DynamoDB increment a key/value - amazon-dynamodb

if I was to have a DynamoDB table with a UserID as a key and a number as a value can I increment that number/value in a single operation? or do I need to read it out, increment and write it back in?

As others have stated, you can increment with one operation, however "action: ADD" is now deprecated. The current way to achieve this is with UpdateExpression. I am also assuming the OP meant that there was a numeric [attribute] whose value needs incrementing. I am calling the attribute loginCount:
TableName: "Users",
Key: { "UserId": { S: "c6af9ac6-7b61" } },
ExpressionAttributeValues: { ":inc": {N: "1"} },
UpdateExpression: "ADD loginCount :inc"

DynamoDB supports the concept of atomic counters. You would simply call update_item with action: "ADD" to automatically increment the value for an item.

If you are looking for something like MySQL's Auto Increment functionality, then No, that is not possible in DynamoDB.


ConditionExpression for PutItem not evaluating to false

I am trying to guarantee uniqueness in my DynamoDB table, across the partition key and other attributes (but not the sort key). Something is wrong with my ConditionExpression, because it is evaluating to true and the same values are getting inserted, leading to data duplication.
Here is my table design:
email: partition key (String)
id: sort key (Number)
firstName (String)
lastName (String)
Note: The id (sort key) holds randomly generated unique number. I know... this looks like a bad design, but that is the use case I have to support.
Here is the NodeJS code with PutItem:
const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'})
const params = {
TableName: <table-name>,
Item: {
"email": { "S": "<email>" },
"id": { "N": "<someUniqueRandomNumber>" },
"firstName": { "S": "<firstName>" },
"lastName": { "S": "<lastName>" }
ConditionExpression: "attribute_not_exists(email) AND attribute_not_exists(firstName) AND attribute_not_exists(lastName)"
dynamodb.putItem(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.error("Put failed")
else {
console.log("Put succeeded")
The documentation https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/Expressions.OperatorsAndFunctions.html says the following:
attribute_not_exists (path)
True if the attribute specified by path does not exist in the item.
Example: Check whether an item has a Manufacturer attribute.
attribute_not_exists (Manufacturer)
it specifically says "item" not "items" or "any item", so I think it really means that it checks only the item being overwritten. As you have a random sort key, it will always create a new item and the condition will be always true.
Any implementation which would check against a column which is not an index and would test all the records would cause a scan of all items and that is something what would not perform very well.
Here is an interesting article which covers how to deal with unique attributes in dynamodb https://advancedweb.hu/how-to-properly-implement-unique-constraints-in-dynamodb/ - the single table design together with transactions would be a possible solution for you if you can allow the additional partition keys in your table. Any other solution may be challenging under your current schema. DynamoDB has its own way of doing things and it may be frustrating to try to push to do things which it is not designed for.

DyamoDB put item with ConditionExpression instead of key

Since email is not the primary key, I need to check the uniqueness of a record based on the email field. It does not work. The user gets saved. Does DynamoDB not allow conditionExpression on another field instead of a key?
const params = {
TableName: process.env.tableName,
Item: user.toItem(),
ConditionExpression: "#email <> :email",
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
"#email": "email",
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":email": body.email,
await docClient.put(params).promise();
The condition is valid, but what conditional puts prevent is overwriting records with the same primary key:
The PutItem operation overwrites an item with the same key (if it exists). If you want to avoid this, use a condition expression. This allows the write to proceed only if the item in question does not already have the same key.
To prevent duplicate emails, make it part of your table's primary key or manually check for uniquenes before writing to DynamoDB.

