Group by ranges in SQLite - sqlite

I have a SQLite table which contains a numeric field field_name. I need to group by ranges of this column, something like this: SELECT CAST(field_name/100 AS INT), COUNT(*) FROM table GROUP BY CAST(field_name/100 AS INT), but including ranges which have no value (COUNT for them should be 0). And I can't get how to perform such a query?

You can do this by using a join and (though kludgy) an extra table.
The extra table would contain each of the values you want a row for in the response to your query (this would not only fill in missing CAST(field_name/100 AS INT) values between your returned values, but also let you expand it such that if your current groups were 5, 6, 7 you could include 0 through 10.
In other flavors of SQL you'd be able to right join or full outer join, and you'd be on your way. Alas, SQLite doesn't offer these.
Accordingly, we'll use a cross join (join everything to everything) and then filter. If you've got a relatively small database or a small number of groups, you're in good shape. If you have large numbers of both, this will be a very intensive way to go about this (the cross join result will have #ofRowsOfData * #ofGroups rows, so watch out).
TABLE: groups_for_report
Table: data
fieldname other_field
--------- -----------
250 somestuff
230 someotherstuff
600 stuff
you would use a query like
select groups_for_report.desired_group, count(data.fieldname)
from data
cross join groups_for_report
where CAST(fieldname/100.0 AS INT)=desired_group
group by desired_group;


Make each distinct value of a column a new column and count in SQLite

I have a similar question like the one here: distinct values as new columns & count
But instead of having only 3 values (in the case above: drivers), I have about 1 million, so I cannot list all of them in my code. How can I do that in SQLite?
So I kind of want something like the code below to be repeated for i= 1 to length(DISTINCT(driver)):
SELECT model
, COUNT(model) as drives
, SUM(distance) as distance
, SUM(CASE WHEN driver=DISTINCT(driver)[i] THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS DISTINCT(driver)[i]
FROM new_table
GROUP BY model;
SQLite has no mechanism for dynamic SQL. You have to read the list of all possible drivers from the database, and construct the query with a separate SUM(CASE...) column for each value in your program.
But a large number of columns is inefficient, and when it becomes larger than 2000, it will not work anyway.
It might be a better idea to return each matrix entry individually:
SELECT model,
COUNT(*) AS drives_for_this_model_and_driver
FROM new_table
GROUP BY model, driver
ORDER BY model, driver;

SQL Query to transpose rows into columns

I have a .net web application that uses SQL Server 2008. The data table I am trying to display in a grid contains columns that are actually rows of another table. Right now, I am doing this in the BLL, reading data into data table; getting the data from another table and making it into columns of first data table and then going through each row of data in that data table to populate the new columns. Very time consuming and slow.
I believe this can be done through a query in SQL 2012 and above using "Transpose" or something similar but not sure if it is possible in 2008. I researched and tried using "pivot" but I am not good at SQL and couldn't get it to work.
This is a simplified example of DB tables and what I need to display:
Facility Table:
PartnerInfo table:
PartnerID Partner
1 Partner1
2 Partner2
3 Partner3
FacilityPartner table:
FacilityID PartnerID
12345 1
12345 3
67890 2
67890 3
Need a query to return something like:
FacilityID Partner1 Partner2 Partner3
12345 true false true
67890 false true true
Following should give some idea on pivoting the data. It doesn't give you exact true false as you asked.
declare #facility table (facilityId int)
declare #PartnerInfo table (partnerid int, partnerN varchar(1000))
declare #FacilityPartner table (facilityId int,partnerid int)
insert into #facility values (12345)
insert into #facility values (67890)
insert into #facility values (67891)
insert into #PartnerInfo values (1, 'partner1')
insert into #PartnerInfo values (2, 'partner2')
insert into #PartnerInfo values (3, 'partner3')
insert into #FacilityPartner values(12345, 1)
insert into #FacilityPartner values(12345, 3)
insert into #FacilityPartner values(67890, 2)
insert into #FacilityPartner values(67890, 3)
select f.facilityId as facid, p.PartnerN as partn, 100 as val
FROM #facility f
LEFT join #FacilityPartner fp on f.facilityId = fp.facilityId
LEFT JOIN #PartnerInfo p on p.partnerid = fp.partnerid
select facid, Partner1 , partner2,partner3 FROM
(select f.facilityId as facid, p.PartnerN as partn, 100 as val
FROM #facility f
LEFT join #FacilityPartner fp on f.facilityId = fp.facilityId
LEFT JOIN #PartnerInfo p on p.partnerid = fp.partnerid) x
for partn in ([partner1], [partner2],[partner3])
) as pvt
The first thing to understand is, just like many other languages, SQL has a sort of "compile" process, where an execution plan is produced. An SQL query MUST be able to know the precise number and types of columns at compile time, without referencing the data (it does have some table metadata available for the compile, which is why SELECT * works).
This means what you want to do is only possible if one of two conditions is met:
You must know the precise number of partners (and the names for the columns, in this case) ahead of time. This is true even for a query using the PIVOT keyword.
You must be willing to do this in multiple steps, using dynamic SQL, where the first step looks at the data to know how many columns you'll need. Then you can build up a new query in a varchar variable, and finally execute that string using Exec() orsp_executesql(). This works because the last step invokes a new "compile" process and execution context for that string variable.
Of course there's also a third option: pivot the data in your client code. That is my preference. Most people, though, opt for option 2.

