dynamically created controls within a usercontrol is not recognized - asp.net

In the ascx.cs file I'm dynamically generating buttons. In .aspx file I add the control to the form. The control itself renders well, but when the buttons are clicked I get this error
An error has occurred because a control with id 'ctl03' could not be
located or a different control is assigned to the same ID after
public partial class DesktopControl : PlaceHolder
public void Build()
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Button button = new Button()
Width = 50,
Height = 50,
ID = string.Format("button{0}", i),
Text = i.ToString()
button.Click+=new EventHandler(button_Click);
DesktopControl desktop = new DesktopControl();

After reading the comments (little hard to read the code-part of the comments) it appears that yes, you are generating your controls inside an if(!isPostBack){}; well, looks like it's in the else part of that if statement.
You have to generate your controls every time the page posts back, as the page_load gets fired before your button click. So once the controls have been re-created the code will continue on to your button click handler, where the controls should be available to handle.
Essentially, take ReloadUI(Session["ui"]); OUT of the if(!isPostBack){}else{} statement. Put it after your if statement.
Like this:
if (!isPostBack){
// my first load code
// my postback code
// load all my dynamic controls here

Found a solution:
Every time there is a new UI I call this ClearScreen() which does the trick.
The error on 'ctl03' was a menu control which was generating it's own ID and somehow wasn't available on postback. I assigned an ID to it. But I guess all the issue went away with this ClearScreen() method.
private void ClearScreen()
List<Control> controls = new List<Control>();
foreach (Control control in MainContent.Controls)
for (int i = 0; i < controls.Count; i++)
if (!(controls[i].GetType() == typeof(LiteralControl) || controls[i].GetType() == typeof(ScriptManager)))
catch (Exception ex)


ASP.NET: Custom CheckBoxList control losing checked state on postback

I extended the ASP.NET CheckBoxList web control to create a Bootstrap 5 layout version.
The control works fine, but on postback, it loses the checked state. Also, the control's SelectedItem property is null.
I created the same control for the RadioButtonList and it works perfectly. Using DotPeek, I see that both of those inherit the same controls and interfaces, so I can't figure out why the custom RadioButtonList maintains state but the CheckboxList doesn't.
Any ideas? The internet has no useable examples to speak of.
public class Bootstrap5CheckBoxList : CheckBoxList {
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) {
try {
var selected = false;
//var webControl = new WebControl(HtmlTextWriterTag.Div);
//webControl.ID = ClientID;
for (int index = 0; index < Items.Count; index++) {
var item = this.Items[index];
writer.WriteBeginTag($"div class='form-check {base.CssClass}'");
writer.WriteAttribute("id", $"{this.ID}_{index}");
writer.WriteAttribute("type", "checkbox");
writer.WriteAttribute("name", $"{this.UniqueID}_{index}");
var cssClass = "";
if (item.Attributes["class"] != null) {
cssClass = item.Attributes["class"];
writer.WriteAttribute("class", $"form-check-input {cssClass}");
writer.WriteAttribute("value", item.Value);
var clientID = this.ClientID;
if (item.Selected) {
if (selected) {
selected = true;
writer.WriteAttribute("checked", "checked");
if (item.Attributes.Count > 0) {
foreach (string key in item.Attributes.Keys) {
if (!"class".Equals(key)) {
writer.WriteAttribute(key, item.Attributes[key]);
if (!item.Enabled)
writer.WriteAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
if (this.Page != null) {
writer.WriteAttribute("class", "form-check-label");
writer.WriteAttribute("for", $"{this.ID}_{index}");
HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(item.Text, writer);
//Close Div
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new Exception(string.Format("{0}.{1}:{2} {3}", System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.FullName, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace));
<%# Register TagPrefix="BSControls" Namespace="My.App.classes.custom_controls" Assembly="My.App" %>
<BSControls:Bootstrap5CheckBoxList ID="customCheckList" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Value="1">Check 1</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="2">Check 2</asp:ListItem>
looks like you now using html controls, and they don't have automatic viewstate. you would be MUCH better to use a CheckBox list, and format that with bootstrap. And it also FAR better to include that checkbox list in the user control markup, and not write code to inject such controls if possible.
So, plain jane check box (input type = checkbox) as a general rule does not have automatic view state like asp.net controls. So, either drop in a check box list into your user control markup, or you may well have to add code to save/restore the values, since it looks much like you are injecting the "input" control as opposed to using a asp.net checkbox list.
After many trials, I was able to get this working and the answer is surprisingly, or maybe not, simple.
The 'name' attribute is the key and must be in the correct format.
Incorrect Format
writer.WriteAttribute("name", $"{this.UniqueID}_{index}");
Correct Format
writer.WriteAttribute("name", $"{this.UniqueID}${index}");
You must use the $ separator and not an underscore. On postback, the LoadPostData method in CheckBoxList iterates through a collection to retrieve the check state.