Can a DynamoDB Condition Expression work on just the Partition Key of a table with a Composite Key

I have a DynamoDB table, with a composite key, which looks like this:
This looks ok
My user wasn't created first!
I'd like to ensure that a "User" record exists before adding a related "Bug" record - So the 3rd item here is incorrect.
When I put a bug item with the condition attribute_exists(PK), the condition is never true. When I remove the condition, I end up with a that third row; A Bug with no corresponding User.
My understanding is that attribute_exists() only looks at items with the combined composite key, and not across the whole table, regardless of which attribute you supply.
Is there a method of ensuring an item with the same Partition Key exists, while ignoring the Sort Key in this scenario?
DynamoDB condition expressions can be confusing, and the docs can compound that problem!
The DynamoDB condition expression works by 1) finding the item, 2) evaluating the condition expression, and finally 3) writing to the database if the condition evaluates to true.
I assume your put operation looks something like this:
TableName: "YOUR TABLE",
Item: {
SK: "BUG#2",
Type "Bug",
Description: "My user wasn't created first!"
ConditionExpression: "attribute_exists(PK)"
In this example, DynamoDB first tries to find the item with PK: "USER#B" SK: "BUG#2", which does not exist. As you're experiencing, this item will not be written to DynamoDB because an item with that primary key does not exist.
The problem you are seeing, as you've alluded to in your question, is that a CondttionExpression applies to only a single item. However, you are trying to conditionally put an item in the database by applying the condition to another item. That is a great candidate for a DynamoDB transaction.
Transactions let you group operations together in an all-or-nothing operation. If one of the operations in your transaction fails, the entire transaction will fail and none of the operations will apply.
You can achieve what you are after by taking this approach
{ "PUT":
TableName: "YOUR TABLE",
Item: {
SK: "BUG#2",
Type "Bug"
{ "ConditionCheck":
TableName: "YOUR TABLE",
Item: {
ConditionExpression: "attribute_exists(PK)"
In the above transaction, I'm using a ConditionCheck to confirm the existence of a user before entering the bug. If the user does not exist, the transaction will fail and the bug won't be written to DDB.
For a more thorough explanation of DynamoDB Condition Expressions, I highly recommend you check out Understanding DynamoDB Condition Expressions by Alex Debrie.

uppercase and lowercase not working in Contains in Aws dynamoDB?

I have a DynamoDB database with an attribute Event_Name which has uppercase values, for example KRISHNA. When I specify a Scan FilterExpression comparitor CONTAINS with a lowercase value, for example krishna, the item with value KRISHNA is not returned. When I use the uppercase value it returns the item. Please help me.
For reference my code is:
var params = {
TableName: "User",
FilterExpression: "NOT userId in (:a) and contains(Event_Name, :name)",
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":a": {
S: $scope.userid
":name": {
S: namekey
using dynamodb scan method
Probably you already figured out, but since I stumbled upon this question and it's not closed, here is a link in AWS forum addressing the issue
DynamoDB is case sensitive. If your data is case insensitive, one solution is to lower case or upper case the data before storing it in DynamoDB. Then you can get around this by querying for all lower case or all upper case. You will need to take locale into account for locale-sensitive ordering.
So there is nothing wrong you are doing, you just were expecting something that is not available with DynamoDB

Meteor update a Collection object

in Meteor, I'm having a collection with a Schema, and a number of items are added dynamically.
In this case, I'm dealing with milestones object, and once the user check one off I want to update complete in this Collections item to true (default is false)
Here is my schema
milestones: {
type: Array,
optional: true
'milestones.$': {
type: Object
'milestones.$.name': {
type: String
'milestones.$.hours': {
type: Number
'milestones.$.complete': {
type: Boolean
How do I write a $set statement for this?
You have an array of objects so, $elemMatch do the trick here.
So thanks to Aldeed I found a solution - which needs to be called on server side, otherwise it won't let the update happen. Do:
Projects.update({_id:currentPostId, 'milestones.name':name}, {$set:{'milestones.$.complete':true}});
The function is called on the client with Meteor.call with all needed params.
According to your schema you have an object containing an array of objects. So you should write you $set like this:
{$set: {'milestone.$.complete':value}}
This will update the first array element corresponding to the query.
You can find here the official documentation if you want to know more about arrays updates in Mongo.
