Multiple pages in a Qt main window - qt

I'm new to Qt.
I have a Qt main window which has some information inside.
I can only fill in limited pieces of information in the window. If I have more information, then I should have a "NEXT" tab/button, to go to a next page, within the same window, and a back button.
Also, there is some static information which is to remain the same across all Pages/Tabs.
So, what I wish to ask do I limit the information to let's say..only 10 lines in a page, and if more, it should go to the next page, within the same window, and be able to switch between them? And how to keep the permanent content across all Pages.
Please help. Thanks.

Something like a Wizard? See
The examples in the Mainwindows section are very good


AutoHotKey to focus a Form in Microsoft Access 2010/2013

I would like to use AutoHotKey to bring an access database to the screen, then take focus on one form (the form is open, but there will always be multiple other forms open at the same time, additionally, the form in question could be stacked at the bottom) and then the rest can be done with custom shortcuts that only work in this form.
I am also open for other solutions to do the same job, mouse clicks is also a possibility but forms are not always in the same place on different computers and they can also be moved during a session.
This is what I have been testing so far:
Bring up the database with IfWinExist, [title of window]
Then I tried using ControlFocus, [ControllerName]
That did work, but the controllername changes depending on what other forms are open and in which order they where last clicked on.
I have made a screenshot:
Any help would be nice, my main problem is that I do not know what AHK can do and therefore I feel very limited.
In the place of WinTitle you can also use other parameters of the window, not only WinTitle. More about it here:
Also you can use ImageSearch to get coordinates of the window and use these coordinates to move window without WinMove like here:

Qt Screenshot sharing app - How to select the area of a screen

I am trying to code an app in Qt for capturing and then sharing the screenshots. For now my application captures the screenshot, shows a preview and saves it. I am yet to do the upload part. but before that I would like to be able to select the area of the screen of which the screenshot needs to be captured.
I tried searching and I couldn't find any helpful articles or documents in Qt. So can anyone help me?
PS: The idea is to create a similar app like lightshot and several other similar tools.
Thanks in advance
There are two methods that you can use for this: -
1) Capture an image of the screen and then display that, full screen to the user, essentially allowing the user to crop the image.
2) A more commonly used method is to create a full-screen, topmost window that has no title bar and is transparent. This allows the user to drag out an area, which you can draw an outline to represent the area the user requires.
I recommend the 2nd method and creating a transparent window is simply a matter of changing the window flags, as you can see here.

Need to center widgets

I have tried: I am a newbie and still learning. Nothing works. Even tried to no avail. It stays to the left!
I am using Cm4all and do the widgets manually in File Manager with Netfirms. They had me:
Log into the control panel with your account username and password.
Click on ‘FileManager’ under ‘Website’.
Click on ‘Settings’.
Check the checkbox ‘Use Richtext Editor’.
I also called the number you instructed and they said:
centering big groups of content, or centering groups of one specific object on your site can be done with divs and css.
Here are some hyperlinks to instructions/tutorials for common website operations like this.
They gave me three links but can't post the question with the links, says I need at least 10 reputation to post more than 2 links.
Nothing I do will make it leave the left side!!

QT4, paginated showing elements

I am going to write an application that uses QT4 (with C++ or python it isnt important in that moment).
One of functionality is "Showing all items in database".
One item has a Title, author, description and photo (constant size)
And there could be very many items. Let's say 400. There won't be enough space to show'em all at once time.
One row will have 200px, so i need at most 4 for once time.
How to paginate them? I have no idea.
I can use limit and offset in SQL queries, but how to tell window: "that's 5th page"?
Any solutions?
First off, you normally do not want to use any manually set pixel widths in any GUI application, if you do, your toolkit sucks (or you must work in game development).
Second off: be more specific.
You'll need to define "page" for your application, namely what a page should be in its context. I assume it is breaking a list of items into separate pages. Normally this is done by using one of the view classes (e.g. QListView or QTableView) to take care of much of the legwork: it's called a scrollbar (not to mention the collapsing folders concept from file managers). Another method is splitting the information across several tab pages (QTabWidget), where each page displays a view of some sort (Perhaps QTextView or one of the M/V or Item view classes).
Same thing can also be done using your own widget stack and some other widget to manipulate the currently displayed page. This is basically how the option dialogs in the TeamSpeak 3 client and most KDE apps work; it's also how wizards with back/next buttons work in concept. I suggest you take a look at this config dialog example
Normally what you want is a view with a scrollbar and or some form of collapsing related entries into categorised information. If you just want to display a list of pages where each page is X entries: use a tab widget or stacked widget.

Qt switching between views

How do I switch between the two screens on the Qt?
For example, I have a button - static text plus a toolbar. Now I will add it to a frame and set it as a central widget. It works well for one window. What if I move it to the next window? Then I need to show some other stuff like another button, some images etc... and what if I come back to the first view again?
How do I show my old widgets back?
I'm not sure I got your problem right but, you could have different scenarios :
You could simply use groupboxes... Some widgets in groupbox1, otherWidget in groupbox2, and you display the groupbox you want to use, hiding the others...
You could use stackedWidget, which simulates "pages" of widgets stacked on top of eachothers... more informations here :
You could use other way like using tabs :
Maybe this example would be useful to you :
Hope it helps a bit !
I'd recommend checking out Animation/States example (should be in /qt/examples/animation/states/ subdirectory of your Qt installation). It shows how to combine state machine representing application logic with presentation layer and get cool animation effects for free (of course if you don't need eye candy, you can set widgets properties without any animation).