Get Selected Text asp.net custom server control

I need to get the latest text set in the custom control by javascript. When i tried to get the selected text from server control, it is always returning the default text & not the modified text. How to retain the latest value set by the javascript in servercontrol? Below is the complete code for your reference..
[assembly: WebResource("ServerControl1.Scripts.JScript1.js", "text/javascript")]
namespace ServerControl1
[ToolboxData("<{0}:ServerControl1 runat=server></{0}:ServerControl1>")]
public class ServerControl1 : WebControl
public List<string> ListItems
return ViewState["items"] as List<string>;
ViewState["items"] = value;
public string Text
return (FindControl("middleDiv").FindControl("anchorID") as HtmlAnchor).InnerText;
((FindControl("middleDiv").FindControl("anchorID") as HtmlAnchor)).InnerText = value;
protected override void CreateChildControls()
HtmlGenericControl selectedTextContainer = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
selectedTextContainer.ClientIDMode = System.Web.UI.ClientIDMode.Static;
selectedTextContainer.ID = "middleDiv";
HtmlAnchor selectedTextAnchor = new HtmlAnchor();
selectedTextAnchor.ClientIDMode = System.Web.UI.ClientIDMode.Static;
selectedTextAnchor.ID = "anchorID";
selectedTextAnchor.HRef = "";
HtmlGenericControl unList = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
foreach (string item in ListItems)
HtmlGenericControl li = new HtmlGenericControl("li");
HtmlAnchor anchor = new HtmlAnchor();
anchor.HRef = "";
anchor.Attributes.Add("onclick", "updateData()");
anchor.InnerText = item;
ChildControlsCreated = true;
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
string resourceName = "ServerControl1.Scripts.JScript1.js";
ClientScriptManager cs = this.Page.ClientScript;
cs.RegisterClientScriptResource(typeof(ServerControl1), resourceName);
function updateData() {
var evt = window.event || arguments.callee.caller.arguments[0];
var target = evt.target || evt.srcElement;
var anchor = document.getElementById("anchorID");
anchor.innerText = target.innerText;
return false;
TestPage Codebehind
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
List<string> items = GetDataSource();
ServerControl1.ListItems = items;
ServerControl1.Text = "Select ..";
protected void ClientButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string selectedText = ServerControl1.Text;
The server won't get your client changes unless you POST the changes to him. Your HtmlAnchors are being rendered in HTML as <a> controls, and these type of controls won't POST anything to the server.
You're going to need an <input> control to input the changes into the server (that's why they're called input controls after all). I suggest an <input type=hidden> to hold the value of the anchor.innerText and keeps its state.
Your Javascript function needs to be modified so it updates the anchor.innerText AND updates the hidden input value as well. This way when the page gets posted back to the server you can retrieve the updated and client-modified value from the hidden field.
First you need to define as private fields your selectedTextAnchor and the hiddenField you are going to insert. This is because you need to access them in your CreateChildControls method as well as in the getter and setter of yout Text property. Much in the way the partial designer classes define the controls you want to have available in code-behind.
private HtmlAnchor selectedTextAnchor;
private HtmlInputHidden hiddenField;
In the CreateChildControls method you need to insert the hidden field.
You'll notice I removed the use of ClientIDMode.Static. Using that mode would make your client controls to have the same fixed IDs and Javascript might get confused when you have multiple copies of your ServerControl in a page, and thus losing the reusable purpose of a custom control.
Instead, you need to provide your Javascript function with the ClientID's of the controls it needs to modify. The key here is that you need to attach your controls to the Control's hierarchy BEFORE you try to get their ClientID's.
As soon as you do this.Controls.Add(dummyControl), you're making dummyControl to become a part of the Page and its dummyControl.ClientID will be suddenly changed to reflect the hierarchy of the page you're attaching it into.
