OpenCL strange kernel behaviour - opencl

I'm still new to OpenCL, I was doing some tests with Nvidia examples, the whole program consists of 5 kernels, and these kernels execute in an order (1,2,3,4,5).
The first kernel simple takes position data, velocity data, and applies gravity and basic collision detection, then adjust that position and velocity ... this kernel works perfect without problems.
Here is the first kernel:
__kernel void integrate(
__global float4 *d_Pos, //input/output
__global float4 *d_Vel, //input/output
__constant simParams_t *params,
float deltaTime,
uint numParticles
const uint index = get_global_id(0);
if(index >= numParticles)
float4 pos = d_Pos[index];
float4 vel = d_Vel[index];
pos.w = 1.0f;
vel.w = 0.0f;
vel += (float4)(params->gravity.x, params->gravity.y, params->gravity.z, 0) * deltaTime;
vel *= params->globalDamping;
//Advance pos
pos += vel * deltaTime;
//Collide with cube
if(pos.x < -1.0f + params->particleRadius){
pos.x = -1.0f + params->particleRadius;
vel.x *= params->boundaryDamping;
if(pos.x > 1.0f - params->particleRadius){
pos.x = 1.0f - params->particleRadius;
vel.x *= params->boundaryDamping;
if(pos.y < -1.0f + params->particleRadius){
pos.y = -1.0f + params->particleRadius;
vel.y *= params->boundaryDamping;
if(pos.y > 1.0f - params->particleRadius){
pos.y = 1.0f - params->particleRadius;
vel.y *= params->boundaryDamping;
if(pos.z < -1.0f + params->particleRadius){
pos.z = -1.0f + params->particleRadius;
vel.z *= params->boundaryDamping;
if(pos.z > 1.0f - params->particleRadius){
pos.z = 1.0f - params->particleRadius;
vel.z *= params->boundaryDamping;
//Store new position and velocity
d_Pos[index] = pos;
d_Vel[index] = vel;
The second kernel is taking these positions as input and outputs another kind of data (some indices) but it doesn't change position data.
The third kernel is doing adjustments to second kernel outputs (takes data from second kernel which doesn't touch position data).
Now for the problem ...4th kernel; This takes position data and velocity data(from first kernel) ,takes adjusted data from third kernel,outputs another position and velocity data (totally different pointer for these position and velocity)
Here is the fourth kernel:
__kernel void findCellBoundsAndReorder(
__global uint *d_CellStart, //output: cell start index
__global uint *d_CellEnd, //output: cell end index
__global float4 *d_ReorderedPos, //output: reordered by cell hash positions
__global float4 *d_ReorderedVel, //output: reordered by cell hash velocities
__global const uint *d_Hash, //input: sorted grid hashes
__global const uint *d_Index, //input: particle indices sorted by hash
__global const float4 *d_Pos, //input: positions array sorted by hash
__global const float4 *d_Vel, //input: velocity array sorted by hash
__local uint *localHash, //get_group_size(0) + 1 elements
uint numParticles
uint hash;
const uint index = get_global_id(0);
//Handle case when no. of particles not multiple of block size
if(index < numParticles){
hash = d_Hash[index];
//Load hash data into local memory so that we can look
//at neighboring particle's hash value without loading
//two hash values per thread
localHash[get_local_id(0) + 1] = hash;
//First thread in block must load neighbor particle hash
if(index > 0 && get_local_id(0) == 0)
localHash[0] = d_Hash[index - 1];
if(index < numParticles){
//Border case
if(index == 0)
d_CellStart[hash] = 0;
//Main case
if(hash != localHash[get_local_id(0)])
d_CellEnd[localHash[get_local_id(0)]] = d_CellStart[hash] = index;
//Another border case
if(index == numParticles - 1)
d_CellEnd[hash] = numParticles;
//Now use the sorted index to reorder the pos and vel arrays
uint sortedIndex = d_Index[index];
float4 pos = d_Pos[sortedIndex];
float4 vel = d_Vel[sortedIndex];
d_ReorderedPos[index] = pos;
d_ReorderedVel[index] = vel;
The problem is if I execute kernel 1 alone (or 1+2,or 1+2+3) positions and velocities are adjusted correctly from first kernel.
But if I execute kernel 1+2+3+4 (though kernel 4 doesn't change input data), the data remains the same (as if i didn't execute anything ...positions are not adjusted).

