Freebase query with multiple unique child items - freebase

Let's say I want to get all movies in which at least two (different) actors called "John" played:
Example query:
"a:actor": [{
"type": "/film/actor",
"name": null,
"name~=": "John",
"b:actor": [{
"type": "/film/actor",
"name": null,
"name~=": "John",
If you run the example query, you will see that it will list movies with only one "John" in them. How can I fix my query to exclude these results with duplicated children?

In general, you'll have to do the filtering client-side; queries in MQL are "tree-like" in that one part of the query can't refer to another part rather than being a generic graph.
In this case, you could look for films which have more than one "John" acting in them; however, MQL doesn't allow you to filter on a derived property like "count", so the best you can do is to reverse sort based on the count and then just stop processing as soon as you hit the first entry with "count": 1. However, that query times out if you remove the fixed 1935 release date (sorting in MQL kills performance), so you're probably stuck with just simple client-side filtering.


Conditional query in Freebase API

I am looking to extract list of tourist attractions and their city,state and country information from Freebase. The property that has location is
"/location/location/containedby". There are different types for this object, "location/location" or "/base/biblioness/bibs_location". If the object has "/base/biblioness/bibs_location" i can get the value of "city", "state" etc. however if the object only has the type "/location/location" i need to go and get its "containedby" field and redo the above logic.
My question is can i perform a conditional query in Freebase like if type == "/location/location/" get xyz. if type== "/base/biblioness/bibs_location" get abc
"type": "/travel/tourist_attraction",
"id": null,
"name": null,
"name~=": "^San Diego",
"/location/location/containedby": {
"type": "/base/biblioness/bibs_location",
"name": null,
"id": null
"/location/location/geolocation": [{
"id": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null
MQL doesn't support conditional logic, but you can query all the information that you're potentially interested in, making the subqueries optional so they don't filter the results, and then look at what you get back. It'll require conditional code in your result processor, but you won't have to make multiple queries. For example, you could query multiple levels of /location/location/contained by as well as /base/biblioness/bibs_location/state and whatever else you want.
Before you go spending too much time on this though, you might want to check how well populated /base/biblioness/bibs_location is. It looks to me like it's got less than 2K entities.

Freebase MQL query to get all info about a specific date

I'm wondering if it is possible to get all info about a specific date from Freebase.
I can easily retrieve info about a date giving a specific topic, for example, to grab all persons of interest who were born on a specific date:
Is it possible to grab all types? I'm after things like people born on that date (which I have), major events (start of a war, assassination of a person of interest, etc), and so on.
Essentially I want to match all fields that are dates and return the full information about that entry, regardless of type.
Reflection is what you need here:
"/type/reflect/any_value": [{
"type": "/type/datetime",
"value": "1955-02-24",
"link": {
"source": {
"id": null
"master_property": null
A couple of notes on that: the MQL manual I've linked to is somewhat bitrotted in its details but is still the best documentation that exists on MQL. Secondly, there's what I'm pretty sure is in MQL bug if you use "*": null or more specifically "target_value": null in the link clause above which makes it ignore the outer value you specified... so don't do that :-)

Freebase MQL - Don't show parent object if a value in array element is present?

Trying to get some movies and their genres but leave out any records that contain the genre "Thriller" in the array of genres.
How do I not only ignore the genre key itself for "Thriller", but squelch that entire movie result? With my current query, Thriller is removed from the array of genres, but the parent object (film) is still displayed.
Here's my current workup in the query editor:
'/film/film/genre': [],
'/film/film/genre!=': "Thriller",
The answer provided is correct, but changes some other stuff in the query too. Here's the direct equivalent to the original query:
"type": "/film/film",
"limit": 5,
"name": null,
"genre": [],
"x:genre": {"name":"Thriller",
The important part is the "optional":"forbidden". The default property used is "name", but we need to specify it explicitly when we use a subclause (to allow us to specify the "optional" keyword). Using ids instead of names, as #kook did, is actually more reliable, so that's an improvement, but I wanted people to be able to see the minimum necessary to fix the broken query.
We can abbreviate the property name to "genre" from "/film/film/genre" since "type":"/film/film" is included (we also never need to use /type/object for properties like /type/object/name).
Answering my own question.
So the trick is to not use the != (but not) operator, but to actually flip it on its head and use the "|=" (one of) operator with 'forbid', like so:
'/film/film/genre': [{
"id": null,
"optional": true
"forbid:/film/film/genre": {
"id|=": [
"optional": "forbidden"
Thanks to the following post:
Freebase query - exclusion of certain values

Freebase query - exclusion of certain values

I want to retrieve name of all movies and their genre. It's ok if information about genre is empty, but if genre is known I want to retrieve it.
"/film/film/genre": [{"id":null,"optional":"optional"}]
But I'm not interested in gay pornography, so I want to exclude all movies with genre "/en/gay_pornography".
"/film/film/genre": [{"id|=":["/en/gay_pornography"],"optional":"forbidden"}]
The problem is, how to combine it in one query? I.e. how to get all movies, even those with no genre and exclude pr0n?
Edit: it's required to exclude multiple genres, e.g. also /en/pornographic_movie
You're basically there: you just need two "genre" clauses. MQL lets you do this by allowing arbitrary prefixes on any clause:
"id": null,
"type": "/film/film",
"genre": [{
"id": null,
"optional": true
"forbid:genre": {
"id|=": [
"optional": "forbidden"
Use the "but not" operator:
"genre": [{
"id": null,
"id!=": "/en/gay_pornography",
"optional": true
Full example:
Edit: This doesn't answer the question. It just prevents that particular id from being listed as a genre of the film but doesn't forbid the film. #phillip-kendal's answer is correct.

Freebase MQL filter where value == null?

Can get all triples with value null in specific field?
All people with date_of_birth equal null?
"type": "/people/person",
You need to use "optional":"forbidden" directive:
"type": "/people/person",
"date_of_birth": {
"value": null,
"optional": "forbidden"
"name": null,
"id": null
(I added "id":null so that the Query Editor gives clickable links)
Note that query has a default "limit":100, if you want more results then add an explicit limit clause. If that times out, then you'll need to use a MQL cursor.
If you need to deal with lots of results, the undocumented envelope parameter "page" provides more flexibility than "cursor", allowing you to move forward, back, or access a page at random, as opposed to just going forward like you can with the cursor.
The "optional": "forbidden" clause is the key to lots of useful queries. The "!everything" == "nothing" equivalency is just one of the most common ones.
