Handle ActionResults as cachable, "static content" in ASP.NET MVC (4) - asp.net

I have a couple of ActionMethods that returns content from the database that is not changing very often (eg.: a polygon list of available ZIP-Areas, returned as json; changes twice per year).
I know, there is the [OutputCache(...)] Attribute, but this has some disadvantages (a long time client-side caching is not good; if the server/iis/process gets restartet the server-side cache also stopps)
What i want is, that MVC stores the result in the file system, calculates the hash, and if the hash hasn't changed - it returns a HTTP Status Code 304 --> like it is done with images by default.
Does anybody know a solution for that?

I think it's a bad idea to try to cache data on the file system because:
It is not going to be much faster to read your data from file system than getting it from database, even if you have it already in the json format.
You are going to add a lot of logic to calculate and compare the hash. Also to read data from a file. It means new bugs, more complexity.
If I were you I would keep it as simple as possible. Store you data in the Application container. Yes, you will have to reload it every time the application starts but it should not be a problem at all as application is not supposed to be restarted often. Also consider using some distributed cache like App Fabric if you have a web farm in order not to come up with different data in the Application containers on different servers.
And one more important note. Caching means really fast access and you can't achieve it with file system or database storage this is a memory storage you should consider.


Caching of data in a text file — Better options

I am working on an application at the moment that is using as a caching strategy the reading and writing of data to text files in a read/write directory within the application.
My gut reaction is that this is sooooo wrong.
I am of the opinion that these values should be stored in the ASP.NET Cache or another dedicated in-memory cache such as Redis or something similar.
Can you provide any data to back up my belief that writing to and reading from text files as a form of cache on the webserver is the wrong thing to do? Or provide any data to prove me wrong and show that this is the correct thing to do?
What other options would you provide to implement this caching?
In one example, a complex search is performed based on a keyword. The result from this search is a list of Guids. This is then turned into a concatenated, comma-delimited string, usually less than 100,000 characters. This is then written to a file using that keyword as its name so that other requests using this keyword will not need to perform the complex search. There is an expiry - I think three days or something, but I don't think it needs to (or should) be that long
I would normally use the ASP.NET Server Cache to store this data.
I can think of four reasons:
Web servers are likely to have many concurrent requests. While you can write logic that manages file locking (mutexes, volatile objects), implementing that is a pain and requires abstraction (an interface) if you plan to be able to refactor it in the future--which you will want to do, because eventually the demand on the filesystem resource will be heavier than what can be addressed in a multithreaded context.
Speaking of which, unless you implement paging, you will be reading and writing the entire file every time you access it. That's slow. Even paging is slow compared to an in-memory operation. Compare what you think you can get out of the disks you're using with the Redis benchmarks from New Relic. Feel free to perform your own calculation based on the estimated size of the file and the number of threads waiting to write to it. You will never match an in-memory cache.
Moreover, as previously mentioned, asynchronous filesystem operations have to be managed while waiting for synchronous I/O operations to complete. Meanwhile, you will not have data consistent with the operations the web application executes unless you make the application wait. The only way I know of to fix that problem is to write to and read from a managed system that's fast enough to keep up with the requests coming in, so that the state of your cache will almost always reflect the latest changes.
Finally, since you are talking about a text file, and not a database, you will either be determining your own object notation for key-value pairs, or using some prefabricated format such as JSON or XML. Either way, it only takes one failed operation or one improperly formatted addition to render the entire text file unreadable. Then you either have the option of restoring from backup (assuming you implement version control...) and losing a ton of data, or throwing away the data and starting over. If the data isn't important to you anyway, then there's no reason to use the disk. If the point of keeping things on disk is to keep them around for posterity, you should be using a database. If having a relational database is less important than speed, you can use a NoSQL context such as MongoDB.
In short, by using the filesystem and text, you have to reinvent the wheel more times than anyone who isn't a complete masochist would enjoy.

.Net Scenario Based Opinion

I am facing a situation where I am stuck in a very heavy traffic load and keeping the performance high at the same time. Here is my scenario, please read it and advise me with your valuable opinion.
I am going to have a three way communication between my server, client and visitor. When visitor visits my client's website, he will be detected and sent to a intermediate Rule Engine to perform some tasks and output a filtered list of different visitors on my server. On the other side, I have a client who will access those lists. Now what my initial idea was to have a Web Service at my server who will act as a Rule Engine and output resultant lists on an ASPX page. But this seems to be inefficient because there will be huge traffic coming in and the clients will continuously requesting data from those lists so it will be a performance overhead. Kindly suggest me what approach should I do to achieve this scenario so that no deadlock will happen and things work smoothly. I also considered the option for writing and fetching from XML file but its also not very good approach in my case.
NOTE: Please remember that no DB will involve initially, all work will remain outside DB.
Wow, storing data efficiently without a database will be tricky. What you can possibly consider is the following:
Store the visitor data in an object list of some sort and keep it in the application cache on the server.
Periodically flush this list (say after 100 items in the list) to a file on the server - possibly storing it in XML for ease of access (you can associate a schema with it as well to make sure you always get the same structure you need). You can perform this file-writing asynchronously as to avoid keeping the thread locked while writing the file.
The Web Service sounds like a good idea - make it feed off the XML file. Possibly consider breaking the XML file up into several files as well. You can even cache the contents of this file separately so the service feeds of the cached data for added performance benefits...