well I have figured out the problem ..I was doing mistake in the 3rd kernel local group size,after fixing that every thing went correct,sorry for this


Hough transform and OpenCL

I'm trying to implement Hough transform for circles in OpenCL, but i've encountered really weird problem. Every time i run the Hough kernel, i end up with slightly different accumulator, even though parameters are the same and accumulator is always a freshly zero'ed table (ex. My kernel code is as below:
#define BLOCK_LEN 256
__kernel void HoughCirclesKernel(
__global int* A,
__global int* imgData,
__global int* _width,
__global int* _height,
__global int* r
__local int imgBuff[BLOCK_LEN];
int localThreadIndex = get_local_id(0); //threadIdx.x
int globalThreadIndex = get_local_id(0) + get_group_id(0) * BLOCK_LEN; //threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * Block_Len
int width = *_width; int height = *_height;
int radius = *r;
A[globalThreadIndex] = 0;
if(globalThreadIndex < width*height)
imgBuff[localThreadIndex] = imgData[globalThreadIndex];
if(imgBuff[localThreadIndex] > 0)
float s1, c1;
for(int i = 0; i<180; i++)
s1 = sincos(i, &c1);
int centerX = globalThreadIndex % width + radius * c1;
int centerY = ((globalThreadIndex - centerX) / height) + radius * s1;
if(centerX < width && centerY < height)
atomic_inc(A + centerX + centerY * width);
Could this be the fault of how I am incrementing the accumulator?
if(globalThreadIndex < width*height)
imgBuff[localThreadIndex] = imgData[globalThreadIndex];
this is undefined behaviour since there is a barrier inside a branch.
All streaming units in a compute unit must enter same memory fence.
Try this:
if(globalThreadIndex < width*height)
imgBuff[localThreadIndex] = imgData[globalThreadIndex];
Alse there could be another issue if you are using multiple devices:
get_local_id(0) + get_group_id(0)
here get_group_id(0) is getting group id per device and it starts from 0 for all devices just as get_global_id starts zero too; so you should add proper offsets in the "ndrange" instruction when using multiple devices. Even though different devices can support same floatig point accuracy requirements, one of them may give better accuracy than other and can give slightly different results. If it is single device, then you should try lowering gpu frequencies as it may have defects or side effects of an overclock.
I have managed to solve my problem by finding and correcting three issues.
First of all the kernel code, the line:
int centerY = ((globalThreadIndex - centerX) / height) + radius * s1;
should be:
int centerY = (globalThreadIndex / width) + radius * s1;
The main change here was dividing by width, not height. This caused inaccuracy problems.
if(centerX < width && centerY < height)
The above condition was changed to:
if(x < width && x >= 0)
if(y < height && y >=0)
As for the accumulator problem, first I will post the code I used to create clBuffer (I am using library for C#):
int[] a = new int[width*height]; //image size
ErrorCode error;
Mem cl_accumulator = (Mem)Cl.CreateBuffer(cl_context, MemFlags.ReadWrite, (IntPtr)(a.Length * sizeof(int)), out error);
CheckErr(error, "Cl.CreateBuffer");
The fix here was simple and pretty much self-explainatory:
int[] a = Enumerable.Repeat(0, width * height).ToArray();
ErrorCode error;
GCHandle accHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(a, GCHandleType.Pinned);
IntPtr accPtr = accHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
Mem cl_accumulator = (Mem)Cl.CreateBuffer(cl_context, MemFlags.ReadWrite | MemFlags.CopyHostPtr, (IntPtr)(a.Length * sizeof(int)), accPtr, out error);
CheckErr(error, "Cl.CreateBuffer");
I filled the accumulator table with zeros and then copied it to device buffer each time I executed the kernel.
The above errors caused the accumulator to look different and bit malformed each time I executed the kernel.

Different results GPU & CPU when more than one 8 work items per group

I'm new in open cl. And tried as my first work to write code that checks intersection between many polylines to single polygon.
I'm running the code in both cpu and gpu.. and get different results.
First I sent NULL as local parameter when called clEnqueueNDRangeKernel.
clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(command_queue, kIntersect, 1, NULL, &global, null, 2, &evtCalcBounds, &evtKernel);
After trying many things i saw that if i send 1 as local it is working good. and returning the same results for the cpu and gpu.
size_t local = 1;
clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(command_queue, kIntersect, 1, NULL, &global, &local, 2, &evtCalcBounds, &evtKernel);
Played abit more and found that the cpu returns false result when i run the kernel with local 8 or more (for some reason).
I'm not using any local memory, just globals and privates.
I didn't added the code because i think it is irrelevant to the problem (note that for single work group it is working good), and it is long. If it is needed, i will try to simplify it.
The code flow is going like this:
I have polylines coordinates stored in a big buffer. and the single polygon in another. In addition i'm providing another buffer with single int that holds the current results count. All buffers are __global arguments.
In the kernel i'm simply checking intersection between all the lines of the "polyline[get_global(0)]" with the lines of the polygon. If true,
i'm using atomic_inc for the results count. There is no read and write memory from the same buffer, no barriers or mem fences,... the atomic_inc is the only thread safe mechanism i'm using.
