Suspect code running twice or not at all sometimes, intermittent issue -
The code below is causing me some real headaches. It was written probably two years ago and has been chugging away ever since, but we've noticed that sometimes the insert query will run twice, and sometimes not at all. The code basically takes integer and decimal values from webpage (aspx) labels and inserts them into a master table.
The problem lately seems to be affected by the number of users on the system. When there is only one person using it there seems to be no issue, but with multiple users the problems start to occur. I was using session variables rather than labels but as a process of elimination i stopped using these.
If anyone can help or give me some pointers that would be great, many thanks.
Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
Dim subidString As String = "SELECT [Submission_ID], [Week Ending] FROM tbl_Weekly_Expenses WHERE [Submission_ID] = #SubID AND [Week Ending] = #WeekEnding AND [SentToPayroll] IS NULL"
Dim mtdString As String = "SELECT SUM([Mileage Covered]) AS SumOfMileageCovered FROM tbl_Weekly_Expenses WHERE [Gabem Employee Reference] = #NovaRef"
Dim vehicleString As String = "SELECT [Vehicle] FROM tblExpensesMileage WHERE [SubID] = #SubID"
Dim insertString As String = "INSERT INTO tbl_Weekly_Expenses ([Week Ending], [Date Expenses Processed], [Expenses_From], [Expenses_To], [Date Expenses received], [Gabem Employee Reference], [Identifying Number], [Submission_ID], [Car], [Motorcycle], [Pushbike], [Mileage Covered], [Mileage Amount Claimed], [Accommodation], [Meal Allowance], [Daily Allowance], [Tools/Clothing], [Details_Of_Tools], [Travel Amount], [Telephone], [Professional Fees], FuelVAT, MAVAT, TAVAT, AVAT, DAVAT, TCVAT, TelVAT, PfVAT, processedby) " & _
"VALUES (#WeekEnding, #DateProcessed, #ExpensesFrom, #ExpensesTo, #DateReceived, #NovaRef, #IdentifyingNumber, #SubID, #Car, #Motorcycle, #Pushbike, #MileageCovered, #MileageAmountClaimed, #Accommodation, #Meals, #DailyAllowance, #ToolsClothing, #ToolsDetails, #Travel, #TelephoneCalls, #ProfessionalFees, #FuelVAT, #MAVAT, #TAVAT, #AVAT, #DAVAT, #TCVAT, #TelVAT, #PfVAT, #processedby)"
Dim updateMileage As String = "UPDATE tblExpensesMileage SET [Status] = 'Processed' WHERE [MileageID] = #id"
Dim updateAccommodation As String = "UPDATE tblExpensesAccommodation SET [Status] = 'Processed' WHERE [AccommodationID] = #id"
Dim updateMeals As String = "UPDATE tblExpensesMeals SET [Status] = 'Processed' WHERE [MealsID] = #id"
Dim updateLaundry As String = "UPDATE tblExpensesLaundry SET [Status] = 'Processed' WHERE [LaundryID] = #id"
Dim updateDailyAllowance As String = "UPDATE tblExpensesDailyAllowance SET [Status] = 'Processed' WHERE [DailyAllowanceID] = #id"
Dim updateTravel As String = "UPDATE tblExpensesTravel SET [Status] = 'Processed' WHERE [TravelID] = #id"
Dim updateTools As String = "UPDATE tblExpensesTools SET [Status] = 'Processed' WHERE [ToolsID] = #id"
Dim updateTelephoneCalls As String = "UPDATE tblExpensesTelephoneCalls SET [Status] = 'Processed' WHERE [TelephoneCallsID] = #id"
Dim updateProfessionalFees As String = "UPDATE tblExpensesProfessionalFees SET [Status] = 'Processed' WHERE [ProfessionalFeesID] = #id"
Dim dbconnLocal As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("connection_nbsas2").ConnectionString
Dim dbconnRemote As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("connection_nbsa_web").ConnectionString
If txtWEDate.Text = String.Empty Then
Exit Sub
End If
Using myConnectionLocal As New SqlConnection(dbconnLocal)
Dim Car As Integer = 0
Dim Motorcycle As Integer = 0
Dim Pushbike As Integer = 0
Dim ppm As Decimal
Using myConnectionRemote As New SqlConnection(dbconnRemote)
'Vehicle type
Dim cmdSelectVehicle As New SqlCommand(vehicleString, myConnectionRemote)
cmdSelectVehicle.Parameters.AddWithValue("#SubID", Session("subid"))
Dim readerVehicle As SqlDataReader = cmdSelectVehicle.ExecuteReader()
If readerVehicle.HasRows = True Then
'MTD value for pence per mile (ppm)
Dim cmdSelectMTD As New SqlCommand(mtdString, myConnectionLocal)
cmdSelectMTD.Parameters.AddWithValue("#NovaRef", Session("novaref"))
