DynamoDB secondary sort - amazon-dynamodb

I'm assessing whether if I can use DynamoDB for our next project, what we are building is quite similar to a blogging platform, here is a simple table
Blog Post
ID - primary hash key
DateCreated - primary range key
I've read enough to know how to List - list of blog posts, Paging - using last fetched index, Get post details - get a row, I will be sorting using DateCreate, which is my range key.
I'm struggling on how do do sort on a secondary index. For example, if we have a column called Votes, how do you do Most Votes? My interpretation is that you can only sort using the range index which I'm already using.

AWS has just announced general availability of the much anticipated Global Secondary Indexes for Amazon DynamoDB, which are addressing the limitations of Local Secondary Indexes discussed further below:
You can now create indexes and perform lookups using attributes other than the item's primary key. [...]
You can now create up to five Global Secondary Indexes when you create a table, each referencing either a hash key or a hash key and a range key. You can also create up to five Local Secondary Indexes, and you can choose to project some or all of the table's attributes into each of the table’s indexes.
Please refer to the blog post for more details on the choice between these two models.
As rightly pointed out by vartec, I've been getting ahead of myself adding this information at the day Local Secondary Indexes had been announced without properly analyzing the problem at hand, where those are in fact not applicable - ironically I've stressed just that myself in a later comment on another question:
[...] however, please note that local is a crucial limitation: A local secondary index is a data structure that maintains an alternate range key for a given hash key - while this covers many real world scenarios, it doesn't apply to arbitrary non primary key field queries like those of the question at hand.
Thanks vartec for spotting this error and apologies for being misleading here.
Initial (erroneous) answer
Amazon DynamoDB has just announced Support for Local Secondary Indexes to address your use case:
[...] We call the newest capability Local
Secondary Indexes (LSI). While DynamoDB already allows you to perform
low-latency queries based on your table’s primary key, even at
tremendous scale, LSI will now give you the ability to perform fast
queries against other attributes (or columns) in your table. This
gives you the ability to perform richer queries while still meeting
the low-latency demands of responsive, scalable applications.
See also the introductory blog post Local Secondary Indexes for Amazon DynamoDB for a more detailed explanation.
As usual for AWS, the new functionality is released with a constrained feature set at first, which is going to be expanded over time:
Today, local secondary indexes must be defined at the time you create
your DynamoDB tables. In the future, we plan to provide you with an
ability to add or drop LSI for existing tables. If you want to equip
an existing DynamoDB table to local secondary indexes immediately, you
can export the data from your existing table using Elastic Map Reduce,
and import it to a new table with LSI. [emphasis mine]

looks like this isn't possible, you can only sort by the range hashkey
I'm going to load up the table in memory and sort it in memory.


Dynamodb using partition key in a global secondary index

New to DynamoDB, I have the partition group_id, and sort key groupid_storeid_sortk.
I am wanting to setup additional access pattern with the group_id and store_addrss_sortk.
Will this have any impact on performance using the partition key in the secondary index, or would it be better to create a new attribute as the secondary key, even though it would be duplicate data.
It’s fine to use the same partition key attribute again as the PK for the GSI. No problem there.
For the future: You may want to watch some videos on single-table design and start using PK/SK as generic names since you might want to overload what’s inside them for different items. And then you might want GSI1PK/GSI1SK as the GSI keys.
That’s a style thing when you aim for some optimizations single-table design can bring.
An index is simply another table that you don't have to manage yourself. When you create an index, the service (DynamoDB, for example) creates a new table for you and manages the synchronization of the data between the tables.
In DynamoDB you have two types of secondary indexes, Global and Local. If you use the same partition key, you can use both of these options. However, you have to define the secondary local index (SLI) when you create the table and you can't add it later. Only secondary global indexes (SGI) can be added after the creation of the table. You can read more about it in DyanmoDB documentation.
Regarding performance, you need to consider the cost (read/write capacity) on top of the usual time considerations. You need to see if you are writing a lot to the table and not only reading a lot. Based on that you can plan carefully the projection of the data into the new index. Remember that writes are about 10 times more expensive and slower than reads. You can read more about projection best practices here.

Benefit of local index in AWS DynamoDB?