-- UPDATE --
Added my code:
I know that i can maybe have better use of open cl functions for calculating some vectors, but for now, i'm simply convert code from my old regular CPU single threaded program to CL. so this is not my concern now.
bool isPointInPolygon(float x, float y, __global float* polygon) {
bool blnInside = false;
uint length = convert_uint(polygon[4]);
int s = 5;
uint j = length - 1;
for (uint i = 0; i < length; j = i++) {
uint realIdx = s + i * 2;
uint realInvIdx = s + j * 2;
if (((polygon[realIdx + 1] > y) != (polygon[realInvIdx + 1] > y)) &&
(x < (polygon[realInvIdx] - polygon[realIdx]) * (y - polygon[realIdx + 1]) / (polygon[realInvIdx + 1] - polygon[realIdx + 1]) + polygon[realIdx]))
blnInside = !blnInside;
return blnInside;
bool isRectanglesIntersected(float p_dblMinX1, float p_dblMinY1,
float p_dblMaxX1, float p_dblMaxY1,
float p_dblMinX2, float p_dblMinY2,
float p_dblMaxX2, float p_dblMaxY2) {
bool blnResult = true;
if (p_dblMinX1 > p_dblMaxX2 ||
p_dblMaxX1 < p_dblMinX2 ||
p_dblMinY1 > p_dblMaxY2 ||
p_dblMaxY1 < p_dblMinY2) {
blnResult = false;
return blnResult;
bool isLinesIntersects(
double Ax, double Ay,
double Bx, double By,
double Cx, double Cy,
double Dx, double Dy) {
double distAB, theCos, theSin, newX, ABpos;
// Fail if either line is undefined.
if (Ax == Bx && Ay == By || Cx == Dx && Cy == Dy)
return false;
// (1) Translate the system so that point A is on the origin.
Bx -= Ax; By -= Ay;
Cx -= Ax; Cy -= Ay;
Dx -= Ax; Dy -= Ay;
// Discover the length of segment A-B.
distAB = sqrt(Bx*Bx + By*By);
// (2) Rotate the system so that point B is on the positive X axis.
theCos = Bx / distAB;
theSin = By / distAB;
newX = Cx*theCos + Cy*theSin;
Cy = Cy*theCos - Cx*theSin; Cx = newX;
newX = Dx*theCos + Dy*theSin;
Dy = Dy*theCos - Dx*theSin; Dx = newX;
// Fail if the lines are parallel.
return (Cy != Dy);
bool isPolygonInersectsPolyline(__global float* polygon, __global float* polylines, uint startIdx) {
uint polylineLength = convert_uint(polylines[startIdx]);
uint start = startIdx + 1;
float x1 = polylines[start];
float y1 = polylines[start + 1];
float x2;
float y2;
int polygonLength = convert_uint(polygon[4]);
int polygonLength2 = polygonLength * 2;
int startPolygonIdx = 5;
for (int currPolyineIdx = 0; currPolyineIdx < polylineLength - 1; currPolyineIdx++)
x2 = polylines[start + (currPolyineIdx*2) + 2];
y2 = polylines[start + (currPolyineIdx*2) + 3];
float polyX1 = polygon[0];
float polyY1 = polygon[1];
for (int currPolygonIdx = 0; currPolygonIdx < polygonLength; ++currPolygonIdx)
float polyX2 = polygon[startPolygonIdx + (currPolygonIdx * 2 + 2) % polygonLength2];
float polyY2 = polygon[startPolygonIdx + (currPolygonIdx * 2 + 3) % polygonLength2];
if (isLinesIntersects(x1, y1, x2, y2, polyX1, polyY1, polyX2, polyY2)) {
return true;
polyX1 = polyX2;
polyY1 = polyY2;
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
// No intersection found till now so we check containing
return isPointInPolygon(x1, y1, polygon);
__kernel void calcIntersections(__global float* polylines, // My flat points array - [pntCount, x,y,x,y,...., pntCount, x,y,... ]
__global float* pBounds, // The rectangle bounds of each polyline - set of 4 values [top, left, bottom, right....]
__global uint* pStarts, // The start index of each polyline in the polylines array
__global float* polygon, // The polygon i want to intersect with - first 4 items are the rectangle bounds [top, left, bottom, right, pntCount, x,y,x,y,x,y....]
__global float* output, // Result array for saving the intersections polylines indices
__global uint* resCount) // The result count
int i = get_global_id(0);
uint start = convert_uint(pStarts[i]);
if (isRectanglesIntersected(pBounds[i * 4], pBounds[i * 4 + 1], pBounds[i * 4 + 2], pBounds[i * 4 + 3],
polygon[0], polygon[1], polygon[2], polygon[3])) {
if (isPolygonInersectsPolyline(polygon, polylines, start)){
int oldVal = atomic_inc(resCount);
output[oldVal] = i;
Can anyone explain it to me ?