ASP.net: Best way to hold global settings

I need to store settings that update from time to time about my website and was wondering what is the most efficient way to do this. Note that once these settings are changed, I need them to be accessible even after an IIS reboot, so a simple application variable is not the answer. I also know I can store application settings in my config file, but as you change them, the actual XML doesn't seem to update, so I would have to re-write the XML behind the scenes each time it changes.
As for writing to an file, such as an INI, my concern arises if as I am writing, another is trying to read. I have had IO locking errors before doing such a thing. Also I can do a database storage, but trying to keep database calls low.
Right now I am set on probably having an INI that I write to on change, on application load I pull from that so that I can always access the local variable. This would make IO issues pretty unlikely since I am only reading once. Just basically looking for some input on what is likely the most efficient way of doing this.
Thanks in advance,
Anthony F Greco
If you want to minimize database calls, I'd say put the values in the database, then cache them in your application. Depending on your needs, maybe expire the cache every 30 minutes, so when you change the DB value, it will be applied in no more than 30 minutes, and you will only make a DB call every 30 minutes (or when needed, like when your app restarts). Or you can use a SQL Cache Dependency, but I've never done that, so I don't know the pitfalls of that technique.
We moved all of our application settings from the web.config to the database as can be seen HERE.
Ours was done to get around the problems with promoting code from Dev to Test to QA to Prod, but it can be used for other reasons.
Ours is cached on application startup and then every 5 minutes it checks to see if a single counter in a table was updated. If so, it refreshes all of the settings.
I'd go with #Joe Enos
Except that I'd use an xml file or a .ini, as you'd like to limit your db calls.

Static variable across multiple requests

In order to improve speed of chat application, I am remembering last message id in static variable (actually, Dictionary).
Howeever, it seems that every thread has own copy, because users do not get updated on production (single server environment).
private static Dictionary<long, MemoryChatRoom> _chatRooms = new Dictionary<long, MemoryChatRoom>();
No treadstaticattribute used...
What is fast way to share few ints across all application processes?
I know that web must be stateless. However, for every rule there is an exception. Currently all data stroed in ms sql, and in this particular case some piece of shared memory wil increase performance dramatically and allow to avoid sql requests for nothing.
I did not used static for years, so I even missed moment when it started to be multiple instances in same application.
So, question is what is simplest way to share memory objects between processes? For now, my workaround is remoting, but there is a lot of extra code and I am not 100% sure in stability of this approach.
I'm assuming you're new to web programming. One of the key differences in a web application to a regular console or Windows forms application is that it is stateless. This means that every page request is basically initialised from scratch. You're using the database to maintain state, but as you're discovering this is fairly slow. Fortunately you have other options.
If you want to remember something frequently accessed on a per-user basis (say, their username) then you could use session. I recommend reading up on session state here. Be careful, however, not to abuse the session object -- since each user has his or her own copy of session, it can easily use a lot of RAM and cause you more performance problems than your database ever was.
If you want to cache information that's relevant across all users of your apps, ASP.NET provides a framework for data caching. The simplest way to use this is like a dictionary, eg:
Cache["item"] = "Some cached data";
I recommend reading in detail about the various options for caching in ASP.NET here.
Overall, though, I recommend you do NOT bother with caching until you are more comfortable with web programming. As with any type of globally shared data, it can cause unpredictable issues which are difficult to diagnosed if misused.
So far, there is no easy way to comminucate between processes. (And maybe this is good based on isolation, scaling). For example, this is mentioned explicitely here: ASP.Net static objects
When you really need web application/service to remember some state in memory, and NOT IN DATABASE you have following options:
You can Max Processes count = 1. Require to move this piece of code to seperate web application. In case you make it separate subdomain you will have Cross Site Scripting issues when accesing this from JS.
Remoting/WCF - You can host critical data in remoting applcation, and access it from web application.
Store data in every process and syncronize changes via memcached. Memcached doesn't have actual data, because it took long tim eto transfer it. Only last changed date per each collection.
With #3 I am able to achieve more than 100 pages per second from single server.

xml parsing / querying performance question for asp.net

I have to port a smaller windows forms application (product configurator) to an asp.net app which will be used on a large company's website, demand should be moderate because it's for a specialized product line.
I don't have access to a database and using XML is a requirement from their web developers.
There are roughly 30 different products with roughly 300 different possible configurations stored in the xml files, and linked questions / answers that lead to a product recommendation. Also some production options. The app is available in 6 languages.
How would you solve the 'data access' layer, if you could call it this way? I thought of reading / deserializing the xml files into their objects and store them in asp.net's cache if they're not there already and then read from the cache on subsequent requests. But that would mean all objects live in the memory all day and night.
Is that even necessary, or smart, performance wise? As I said before, the app is not that big, the xml files not that large. Could I just create some Repository class that reads the xml files whenever an object is requested (ie. 'Product Details', or 'Next question') and returns it that way, and drive memory consumption down?
The whole approach seems to be sticking to a single server. First consider if this is appropriate as you mentioned a "large company's website", that sets a red flag for me. If you need the site to scale, you will end up having more than a single server, which prevents considering a simple local file.
If you are constrained to using that, analyze what data is more appropriate to keep in cache (does not change often, its long lived, the same info is requested different times). Try to keep the cached stuff separated from the non cached, which will reduce the amount of amount of info in the more dynamic files. If you expect big amounts of information, consider splitting the files with something appropriate to your domain.
I use Cache whenever I can. I cache objects upon their first request. If memory is of any concern, I set expiration policy. And whether it is or not, when short on memory, the framework will unload the cache anyway.
Since it is per application and not per user, it makes sense to have it, especially if the relative footprint is small.
If you have to expand to multiple servers later, you can access the same file over the network or modify DA layer to retrieve data by any other means (services, DB, etc). The caching code will stay the same and performance will be virtually unaffected.
If you set dependency, objects will always stay current.
I'm for it.
Using the cache, and setting an appropriate expiration policy as advised by others is a sound approach. I'd suggest you look at using LINQ to XML as the basis for your data access code as it is so much easier to use than traditional methods of querying XML. You can find a decent introduction here.