Dim readerMTD As SqlDataReader = cmdSelectMTD.ExecuteReader()
If IsDBNull(readerMTD.Item(0)) = True Then
If readerVehicle.Item(0) = "Car" Then
ppm = 0.45
Car = "1"
ElseIf readerVehicle.Item(0) = "Motorcycle" Then
ppm = 0.24
Motorcycle = "1"
ppm = 0.2
Pushbike = "1"
End If
If readerVehicle.Item(0) = "Motorcycle" Then
ppm = 0.24
Motorcycle = "1"
ElseIf readerVehicle.Item(0) = "Car" And readerMTD.Item(0) < 10000 Then
ppm = 0.45
Car = "1"
ElseIf readerVehicle.Item(0) = "Car" And readerMTD.Item(0) > 10000 Then
ppm = 0.25
Car = "1"
ppm = 0.2
Pushbike = "1"
End If
End If
End If
End Using
'insert parameters etc
Dim cmdInsertWE As New SqlCommand(insertString, myConnectionLocal)
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#WeekEnding", CType(txtWEDate.Text, DateTime))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#DateProcessed", Now())
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ExpensesFrom", CType(lblMinDate.Text, DateTime))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ExpensesTo", CType(lblMaxDate.Text, DateTime))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#DateReceived", CType(Session("daterec"), DateTime))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#NovaRef", Session("novaref"))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#IdentifyingNumber", "1")
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#SubID", Session("subid"))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Car", Car)
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Motorcycle", Motorcycle)
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Pushbike", Pushbike)
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#MileageCovered", CType(lblMileageNumber.Text, Decimal))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#MileageAmountClaimed", CType(lblMileageNumber.Text, Decimal) * ppm)
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Accommodation", CType(lblAccommodationNumber.Text, Decimal))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Meals", CType(lblMealsNumber.Text, Decimal))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#DailyAllowance", CType(lblDailyAllowanceNumber.Text, Decimal))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ToolsClothing", CType(lblToolsNumber.Text, Decimal) + CType(lblLaundryNumber.Text, Decimal))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ToolsDetails", txtToolsDetails.Text)
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Travel", CType(lblTravelNumber.Text, Decimal))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#TelephoneCalls", CType(lblTelephoneCallsNumber.Text, Decimal))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ProfessionalFees", CType(lblProfessionalFeesNumber.Text, Decimal))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#FuelVAT", CType(txtRec_Mileage.Text, Decimal))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#MAVAT", CType(txtRec_Meals.Text, Decimal))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#TAVAT", CType(txtRec_Travel.Text, Decimal))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#AVAT", CType(txtRec_Accommodation.Text, Decimal))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#DAVAT", CType(txtRec_Daily.Text, Decimal))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#TCVAT", CType(txtRec_ToolsLaundry.Text, Decimal))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#TelVAT", CType(txtRec_Telephone.Text, Decimal))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#PfVAT", CType(txtRec_ProFees.Text, Decimal))
cmdInsertWE.Parameters.AddWithValue("#processedby", Page.User.Identity.Name)
'also clear totals labels
lblMileageNumber.Text = 0
lblAccommodationNumber.Text = 0
lblMealsNumber.Text = 0
lblLaundryNumber.Text = 0
lblDailyAllowanceNumber.Text = 0
lblTravelNumber.Text = 0
lblToolsNumber.Text = 0
txtToolsDetails.Text = String.Empty
lblTelephoneCallsNumber.Text = 0
lblProfessionalFeesNumber.Text = 0
End Using 'myConnectionLocal ENDS
Using myConnectionRemote As New SqlConnection(dbconnRemote)
updateCheckBoxes(MileageGridView, "MileageHeaderCheckBox", "MileageCheckBox", updateMileage, myConnectionRemote, lblMileageNumber)