Higher radix (or better) formulation for Stockham FFT

I've implemented this algorithm from Microsoft Research for a radix-2 FFT (Stockham auto sort) using OpenCL.
I use floating point textures (256 cols X N rows) for input and output in the kernel, because I will need to sample at non-integral points and I thought it better to delegate that to the texture sampling hardware. Note that my FFTs are always of 256-point sequences (every row in my texture). At this point, my N is 16384 or 32768 depending on the GPU i'm using and the max 2D texture size allowed.
I also need to perform the FFT of 4 real-valued sequences at once, so the kernel performs the FFT(a, b, c, d) as FFT(a + ib, c + id) from which I can extract the 4 complex sequences out later using an O(n) algorithm. I can elaborate on this if someone wishes - but I don't believe it falls in the scope of this question.
Kernel Source
__kernel void FFT_Stockham(read_only image2d_t input, write_only image2d_t output, int fftSize, int size)
int x = get_global_id(0);
int y = get_global_id(1);
int b = floor(x / convert_float(fftSize)) * (fftSize / 2);
int offset = x % (fftSize / 2);
int x0 = b + offset;
int x1 = x0 + (size / 2);
float4 val0 = read_imagef(input, fftSampler, (int2)(x0, y));
float4 val1 = read_imagef(input, fftSampler, (int2)(x1, y));
float angle = -6.283185f * (convert_float(x) / convert_float(fftSize));
// TODO: Convert the two calculations below into lookups from a __constant buffer
float tA = native_cos(angle);
float tB = native_sin(angle);
float4 coeffs1 = (float4)(tA, tB, tA, tB);
float4 coeffs2 = (float4)(-tB, tA, -tB, tA);
float4 result = val0 + coeffs1 * val1.xxzz + coeffs2 * val1.yyww;
write_imagef(output, (int2)(x, y), result);
The host code simply invokes this kernel log2(256) times, ping-ponging the input and output textures.
Note: I tried removing the native_cos and native_sin to see if that impacted timing, but it doesn't seem to change things by very much. Not the factor I'm looking for, in any case.
Access pattern
Knowing that I am probably memory-bandwidth bound, here is the memory access pattern (per-row) for my radix-2 FFT.
X0 - element 1 to combine (read)
X1 - element 2 to combine (read)
X - element to write to (write)
So my question is - can someone help me with/point me toward a higher-radix formulation for this algorithm? I ask because most FFTs are optimized for large cases and single real/complex valued sequences. Their kernel generators are also very case dependent and break down quickly when I try to muck with their internals.
Are there other options better than simply going to a radix-8 or 16 kernel?
Some of my constraints are - I have to use OpenCL (no cuFFT). I also cannot use clAmdFft from ACML for this purpose. It would be nice to also talk about CPU optimizations (this kernel SUCKS big time on the CPU) - but getting it to run in fewer iterations on the GPU is my main use-case.
Thanks in advance for reading through all this and trying to help!
I tried several versions, but the one with the best performance on CPU and GPU was a radix-16 kernel for my specific case.
Here is the kernel for reference. It was taken from Eric Bainville's (most excellent) website and used with full attribution.
// #define M_PI 3.14159265358979f
//Global size is x.Length/2, Scale = 1 for direct, 1/N to inverse (iFFT)
__kernel void ConjugateAndScale(__global float4* x, const float Scale)
int i = get_global_id(0);
float temp = Scale;
float4 t = (float4)(temp, -temp, temp, -temp);
x[i] *= t;
// Return a*EXP(-I*PI*1/2) = a*(-I)
float2 mul_p1q2(float2 a) { return (float2)(a.y,-a.x); }
// Return a^2
float2 sqr_1(float2 a)
{ return (float2)(a.x*a.x-a.y*a.y,2.0f*a.x*a.y); }
// Return the 2x DFT2 of the four complex numbers in A
// If A=(a,b,c,d) then return (a',b',c',d') where (a',c')=DFT2(a,c)
// and (b',d')=DFT2(b,d).
