Rebol grid control - datagrid

I am looking for an equivalent of a grid control in Rebol, to display some table data.
I came across this script: face-grid.r
...and its associated demo: face-grid-demo.r
This seems to be an excellent start. Does anyone know if there is some active and/or newer version of this grid, or something similar?

Depending what you need exactly.
Brett's datagrid is a bit basic. For example, it does not handle scrollers by itself.
Henrik has done a list-view with tons of features. Maybe it can be a choice for you :
But there are also different list styles part of the VID extension kit from the same author.
Here is the list documentation.
All are for Rebol2.


Is there an official complete table with all CSS properties and all possible values?

Is there an official complete table with all CSS properties and all possible values? I'm looking for all possibilities, including the latest "CSS4"/modules.
I'm looking for the all encompassing version of (but that one only has CSS 2.1).
This lists out all properties, but doesn't include all possible values on the same page:
Full CSS catalog with information about possible values
And this is also great:
-> PDF
You can use the official W3 specifications. These are (mostly) respected by all major browsers.
For a more simple and user friendly but incomplete list see css-tricks almanac.
Apparently, there's no such official list.
However the current work is conveniently located in a single w3c/csswg-drafts repository ( and help make sense of the list) and the spec markup is designed to be machine-readable. So if you're looking for a fun way to spend a weekend and learn a bit about the CSS specifications, you can try to generate one yourself!
Alternatively, you could ask around to see if the person who maintains the script to generate is willing to share it with you.

dropdown list - show image options to select

I'd be greatful if you can help.
I would like to have a drop downlist that can have a view list of images rather than text content.
many thanks
This is a poor question as you dont give much detail, however if you're working in classic-asp you can easily include jquery (client-side javascript library) and make use of the many plugins that offer this functionality, for example, one of the better ones (only in my opinion of course): - note the examples - very easy to use, example:

ExtJS bidirectional Data Binding? Or alternatives

I'm a pretty experienced Flex/.NET developer who is now learning html5/javascript. I've been playing with Ext Core and ExtJS for the last few weeks and I'm interested in whether/how folks are using these libraries to do bi-directional data binding on data that is not list based.
It seems like most of the binding support is directed at binding rows of data to grids. I'm interested in binding UI elements to arbitrary POJOs that are not list-based data.
Maybe I'm just not looking in the right places, but I'm not finding support for this.
I'm really interested in hearing what folks are doing in Ext OR what folks recommend as an alternative.
Although there is no out-of-the-box solution like the #Bindable from Flex for example, Extjs does offer the infrastructure to create bindings.
If you have a look at you'll see a demo for this where the models (filter instance and record instance, instances of managed or NOT managed by a store) are bound to different views. The functionality is achieved with a thin framework built on top of Extjs.
On the other hand, to bind arbitrary POJOs is exactly the same story, those have to implement an Observable and fire themselves some property change events which can be listened. The blog posts and the framework itself gives a good starting point on how to do this.
Another way/concept is which i used with extjs 3 and works fine.
A follow up... I never did find an ExtJS approach and moved on to other js frameworks/approaches and along the way learned about knockout: which is pretty darned awesome!
Are you looking for the BasicForm functionality? (Particularly: loadRecord)
If you want readonly display you can use DisplayFields or disabled TextFields or similar.
Take a look at jQXB , It's seems to provides a very easy and powerfull api to bind data with html elems

Customising Flex Datagrid or alternative solutions

I'm currently building an application that is presenting tabular (fetched from a webservice) data and have squirted it into a datagrid - seemed the most obvious way to present it on screen.
I've now come across a few limitations in the datagrid and wonder how I might move forward. As a relative newcomer to flex development I'm a little lost.
A few things I am wanting to do.
The data is logically split into groups and I would like to be able to have subheadings in the grid whenever I move to a new group.
I would like to be able to highligh individual cells based on their content relative to other values in the row - ie highlight the cell with the highest value in the row.
Is this possible with the standard datagrid?
I'm actually using the try-before-you-buy version of flex builder at the moment but I have ordered Flex Builder 3 Pro - which is on its way to me. I understand there is an 'advanced datagrid' control in this version - perhaps that will support some of what I wish to do?
Alternatively - is there another way of building custom tabular data?
stay the hell away from Adobe's AdvancedDataGrid. You will learn quickly it has many shortcomings, you will think you are better than it and override a few things here, tweak a few things there, but in the end the ADG will absolutely destroy you. Heed my call and avoid this at all costs. The ADG was outsourced by Adobe to their failed Indian team that has sense been disbanded, it alone counts for over %30 of the entire flex framework, and their are horrible deeply rooted issues that are better off starting over at this point. STAY AWAY FROM THE ADVANCDEDDATAGRID AT ALL COSTS!!!!!
The DataGrid is the best bet for that, but also check out the AdvancedDataGrid (here are some AdvancedDataGrid Demos with Source from FarataSystems).
Both the DataGrid and AdvancedDataGrid are notoriously hard to customize, and everything you'd like to do is pretty advanced, so it will take a while to get going, but you can do it eventually.
There's no other way to build tabular data unless you start doing some advanced things with some of the data visualization libraries out there.
Good luck,

YUI Datatable Column Filter

Does anyone know of any plugins/extentions to the YUI Datatable that will allow column sorting similar to how a sharepoint grid works.
I'm looking for something that works/looks a bit like this from sharepoint (click on the clumn header, and a drop down appears with options to filter the datatable based on the data in that column):
Sharepoint grid column filter
Anyone have any ideas?
I do not believe that anything like this currently exists. Ascending/Descending sort is supported out of the box, but I assume you know that.
Filtering can be done (there are examples here and here), but not with the UI you want. You should probably tell your boss that the cost involved in your writing this feature to satisfy his whim is probably not worth the benefit, and you should find another UI paradigm that's easier to implement.
That said, if you do decide to subclass the DataTable to do something like this, please do submit your changes back to YUI so that everyone can benefit from them
Can't you just use context menu like this:
