zsh: using "less -R" as READNULLCMD - zsh

Now, I'm pretty sure of the limitation here. But let's step back.
The simple statement
doesn't work, generating the following error:
$ <basic.tex
zsh: command not found: less -R
OK. Pretty sure this is because, by default, zsh doesn't split string variables at every space. Wherever zsh is using this variable, it's using $READNULLCMD where it should be using ${=READNULLCMD}, to ensure the option argument is properly separated from the command by a normal space. See this discussion from way back in 1996(!):
So, what's the best way around this, without setting SH_WORD_SPLIT (which I don't want 99% of the time)?
So far, my best idea is assigning READNULLCMD to a simple zsh script which just calls "less -R" on STDIN. e.g.
less -R /dev/stdin
Unfortunately this seems to be a non-starter as less used in this fashion for some reason misses the first few lines on input from /dev/stdin.
Anybody have any better ideas?

The problem is not that less doesn't read its environment variables (LESS or LESSOPEN). The problem is that the READNULLCMD is not invoked as you might think.
does not translate into
less $LESS foo
but rather to something like
cat foo | less $LESS
or, perhaps
cat foo $LESSOPEN | less $LESS
I guess that you (like me) want to use -R to obtain syntax coloring (by using src-hilite-lesspipe.sh in LESSOPEN, which in turn uses the "source-highlight" utility). The problem with the latter two styles of invocation is that src-hilite-lesspipe.sh (embedded in $LESSOPEN) will not receive a filename, and hence it will not be able to deduce the file type (via the --infer-lang option to "source-highligt"). Without a filename suffix, "source-highlight" will revert to "no highlighting".
You can obtain syntax coloring in READNULLCMD, but in a rather useless way. This by specifying the language explicitly via the --lang-def option. However, you'll have as little clue as "source-higlight", since the there's no file name when the data is passed anonymously through the pipe. Maybe there's a way to do a on-the-fly heuristic parser and deduce it by contents, but then you've for sure left this little exercise.

export LESS=… may be a good solution exclusively for less and if you want such behavior the default in all cases, but if you want more generic one then you can use functions:
function _-readnullcmd()
less -R
(_- or readnullcmd have no special meaning just the former never appears in any distributed zsh script and the latter indicates the purpose of the function).

Set the $LESS env var to the options you always want to have in less.
So don't touch READNULLCMD and use export LESS="R" (and other options you want) in your zshrc.


Looping through the content of a file in Zsh

I'm trying to loop through the contents of a file in zsh. In my loop I want to get user input. Going off of this answer for Bash, I'm attempting to do:
while read -u 10 line; do
echo $line;
# TODO read from stdin here, etc.
done 10<myfile.txt
However I get an error:
zsh: parse error near `10'
Referring to the 10 after the done. Obviously I'm not getting the file descriptor syntax right, but I'm having trouble figuring out the docs.
Use a file descriptor number less than 10. If you want to hard code file descriptor numbers, stick to the range 3-9 (plus 0-2 for stdin,out,err). When zsh needs file descriptors itself, it uses them in the 10+ range.
If you're even getting close to needing more than the 7 available hard coded file descriptors, you should really think about using variables to name them. Syntax like exec {myfd}<myfile.txt will open a file with zsh allocating a file descriptor greater than 10 and assigning it to $myfd.
Bourne shell syntax is not entirely unambiguous given file descriptors numbering 10 and over and even in bash, I'd advise against using them. I'm not entirely sure how bash avoids conflicts if it needs to open any for internal use - I guess it never needs to leave any open. This may look like a zsh limitation at first sight but is actually a sensible feature.