float8 dft2_4(float8 a) { return (float8)(a.lo+a.hi,a.lo-a.hi); }
// Return the DFT of 4 complex numbers in A
float8 dft4_4(float8 a)
// 2x DFT2
float8 x = dft2_4(a);
// Shuffle, twiddle, and 2x DFT2
return dft2_4((float8)(x.lo.lo,x.hi.lo,x.lo.hi,mul_p1q2(x.hi.hi)));
// Complex product, multiply vectors of complex numbers
#define MUL_RE(a,b) (a.even*b.even - a.odd*b.odd)
#define MUL_IM(a,b) (a.even*b.odd + a.odd*b.even)
float2 mul_1(float2 a, float2 b)
{ float2 x; x.even = MUL_RE(a,b); x.odd = MUL_IM(a,b); return x; }
float4 mul_1_F4(float4 a, float4 b)
{ float4 x; x.even = MUL_RE(a,b); x.odd = MUL_IM(a,b); return x; }
float4 mul_2(float4 a, float4 b)
{ float4 x; x.even = MUL_RE(a,b); x.odd = MUL_IM(a,b); return x; }
// Return the DFT2 of the two complex numbers in vector A
float4 dft2_2(float4 a) { return (float4)(a.lo+a.hi,a.lo-a.hi); }
// Return cos(alpha)+I*sin(alpha) (3 variants)
float2 exp_alpha_1(float alpha)
float cs,sn;
// sn = sincos(alpha,&cs); // sincos
//cs = native_cos(alpha); sn = native_sin(alpha); // native sin+cos
cs = cos(alpha); sn = sin(alpha); // sin+cos
return (float2)(cs,sn);
// Return cos(alpha)+I*sin(alpha) (3 variants)
float4 exp_alpha_1_F4(float alpha)
float cs,sn;
// sn = sincos(alpha,&cs); // sincos
// cs = native_cos(alpha); sn = native_sin(alpha); // native sin+cos
cs = cos(alpha); sn = sin(alpha); // sin+cos
return (float4)(cs,sn,cs,sn);
// mul_p*q*(a) returns a*EXP(-I*PI*P/Q)
#define mul_p0q1(a) (a)
#define mul_p0q2 mul_p0q1
//float2 mul_p1q2(float2 a) { return (float2)(a.y,-a.x); }
__constant float SQRT_1_2 = 0.707106781186548; // cos(Pi/4)
#define mul_p0q4 mul_p0q2
float2 mul_p1q4(float2 a) { return (float2)(SQRT_1_2)*(float2)(a.x+a.y,-a.x+a.y); }
#define mul_p2q4 mul_p1q2
float2 mul_p3q4(float2 a) { return (float2)(SQRT_1_2)*(float2)(-a.x+a.y,-a.x-a.y); }
__constant float COS_8 = 0.923879532511287; // cos(Pi/8)
__constant float SIN_8 = 0.382683432365089; // sin(Pi/8)
#define mul_p0q8 mul_p0q4
float2 mul_p1q8(float2 a) { return mul_1((float2)(COS_8,-SIN_8),a); }
#define mul_p2q8 mul_p1q4
float2 mul_p3q8(float2 a) { return mul_1((float2)(SIN_8,-COS_8),a); }
#define mul_p4q8 mul_p2q4
float2 mul_p5q8(float2 a) { return mul_1((float2)(-SIN_8,-COS_8),a); }
#define mul_p6q8 mul_p3q4
float2 mul_p7q8(float2 a) { return mul_1((float2)(-COS_8,-SIN_8),a); }
// Compute in-place DFT2 and twiddle
#define DFT2_TWIDDLE(a,b,t) { float2 tmp = t(a-b); a += b; b = tmp; }
// T = N/16 = number of threads.
// P is the length of input sub-sequences, 1,16,256,...,N/16.
__kernel void FFT_Radix16(__global const float4 * x, __global float4 * y, int pp)
int p = pp;
int t = get_global_size(0); // number of threads
int i = get_global_id(0); // current thread
////// y[i] = 2*x[i];
////// return;
int k = i & (p-1); // index in input sequence, in 0..P-1
// Inputs indices are I+{0,..,15}*T
x += i;
// Output indices are J+{0,..,15}*P, where
// J is I with four 0 bits inserted at bit log2(P)
y += ((i-k)<<4) + k;
// Load
float4 u[16];
for (int m=0;m<16;m++) u[m] = x[m*t];
// Twiddle, twiddling factors are exp(_I*PI*{0,..,15}*K/4P)
float alpha = -M_PI*(float)k/(float)(8*p);
for (int m=1;m<16;m++) u[m] = mul_1_F4(exp_alpha_1_F4(m * alpha), u[m]);
// 8x in-place DFT2 and twiddle (1)
// 8x in-place DFT2 and twiddle (2)
// 8x in-place DFT2 and twiddle (3)
// 8x DFT2 and store (reverse binary permutation)
y[0] = u[0] + u[1];
y[p] = u[8] + u[9];
y[2*p] = u[4] + u[5];
y[3*p] = u[12] + u[13];
y[4*p] = u[2] + u[3];
y[5*p] = u[10] + u[11];
y[6*p] = u[6] + u[7];
y[7*p] = u[14] + u[15];
y[8*p] = u[0] - u[1];
y[9*p] = u[8] - u[9];
y[10*p] = u[4] - u[5];
y[11*p] = u[12] - u[13];
y[12*p] = u[2] - u[3];
y[13*p] = u[10] - u[11];
y[14*p] = u[6] - u[7];
y[15*p] = u[14] - u[15];
Note that I have modified the kernel to perform the FFT of 2 complex-valued sequences at once instead of one. Also, since I only need the FFT of 256 elements at a time in a much larger sequence, I perform only 2 runs of this kernel, which leaves me with 256-length DFTs in the larger array.
