Magento / Wordpress integration - wp plugins were not showing up - wordpress

My question relates to this post here (Fishpig's Wordpress):
Full Magento / Wordpress integration
I've installed this plugin and almost everything is working well. I've been trying to run wordpress plugins within the blog, but these were not showing up. No issues on the installation process.
Are there any further steps I have to take or is it generally not possible?

It's generally not possible is the short answer to that I'm afraid. In full integration mode your Wordpress themes and plugins will not function as they normally do as the whole thing is running through Magento.
All in One SEO will work, support for it has been added to the Magento module. Fishpig has produced a couple of additional Magento modules which can be installed and will support additional Wordpress plugins. Indeed, this is a way for them to monetise the work that's gone into it all, so I am hoping there will be more on the way. I've got the Next Gen plugin which works well, I can recommend that. There's also a Pinterest plugin and Advanced Custom Fields;
To have a fully functional Wordpress site you will have to set it to semi integration mode and do a matching Wordpress theme I'm afraid.


Is there a way to change the language in WordPress without plugins?

I have a dynamic WordPress site , and I want to provide it in more than one language, I searched for a way to add the ability to change the language without plugins, and I did not find it.
Is there a way to make the site's language change when I add ?hl=en or ?hl=en in the link like this?
using php
No, there is not currently a way to accomplish this without plugins, other third-party tools, or significant custom development. It is outside the scope of the framework. However, is there any reason you don't want to use a plugin? There are many great options, many free. If you see the link below, those free options listed in my quote include a link to the plugins for easy access.
From the documentation:
WordPress does not support a bilingual or multilingual blog
out-of-the-box. There are however Plugins developed by the WordPress
community which will allow you to create a multilingual blog easily.
Creating a mulitlingual blog is basically installing WordPress in more
than one language and letting the Plugin switch between them. This
includes installing .mo languages files which most Plugins will
require you to do manually. See Installing WordPress in Your Language
for details.
The free WPGlobus, Polylang, qTranslate-X, xili-language or
Sublanguage plugins are installable on standalone WordPress sites. For
multisite WordPress (one website per language), you can try Multisite
Language Switcher, Zanto or Multilingual Press or purchase WPML.
Please follow the below step:
Log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to Settings>>General.
In the Site Language dropdown list, select the language you want to use.
Click Save Changes.

How to easily migrate a Grav-based site to Wordpress

I have a simple website developed with the Grav CMS. Now, it has many pages and I really want to migrate it to the WordPress CMS.
Is there anything to do in order to make the migration process smoother and pain free?
Short answer: not really, not currently.
Apparently there were some plugins that tried to generate Grav pages (Wordpress plugin) and for importing from export.xml (Grav plugin) but both do not currently work (they have aged a bit).
As far as plugins go, it is pretty much a need to find equivalent plugins and manually install/configure.
As far as themes go, there are some themes that work on wordpress and grav (though I believe they are different actual themes, they have versions for grav and for wordpress. For example, see
Note that for things like installing/updating themes and plugins, the CLI (command line interface) is fast and effective.

Run wordpress plugin on Joomla based website

I have a question related to the WordPress<>Joomla compatibility. Recently I purchased a sophisticated plugin which runs on WordPress only. But my website with all the content and the design is based on Joomla. So I'm trying to figure out the means how I could use that WordPress plugin on the Joomla website. As I said before it's kind of advanced plugin with many options, so I guess it would be difficult to adapt the code to fit Joomla requirements. So I'm thinking about two possible solutions:
I could create a WordPress website with the same design that Joomla website has. However this solution requires to change all the Joomla template files, or to build the WordPress theme from scratch. Does anybody know any tutorial which explains how to migrate the template from Joomla to WordPress? I basically don't need to move the content, only the design. All the menu links and other stuff would redirect to the parent Joomla site.
The second solution I think would be to install the WordPress with that plugin on the server and then to create a copy of the Joomla site on the sub-domain. Then maybe I can use something like iframe on the Joomla site to show the WordPress plugin running. Is that kind of scenario possible? What kind of solution would you suggest? As I said before, I will keep my Joomla site anyway, because its already running with tons of data. I just need the functionality of one additional plugin, which sadly runs only on WordPress.
Thanks for the help.
Both scenarios are not practical - with the second being not feasible. What I recommend is that you adapt the WordPress plugin to Joomla or maybe search for a similar plugin that already exists on Joomla.

Magento and Wordpress intergration

I've been developing a Wordpress site for the last few months with the aim to make it a e-commerce website. I recently came across Magento and realised It is an extremely powerful e-commerce framework.
I was wondering whether anyone has any advice for Wordpress and Magento integration. Is it better to have Magento at the root as the CMS and use Wordpress for the blogging aspect, or is it just as feasible the other way around?
I was also wondering if it's worth me just creating a Magento theme based around my current Wordpress theme instead?
I think the latter is the best option here. I use Magento for an Ecommerce platform and Wordpress for the associated blog. Each has their strengths and weaknesses. Play to the strongest part of each and use Magento separately from Wordpress. Believe it or not, you'll save time even though you are using both platforms independently. Plus, Wordpress has been known to have minor to major security issues in the past. Plus, I wouldn't put the engine that's going to be providing me with a paycheck in a position that it was never intended to handle --> ecommerce.

How do you install PrestaShop inside a Wordpress install

I'm trying to install Smashing Magazine's free e-commerce wordpress theme that uses PrestaShop and Wordpress together. I've been trying for about a day already and can't figure it out. Anyone willing to help?
this is the link to the file
You should look at these suggestions they are very similar to your problem. You should also install the Prestashop-to-Wordpress plugin and the PrestaShop module for WordPress. I think you have to pay for the PrestaShop module for WordPress though.
It is two separate installs, 1 wp and 2 prestashop! The theme was designed to look the same so one can have both and user can navigate both but seems as they are on one platform, you can't install prestashop inside wordpress, you could possibly add the header & footer as well as a widget inside the blog or use iframe to view parts of it. They are two different platforms and to integrate both fully you would either have to create a module of some sort for prestashop or a plugin for wordpress in either case you would be using one or the other with both installed in your hosting account. If you want a shop in your blog or a blog in your shop the best way to do this would be to have a web designer create you a custom themes that look similar for both wordpress and prestashop, this would also be the case for any other shopping of blog platform. With that said both wordpress and prestashop offer solutions. With wordpress you can add plugins in order to sell products in your blog, with prestashop they offer various blog modules that you can install in your store, so you do have some options, I hope this helps sort it out for you, Good Day!
