level added/changed/removed interface, and it must also call ready once the initial record set is complete.

File download from API to Meteor server and upload to S3

I am sending a request from my Meteor server to download a file via an API. I then want to upload that file to S3. I keep getting the following "NoSuchKey: The specified key does not exist." I initially thought it was maybe a problem with my AcessKey/SecretKey form AWS but after googling this for a while the only examples I could find of other people getting this error is when trying to download a file from S3.
Setting up cfs:s3
var imageStore = new FS.Store.S3("images", {
accessKeyId: "MyAcessKeyId", //required if environment variables are not set
secretAccessKey: "MySecretAcessKey", //required if environment variables are not set
bucket: "BucketName", //required
Images = new FS.Collection("images", {
stores: [imageStore]
Start file transfer from API and upload to S3
client.get_result(id, Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(err, result){ //result is the download stream and id specifies which file to download.
if (err !== null){
var file = new FS.File(result);
Images.insert(file, function (err, fileObj) {
if (err){
Note: I was getting the following error so I added Meteor.bindEnvironment.
"Meteor code must always run within a Fiber. Try wrapping callbacks that you pass to non-Meteor libraries with Meteor.bindEnvironment."
Node.js example from API Documentation
client.get_result(id, function(err, result){
if (err != null) {
file.writeFile(path.join('public', path.join('results', filename)), result, 'binary');
What ended up fixing the problem for me was moving part of the setup to the lib folder. Although I tried several different ways I was unable to get it to execute entirely on the server. It looks like the documentation was updated recently which states everything a bit more clearly. If you follow this setup it should eliminate the error. See the section titled Client, Server, and S3 credentials
Note: Make sure not to place you secret key is not in you lib folder as this is accessible from the client.

Meteor.userId() not available in ConnectHandlers

I am trying to create a file upload feature in Meteor where a logged in user is able to upload a file to the server under a directory named after their username. I have the basics working but when I take it a step further by checking the logged in user ID, things start breaking. Specifically:
WebApp.connectHandlers.use('/upload/', function(req, res) {
if (this.userId) {
// Do cool stuff.
} else {
res.writeHead(500, {"content-type":"text/html"});
res.end("this.userId = " + this.userId); // End the response.
this.userId = undefined
WebApp.connectHandlers.use('/upload/', function(req, res) {
if (Meteor.userId()) {
// Do cool stuff.
} else {
res.writeHead(500, {"content-type":"text/html"});
res.end("Meteor.userId() = " + Meteor.userId()); // End the response.
Error: Meteor.userId can only be invoked in method calls. Use this.userId in publish functions.
at Object.Meteor.userId (packages/accounts-base/accounts_server.js:19:1)
at Object.Package [as handle] (packages/cool_package/upload.js:34:1)
at next (/Users/me/.meteor/packages/webapp/.
at (/Users/me/.meteor/packages/webapp/.
at Object.fn [as handle] (/Users/me/.meteor/packages/webapp/.
at next (/Users/me/.meteor/packages/webapp/.
at Object.WebAppInternals.staticFilesMiddleware (packages/webapp/webapp_server.js:331:1)
at packages/webapp/webapp_server.js:625:1
The code above is included in a Meteor package I'm developing. The package.js file specifies that the code should run on the server:
api.add_files("upload.js", "server");
So my questions are:
What is the correct way to check the logged in user ID and username?
Can this code be moved to an Iron Router route instead?
It looks like the line
WebApp.connectHandlers.use('/upload/', function(req, res) {
Is Express.js or similar code -- if so, you have broken out of the Meteor frameowrk providing your own REST services etc. If that is the case you also have to provide your own user management and authentication scheme for incoming REST calls, just as you would in any other bare-bones REST applications

Publishing Meteor Users to Admin

I'm trying to publish all emails and "roles" to "admin" users (using the meteor-roles meteorite package), and the server knows what it's trying to publish, but for some reason the client is not picking up the data. Here's the piece of code involved:
Server Code:
Meteor.publish("directory", function() {
if(Roles.userIsInRole(this.userId, 'admin')) {
//next line shows that it outputs that there are 2 documents in this
console.log(Meteor.users.find({}, {fields:{emails:1, roles:1}}).count());
return Meteor.users.find({}, {fields:{emails:1, roles:1}});
} else {
return {};
Client Code:
Directory = new Meteor.Collection("directory");
//and then to simulate my use for this collection
//which outputs 0
Why isn't the client getting the documents? (and I am definitely logging in with an account with role "admin")
Okay, so I figured out what I was doing wrong. I just need to publish "directory" on the server, and subscribe on the client. Then, all user data goes into the Meteor.users collection, and I shouldn't define my own "Directory=new Meteor.Collection('directory')". I can then access the data via Meteor.users. Cheers!
Server: use same code as above
console.log(Meteor.users.find().count()); //outputs 2, yay!
Your collection should probably be defined on the beginning so that client knows where to write!
Also, your Meteor.subscribe("directory"); runs once when the app is loaded. You should make it reactive.
Directory = new Meteor.Collection("directory");
