Add a button to a treeview row - button

Is it possible to have a button as a cell renderer in a tree view with gtk2?
There is no documentation of something like a button cell renderer.

It is possible, but you have to write it yourself. There are probably some open-source applications floating around that do it.


What are the advantages of putting TextField inside Button (JavaFX)

In SceneBuilder it is possible to put TextField inside a Button:
Is it for just decorative purposes or it has some functionality like when clicking button it gets child info and so on? If it has some functionality, are there any examples?
From the documentation:
A simple button control. The button control can contain text and/or a
The graphic is changeable for every subclass of Labeled.
You can put any node as graphic into e. g. the button. It gives you a very high level of customization.
A good example is the customization of the header of a TitledPane.
As for your concrete example I see no advantage, rather a disadvantage as it's not common to have a textfield inside a button. But you nevery know with what people come up with.

skin the dropdownbox

i am wondering if there is a way to skin the whole drop down box, after searching Google i could only find thing like adding icons resizing and alike, but no full skinning of the box.
Is this at all possible and if so how? i would very much like my whole program to be skinned rather than everything but the drop down boxes.
I am more of a designer than a coder so as far as code goes I'm quite a novice with the code side, would be a great help if you could give me a point in the right direction and/or a quick insight how to do it.
in flex... sorry
i am wondering if there is a way to skin the whole drop down box,
Yes, create a custom skin class for the DropDownList, just like you would any other Spark class. You can use code for the DropDownListSkin as a reference point for creating your own. In Flash Builder, if you create a new MXML Skin; and specify the hostComponent as a DropDownList then you'll get the DropDownListSkin code as a starter point for your customization.
For more info, read these docs on skinning Spark Components.
We did, in essence, exactly this to create our Mobile DropDownList.

build tooltip for fxg button

I have a nice looking fxg button, to which I want to attach a tooltip- how do I achieve that without much hassle? (the spark button does this out-of-box, but is not very visually pleasing)
The examples I have seen on search is reverse- using fxg effects in the tooltip...
Thanks again for any guidance/ pointers
Typically you use FXG to draw the skin for a Button, then attach that skin to your Button (either by CSS or by setting the skinClass style on the button when it is declared.) That way you get all of the behaviors of a standard Button drawn however you like using your FXG. You do this by creating a new ButtonSkin based on the default spark ButtonSkin and replacing the default FXG with your own. You will then get the tool tip functionality for free. Hope that helps.

How to Customize ListView in QT

i am new to QT,i want to know how to customize the listview in QT i.e i want to add multiple icon in single row.. etc.. i tried lot i am not getting how to do that..
i tried with Qlistwidget, in tat i can only insert single row with one image.. i am not able to place multiple icon with desired locations..
please assist me, which control is good listview or listwidget.
and how to customize the same according to my view
if you have any sample examples. please provide me the link.
You can implement a delegate to customize the rendering of the items in your view.
From the model/view programming docs: delegates are responsible for rendering individual items in the views.
See the pixelator sample for example usage.
Take a look at QTableView or QTableWidget. You can insert the icons in the first two columns and the text in the third column. Or any other way you like it.
I guess you can use some delegates.
Have a look at
Hope it helps !

Adobe Flex - How to jump view?

I understand that we need to create MXML file to define a view. Suppose on user click of a button I want to show another view defined in another MXML file. How can I do this?
You could use a viewstack. each item in the viewstack would be a different MXML file so when the user clicks a button you change the selected index of the viewstack which makes the view change.
You could probably do with checking out the examples in this will help explain so much more than a simple answer will.
From your question it sounds like you need to get the basics of flex first and the tour de flex app contains loads of examples with source code.