Here's some of the relevant host code as well.
var ev = new[] { new Cl.Event() };
var pEv = new[] { new Cl.Event() };
int fftSize = 1;
int iter = 0;
int n = distributionSize >> 5;
while (fftSize <= n)
Cl.SetKernelArg(fftKernel, 0, memA);
Cl.SetKernelArg(fftKernel, 1, memB);
Cl.SetKernelArg(fftKernel, 2, fftSize);
Cl.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(commandQueue, fftKernel, 1, null, globalWorkgroupSize, localWorkgroupSize,
(uint)(iter == 0 ? 0 : 1),
iter == 0 ? null : pEv,
out ev[0]).Check();
if (iter > 0)
Swap(ref ev, ref pEv);
Swap(ref memA, ref memB); // ping-pong
fftSize = fftSize << 4;
Swap(ref memA, ref memB);
Hope this helps someone!

OpenCL traversal kernel - further optimization

Currently, I have an OpenCL kernel for like traversal as below. I'd be glad if someone had some point on optimization of this quite large kernel.
The thing is, I'm running this code with SAH BVH and I'd like to get performance similar to Timo Aila with his traversals in his paper (Understanding the Efficiency of Ray Traversal on GPUs), of course his code uses SplitBVH (which I might consider using in place of SAH BVH, but in my opinion it has really slow build times). But I'm asking about traversal, not BVH (also I've so far worked only with scenes, where SplitBVH won't give you much advantages over SAH BVH).
First of all, here is what I have so far (standard while-while traversal kernel).
__constant sampler_t sampler = CLK_FILTER_NEAREST;
// Inline definition of horizontal max
inline float max4(float a, float b, float c, float d)
return max(max(max(a, b), c), d);
// Inline definition of horizontal min
inline float min4(float a, float b, float c, float d)
return min(min(min(a, b), c), d);
// Traversal kernel
__kernel void traverse( __read_only image2d_t nodes,
__global const float4* triangles,
__global const float4* rays,
__global float4* result,
const int num,
const int w,
const int h)
// Ray index
int idx = get_global_id(0);
if(idx < num)
// Stack
int todo[32];
int todoOffset = 0;
// Current node
int nodeNum = 0;
float tmin = 0.0f;
float depth = 2e30f;
// Fetch ray origin, direction and compute invdirection
float4 origin = rays[2 * idx + 0];
float4 direction = rays[2 * idx + 1];
float4 invdir = native_recip(direction);
float4 temp = (float4)(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// Traversal loop
// Fetch node information
int2 nodeCoord = (int2)((nodeNum << 2) % w, (nodeNum << 2) / w);
int4 specs = read_imagei(nodes, sampler, nodeCoord + (int2)(3, 0));
// While node isn't leaf
while(specs.z == 0)
// Fetch child bounding boxes
float4 n0xy = read_imagef(nodes, sampler, nodeCoord);
float4 n1xy = read_imagef(nodes, sampler, nodeCoord + (int2)(1, 0));
float4 nz = read_imagef(nodes, sampler, nodeCoord + (int2)(2, 0));
// Test ray against child bounding boxes
float oodx = origin.x * invdir.x;
float oody = origin.y * invdir.y;
float oodz = origin.z * invdir.z;
float c0lox = n0xy.x * invdir.x - oodx;
float c0hix = n0xy.y * invdir.x - oodx;
float c0loy = n0xy.z * invdir.y - oody;
float c0hiy = n0xy.w * invdir.y - oody;
float c0loz = nz.x * invdir.z - oodz;
float c0hiz = nz.y * invdir.z - oodz;
float c1loz = nz.z * invdir.z - oodz;
float c1hiz = nz.w * invdir.z - oodz;
float c0min = max4(min(c0lox, c0hix), min(c0loy, c0hiy), min(c0loz, c0hiz), tmin);
float c0max = min4(max(c0lox, c0hix), max(c0loy, c0hiy), max(c0loz, c0hiz), depth);
float c1lox = n1xy.x * invdir.x - oodx;
float c1hix = n1xy.y * invdir.x - oodx;
float c1loy = n1xy.z * invdir.y - oody;
float c1hiy = n1xy.w * invdir.y - oody;
float c1min = max4(min(c1lox, c1hix), min(c1loy, c1hiy), min(c1loz, c1hiz), tmin);