How to get the total quantity of results using count(*)?

i need to get the total quantity of results for each person but i get ...
select t.fecha_hora_timbre,e.nombre,e.apellido,d.descripcion as departamento_trabaja, t.fecha,count(*)
from fulltime.timbre t, fulltime.empleado e, fulltime.departamento d
where d.depa_id=e.depa_id and t.codigo_empleado=e.codigo_empleado and
trunc(t.fecha) between trunc(to_date('15/02/2017','dd/mm/yyyy')) and trunc(to_date('14/03/2017','dd/mm/yyyy'))
group by t.fecha_hora_timbre,e.nombre,e.apellido,d.descripcion, t.fecha
Expected data...
select e.nombre,e.apellido,d.descripcion as departamento_trabaja,COUNT(*)
from fulltime.timbre t, fulltime.empleado e, fulltime.departamento d
where d.depa_id=e.depa_id and t.codigo_empleado=e.codigo_empleado and
trunc(t.fecha) between trunc(to_date('15/02/2017','dd/mm/yyyy')) and trunc(to_date('14/03/2017','dd/mm/yyyy'))
group by t.fecha_hora_timbre,e.nombre,e.apellido,d.descripcion, t.fecha
You should only select and group by the non-aggregate columns you actually want to count against. At the moment you're including the fecha_hora_timbre and fechacolumns in each row, so you're counting the unique combinations of those columns as well as the name/department information you actually want to count.
select e.nombre, e.apellido, d.descripcion as departamento_trabaja,
count(*) a veces_marcadas
from fulltime.timbre t
join fulltime.empleado e on t.codigo_empleado=e.codigo_empleado
join fulltime.departamento d on d.depa_id=e.depa_id
where t.fecha >= to_date('15/02/2017','dd/mm/yyyy')
and t.fecha < to_date('15/03/2017','dd/mm/yyyy')
group by e.nombre, e.apellido, d.descripcion
I've removed the extra columns. Notice that they have gone from both the select list and the group-by clause. If you have a non-aggregate column in the select list that isn't in the group-by you'll get an ORA-00937 error; but if you have a column in the group-by that isn't in the select list then it will still group by that even though you can't see it and you just won't get the results you expect.
I've also changed from old-style join syntax to modern syntax. And I've changed the date comparison; firstly because doing trunc() as part of trunc(to_date('15/02/2017','dd/mm/yyyy')) is pointless - you already know the time part is midnight, so the trunc doesn't achieve anything. But mostly so that if there is an index on fecha that index can be used. If you do trunc(f.techa) then the value of every column value has to be truncated, which stops the index being used (unless you have a function-based index). As between in inclusive, using >= and < with one day later on the higher limit should have the same effect overall.

