Random Graph Partitioning - graph

I'm trying to test some models of graph partitioning (these come from the real world, where a graph slowly self-partitions). To do this, I need to be able to uniformly randomly partition this graph into contiguous components (we are given the graph is initially connected, as well). Were the contiguity criterion not required I believe this would be the problem of randomly partitioning a set, which can be combinatorially analyzed. Does anyone know of any way to randomly partition graphs into subgraphs (i.e. randomly sample one partition), or, if no such method is known, to randomly sample a set of elements? The method of randomizing the number of partitions and then randomizing membership won't work because there are different numbers of possible partitions for each partition size.

You have to differentiate edge-cut partitioning and vertex-cut partitioning, where you divide the graph along the edges or vertices. This significantly impacts your problem as the number of different vertex-cuts is much larger than the number of edge-cuts. The reason is that you exclusively assign edges to partitions in vertex-cut - as opposed to edge-cut where you assign vertices to partitions - and there are much more edges than vertices (e.g. O(n^2) edges for n vertices). Hence, the combinatorially larger vertex-cut leads to a larger number of subgraphs that have to be checked for connectivity. A naive method for randomization is to enumerate all partitionings, iteratively select one partitioning, and check connectivity of all subgraphs in the selected partitioning. Then you just take the first one. In this case, all solutions have equal probability (uniformly random).

I have come across the same problem in work I am doing. I have two solutions to randomly partition a graph into m contiguous components:
Spanning Tree Approach. Randomly choose a spanning tree of your graph (e.g. Using Wilson's algorithm which chooses uniformly amongst all spanning trees). Then randomly select m-1 edges (without replacements) and remove them from the spanning tree. This will give m components which are each connected in the original graph.
Edge contraction approach. Randomly choose an edge and contract it, renaming the (new) vertex as the union of the two previous vertices. Repeat until you have only m vertices left. Identify each vertex with the subset of (original) vertices that were contracted into it.


graph similarity having multiple edges between two nodes

There are many theories about calculating of graph similarity such as vertex edge overlap, jacard, co-sine, edit distance, signature similarity, lambda distance, deltacon so on. These things are based on single edge of the graph. But there are many graphs having multiple edges in real world.
Given similar two graphs like above, how could we calculate graph similarity?
Using previous graph similarity, there are only 2-dimension vector and the entry is just scalar that is number, but in multiple edge's graph, the entry should be tuple. Because there are one more actions between nodes. For the previous method, it could be called who-knows-whom schem, but latter graph, it could be said who-knows-whom*-how*. I think the previous mothods could be used for the multiple edge's graph easily, so there aren't logic or methods about it.
Thanks in advance!
There is not "the" way yo compute graph similarity.
Depending on your data and problem, very different approaches may be good. In many cases, simply merging the two edges into one makes perfect sense. For example, if I have two roads of capacity x and y to go from A to B - for many analyses this is comparable to having just one rode, with the combined capacity.

Minimal spanning Trees: Kruskal & Prim

I am revising for a test and came across two questions relating to minimal spanning trees in graphs that I am unsure of and want to test my answers against.
The first one asks: if a graph has multiple minimal spanning trees, will Kruskal and Prim’s minimal spanning tree algorithms generate the same tree? I am thinking that they won’t necessarily because the algorithms are different. Kruskal relies on the edges being sorted by weight, whilst Prim doesn’t, so they could start at different vertices, thus generating different trees.
The second question asks: if a graph has multiple minimal spanning trees, how should Kruskal’s algorithm be adapted to generate all of these? I am thinking that one needs to allow for either a looping structure through the vertices so that the start vertex changes each time because the edges values may be the same. Thus generate trees by taking each of the vertices in turn as start vertex. In other words, sort by vertex numbering as well, not by edge weight alone.
If a graph has multiple minimal spanning trees, will Kruskal and Prim’s minimal spanning tree algorithms generate the same tree?
No, it is not necessary for the Prims and Kruskals algorithms to generate the same MST. A graph can have many MSTs and both algorithms can generate different ones. But the edge types of the two MSTs will necessarily be the same. ie, if you make a multiset of the edges of the two MSTs, then the two multisets will definitely be equal. You can find a proof of this here
If a graph has multiple minimal spanning trees, how should Kruskal’s algorithm be adapted to generate all of these?
There seems to be no direct reduction of the kruskal's MST algorithm to find all the MSTs in the graph. Your best bet will be
Step1 : Sort the edges of the graph as done in kruskals.
Step2 : Now for each edge in the sorted list, two things can happen. Either the edge is in an MST or it is not. So for each edge in the sorted list, we will go over these two cases and create two new Union-Find data structures and recurse on other edges.
Step1: sort edges in ascending order
Step2: now call printAllMsts(0, new UnionFind(V))
void printAllMsts(int edgeNum, UnionFind U){
if(edgeNum == edges.length){ // If no more edges to add
if(U.numEdges == V-1){ // If U has V-1 edges, then we have an MST
if(edges[edgeNum+1] == edges[edgeNum]){
printAllMsts(edgeNum+1, U); // when E is not taken in the MST
edge E = edges[edgeNum];
If(E can be a part of some MST){
UnionFind newU = new UnionFind(U);
printAllMsts(edgeNum+1, newU);
The running time of the algorithm will depend on the number and type of edges in the graph. The worst case input for the problem will be when all the edges in the graph are of the same length. The running time is atleast O(V*numberOfMsts) because whenever there is a possibility of different MSTs, the current Union-Find data structure is cloned which takes O(V) time.