How to combine two Vim commands into one (command not keybinding)

I've found few Stack Overflow questions talking about this, but they are all regarding only the :nmap or :noremap commands.
I want a command, not just a keybinding. Is there any way to accomplish this?
When I run :make, I doesn't saves automatically. So I'd like to combine :make and :w. I'd like to create a command :Compile/:C or :Wmake to achieve this.
The general information about concatenating Ex command via | can be found at :help cmdline-lines.
You can apply this for interactive commands, in mappings, and in custom commands as well.
Note that you only need to use the special <bar> in mappings (to avoid to prematurely conclude the mapping definition and execute the remainder immediately, a frequent beginner's mistake: :nnoremap <F1> :write | echo "This causes an error during Vim startup!"<CR>). For custom commands, you can just write |, but keep in mind which commands see this as their argument themselves.
:help line-continuation will help with overly long command definitions. Moving multiple commands into a separate :help :function can help, too (but note that this subtly changes the error handling).
If you want to pass custom command-line arguments, you can add -nargs=* to your :command definition and then specify the insertion point on the right-hand side via <args>. For example, to allow commands to your :write command, you could use
:command -nargs=* C w <args> | silent make | redraw!
You can combine commands with |, see help for :bar:
command! C update | silent make | redraw!
However, there is a cleaner way to achieve what you want.
Just enable the 'autowrite' option to automatically write
modified files before a :make:
'autowrite' 'aw' 'noautowrite' 'noaw'
'autowrite' 'aw' boolean (default off)
Write the contents of the file, if it has been modified, on each
:next, :rewind, :last, :first, :previous, :stop, :suspend, :tag, :!,
:make, CTRL-] and CTRL-^ command; and when a :buffer, CTRL-O, CTRL-I,
'{A-Z0-9}, or `{A-Z0-9} command takes one to another file.
Note that for some commands the 'autowrite' option is not used, see
'autowriteall' for that.
This option is mentioned in the help for :make.
I have found a solution after a bit of trial and error.
Solution for my usecase
command C w <bar> silent make <bar> redraw!
This is for compiling using make and it prints output only if there is nonzero output.
General solution
Where COMMAND_TO_RUN can be constructed using more than one command using the following construct.
You can use this multiple times and It is very similar to pipes in shell.

Perl: Shebang (space?) "#! "?

I've seen both:
#! /path/...
What's right? Does it matter? Is there a history?
I've heard that an ancient version of Unix required there not be a space. But then I heard that was just a rumor. Does anyone know for certain?
Edit: I couldn't think where better to ask this. It is programming related, since the space could make the program operate in a different way, for all I know. Thus I asked it here.
I also have a vague memory that whitespace was not allowed in some old Unix-like systems, but a bit of research doesn't support that.
According to this Wikipedia article, the #! syntax was introduced in Version 8 Unix in January, 1980. Dennis Ritchie's initial announcement of this feature says:
The system has been changed so that if a file being executed begins
with the magic characters #!, the rest of the line is understood to
be the name of an interpreter for the executed file. Previously (and
in fact still) the shell did much of this job; it automatically
executed itself on a text file with executable mode when the text
file's name was typed as a command. Putting the facility into the
system gives the following benefits.
To take advantage of this wonderful opportunity, put
#! /bin/sh
at the left margin of the first line of your shell scripts. Blanks
after ! are OK. Use a complete pathname (no search is done). At the
moment the whole line is restricted to 16 characters but this limit
will be raised.
It's conceivable that some later Unix-like system supported the #! syntax but didn't allow blanks after the !, but given that the very first implementation explicitly allowed blanks, that seems unlikely.
leonbloy's answer provides some more context.
The Perl interpreter itself recognizes a line starting with #!, even on systems where that's not recognized by the kernel. Run perldoc perlrun or see this web page for details.
The #! line is always examined for switches as the line is being
parsed. Thus, if you're on a machine that allows only one argument
with the #! line, or worse, doesn't even recognize the #! line, you
still can get consistent switch behaviour regardless of how Perl was
invoked, even if -x was used to find the beginning of the program.
Perl also permits whitespace after the #!.
(Personally, I prefer to write the #! line without whitespace, but it will work either way.)
And leonjoy's answer points to this web page by Sven Mascheck, which discusses the history of #! in depth. (I mention this now because of a recent discussion on comp.unix.shell.)
It seems to usually work both ways. See here. I'd say that the no-space version is much more common today, and, to me, much more appealing.
BTW, this is not specifically related to Perl (but it's definitely related to programming).