I changed the order at which your controls are attached to the Control's collection so we can grab their ClientID's at the time we build the onclick attribute and pass the parameters so your Javascript function knows which anchor and hiddenField to affect.
protected override void CreateChildControls()
// Instantiate the hidden input field to include
hiddenField = new HtmlInputHidden();
hiddenField.ID = "ANCHORSTATE";
// Insert the hiddenfield into the Control's Collection hierarchy
// to ensure that hiddenField.ClientID contains all parent's NamingContainers
HtmlGenericControl selectedTextContainer = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
// REMOVED: selectedTextContainer.ClientIDMode = System.Web.UI.ClientIDMode.Static;
selectedTextContainer.ID = "middleDiv";
selectedTextAnchor = new HtmlAnchor();
// REMOVED: selectedTextAnchor.ClientIDMode = System.Web.UI.ClientIDMode.Static;
selectedTextAnchor.ID = "anchorID";
selectedTextAnchor.HRef = "";
// Insert the selectedTextContainer (and its already attached selectedTextAnchor child)
// into the Control's Collection hierarchy
// to ensure that selectedTextAnchor.ClientID contains all parent's NamingContainers
HtmlGenericControl unList = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
foreach (string item in ListItems)
HtmlGenericControl li = new HtmlGenericControl("li");
HtmlAnchor anchor = new HtmlAnchor();
anchor.HRef = "";
// The updateData function is provided with parameters that will help
// to know who's triggering and to find the anchor and the hidden field.
// ClientID's are now all set and resolved at this point.
anchor.Attributes.Add("onclick", "updateData(this, '" + selectedTextAnchor.ClientID + "', '" + hiddenField.ClientID + "')");
anchor.InnerText = item;
Note the use of the keyword this in the updateData function, it'll help us to grab the object that is triggering the action. Also note that both Id's are passed as strings (with single quotes)
The Javascript function would need to be modified so it updates the anchor and the hidden input field.
function updateData(sender, anchorId, hidFieldId) {
// Update the anchor
var anchor = document.getElementById(anchorId);
anchor.innerText = sender.innerText;
// Update the hidden Input Field
var hidField = document.getElementById(hidFieldId);
hidField.value = sender.innerText;
return false;
The last thing to do is change the way you are setting and getting your Text property.
When you GET the property you need to check if it's a Postback, and if it is, then you want to check if among all the info that comes from the browser there is your HiddenInputField. You can grab all the info coming from the client right at the Request object, more specifically, in the Request.Form.
All enabled input controls on your page will be part of the Request.Form collection, and you can get their values by using Request.Form[anyInputControl.UniqueID]. Note that the key used for this object is the UniqueID, NOT ClientID.
Once you get your client-modified value from the hidden input, you assign its value to the selectedTextAnchor, otherwise it'll go back to the original "Select..." text.
When you SET the property, you just need to assign it to the selectedTextAnchor.
In both GET and SET you need to call EnsureChildControls(), which will actually call your CreateChildControls() to make sure that your selectedTextAnchor and hiddenField controls are instantiated before you try to get some of their properties. Pretty much the same way that it's done in Composite Controls.
public string Text
if (this.Page.IsPostBack)
string HiddenFieldPostedValue = Context.Request.Form[hiddenField.UniqueID];
// Assign the value recovered from hidden field to the Anchor
selectedTextAnchor.InnerText = HiddenFieldPostedValue;
return HiddenFieldPostedValue;
return selectedTextAnchor.InnerText;
selectedTextAnchor.InnerText = value;
This way you can have a control that recognizes the changes made in client. Remember that server won't know any change in client unless you notice him.
Another approach would be to notice the server everytime you click a link through an ajax request, but this would require a whole new different code.
Good luck!