How to find total number of minimum spanning trees in a graph?

I don't want to find all the minimum spanning trees but I want to know how many of them are there, here is the method I considered:
Find one minimum spanning tree using prim's or kruskal's algorithm and then find the weights of all the spanning trees and increment the running counter when it is equal to the weight of minimum spanning tree.
I couldn't find any method to find the weights of all the spanning trees and also the number of spanning trees might be very large, so this method might not be suitable for the problem.
As the number of minimum spanning trees is exponential, counting them up wont be a good idea.
All the weights will be positive.
We may also assume that no weight will appear more than three times in the graph.
The number of vertices will be less than or equal to 40,000.
The number of edges will be less than or equal to 100,000.
There is only one minimum spanning tree in the graph where the weights of vertices are different. I think the best way of finding the number of minimum spanning tree must be something using this property.
I found a solution to this problem, but I am not sure, why it works. Can anyone please explain it.
Solution: The problem of finding the length of a minimal spanning tree is fairly well-known; two simplest algorithms for finding a minimum spanning tree are Prim's algorithm and Kruskal's algorithm. Of these two, Kruskal's algorithm processes edges in increasing order of their weights. There is an important key point of Kruskal's algorithm to consider, though: when considering a list of edges sorted by weight, edges can be greedily added into the spanning tree (as long as they do not connect two vertices that are already connected in some way).
Now consider a partially-formed spanning tree using Kruskal's algorithm. We have inserted some number of edges with lengths less than N, and now have to choose several edges of length N. The algorithm states that we must insert these edges, if possible, before any edges with length greater than N. However, we can insert these edges in any order that we want. Also note that, no matter which edges we insert, it does not change the connectivity of the graph at all. (Let us consider two possible graphs, one with an edge from vertex A to vertex B and one without. The second graph must have A and B as part of the same connected component; otherwise the edge from A to B would have been inserted at one point.)
These two facts together imply that our answer will be the product of the number of ways, using Kruskal's algorithm, to insert the edges of length K (for each possible value of K). Since there are at most three edges of any length, the different cases can be brute-forced, and the connected components can be determined after each step as they would be normally.
Looking at Prim's algorithm, it says to repeatedly add the edge with the lowest weight. What happens if there is more than one edge with the lowest weight that can be added? Possibly choosing one may yield a different tree than when choosing another.
If you use prim's algorithm, and run it for every edge as a starting edge, and also exercise all ties you encounter. Then you'll have a Forest containing all minimum spanning trees Prim's algorithm is able to find. I don't know if that equals the forest containing all possible minimum spanning trees.
This does still come down to finding all minimum spanning trees, but I can see no simple way to determine whether a different choice would yield the same tree or not.
MST and their count in a graph are well-studied. See for instance: http://www14.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/konferenzen/Jass08/courses/1/pieper/Pieper_Paper.pdf.

Graph partitioning based on nodes and edges weights

I have a graph G=(V,E) that both edges and nodes have weights. I want to partition this graph to create equal sized partitions. The definition of the size of partition is sum(vi)-sum(ej) where vi is a node inside that partition and ej is an edge between two nodes in that partition. In my problem the graph is very dense (almost complete). Is there any approximation algorithm for that?
This is somehow similar to the problem in bin packing with overlapping objects where bins have the same size. Weight of nodes are their size and weight of Edges show how much two object can overlap.
I think if you use METIS program solved problem.
you can download this program of this link
it has a good documentation and very fast program.

Find all spanning trees of a directed weighted graph

I have found this paper so far. Is it outdated? Are there any faster and better implementations?
By the way, Wikipedia says that there can be n^n-2 spanning trees in a undirected graph. How many spanning trees can be in a directed graph?
If you use terms from paper you mentioned and you define spanning tree of directed graph as tree rooted in vertex r, having unique path from r to any other vertex then:
It's obvious that worst case when directed graph has the greatest number of the spanning trees is complete graph (there are a->b and b->a edges for any pair).
If we "forget" about directions we will get n^{n-2} spanning trees as in case of undirected graphs. For any of this spanning trees we have n options to choose a root, and this choice define uniquely define directions of edges we need to use. Not hard to see, that all trees we get are spanning, unique and there are no nother options. So we get n^{n-1} spanning trees. Strict proof will take time, I hope that simple explanation is enough.
So this task will take exponential time depend from vertex count in worst case. Considering the size of output (all spanning trees), I conclude that for arbitrary graph, algorithm can not be significantly faster and better. I think you need to somehow reformulate your original problem to not deal with all spanning trees, and may be search only needed by some criteria.
for undirected graph only....
n^n-2 spanning tress are possible for only complete graph....to find total number of spanning trees of any graph u can apply this method.....
find the adjacency matrix of the graph.
if column values are represented by 'i' and row entries by 'j' then...
if i=j...then the value will be the degree of vertex
suppose,there is a single edge between vertex v1 and v2 then the value of matrix entry will be -1......7 if there are two edges then it will be -2...& so on...
after constructing adjacency matrix....exclude any row and column...i.e, Nth row and Nth column....
answer will be the total number of spanning tress.