float c1max = min4(max(c1lox, c1hix), max(c1loy, c1hiy), max(c1loz, c1hiz), depth);
bool traverseChild0 = (c0max >= c0min);
bool traverseChild1 = (c1max >= c1min);
nodeNum = specs.x;
int nodeAbove = specs.y;
// We hit just one out of 2 childs
if(traverseChild0 != traverseChild1)
nodeNum = nodeAbove;
// We hit either both or none
// If we hit none, pop node from stack (or exit traversal, if stack is empty)
if (!traverseChild0)
if(todoOffset == 0)
nodeNum = todo[--todoOffset];
// If we hit both
// Sort them (so nearest goes 1st, further 2nd)
if(c1min < c0min)
unsigned int tmp = nodeNum;
nodeNum = nodeAbove;
nodeAbove = tmp;
// Push further on stack
todo[todoOffset++] = nodeAbove;
// Fetch next node information
nodeCoord = (int2)((nodeNum << 2) % w, (nodeNum << 2) / w);
specs = read_imagei(nodes, sampler, nodeCoord + (int2)(3, 0));
// If node is leaf & has some primitives
if(specs.z > 0)
// Loop through primitives & perform intersection with them (Woop triangles)
for(int i = specs.x; i < specs.y; i++)
// Fetch first point from global memory
float4 v0 = triangles[i * 4 + 0];
float o_z = v0.w - origin.x * v0.x - origin.y * v0.y - origin.z * v0.z;
float i_z = 1.0f / (direction.x * v0.x + direction.y * v0.y + direction.z * v0.z);
float t = o_z * i_z;
if(t > 0.0f && t < depth)
// Fetch second point from global memory
float4 v1 = triangles[i * 4 + 1];
float o_x = v1.w + origin.x * v1.x + origin.y * v1.y + origin.z * v1.z;
float d_x = direction.x * v1.x + direction.y * v1.y + direction.z * v1.z;
float u = o_x + t * d_x;
if(u >= 0.0f && u <= 1.0f)
// Fetch third point from global memory
float4 v2 = triangles[i * 4 + 2];
float o_y = v2.w + origin.x * v2.x + origin.y * v2.y + origin.z * v2.z;
float d_y = direction.x * v2.x + direction.y * v2.y + direction.z * v2.z;
float v = o_y + t * d_y;
if(v >= 0.0f && u + v <= 1.0f)
// We got successful hit, store the information
depth = t;
temp.x = u;
temp.y = v;
temp.z = t;
temp.w = as_float(i);
// Pop node from stack (if empty, finish traversal)
if(todoOffset == 0)
nodeNum = todo[--todoOffset];
// Store the ray traversal result in global memory
result[idx] = temp;
First question of the day is, how could one write his Persistent while-while and Speculative while-while kernel in OpenCL?
Ad Persistent while-while, do I get it right, that I actually just start kernel with global work size equivalent to local work size, and both these numbers should be equal to warp/wavefront size of the GPU?
I get that with CUDA the persistent thread implementation looks like this:
volatile int& jobIndexBase = nextJobArray[threadIndex.y];
if(threadIndex.x == 0)
jobIndexBase = atomicAdd(&warpCounter, WARP_SIZE);
index = jobIndexBase + threadIndex.x;
if(index >= totalJobs)
/* Perform work for task numbered 'index' */
How could equivalent in OpenCL look like, I know I'll have to do some barriers in there, I also know that one should be after the score where I atomically add WARP_SIZE to warpCounter.
Ad Speculative traversal - well I probably don't have any ideas how this should be implemented in OpenCL, so any hints are welcome. I also don't have idea where to put barriers (because putting them around simulated __any will result in driver crash).
If you made it here, thanks for reading & any hints, answers, etc. are welcome!
An optimization you can do is use vector variables and the fused multiply add function to speed up your set up math. As for the rest of the kernel, It is slow because it is branchy. If you can make assumptions on the signal data you might be able to reduce the execution time by reducing the code branches. I have not checked the float4 swizles (the .xxyy and .x .y .z .w after the float 4 variables) so just check that.