updateCheckBoxes(AccommodationGridView, "AccommodationHeaderCheckBox", "AccommodationCheckBox", updateAccommodation, myConnectionRemote, lblAccommodationNumber)
updateCheckBoxes(MealsGridView, "MealsHeaderCheckBox", "MealsCheckBox", updateMeals, myConnectionRemote, lblMealsNumber)
updateCheckBoxes(LaundryGridView, "LaundryHeaderCheckBox", "LaundryCheckBox", updateLaundry, myConnectionRemote, lblLaundryNumber)
updateCheckBoxes(DailyAllowanceGridView, "DailyAllowanceHeaderCheckBox", "DailyAllowanceCheckBox", updateDailyAllowance, myConnectionRemote, lblDailyAllowanceNumber)
updateCheckBoxes(TravelGridView, "TravelHeaderCheckBox", "TravelCheckBox", updateTravel, myConnectionRemote, lblTravelNumber)
updateCheckBoxes(ToolsGridView, "ToolsHeaderCheckBox", "ToolsCheckBox", updateTools, myConnectionRemote, lblToolsNumber)
updateCheckBoxes(TelephoneCallsGridView, "TelephoneCallsHeaderCheckBox", "TelephoneCallsCheckBox", updateTelephoneCalls, myConnectionRemote, lblTelephoneCallsNumber)
updateCheckBoxes(ProfessionalFeesGridView, "ProfessionalFeesHeaderCheckBox", "ProfessionalFeesCheckBox", updateProfessionalFees, myConnectionRemote, lblProfessionalFeesNumber)
End Using 'myConnectionRemote ENDS
txtWEDate.Text = String.Empty
End Sub
Select binary image from database and display in Image control
I I am selecting a binary Image from the database with a SELECT query and I would like to display it in a webform but specifically a image control. This is my code for selecting the image along with other attributes: Protected Sub btnSearchEmployee_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Dim bytes As Byte() Using br As BinaryReader = New BinaryReader(FileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream) bytes = br.ReadBytes(FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength) End Using Using conn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings(##).ToString()) conn.Open() Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT EmployeeCodes.ID , Departments.ShortDescription , Departments.Code AS [Department Code] , EmployeeCodes.FirstName , EmployeeCodes.LastName , EmployeeCodes.EmployeeID , EmployeeCodes.Code , EmployeePhoto.Photo FROM EmployeeCodes,EmployeevsPositionLink , PositionCodes , Departments , EmployeePhoto WHERE EmployeePhoto.ID = EmployeeCodes.ID AND EmployeevsPositionLink.EmployeeID = EmployeeCodes.ID AND EmployeevsPositionLink.PositionID = PositionCodes.ID AND PositionCodes.DepartmentCode = Departments.Code AND EmployeeCodes.TerminationDate Is Null AND EmployeevsPositionLink.PositionNumber = '1' AND EmployeeCodes.Company IN (1,3) AND (EmployeeCodes.Code = #code)", conn) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#code", txtSearchEmployee.Text) Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd) Dim tbl As New DataTable() adapter.Fill(tbl) If tbl.Rows.Count() > 0 Then lblID.Text = tbl.Rows(0)(0).ToString() txtName.Text = tbl.Rows(0)(3).ToString() txtSurname.Text = tbl.Rows(0)(4).ToString() txtIDNo.Text = tbl.Rows(0)(5).ToString() txtCostCentre.Text = tbl.Rows(0)(2).ToString() txtDepartment.Text = tbl.Rows(0)(1).ToString() txtClockNo.Text = tbl.Rows(0)(6).ToString() Else lblSearchEmployee.Visible = True lblSearchEmployee.Text = "No employee found with the number" + " " + txtSearchEmployee.Text End If conn.Close() End Using End Sub
Validate that textbox has numeric value in and compare value with database
enter image description hereI'm trying to validate a textbox where users will put an ID. The ID has to be numeric and at the same time compare to a valid ID in the database. When I was just validating for numeric, I didn't have any problems. But now that I have two conditions, my code doesn't work properly. Whenever I type in letters in the textbox and click a button, it gives me an error. The boolean is throwing me off lol. Below is my code: Thank you in advance. Protected Sub btnGo_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnGo.Click Dim dt As DataTable Dim dr As DataRow Dim Conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=Computer;Initial Catalog=Catalog;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=userid;Password=password") Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [tbl] WHERE [ID]=#Value", Conn) cmd.Parameters.Add("#Value", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = txtId.Text Conn.Open() Dim valueExistsInDB As Boolean = CBool(CInt(cmd.ExecuteScalar()) > 0) Conn.Close() If (IsNumeric(txtId.Text)) AndAlso valueExistsInDB = True AndAlso txtId.Text IsNot Nothing Then dt = GetDataTable("SELECT ID, LEFT(SANZ_ID, PATINDEX('%.