Optimization of Oracle Query

I have following query :
SELECT distinct A1 ,sum(total) as sum_total FROM
SELECT A1, A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,COUNT(A7) AS total,A8
select a.* from table1 a
left join (select * from table_reject where name = 'smith') b on A.A3 = B.B3 and A.A9 =B.B2
where B.ID is null
) t1
WHERE A8 >= NEXT_DAY ( trunc(to_date('17/09/2013 12:00:00','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')) ,'SUN' )
CUBE(A1, A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A8)
ORDER BY sum_total DESC ;
Total number records in table1 is around 8 million.
My problem is i need to optimize the above query in best possible way.I did tried to make index on column A8 of table1 and creating the index helped me to decrease the cost of query but execution time of query is more or less same when there was no index on the table1.
Any help would be appreciated.
CUBE operation on large data set is really expensive, so you need to check do you really need all that data in inner query. because i see you are doing COUNT in inner and then on the outer query you have SUM of counts. so in other words, give me the row count of A7 at for all combination A1-A8 (-A7). then get only SUM for selected combinations filtered by WHERE clause. we can sure optimize this by limiting CUBE on certain column itself but very obvious things so far i have notice are as follows.
if you use below query and have right index o Table1 and Table_reject then both query can utilize the Index and reduce the data set needs to be join and further processed.
I am not 100% sure but yes Partial CUBE processing is possible and need to check that.
clustered index --> Table1 need on A8 And Table_Reject need clustered index on NAME.
non-clustered index--> Table1 need on A3,A9and Table_reject need on B3,B2
SELECT qry1.
SELECT A1, A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8
FROM table1
WHERE A8 >= NEXT_DAY ( trunc(to_date('17/09/2013 12:00:00','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')) ,'SUN' )
select B3,B2,ID
from table_reject
where name = 'smith'
ON qry1.A3 = qry2.B3 and qry1.A9=qry2.B2
I tried to find out what will be the difference in CUBE operator result if you do it on all Columns or you do it on only columns that you need it in result set. what I found is the way CUBE function works you do not need to perform CUBE on all columns. because at the end you just care about combinations generated by CUBE where A1 and A8 is NOT NULL.
Try this link and see the output.
enter link description here
Query 1 and Query2 is just inner most queries to compare the CUBE result set.
Query3 and Query4 is the same query that you are trying and you see the results are same in both case.
DECLARE #NEXT_DAY DATE = NEXT_DAY ( trunc(to_date('17/09/2013 12:00:00','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')) ,'SUN' )
SELECT distinct A1 ,sum(total) as sum_total FROM
select a.a1,a.a7,a.a8
from table1 a
left join (select * from table_reject where name = 'smith') b
on A.A3 = B.B3 and A.A9 =B.B2
where B.ID is null
) t1
ORDER BY sum_total DESC ;
As I mentioned in the Comment this is a Round3 update. i can not change comment but i meant Edit3 instead Round3.
well the new change in your query is adding the WHERE A8 >= #NEXT_DAY condition in the inner most left join select where A8 >= #NEXT_DAY AND B.ID is null as well. that has improved the selection very much.
in your last comment you mentioned that query is taking 30-35 second and as you change the value of A8 it keep increasing. now with the execution time you didn't mentioned how much data is in the result set. why that is important? because if my query is returning 5M rows as a final result set that will going to spend 90% time in just droping that data on to UI, or output file what ever output method you are using. but actual performance should be measured how soon the query has started giving first couple of rows. because by that time Optimizer has already decided the execution paln and DB is executing that plan. yet i agree that if query is returning 100 rows and taking 10 seconds then something can be wrong with execution plan.
to demo that what I did is I created the dummy data. and perfomred your query against it.
i have table Test_CubeData with 9M rows in it with the same column numbers and data type you explained for your Table1. I have second table Table_Reject with 80K rows with number of columns and its datatype I figured out from query. To test the extreme side of this table; name column has only one value "smith" and ID is null for all 80K rows. so column values that can affect inner left join result will be B2 and B3.
in these tests i do not have any index on both tables. both are heap. and you see the results are in still few seconds with acceptable range of data in result set. as my result data set increases the completion time increases. if i create explained indexes then it will give me Index Seek operation
for all these tested cases. but at certain point that index will also exhaust and become Index Scan.
one sure example would be if my filter value for A8 column is smallest date value exist in that column. in that case Optimizer will see that all 9M rows need to be participate in inner select and CUBE and lot of data will be get processed in memory. which is expected. on the other hand lets see the another example of queries. i have unique 32873 values in A8 column and those values are almost equally distributed among 9M rows. so per single A8 values there are 260 to 300 rows. now if I execute the query for any single value smallest, largest, or any thing in between the query execution time should not change.
notice the highlighted text in each image below that indicated what the value of A8 filter is chosen,
important columns only in the select list instead using *, added A8 filter in the inner left join query, execution plan showing the TableScan operation on both table, query execution time in second,and total number of rows return by the query.
I hope that this will clear some doubts on performance of your query and will help you to set right expectation.
**Table Row Counts**
You're calculating a potentially very large cube result on seven columns, and then discarding all the results except those that are logically just a group_by on column A1.
I suggest that you rewrite the query to just group by A1.