I am having problems with Validation scripting using telerik controls

I hope someone knows the answer to this as I am very new to using Telerik controls. Here is the problem, I have a requirement that says that I have to set the background color for a control attached to a validation control if the IsValid flag was set on the validation control. An earlier requirement that I had may be affecting this as well, it was set focus to the control based on the SetFocusOnError="true".
All of the controls are contained in a asp:UpdatePanel and the page has a master page set.
So what I have done is the following to set focus I overrode the Validate function on the System.Web.UI.Page class as so:
public override void Validate(string group)
// get the first validator that failed
var validator = GetValidators(group)
.FirstOrDefault(v => !v.IsValid);
// set the focus to the control
// that the validator targets
if (validator != null)
//Check to see if SetFocusOnError was set.
if (validator.SetFocusOnError == true)
Control target = validator
if (target != null)
This works and sets focus to the control. The next thing that I did was the following inline in my webpage:
var OriginalValidatorUpdateDisplay = null;
if (typeof (ValidatorUpdateDisplay) == 'function') {
OriginalValidatorUpdateDisplay = ValidatorUpdateDisplay;
ValidatorUpdateDisplay = NewValidatorUpdateDisplay;
function NewValidatorUpdateDisplay(val) {
function ValidateControls() {
if (window.Page_Validators) {
for (var vI = 0; vI < Page_Validators.length; vI++) {
var vValidator = Page_Validators[vI];
if (vValidator.isvalid) {
$("#" + vValidator.controltovalidate).removeClass("error");
if ($("#" + vValidator.controltovalidate).parent().find('.riTextBox').length > 0) {
$("#" + vValidator.controltovalidate).parent().removeClass("error");
else {
$("#" + vValidator.controltovalidate).addClass("error");
if ($("#" + vValidator.controltovalidate).parent().find('.riTextBox').length > 0) {
$("#" + vValidator.controltovalidate).parent().addClass("error");
However, when you load the page and submit the page for validation the first time the css doesn't change, but if you do it again it does. Oh and the AddClass is just adding
.error .riTextBox
background-color: lightpink !important;
to the control.
Has anyone worked encountered this before?
Oh I should also note that if I remove the Telerik controls and use asp textbox controls everything works as it should but I can't remove the Telerik controls from the project.

Need help removing this fudged code... Binding user control on postback

As per the title, I know the code I've posted below is utter poo, this is why I need your help!
I've put way too many hours into this, and it's either down to inexperience, a bug or I've screwed up somewhere.
I have a user control with a view properties that access the ViewState and two user controls within that display the properties.
Within the page_load of the user control, depending on the value of some of the properties, it will toggle the visibility of the controls within:
public partial class PatientStatus : System.Web.UI.UserControl
public string PatientName { get { return ViewState["PatientName"] as string; } set { ViewState["PatientName"] = value; } }
public bool ClinicianView { get { return Convert.ToBoolean(ViewState["ClinicianView"]); } set { ViewState["ClinicianView"] = value; } }
public string RangeTitle { get { return ViewState["RangeTitle"] as string; } set { ViewState["RangeTitle"] = value; } }
public int? RangeLimitNormSys { get { return ViewState["RangeLimitNormSys"] as int?; } set { ViewState["RangeLimitNormSys"] = value; } }
public int? RangeLimitNormDia { get { return ViewState["RangeLimitNormDia"] as int?; } set { ViewState["RangeLimitNormDia"] = value; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool ispostback = IsPostBack;
if (ispostback && ((System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater)(this.Parent.Parent)).DataSource != null)
object itm = ((RepeaterItem)this.Parent).DataItem;
if (itm is AppointmentRow)
AppointmentRow row = itm as AppointmentRow;
PatientName = row.Name;
RangeTitle = row.Range;
RangeLimitNormDia = row.RangeLimitNormDia;
RangeLimitNormSys = row.RangeLimitNormSys;
ispostback = false;
else if (itm is ReadingRow)
ReadingRow row = itm as ReadingRow;
PatientName = row.Name;
RangeTitle = row.Range;
RangeLimitNormDia = row.RangeLimitNormDia;
RangeLimitNormSys = row.RangeLimitNormSys;
ispostback = false;
else if (itm is PatientRow)
PatientRow row = itm as PatientRow;
PatientName = row.Name;
RangeTitle = row.Range;
RangeLimitNormDia = row.RangeLimitNormDia;
RangeLimitNormSys = row.RangeLimitNormSys;
ispostback = false;
if (!ispostback)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RangeTitle))
placeHolder.Visible = true;
literalNA.Visible = false;
Previously the Page_Load event simply contained:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RangeTitle))
placeHolder.Visible = true;
literalNA.Visible = false;
But on postback, the RangeTitle property was always null, so even when removing the isPostBack statement, it didn't work property.
The only way to resolve it, was to really fudge it by the first block of code.
On the Page_Load of the parent page, and on !isPostBack I'm calling a method that gets and binds data to the repeater. This works fine. But on a postback, i'm calling the same method and for some reason, the user control isn't populating.
Any idea's?
Merry Christmas
In response to #jwiscarson
I have a table that is generated via an ASP:Repeater and within the ItemTemplate, I have added a User Control which contains a PlaceHolder and a Literal. Also within the User Control is a number of Properties.
Then on databind I pass across a number of values to the user control (I've tried both OnItemDataBound and inline using Eval). Then on the User Control's Page_Load event, as per the second block of code above, I first check if it's a postback, if not, I then check to see if the Property RangeTitle has a value.
If RangeTitle does not have a value, I then hide the placeholder that contains HTML that would display the RangeTitle and show a literal that displays N/A.
When loading the page for the first time, (!isPostBack) it works fine. But as soon as I create a postback, the User Controls within the repeater all revert to N/A even when their RangeTitle properties had a value.
On debugging, I set a breakpoint in the Page_Load of the User Control. When I first load the page, I can see that my properties have been populated correctly. Then on postback, Page_Load is called on the UserControl and the properties are populated correctly, then Page_Load is called again, but this time, the properties are empty.
UserControl::Page_Load < Correct data
UserControl::Page_Load < Correct data
myButton_Click (bind new data)
UserControl::Page_Load < No data
To make things even more confusing. The method called within myButton_Click to bind the data, is the exact same method called in the Page_Load of the Page to populate the repeater on !isPostBack
Thanks ;)
I would check to make sure that DataItem is accessible in this function. I think you need to listen to the ItemDataBound event and perform this work in that event.
Beyond that, it's difficult to suggest anything else concrete. I don't really understand why you're doing what you're doing (if you have this information in a Repeater, why does it also need to be in ViewState?). If you could explain your rationale for doing this, it might help me and anyone else who visits this question. You say that you're just trying to show/hide some specific items on the page. This is pretty complicated code without a lot of justification for that complication.
As an aside: you really, really need to break this code down and think about what you're trying to accomplish. Here are a few suggestions:
Separate the scopes inside your if and else if statements into functions that return the data you need.
Do not include lines like ((System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater)(this.Parent.Parent)).DataSource != null in an if statement. Perform this cast separately and store it in a variable, or write a small function that checks this.
Statements like this.Parent.Parent and other references to Parent controls are code smells, in my opinion. Even on a normal page, this would be a code smell, but what exactly is this.Parent going to reference when you include it in a UserControl?