In DynamoDB I have a table like below example data
pk sk name price
product cat#phone#name#iPhone11 iPhone 11 500
product cat#phone#name#Nokia1100 Nokia 1100 100
product cat#phone#name#iPhone11 iPhone 11 500
In a case I have to search by name. So, first I have created a global index for name where in index pk = pk, sk=name . Then I made a search which working fine.
Now I have changed my decision and created a local index for name, where name is sk. It's also working fine. My question is if I use local index here, has there any benefit ? and when I should not use local index ? If global index not required here but I have used , has there any performance issues ?
This AWS doc very well explains LSI and GSI in detail.
Now to answer your questions
- LSI comes at no extra cost. You don't need to pay for GSI's RCUs, WCUs however need to pay for storage as depicted here in another AWS doc.
- One should not use LSI if you are very certain that single partition (ie - pk) of your main table (pk remains the same in LSI) can be over 10GB. This is also discussed in link shared above.
- There is no performance issue with LSI and GSI in terms of query latencies. However, reads in GSI are eventual consistent whereas LSI supports strong consistent reads.
Edit, putting excerpt from the AWS doc to understand strong and eventual consistent reads.
Strongly Consistent Reads - When you request a strongly consistent read, DynamoDB returns a response with the most up-to-date data, reflecting the updates from all prior write operations that were successful.
Eventually Consistent Reads - When you read data from a DynamoDB table, the response might not reflect the results of a recently completed write operation. The response might include some stale data. If you repeat your read request after a short time, the response should return the latest data.
Refer this AWS doc for tips to minimise propagation delay of data from main table to GSIs

Dynamodb - automatically updating GSI

When you update an item on a table, will all items be reflected on the index, including its primary key(s) and projections? The docs mention that it does, but it wasn't specific enough.
Also, the image below shows an example of a composite key made up of Status and Date fields in the table. It was specifically to show how modeling can drastically improve performance. However, I couldn't help but wonder: Does StatusDate update itself when Status changes? How does this work?
Yes, when you update an item, all projections and indexes are updated as well.
However, both Local Secondary Index and Global Secondary Index behave in an eventually consistent fashion. This means you can end up reading data that is stale.
Fortunately, at least on Local Secondary Indexes, you can request a strongly consistent read.
Now, about StatusDate and composite indexes, this is done on the application level.

DynamoDB table structure

We are looking to use AWS DynamoDB for storing application logs. Logs from multiple components in our system would be stored here. We are expecting a lot of writes and only minimal number of reads.
The client that we use for writing into DynamoDB generates a UUID for the partition key, but using this makes it difficult to actually search.
Most prominent search cases are,
Search based on Component / Date / Date time
Search based on JobId / File name
Search based on Log Level
From what I have read so far, using a UUID for the partition key is not suitable for our case. I am currently thinking about using either / for our partition key and ISO 8601 timestamp as our sort key. Does this sound reasonable / widely used setting for such an use case ?
If not kindly suggest alternatives that can be used.
Using UUID as partition key will efficiently distribute the data amongst internal partitions so you will have ability to utilize all of the provisioned capacity.
Using sortable (ISO format) timestamp as range/sort key will store the data in order so it will be possible to retrieve it in order.
However for retrieving logs by anything other than timestamp, you may have to create indexes (GSI) which are charged separately.
Hope your logs are precious enough to store in DynamoDB instead of CloudWatch ;)
In general DynamoDB seems like a bad solution for storing logs:
It is more expensive than CloudWatch
It has poor querying capabilities, unless you start utilising global secondary indexes which will double or triple your expenses
Unless you use random UUID for hash key, you are risking creating hot partitions/keys in your db (For example, using component ID as a primary or global secondary key, might result in throttling if some component writes much more often than others)
But assuming you already know these drawbacks and you still want to use DynamoDB, here is what I would recommend:
Use JobId or Component name as hash key (one as primary, one as GSI)
Use timestamp as a sort key
If you need to search by log level often, then you can create another local sort key, or you can combine level and timestamp into single sort key. If you only care about searching for ERROR level logs most of the time, then it might be better to create a sparse GSI for that.
Create a new table each day(let's call it "hot table"), and only store that day's logs in that table. This table will have high write throughput. Once the day finishes, significantly reduce its write throughput (maybe to 0) and only leave some read capacity. This way you will reduce risk of running into 10 GB limit per hash key that Dynamo DB has.
This approach also has an advantage in terms of log retention. It is very easy and cheap to remove log older than X days this way. By keeping old table capacity very low you will also avoid very high costs. For more complicated ad-hoc analysis, use EMR

Modeling ecommerce order table - DynamoDB + SNS + SQS

I create a DynamoDB table that store orders from ecommerce front end. When a user places an order it is stored on a DynamoDB table. This table has a primary key (order_id) and tow global secondary index: (email, SSN).
I would like to query by order status too.
So i would like to retrieve all orders on specific status on specific date. Which is the best way to model this behavior?
Make another global secondary index with a sort key?
Yes, you'll need to add another GSI.
This will, however, cost you money. One question that you can ask yourself is, do you really need real-time/low-latency lookups?
If not, then you can consider copying your DynamoDB data to a datastore like Redshift and run your queries on it. This:
Might be more cost-efficient, depending on your application.
Will allow you to support a wider variety of query patterns in future. (Remember, you can only have 5 GSIs in DynamoDB, and you've already used 2 of them)
