Nautical charts symbols in vector format - vector

Please help me to find nautical charts symbols, used on nautical navigation maps in vector format. I have found following PDF:
It contains all symbols I need, but unfortunately they are all in raster.
I take a look to the OpenStreetMap & OpenSeaMap and similar OpenSource projects, but unable to solve my problem. And I feel sense that redrawing such symbols from raster PDF itself is not a good idea and looks like reinventing the wheel...

You already looked at the right places. OpenSeaMap seems to have its SVG icon repository here (recursively browse through the subdirectories, there are multiple icon locations). Furthermore there is a marine tagging proposal in the OpenStreetMap wiki also containing lots of different marine icons in SVG format (also browse through the various links there which might lead to more icons). And then there is FreieTonne, a similar project to OpenSeaMap, for which I couldn't determine the location of their icon set.
In all cases keep the licenses for the specific icon sets in mind.


How to obtain koppen-geiger climate map for ggmap

I would like to use ggmap to plot several data points on top of a koppen-geiger climate map.
The kopper-geiger data and GIS/KMZ maps can be downloaded here:
I've managed to have a code to plot the points on regular maps, obtained through the get_map function but I fail to use other maps such as koppen-geiger.
Any help will be appreaciated!
Your basic problem is that the map you are attmepting to use is an image file that is not georeferenced. So unless you want to go through the unnecessary and probably time consuming process of georeferencing this image yourself, you will be better taking an alternative approach. There are perhaps a few ways to do this. But, unless you have very few data points to overlay on the map which you can place manually using the lat-long grid of the image, then the least painful method will certainly be to redraw the map yourself using the shapefile.
This is not the right place to give you an introductory lesson on GIS, but the basic steps are to
Download shapefile (which is available at the same website as the image you linked)
Project map to desired coordinate system
Plot map, coloring by climate class
Color the ocean layer
Add labels, legend, and graticule, as desired
Overplot with your own climate data, and legend for these.
If you are unsure how to approach any of these steps, then take an introductory course on GIS, and search the Web for instructional materials. You may find this resource useful.

Is it possible to import a raster of a PDF file?

Our office does scanning of data entry forms, and we lack any proprietary software that is able to do automated double-entry (primary entry is done by hand, of course). We are hoping to provide a tool for researchers to highlight regions on forms and use scanned versions to determine what participant entry was.
To do this, all I need for a very rough attempt is a file to read in PDFs as raster files, with coordinates as X, Y components, and B&W white "intensities" as a Z-axis.
We use R mainly for statistical analysis and data management, so options in R would be great.
You could use the raster package from R. However, it doesnt support .pdf files, but .tif,.jpg,.png (among many others).
But coverting your pdfs into pngs shouldn't be a big problem: Look here for more information.
Once you have your png files ready, you can do the following:
png <- raster("your/png/file.png")
and then use the extract() function to get your brigthness value from the picture. I.e. let's say your png is 200x200px and you want to extract a pixel value from row 100 and column 150:
value <- extract(png, c(150,100))

Successive pictures on R

I have a code to plot a world map with a meteorological field for one moment (or one measure).
Is it possible to successively plot the map for different moments (for i from 1 to 125) in order to view a sort of video when we run the code?
Yes, look at the animation package.
It can creates an animated gif for you (as well as other tricks). There are live examples you can look at as eg Buffon's needle, a CLT demo and much more.
The package abstracts away some of the OS-dependent layers. If you know the basics, you can of course just call the corresponding tool from the imagemagick project which is likely to be available on OS of choice too.

Build my own off-line map server?

I am new to GIS and I am trying to deploy my own off-line map server.
I have found very interesting open source tools like: geoserver.
I have downloaded OpenStreetMap data from
In the packages I downloaded from geofabrik we find different layers with diffrent information: landuse, natural, places, railways ... but not the base map i.e: the geographic map with country border and no other information.
My question is:
How can I get (download) this base map layer in order to use it off-line?
Thanks for any help.
I had exactly the same project recently. I tried several world maps (CloudMate, NaturalEarth) to put under geofabrik extractions. Most of them didn't have enough resolution to display properly on higher zoom levels.
Finally, I found ThinkGeo extractions. It contains a "complete world landmass polygons" layer, which is good enough for a background layer on any zoom levels. It turned out that ThinkGeo extractions for separate countries contain country borders and have higher quality than geofabrik. (I experienced missing objects with geofabrik.)
So I came up a solution displaying the landmass layer, and some of the countries depending on the focus of the project.
I'd recommend you to try ThinkGeo. They do weekly update on data.

Themathic map/choropleth map of the Netherlands

I have a bunch of data on Dutch individuals that I would like to visualize with a choropleth map. I also have the location of the individuals (longitude and latitude), so I was hoping that it would be possible to visualize that on a Dutch map that is divided into municipalities (="gemeente" in Dutch), so I can color each municipality according to the mean value of all individuals living there. I know that the R package maptools can make choropleth maps, but I believe that it requires template maps in the form of a .shp file. Does anyone know where I could find such a template for the Netherlands? Preferably with municipalities and NOT per province, so for this image it would be the one on the left:
Any suggestions for other packages/software/etc to do this are also welcome! Many thanks!
also try GADM:
This site is an excellent resource, extra bonus: .Rdata is one of the formats you can download in (containing a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame). They also have .shp format, for your case.
Your main problem will be finding a shapefile for the municipalities. Once you have that and can easily relate your data at the lat/long level to the municipalities, then plotting becomes easy.
ggplot2 is a fantastic example.
Choropleths in R is a potential example, because it does not use shapefiles, but I believe the maps package supports it
Failing that, you could always try Weave
There are various .shp files for the Netherlands here:
You might also be able to find the municipalities layer on GeoCommons and join your data with one of those layers. GeoCommons makes it really easy to make many different choropleth maps quickly.
Another source for shapefiles at Eurostat is here. However, with a restrictive license, and I believe only at NUTS3 level (I did not look at it, though).
Open Streetmap does contain administrative boundaries,but not as polygons. Here is a report about how to transform boundaries to polygons. (I did not try)
You can find recent official Dutch maps here: in .gml and .xsd formats (not in .shp unfortunately). National borders, province and municipality.