Fastest Way to Count Distinct Values in a Column, Including NULL Values

The Transact-Sql Count Distinct operation counts all non-null values in a column. I need to count the number of distinct values per column in a set of tables, including null values (so if there is a null in the column, the result should be (Select Count(Distinct COLNAME) From TABLE) + 1.
This is going to be repeated over every column in every table in the DB. Includes hundreds of tables, some of which have over 1M rows. Because this needs to be done over every single column, adding Indexes for every column is not a good option.
This will be done as part of an site, so integration with code logic is also ok (i.e.: this doesn't have to be completed as part of one query, though if that can be done with good performance, then even better).
What is the most efficient way to do this?
Update After Testing
I tested the different methods from the answers given on a good representative table. The table has 3.2 million records, dozens of columns (a few with indexes, most without). One column has 3.2 million unique values. Other columns range from all Null (one value) to a max of 40K unique values. For each method I performed four tests (with multiple attempts at each, averaging the results): 20 columns at one time, 5 columns at one time, 1 column with many values (3.2M) and 1 column with a small number of values (167). Here are the results, in order of fastest to slowest
Count/GroupBy (Cheran)
CountDistinct+SubQuery (Ellis)
dense_rank (Eriksson)
Count+Max (Andriy)
Testing Results (in seconds):
Method 20_Columns 5_Columns 1_Column (Large) 1_Column (Small)
1) Count/GroupBy 10.8 4.8 2.8 0.14
2) CountDistinct 12.4 4.8 3 0.7
3) dense_rank 226 30 6 4.33
4) Count+Max 98.5 44 16 12.5
Interestingly enough, the two methods that were fastest (by far, with only a small difference in between then) were both methods that submitted separate queries for each column (and in the case of result #2, the query included a subquery, so there were really two queries submitted per column). Perhaps because the gains that would be achieved by limiting the number of table scans is small in comparison to the performance hit taken in terms of memory requirements (just a guess).
Though the dense_rank method is definitely the most elegant, it seems that it doesn't scale well (see the result for 20 columns, which is by far the worst of the four methods), and even on a small scale just cannot compete with the performance of Count.
Thanks for the help and suggestions!
FROM TableName
GROUP BY ColumnName) AS s;
GROUP BY selects distinct values including NULL. COUNT(*) will include NULLs, as opposed to COUNT(ColumnName), which ignores NULLs.
I think you should try to keep the number of table scans down and count all columns in one table in one go. Something like this could be worth trying.
;with C as
select dense_rank() over(order by Col1) as dnCol1,
dense_rank() over(order by Col2) as dnCol2
from YourTable
select max(dnCol1) as CountCol1,
max(dnCol2) as CountCol2
from C
Test the query at SE-Data
A development on OP's own solution:
FROM atable
Run one query that Counts the number of Distinct values and adds 1 if there are any NULLs in the column (using a subquery)
Select Count(Distinct COLUMNNAME) +
Case When Exists
(Select * from TABLENAME Where COLUMNNAME is Null)
Then 1 Else 0 End
You can try:
distinct coalesce(
your_table.column_1, your_table.column_2
-- cast them if you want replace value from column are not same type
Function coalesce help you combine two columns with replace not null values.
I used this in mine case and success with correctly result.
Not sure this would be the fastest but might be worth testing. Use case to give null a value. Clearly you would need to select a value for null that would not occur in the real data. According to the query plan this would be a dead heat with the count(*) (group by) solution proposed by Cheran S.
COUNT( distinct
(case when [testNull] is null then 'dbNullValue' else [testNull] end)
FROM [test].[dbo].[testNullVal]
With this approach can also count more than one column
COUNT( distinct
(case when [testNull1] is null then 'dbNullValue' else [testNull1] end)
COUNT( distinct
(case when [testNull2] is null then 'dbNullValue' else [testNull2] end)
FROM [test].[dbo].[testNullVal]