Potential Dangers of ALIASing a Unix Command Starting with "."?

I'd like to use alias to make some commands for myself when searching through directories for code files, but I'm a little nervous because they start with ".". Here's some examples:
$ alias .cpps="ls -a *.cpp"
$ alias .hs="ls -a *.h"
Should I be worried about encountering any difficulties? Has anyone else done this?
What is the advantage of putting the dot in the names? It seems like an unnecessary extra character. I'd just use the base names (hs and cpps) for the aliases.
I suppose that it might be argued that the dot indicates that the command is an alias - but why is that distinction beneficial? One of the great things about Unix was that it removed the distinction between hallowed commands provided by the O/S and programs written by the user. They are all equal - just located in different places.
I don't see any real dangers with using aliases that start with a dot. It would never have occurred to me to try; I'm mildly surprised that they are allowed. But given that they are allowed, there is no real risk involved that I can see.
I wouldn't use '.' to begin your aliases because it's next to '/' and you could hit the two together by mistake and accidentally run an executable in your current directory (especially if you use tab completion).
I doubt that there's any technical problem though it's likely to be confusing to anyone who has used Unix for a long time. In my world commands don't have dots in them and file names don't have spaces or upper case letters!

Why do <C-PageUp> and <C-PageDown> not work in vim?

I have Vim 7.2 installed on Windows. In GVim, the <C-PageUp> and <C-PageDown> work for navigation between tabs by default. However, it doesn't work for Vim.
I have even added the below lines in _vimrc, but it still does not work.
map <C-PageUp> :tabp<CR>
map <C-PageDown> :tabn<CR>
But, map and works.
map <C-left> :tabp<CR>
map <C-right> :tabn<CR>
Does anybody have a clue why?
The problem you describe is generally caused by vim's terminal settings not knowing the correct character sequence for a given key (on a console, all keystrokes are turned into a sequence of characters). It can also be caused by your console not sending a distinct character sequence for the key you're trying to press.
If it's the former problem, doing something like this can work around it:
:map <CTRL-V><CTRL-PAGEUP> :tabp<CR>
Where <CTRL-V> and <CTRL-PAGEUP> are literally those keys, not "less than, C, T, R, ... etc.".
If it's the latter problem then you need to either adjust the settings of your terminal program or get a different terminal program. (I'm not sure which of these options actually exist on Windows.)
This may seem obvious to many, but konsole users should be aware that some versions bind ctrl-pageup / ctrl-pagedown as secondary bindings to it's own tabbed window feature, (which may not be obvious if you don't use that feature).
Simply clearing them from the 'Configure Shortcuts' menu got them working in vim correctly for me. I guess other terminals may have similar features enabeld by default.
I'm adding this answer, taking details from vi & Vim, to integrate those that are already been given/accepted with some more details that sound very important to me.
The alredy proposed answers
It is true what the other answer says:
map <C-PageUp> :echo "hello"<CR> won't work because Vim doesn't know what escape sequence corresponds to the keycode <C-PageUp>;
one solution is to type the escape sequence explicitly: map ^[[5^ :echo "hello"<CR>, where the escape sequence ^[[5^ (which is in general different from terminal to terminal) can be obtained by Ctrl+VCtrl+PageUp.
One additional important detail
On the other hand the best solution for me is the following
set <F13>=^[[5^
map <F13> :echo "hello"<CR>
which makes use of one of additional function key codes (you can use up to <F37>). Likewise, you could have a bunch of set keycode=escapesequence all together in a single place in your .vimrc (or in another dedicated file that you source from your .vimrc, why not?).