float4 n0xy = read_imagef(nodes, sampler, nodeCoord);
float4 n1xy = read_imagef(nodes, sampler, nodeCoord + (int2)(1, 0));
float4 nz = read_imagef(nodes, sampler, nodeCoord + (int2)(2, 0));
float4 oodf4 = -origin * invdir;
float4 c0xyf4 = fma(n0xy,invdir.xxyy,oodf4);
float4 c0zc1z = fma(nz,(float4)(invdir.z),oodf4);
float c0min = max4(min(c0xyf4.x, c0xyf4.y), min(c0xyf4.z, c0xyf4.w), min(c0zc1z.z, c0zc1z.w), tmin);
float c0max = min4(max(c0xyf4.x, c0xyf4.y), max(c0xyf4.z, c0xyf4.w), max(c0zc1z.z, c0zc1z.w), depth);
float4 c1xy = fma(n1xy,invdir.xxyy,oodf4);
float c1min = max4(min(c1xy.x, c1xy.y), min(c1xy.z, c1xy.w), min(c0zc1z.z, c0zc1z.w), tmin);
float c1max = min4(max(c1xy.x, c1xy.y), max(c1xy.z, c1xy.w), max(c0zc1z.z, c0zc1z.w), depth);

OpenCL / try to understand Kernel Code

I am studying an OpenCL code wich simulates the N-body problem from the following tutorial :
My main issue relies on the kernel code :
for(int jb=0; jb < nb; jb++) { /* Foreach block ... */
19 pblock[ti] = pos_old[jb*nt+ti]; /* Cache ONE particle position */
20 barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); /* Wait for others in the work-group */
21 for(int j=0; j<nt; j++) { /* For ALL cached particle positions ... */
22 float4 p2 = pblock[j]; /* Read a cached particle position */
23 float4 d = p2 - p;
24 float invr = rsqrt(d.x*d.x + d.y*d.y + d.z*d.z + eps);
25 float f = p2.w*invr*invr*invr;
26 a += f*d; /* Accumulate acceleration */
27 }
28 barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); /* Wait for others in work-group */
29 }
I don't understand what exactly happens at the execution : the kernel code is executed n times where n is the number of work-items (which is also the number of threads) but in the above part of code, we use the local memory for each work-group (there are nb work-groups it seems)
So, at the execution, up to the first "barrier", do I fill locally the pblock array with the global values of pos_old ?
Always up to the first barrier, for another work-group, the pblock array will have contain the same values as the arrays of the others work-groups, since jb=0 before the barrier ?
It seems that's a way to share these arrays by all the work-groups but this is not totally clear for me.
Any help is welcome.
Can you post the entire kernel code please? I have to make assumptions about the params and private variables.
It looks like there are nt number of work items in the group, and ti represents the current work item. When the loop executes, each item in the group will copy only single element. Usually this copy is from a global data source. The first barrier forces the work item to wait until the other items have made their copy. This is necessary because every work item in the group needs to read the data copied from every other work item. The values should not be the same, because ti should be different for each work item. (jb*nt would still equal zero for the first loop though)
Here is the entire kernel code :
__global float4* pos ,
__global float4* vel,
int numBodies,
float deltaTime,
float epsSqr,
__local float4* localPos,
__global float4* newPosition,
__global float4* newVelocity)
unsigned int tid = get_local_id(0);
unsigned int gid = get_global_id(0);
unsigned int localSize = get_local_size(0);
// Number of tiles we need to iterate
unsigned int numTiles = numBodies / localSize;
// position of this work-item
float4 myPos = pos[gid];
float4 acc = (float4)(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
for(int i = 0; i < numTiles; ++i)
// load one tile into local memory
int idx = i * localSize + tid;
localPos[tid] = pos[idx];
// Synchronize to make sure data is available for processing
// calculate acceleration effect due to each body
// a[i->j] = m[j] * r[i->j] / (r^2 + epsSqr)^(3/2)
for(int j = 0; j < localSize; ++j)
// Calculate acceleartion caused by particle j on particle i
float4 r = localPos[j] - myPos;
float distSqr = r.x * r.x + r.y * r.y + r.z * r.z;
float invDist = 1.0f / sqrt(distSqr + epsSqr);
float invDistCube = invDist * invDist * invDist;
float s = localPos[j].w * invDistCube;
// accumulate effect of all particles
acc += s * r;
// Synchronize so that next tile can be loaded
float4 oldVel = vel[gid];
// updated position and velocity
float4 newPos = myPos + oldVel * deltaTime + acc * 0.5f * deltaTime * deltaTime;
newPos.w = myPos.w;
float4 newVel = oldVel + acc * deltaTime;
// write to global memory
newPosition[gid] = newPos;
newVelocity[gid] = newVel;
There are "numTiles" work-groups with "localSize" work-items for each work-group.
"gid" is the global index and "tid" is the local index.
Let's start at the first iteration of the loop "for(int i = 0; i < numTiles; ++i)" with "i=0":
If I take for example :
numTiles = 4, localSize = 25 and numBodies = 100 = number of work-items.
Then, at the execution, if I have gid = 80, then tid = 5, idx = 5 and the first assignement will be : localPos[5] = pos[5]
Now, I take gid = 5, then tid = 5 and idx = 5, I will have the same assignement with : localPos[5] = pos[5]
So, from what I understand, in the first iteration and after the first "barrier", each work-items contains the same Local array "localPos", i.e the sub-array of the first global block, which is "pos[0:24]".
Is this a good explanation of what happens ?