%', SANZ_ID) -1) AS City, CASE WHEN ST_DIR_ID = 1 THEN 'NB' WHEN ST_DIR_ID = 2 THEN 'SB' WHEN ST_DIR_ID = 3 THEN 'EB' WHEN ST_DIR_ID = 4 THEN 'WB' END AS ST_DIR, STREET_OF_TRAVEL, CROSS_STREET, (SELECT TOP 1 CASE WHEN STATUS_ID = 1 THEN 'F' WHEN STATUS_ID = 2 THEN 'P' WHEN STATUS_ID = 3 THEN 'I' WHEN STATUS_ID = 4 THEN 'N' WHEN STATUS_ID = 5 THEN 'A' END FROM tbl where dbo.tbl.ID=ID) AS STATUS FROM tbl WHERE ID=" & txtId.Text) dr = dt.Rows(0) labelStreet.Text = dr("street_of_travel") labelCrossStreet.Text = dr("cross_street") labelCity.Text = dr("city") labelDir.Text = dr("st_dir") labelAda.Text = dr("STATUS") 'dropdownStatus.SelectedValue= dropdownStatus.Visible = True txtNotes.Visible = True btnSave.Visible = True Else MessageBox.Show("ID not found! Please input a valid ID.") End If End Sub
If ID is a numeric field then you should pass a numeric parameter not an NVarChar one ' First try to convert the input text to an integer ' ' this should be done here before acting on the db ' Dim id As Integer if Not Int32.TryParse(txtId.Text, id) Then MessageBox.Show("Error, not a valid number") return End If Dim cmdText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [tbl] WHERE [ID]=#Value" Using Conn = New SqlConnection(....) Using cmd As New SqlCommand(cmdText, Conn) cmd.Parameters.Add("#Value", SqlDbType.Int).Value = id Conn.Open() Dim valueExistsInDB = CBool(CInt(cmd.ExecuteScalar()) > 0) ' At this point you don't need anymore to check if the input value' ' is numeric and your if is more simple.....' if valueExistsInDB Then ...... ... continue with your code .... Else MessageBox.Show("ID not found! Please input a valid ID.") End if End Using End Using
Invalid Cast Exception with Update Panel
On Button Click Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click MsgBox("INSIDE") If SocialAuthUser.IsLoggedIn Then Dim accountId As Integer = BLL.getAccIDFromSocialAuthSession Dim AlbumID As Integer = BLL.createAndReturnNewAlbumId(txtStoryTitle.Text.Trim, "") Dim URL As String = BLL.getAlbumPicUrl(txtStoryTitle.Text.Trim) Dim dt As New DataTable dt.Columns.Add("PictureID") dt.Columns.Add("AccountID") dt.Columns.Add("AlbumID") dt.Columns.Add("URL") dt.Columns.Add("Thumbnail") dt.Columns.Add("Description") dt.Columns.Add("AlbumCover") dt.Columns.Add("Tags") dt.Columns.Add("Votes") dt.Columns.Add("Abused") dt.Columns.Add("isActive") Dim Row As DataRow Dim uniqueFileName As String = "" If Session("ID") Is Nothing Then lblMessage.Text = "You don't seem to have uploaded any pictures." Exit Sub Else **Dim FileCount As Integer = Request.Form(Request.Form.Count - 2)** Dim FileName, TargetName As String Try Dim Path As String = Server.MapPath(BLL.getAlbumPicUrl(txtStoryTitle.Text.Trim)) If Not IO.Directory.Exists(Path) Then IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(Path) End If Dim StartIndex As Integer Dim PicCount As Integer For i As Integer = 0 To Request.Form.Count - 1 If Request.Form(i).ToLower.Contains("jpg") Or Request.Form(i).ToLower.Contains("gif") Or Request.Form(i).ToLower.Contains("png") Then StartIndex = i + 1 Exit For End If Next For i As Integer = StartIndex To Request.Form.Count - 4 Step 3 FileName = Request.Form(i) '## If part here is not kaam ka..but still using it for worst case scenario If IO.File.Exists(Path & FileName) Then TargetName = Path & FileName 'MsgBox(TargetName & "--- 1") Dim j As Integer = 1 While IO.File.Exists(TargetName) TargetName = Path & IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName) & "(" & j & ")" & IO.Path.GetExtension(FileName) j += 1 End While Else uniqueFileName = Guid.NewGuid.ToString & "__" & FileName TargetName = Path & uniqueFileName End If IO.File.Move(Server.MapPath("~/TempUploads/" & Session("ID") & "/" & FileName), TargetName) PicCount += 1 Row = dt.NewRow() Row(1) = accountId Row(2) = AlbumID Row(3) = URL & uniqueFileName Row(4) = "" Row(5) = "No Desc" Row(6) = "False" Row(7) = "" Row(8) = "0" Row(9) = "0" Row(10) = "True" dt.Rows.Add(Row) Next If BLL.insertImagesIntoAlbum(dt) Then lblMessage.Text = PicCount & IIf(PicCount = 1, " Picture", " Pictures") & " Saved!" lblMessage.