WordPress Multisite SubDomains - two installations conflict - wordpress

I have a problem with WordPress multisite in subdomains mode - I have made two installations under addresses like:
domain.com - first multisite WP,
tools.domain.com - second multisite WP
Everything works fine, for example:
The one thing that DOES NOT WORK is:
(or any other site name).
This very last request gets redirected to:
like it is non existing site for first WP installation.
I checked a lot of times DNS zones entries, tried a lot of times, waited a lot more time to see is there any delay with DNS propagation. And still can't get it working right.
My host's support suggested changes withing .htaccess for main domain but I'm not sure how.


Wordpress multisite: reusing domain

Good day ๐Ÿ˜€
I have a WP Multisite in which a site was running. The administrators decided they would revamp the site, and they did it in a provisional subdirectory so that the original site would be available while the changes took place. So this is the current structure:
Now that the site changes have been finished, I would like to attach the domain name to the revamped site. So, I try to disable the site currently attached to mysite.com, change its domain to a different one, and attach the domain name to the revamped one. So from the sites configuration I make the following changes in Sites > Edit site > Site info:
mysite.com -> mymultisite.com/mysite
mymultisite.com/mysitebeingremade -> mysite.com
But it seems as if the domain name keeps pointing to the old site. What am I doing wrong? Or is it just impossible to reuse a domain name previously used in a multisite, but not in use anymore, for a new site?
I guess that I can just overwrite the original sites with the one with the changes, but I think it is too much hassle for a seemingly simple task.
Thank you ๐Ÿ˜€
Ok, I sorted it out.
It seems that, when you delete a site from the multisite, it doesn't get deleted from the database. Specifically, one entry remains in the table [prefix]_domain_mapping in which the fields 'id' and 'blog_id' are still pointing to the old site that was linked to that domain.
By changing those two fields to the id of the new site that will be using that domain name, and provided that all the changes have been made to the configuration of that site in the site configuration to use that domain for that site, it should work ok.
Thank you,

Subdomains with Wordpress multisite and Amazon EC2

I have a a WordPress multisite install (using subdomains, not subfolders) running on EC2 (with Cloudflare for DNS). It is working good.
I am starting a new project that I want to setup a subdoamin for that is not using the multisite install. I have been trying for a few days to get it to work, but i cannot get it to stop sending trafic to wordpress (which is telling me there is not site set up (I hae set nothing up in wordpress as this project has its own site / code that I want to keep seperate)
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you?
After quite a while of banging my head agenst the wall I figgured it out.
How I got it to work was I went into the Apache config file (httpd.conf) and changed the server name to a fake address, then wet into vhosts.conf and created a virtual host for every site on the server, including the main one (that had been listed in the main conf) and the wildcard (for multisite).
I made sure the wildcard was listed LAST. After restarting the server it worded like a charm.

WordPress hijacked - all subdomains effected

Just have a question :)
I have a WordPress site with domainname "site.com". It is on its own server.
On another server I have an admin site located on the subdomain "admin.site.com", and a booking site on "booking.site.com" - they are not i WordPress.
Now my WordPress site gets hijacked, and all browser shows a warning, and I'm removed from Google. But it is not only site.com which is closed, but all my subdomains. Why? And is there a way to separate, so the subdomains not will be close if my WordPress site gets hijacked again?
By close, do you mean removed from Google or non-functional in general?
Google doesn't have a lot of forgiveness when it comes to site issues, so afaik it will block the subdomains if the main domain gets compromised.
If your other sites aren't functional, you might want to check your site.com's htaccess file.

2 different wordpress cmses on one server, subdomain on younger blog redirects to the older one

I am currently running on the newest freebsd 64 bit server 9~
the problem is that I have:
2 seperate blogs on my server with two different domains
The older one was "donosiciele.pl" - works fine
The newer one "digsite.cat" has a subdomain multisite configured.
Lets cut to the chase. I do not have a dns wildcard ( *.digsite.cat ) so I had to edit my namedb file digsite.cat.db. After www I added subdomains for scary.digsite.cat and so on.
www A
scary A
music A
fashion A
The problem is that when you go to www.digsite.cat everything is fine, www.donosiciele.pl - fine
www.music.digsite.cat - you will get redirected to the "elder/1st" wordpress cms which runs under www.donosiele.pl
I have no idea how to deal with the problem, and I thoroughly search wordpress forums for that.
The answer to that is to create an apache virtual host for the given subdomain :)

WP Admin extremely slow

The WP back end of a site I'm working on (It's a multisite) takes about 25 seconds to load.
Everything was working fine until yesterday and the front end still works perfectly well. All other sites on the same server run just as well, so it MUST be a WP back end issue.
I don't remember exactly what change it was that made it so slow. I remember updating WP recently (to version 3.4.2), adding some plugins on one of the sites and changing the max upload file size.
I tried to disable all the plugins, changing the themes back to default, changing the max file size back, and adding define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '1024M'); (and other values) to WP-config but none of it helped.
Also tried to 'Update network', but I got an error - couldn't connect to host.
Any ideas?
I got in touch with our network admin and we resolved the issue.
I will copy his answer here. Hope it helps someone.
Does Wordpress use 'self-referential URLs' ? What I mean by this is...
is wordpress trying to access it's own templates/css using fully
qualified domain names in the URL (e.g. http://example.co.uk/someurl )
Because we use Network Address Translation (NAT) on our firewalls to
hide the real IP address of the server, it has the side effect that if
the server tries to access it's own URLs, it will try to send the
traffic to the external interface on our firewall, which is where the
DNS resolves to.
The fix for this is very simple - we just add the site url into the
/etc/hosts file so that the server knows to use it's own IP address
instead of the address on the firewall.
So he added our address to the hosts file and now it works perfectly.
I've seen this before where the admin pages are trying to poll external Wordpress sites for details of Wordpress upgrades, plugin updates and Wordpress news. If there's no proper access (because of firewall restrictions, bad DNS, etc) then the page has to wait for the HTTP requests (I think WP uses cURL) to timeout.
If you're still unable to identify the cause I'd recommend a catch-all solution of installing xdebug and profiling the page with webgrind, xcachegrind, etc
Had the same problem for a week and now the problem of very slow WP-admin was solved!
Before, I cannot access my sites if I use incognito or I am not logged in as WP user, but all times in the wp-admin, it takes me 40 seconds- minute or even never.
Solution that worked:
I accessed the files in the file manager using the CPanel, and I saw so many unused and unnecessary folders and themes and that's the reason that causes the very slow access to admin.
It was because during the days of being a newbie, I stuffed a lot of files in the Public Http and that made it congested.
I logged in to another CPanel account that I bought personally before, and compared the folders of the "proper" versus the "congested" and compress, backed-up and deleted all the unnecessary.
My host: Hostgator, responded well also.
Hope this would help others.
I also had a very slow Dashboad in wordpress. Reading the James Cยดs answer, I realized that my site is located in a corporate intranet behind a firewall to access internet.
James C answered:
"I've seen this before where the admin pages are trying to poll external Wordpress sites for details of Wordpress upgrades, plugin updates and Wordpress news. If there's no proper access (because of firewall restrictions, bad DNS, etc) then the page has to wait for the HTTP requests (I think WP uses cURL) to timeout."
My solution was avoid all the internet conections: (1) disable all the wordpress updates using the wordpress plugin "Disable all wordpress updates". (2) activate de wordpress pluging "Disable google fonts"
After these two plugin activations, the Dashboard works to a suitable speed.
