CSS : Failed to load resource in chrome - css

I have a django site running locally. Everything seems ok except the CSS files that can not be loaded by Chrome. I can see a Failed to load resource error in the console.
The site is ok in firefox
The site is ok if I get the css not from the local server but from the production server
The css source can be viewed correctly
I have no special blocker plugin install
The css is rather big but I still have the issue if I use a very short file
I have similar issues with some js files (ckeditor)
It works of with some other css and js (admin css for example)
The django app has been developped with 1.0 and I am in the process of moving it to 1.4. The css and js files are served as media
Any idea?

Didn't find the real cause but the problem is solved. Maybe because it was served as media and now it is served as a static.


Cloudflare Pages failing to load css / styling. Loading module was blocked because of a disallowed MIME type (“text/html”)

I am converting an Astro app to Sveltekit that's hosted on Cloudflare pages. The local dev and builds work fine however on deploy the Tailwind styling isn't applying. The classes are in the html but without any css actually applied.
Loading module from “https://bc853ba5.altov2.pages.dev/_app/immutable/start-75c8c80e.js” was blocked because of a disallowed MIME type (“text/html”).
Loading failed for the module with source “https://bc853ba5.altov2.pages.dev/_app/immutable/start-75c8c80e.js”.
The above picture is the console output on the deployment. I have my personal website hosted with Sveltekit on Cloudflare Pages and didn't have any problems. So the possible reasons I can think of is that this app is a monorepo app but the app works fine just has no css. Although I think there's some issue with reaching the app.css file.
Some other points that might matter
I have vitest and playwright set up from the initial project creation but there's no tests actually made for them.
I'm using the #sveltejs/cloudflare-adapter. I am also using +page.server.ts files to load data but I don't see why that would affect the styling
Any help would be great thanks!
I ran into the same issue today on an existing project. I bumped down the package version of the Cloudflare adapter:
"#sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare": "^1.1.0"
This solved it for me.

Django web app css not being refreshed in browser

I'm having some issue with a django app and it's CSS file refreshing. Basically I can see that the changes I make in my file are identified and copied in the root folder of my website, however when I open up the web browser that change is not being displayed at all:
I am using Firefox as a browser however this issue happens also on Chromium browser
If you have setup everything well in your settings.py file then your best option is to disable caching form your developer panel.
I had similar issues when I make changes in css and they are not updated when i refresh my browser. This is because the browser is keeping a cache of the css file and its not being updated for some reason.
So according to this post,you can disable caching

How to allow Googlebot to read bundled css for my meteor application

I recently got a bunch of errors from the mobile google bot saying my site is not mobile friendly, and I determined that it is because it is not correctly loading the .css file.
I see that the bundled css is at the link https://www.make.toys/f8e6e67664ba048af3f1ae3b45e6f925a2c16bfe.css?meteor_css_resource=true
which I can load in a browser, but when I have any robot service try to load it it just returns
.meteor-css-not-found-error { width: 0px;}
I am using prerender.io which may be related, but I tried to have it ignore the .css file which doesn't seem to change anything.
Is there a way to make sure that Mobile Google bot can read my css file?

Chrome and Firefox displaying different stylesheets

When I make an edit to the stylesheet of my site, the change appears in Chrome (I load the CSS file in the browser, so I can see the edit is there). When I open the CSS file in Firefox, the edit is not there. I understand browsers will render code differently, but how is it possible that two browsers can open the same CSS file and display two different sets of code?
I tried:
deleting Firefox's cache and restarting the program
deleting the old stylesheet via FTP and uploading an edited one
I checked if the site had a CDN that was perhaps serving the old
file, but the site has no CDN.

Cloudfront serving stale CSS for Rails 3.2 app

I'm running a Rails 3.2 app on Heroku. For about a week we were serving assets via CloudFront by setting config.action_controller.asset_host to our CloudFront URL in our config/production.rb file. This was working successfully.
This past weekend, however, I noticed that after a deploy to production our website looked very off, and the reason was that it was serving stale CSS. I looked at the css file it was serving (using inspect element in Chrome), and the CSS was an md5-hashed application.css file coming from CloudFront. I removed the asset_host line (so that assets would be served directly from our app) and deployed again (without changing any css), and noticed that the site, which now looked fine, was serving application.css with a different md5 hash.
So it appears that for some reason, CloudFront was serving an old version of application.css, and I'm guessing this is because our application was telling users' browsers to serve an old version of application.css.
To add one more variable: we do cache the home page and part of our our layouts/application.html.erb file (which contains the stylesheet tag), but on each deploy we clear the cache via Rails.cache.clear.
So my best guess is that Rails.cache.clear might not be properly invalidating the cache. We use the dalli memcache client, if that helps.
Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I tried moving the CSS out of the cached block and re-enabling CloudFront, but the CSS still appears broken. So it doesn't appear to be related to caching the header.
Update 2:
It looks like this is a CloudFront issue, because when I inspect element and change the CSS URL in the to our root domain (instead of the CDN domain), the CSS renders correctly.
Since a md5-hash collision is extremely unlikely, it seems like CloudFront is serving the wrong CSS file when I'm requesting the correct md5-fingerprinted CSS file. Any ideas?
assets are not automatically synced to your CDN when you deploy an app on heroku. In the deployment script on heroku it does do the rake assets:precompile task but it does not then place them into your CDN. You'll have to create some sort of mechanism to do this on your own on deployment of your app.
Somebody else asked a similar question and you might want to have a look at what the suggestions were there: Rails 3 automatic asset deployment to Amazon CloudFront?