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Black Dim db As SqlDatabase = Connection.connection Using cmd As DbCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand("SELECT PictureID,URL FROM AlbumPictures WHERE AlbumID=#AlbumID AND AccountID=#AccountID") db.AddInParameter(cmd, "AlbumID", Data.DbType.Int32, AlbumID) db.AddInParameter(cmd, "AccountID", Data.DbType.Int32, accountId) Using ds As DataSet = db.ExecuteDataSet(cmd) If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then ListView1.DataSource = ds.Tables(0) ListView1.DataBind() Else lblMessage.Text = "No Such Album Exists." End If End Using End Using 'WebNavigator.GoToResponseRedirect(WebNavigator.URLFor.ReturnUrl("~/Memories/SortImages.aspx?id=" & AlbumID)) Else 'TODO:we'll show some error msg End If Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) lblMessage.Text = "Oo Poop!!" End Try End If Else WebNavigator.GoToResponseRedirect(WebNavigator.URLFor.LoginWithReturnUrl("~/Memories/CreateAlbum.aspx")) Exit Sub End If End Sub The above code works fine.I have added an Update Panel in the page to avoid post back, But when i add the button click as a trigger <Triggers> <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="btnSubmit" /> </Triggers> in the update panel to avoid post back, i get the following error.This happens when i add the button click as a Trigger to the update panel.
The Request.Form returns a NameValueCollection which is accessible by the name of the key or the int indexer. It always returns a String and not an Integer. Dim FileCount As String = Request.Form(Request.Form.Count - 2)
This is all intuition from the exception message, but on the line FileCount As Integer = Request.Form(Request.Form.Count - 2) It looks like Request.Form(Request.Form.Count - 2) is a string, and you're trying trying to assign a it to an integer type. I don't know what you're trying to do, but the string looks like it contains "true" do you want the following? FileCount As Integer += Boolean.Parse(Request.Form(Request.Form.Count - 2)) ? 1 : 0;
Loop not incrementing ASP.NET VB
'Add items to db' Function recordOrder() Dim objDT As System.Data.DataTable Dim objDR As System.Data.DataRow objDT = Session("Cart") Dim intCounter As Integer Dim con2 As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim myPath2 As String myPath2 = Server.MapPath("faraxday.mdb") con2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data source=" & myPath2 & ";" Dim myCommand2 As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand Dim sql As String myCommand2.Connection = con2 con2.Open() 'variables' Dim order_date As String Dim coupon_ID As String Dim customer_id As String Dim quantity As String 'variables' Try For intCounter = 0 To objDT.Rows.Count - 1 objDR = objDT.Rows(intCounter) order_date = System.DateTime.Now.Date coupon_ID = objDR("ID") quantity = objDR("quantity") myCommand2.Parameters.Add("#order_date", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = order_date myCommand2.Parameters.Add("#coupon_ID", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = coupon_ID myCommand2.Parameters.Add("#customer_id", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = custID myCommand2.Parameters.Add("#quantity", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = quantity myCommand2.CommandText = "INSERT INTO orders(order_date, coupon_id, customer_id, quantity) VALUES ( #order_date ,#coupon_ID,#customer_id,#quantity)" myCommand2.ExecuteNonQuery() Next Catch ex As Exception Finally If con2.State = ConnectionState.Open Then con2.Close() End If End Try End Function The loop is not incrementing (intCounter). Please HELP...