Cannot Access the Controls inside an UpdatePanel

What I am trying to do is accessing Page Controls at Page_Load, and make a database query, and make controls visible or not visible.
Here is the Code:
foreach (Control thiscontrol in ContentPlaceHolderBody.Controls) {
try {
if (thiscontrol.ID.Contains("TextBox") || thiscontrol.ID.Contains("Label")) {
string dummy = thiscontrol.ID;
bool IsValid = db.Roles.Any(a => a.controlName == dummy);
if (IsValid == false)
thiscontrol.Visible = false;
else if (thiscontrol.ID.Contains("UpdatePanel")) {
foreach (Control UPcontrols in ((UpdatePanel)thiscontrol).ContentTemplateContainer.Controls) {
if (UPcontrols.ID.Contains("TextBox") || UPcontrols.ID.Contains("DropDownList")) {
bool UPIsValid = db.Roles.Any(a => a.controlName == UPcontrols.ID);
if (UPIsValid == false)
UPcontrols.Visible = false;
catch { }
My Problem is with the UPcontrols! It should retrieve the controls within the UpdatePanel, but the thing is it doesn't do its job, except in the debug mode!
When I add a breakpoint, everything is OK, but when I run the web application, it doesn't find any components within the UpdatePanel...
Try this one:
ControlCollection cbb = updatepanel1.Controls;
ControlCollection cb = cbb[0].Controls;
public void initialize_Controls(ControlCollection objcontrls)
foreach (Control tb in objcontrls) {
if (tb is TextBox)
((TextBox)tb).Text = "";
if (tb is Panel) {
ControlCollection cbcll = tb.Controls;
foreach (Control tbb in cbcll) {
if (tbb is TextBox)
((TextBox)tbb).Text = "";
First find controls from updatepanel i.e ContentTemplate, then find controls from contentTemplate which contain all controls in it.
This seems like a very bizarre design. That is, using control IDs for such purposes is rather unusual.
Nevertheless, you need a recursive method here to do a deep walk of every control on the page. Your method will not work if the UpdatePanel is contained within another control.
Have a check on this article