Would you not be better to use: For Each objDR In objDT.Rows order_date = System.DateTime.Now.Date coupon_ID = objDR("ID") quantity = objDR("quantity") myCommand2.Parameters.Add("#order_date", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = order_date myCommand2.Parameters.Add("#coupon_ID", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = coupon_ID myCommand2.Parameters.Add("#customer_id", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = custID myCommand2.Parameters.Add("#quantity", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = quantity myCommand2.CommandText = "INSERT INTO orders(order_date, coupon_id, customer_id, quantity) VALUES ( #order_date ,#coupon_ID,#customer_id,#quantity)" myCommand2.ExecuteNonQuery() Next
'custID' is not defined anywhere .. anyway you should insert a break point and step in with the debugger. Then watch the data to catch which statement is causing the exception. Then modify the code accordingly to handle it.
Where you have: For intCounter = 0 To objDT.Rows.Count - 1 Replace with: For intCounter = 0 To objDT.Rows.Count - 1 Step 1 that will increment intCounter by 1 each loop.
get data from database in aspx
i am using VS 2010 to develop a site that gets some data from a database. but i just keep getting this error. 'No value given for one or more required parameters.' here is my code Public Function getSessionDetails(ByVal roomId As String) As ArrayList Dim sql As String sql = "SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE RoomId = ?" Dim dbComm As New OleDbCommand(sql, dbConn) 'dbComm.Connection.Open() dbComm.CommandText = sql dbComm.Parameters.Add("RoomId", System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.BSTR).Value = roomId dbConn.Open() 'dbComm.ExecuteNonQuery() Dim dbRead As OleDbDataReader = dbComm.ExecuteReader() 'System.Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection) Dim arr As New ArrayList Try While dbRead.Read() arr.Add(New SessionDetails(dbRead.GetValue(2).ToString, dbRead.GetValue(3).ToString, dbRead.GetValue(4).ToString, dbRead.GetValue(6).ToString, _ dbRead.GetValue(5).ToString, dbRead.GetValue(7).ToString, dbRead.GetValue(8).ToString)) End While Catch ex As Exception End Try Try 'sort arr by date using bubble For i As Integer = 1 To arr.Count - 1 Dim sesTop As SessionDetails = arr(i) Dim sesBot As SessionDetails = arr(i - 1) Dim sesTmp As SessionDetails If sesBot.sessionDate < sesTop.sessionDate Then 'swap them sesTmp = arr(i) arr(i) = arr(i - 1) arr(i - 1) = sesTmp i = 0 ElseIf sesBot.sessionDate = sesTop.sessionDate And sesBot.StartTime < sesTop.StartTime Then 'swap them sesTmp = arr(i) arr(i) = arr(i - 1) arr(i - 1) = sesTmp i = 0 End If Next Catch ex As Exception End Try 'Dim se As SessionDetails 'For Each se In arr ' If se.sessionDate < Now Then ' arr.Remove(se) ' End If 'Next dbRead.Close() dbConn.Close() Return arr End Function Thanks for any help
Change these two lines sql = "SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE RoomId = #RoomId" dbComm.Parameters.Add("#RoomId", System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.BSTR).Value = roomId
sql = "SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE RoomId = ?--this is wrong query. right query is 'sql = "SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE RoomId = #RoomId' dbComm.Parameters.Add("#RoomId", System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.BSTR).Value = RoomId